Ranger Epic: Swiftwind and Earthcaller  

Quest Started By:Description:
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Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
  • Title
Quest Items:
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Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
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Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Jul 23 22:44:02 2002
Modified: Sat Aug 24 18:53:57 2024

Quick Checklist / Guide

[ ] Speak with Telin Darkforest in Burning Wood and receive a Worn Note.

[ ] Get the Shiny Tin Bowl from Ella Foodcrafter
    [ ] Spawn Faelin Bloodbriar in Greater Faydark and give her the Worn Note, receiving Faelin`s Ring.
    [ ] Find Giz X`Tin in Kithicor Forest and give him Faelin`s Ring, receiving a Dark Metal Coin.
    [ ] Give the Dark Metal Coin to Telin Darkforest, he gives it back.
    [ ] Find Althele in East Karana and give her the Dark Metal Coin. You receive Braided Grass Amulet. Sionae spawns nearby.
    [ ] Give Sionae the Braided Grass Amulet, Amulet is returned.
    [ ] Give Nuien the Braided Grass Amulet, Amulet is returned.
    [ ] Give Teloa the Braided Grass Amulet, spawning a Dark Elf Corruptor and two Dark Elf Reavers.
    [ ] Kill a Dark Elf Corruptor and Dark Elf Reavers and give Althele the Fleshbound Tome from the Dark Elf Corruptor. She will give you an Earth Stained Note.
    [ ] Give Ella Foodcrafter in Misty Thicket the Earth Stained Note and receive a Shiny Tin Bowl.

[ ] Craft Hardened Mixture by combining 4 foraged items in the Shiny Tin Bowl.
    [ ] Chilled Tundra Root from Everfrost.
    [ ] Ripened Heartfruit from Greater Faydark.
    [ ] Speckled Molded Mushroom from Innothule Swamp.
    [ ] Sweetened Mudroot from Misty Thicket.

[ ] Get the Ancient Pattern
    [ ] Talk to Alrik Farsight in Timorous Deep and receive a Crushed Pot.
    [ ] Give Farios Elianos in Felwithe the Crushed Pot and receive a Grocery List.
    [ ] Give Merchant Nora in Northern Felwithe the Grocery List and receive a Bag of Provisions.
    [ ] Give the Bag of Provisions to Farios Elianos and receive a Receipt.
    [ ] Give the Receipt to Alrik Farsight and receive an Ancient Pattern.

[ ] Get Platinum Speckled Powder
    [ ] Forage a Rose of Firiona from Firiona Vie.
    [ ] Hail Merdan Fleetfoot in Surefall Glade. ask him "Who is Niera?", then hand him the Rose of Firiona. Receive Wood Painting
    [ ] Track down a human skeleton in Frontier Mountains, give it the Wood Painting receiving a Silver Chained Locket.
    [ ] Give Niera Farbreeze in Surefall Glade the Silver Chained Locket receiving Platinum Speckled Powder.

[ ] Get Enchanted Clay
    [ ] Slay black reavers in City of Mist and loot a Jade Reaver.
    [ ] Speak to Kinlo Strongarm in North Kaladim and give him the Jade Reaver. Receive Clay

[ ] Combine the Ancient Pattern, Platinum Speckled Powder, and Enchanted Clay, creating a Runecrested Bowl.

[ ] Get the Ancient Longsword
    [ ] Give the Hardened Mixture and Runecrested Bowl to Ella Foodcrafter, receiving a Softly Glowing Stone.
    [ ] Slay Venril Sathir in Karnor's Castle and loot a Pulsing Green Stone.
    [ ] Give Foloal Stormforest in Firiona Vie the Pulsing Green Stone and Softly Glowing Stone, receiving a Warmly Glowing Stone.
    [ ] Give Telin Darkforest in Burning Woods the Warmly Glowing Stone. Receive: Ancient Longsword.

[ ] Get a Dwarven Smiths Hammer
    [ ] Spawn Jaeil the Insane by giving Jaeil the Wretched in The Hole Ella's Shiny Tin Bowl and slay him. Loot a Soulbound Hammer.
    [ ] Speak to Mairee Silentone in Erudin Palace and give her the Soulbound Hammer, receiving a Dwarven Smiths Hammer.

[ ] Get the Refined Ancient Sword
    [ ] Slay essence tamers in Plane of Sky and loot a Swirling Sphere of Color.
    [ ] Give Mairee Silentone the Dwarven Smiths Hammer and Swirling Sphere of Color, receiving Hammer of the Ancients.
    [ ] Give Kinlo Strongarm the Hammer of the Ancients spawning Usbak the Old who gives you a Small bit of Mithril Ore.
    [ ] Hail Usbak the Old and give him the Ancient Longsword receiving a Refined Ancient Sword.

[ ] Get the Refined Mithril Blade
    [ ] Give Kinlo Strongarm the Small bit of Mithril Ore receiving a Refined Mithril Blade.

[ ] Get Swiftwind
    [ ] Give Telin Darkforest in Burning Woods the Refined Ancient Sword spawning Faelin Bloodbriar, then give her the Refined Ancient Sword receiving Swiftwind.

[ ] Get Earthcaller
    [ ] Loot a Shattered Emerald of Corruption from Plane of Hate.
    [ ] Give Xanuusus in North Karana the Shattered Emerald of Corruption and Refined Mithril Blade receiving Earthcaller.

Full Walkthrough

Speak to Telin Darkforest in the Burning Woods. He is located near the Skyfire zone. If your faction isn't high enough with him (halflings don't start with enough faction), you'll need to improve it. An easy way to raise faction is by completing the Muffin for Pandos quest (a bunch of times).

You say, 'Hail, Telin Darkforest'

Telin Darkforest looks at you serenely. 'Hello, wanderer.'

You say, 'What are you doing in this forest?'

Telin Darkforest says 'Mighty this place must have been, once. Now scarred by hatred and suffering. I have been sent here seeking answers to problems not yet understood.

You say, 'What answers?'

Telin Darkforest considers you for a few moments before speaking. 'A great evil walks across the land. The hand of some demon we don't yet know is twisting and polluting forests.'

You say, 'What evil?'

Telin Darkforest says 'If I knew that, I wouldn't be here looking for answers. I would be elsewhere, looking for solutions. For now, I suspect much but know little.

You say, 'What do you suspect?'

Telin Darkforest looks at you and sighs. 'The lands are changing. Beasts, large and small, have turned upon those who watched over them. Druids and rangers, worshippers of both Karana and Tunare, have reported a feeling of hatred throughout their once peaceful lands.'

You say, 'Perhaps it is Innoruuk'

Telin Darkforest raises his eyebrow slightly and a subtle look of surprise creeps across his face. 'Innoruuk? Perhaps. Aye. It must be. Perhaps I knew and didn't want to consider the possibility. It must be this though, and some action will have to be taken.'

You say, 'What action should I take?'

Telin Darkforest looks at you consideringly and then scribbles something quickly on a small, worn paper. 'You seem powerful enough. Perhaps you can help those who seek to protect nature's peace. Take this note. Deliver it only into the hands of Faelin Bloodbriar. Where you will find her, I cannot say. She is a friend of mine and a wanderer. She has been seen from one end of the lands to the other. Seek her out, and quickly.'

Telin Darkforest gives you a "Worn Note" which you need to take to Faelin Bloodbriar in Greater Faydark.

Faelin roams around Greater Faydark and has an Orc Pawn as her PH. Their spawn point is at loc +1500, +500.

Faelin Bloodbriar reads the note carefully and growls to herself. 'Bad news, eh? Take this ring. There is one elf, dark elf even, who we must go to in order to gather insight into Innoruuk's plans. Giz X'Tin, he goes by most commonly. Kithacor seems to be his favorite haunt and most likely you will find him there. Don't ask how I know him. Just take the ring as my sign to him and he will speak to you. We don't need to speak again, so don't seek me out, just go to Telin. I must leave to investigate these events.'

Faelin Bloodbriar gives you "Faelins Ring" to take to take to Giz X'Tin, who is located in Kithicor Forest.

Giz X'Tin flips you a coin after he recognizes the ring. 'It seems we have a mutual 'acquaintance.' The coin repays an old debt. You don't have to worry about what that is. Luckily, Lord Innoruuk has informed me of your coming and your desires. Fortunately, I have all the answers you require right here at the end of my friend's blade. I think I'll be paying my old 'friend' a visit.'

Teir`Dal Reaver says 'Lord Innoruuk, I have failed you. Forgive me and spare me from service to your undead minions in the world!

Giz X'Tin gives you a "Dark Metal Coin."

A Teir`Dal Reaver will spawn when you get the Dark Metal Coin however you do not need to kill it.

Head back to the Burning Woods and give the coin to Telin.

Telin Darkforest scratches the coin as he looks at it. 'Faelin sent you to Giz? Surprising. This coin speaks to the outcome of your talk. He would hardly give this bit of metal to a stranger, but that's a story for a different time. So, you say Giz did confirm Innoruuk's involvement, and something about undead minions? Here, take this coin back. Find Arch Druid Althele in the Karanas and show her that. Tell her what we have discussed. She will look kindly on an ally in this matter.'

Telin Darkforest gives you a "Worn Dark Metal Coin" to take to Althele in East Karana.

You say, 'Hail, Althele'

Althele says 'Hello, friend. Beautiful is what I would call such a day normally, but lately? I sense that something is [out of balance].'

You say, 'Out of balance?'

Althele says 'I sense something foreboding, young one, but you should think nothing of it. The sons and daughters of nature will be able to deal with this problem.'

Give the coin to Althele.

Althele looks at the coin and nods gravely at you as she slips it into a fold of her clothing. 'I see. The story of this coin speaks much to me as do the words you have given me. Telin sent word that you would arrive. The tidings you bring are ill indeed. Here, take this amulet and find Sionae. She is nearby. We will speak more on this matter when all are present.'

Althele gives you a "Braided Grass Amulet" to take to Sionae.

You say, 'Hail, Tholris'

Tholris stares in contemplation at the landscape.

Althele says 'Tholris does not speak much. He is here to assist me in my duties. He is my hands, as Fang is my eyes.

Fang barks in response to Althele's words.

You say, 'Why do you need him as your hands and Fang as your eyes?'

Althele says 'Yes. I cannot see any longer, my sight long since lost in the march of years. By the blessings of Tunare and Karana, though, I still make myself useful.

Sionae spawns after you get the Braided Grass Amulet.

Give the amulet to Sionae.

Sionae says 'I see that the time has come. Take the amulet and give it to the third of our kin, Nuien. I will meet you at the gathering.

Sionae gives you a "Frayed Braided Grass Amulet" to take to Nuien.

Give the amulet to Nuien.

Nuien says 'So be it. Do as you have done before and find the next. Teloa is the last.

Nuien gives the "Frayed Braided Grass Amulet" back to you, and Teloa spawns near the waterfall.

Give the amulet to Teloa.

Teloa begins walking toward the gathering spot. 'Follow me to the gathering now.'

Follow Teloa back to where Althele is, which is where the druids are gathering. You will not have the amulet at this point as she does not return it to you.

Althele says 'Great mother of life and father of sky, growth and spirit, Tunare and Karana. Innoruuk once again schemes and we have failed in our duties to protect our land. We give our powers in sacrifice for your help. Heed our call and send us your wisdom.
Althele snaps her head towards you. 'Innoruuk's brood is upon us. Go, find the spawn of hatred before they reach this point and destroy them!'

Dark Elf Corruptor and two Dark Elf Reavers spawn. Kill the Corruptor and Reavers, loot the Fleshbound Tome from the Corruptor's corpse

Dark Elf Corruptor shouts 'We come for you, fools. Your reign of weakness over the powers of the land comes to an end now!

It is not necessary to kill the two Reavers but if you don't, they'll wander to the druids and kill them. Allowing this to happen will waste your time, as you need to hand the "Fleshbound Tome" you looted off the Corruptor into Althele.

Althele hands the book to Tholris who reads through it with lines of concern etched on his face, then whispers into her ear. 'Dire news, indeed. This cannot be allowed. I must keep this book but you must not allow Innoruuk, to seed the land with his hatred and filth. You have only just begun your quest. The path you are guided upon will be difficult, if not impossible, but someone must finish it. Please, take this, read of it, follow its instructions. Tunare bless your path and Karana watch over you.'

Althele gives you the "Earth Stained Note" and then despawns. She will respawn 35 minutes later.

'We cannot speak again. Our circle is now known and must seek sanctuary. In case this note were to fall into others' hands. I cannot tell you plainly the next steps of your task. All I can say is to seek she who walks the path of the mother, she who walks the lands in service to her kin. Give her this note and she will know.'

Head to Misty Thicket and find Ella Foodcrafter. She wanders the path near Rivervale and won't be hard to track down.

You say, 'Hail, Ella Foodcrafter'

Ella Foodcrafter says 'Hi, hi. I've got a lot to do, many mouths to feed, some filthy goblins to smack. If you don't need me for something, please let me go back to my work. Karana watch over you.'

Give the Earth Stained Note to her.

Ella Foodcrafter says 'Hmmm. I've been waiting for someone to bring me this. I'm sorry such a young one as you has taken up this task. Maybe the sky god blesses ya though. Aye, ya have that look in your eye. Our task is to focus the blessings of the gods and cleanse the filth from the land. I have two tasks for ya.'

You say, 'What two tasks?'

Ella Foodcrafter says 'Well, ya ask before ya act. That's a good sign. What I need isn't easy to find. First, I need a mixture. Plain sounding enough but it's a special one. Cleanses the mind and focuses the earth's energies into a forest walker's mind. I don't know how to make it. I don't even know what it's called. I merely know it exists and we'll be needing it for our task. When ya do find how to make it ya can mix it in that bowl. Keep it when you're done, it's a good bowl.'

Ella Foodcrafter gives you a "Shiny Tin Bowl" which identifies as Ellas Reflective Tin Bowl to create the Hardened Mixture.

You say, 'What is the second task?'

Ella Foodcrafter grins. 'Good, ya didn't run off without finding out what else ya need to do. Second, I need a special type of bowl. An ancient type of bowl, which strengthened the food placed inside it, once made by the elves of old. Again, I cannot tell ya how it is made for the making was lost to the ages. Seek this knowledge and these items out in the lands. Come to me when ya have found both.'

Now, you will need to forage:

Chilled Tundra Root in Everfrost.
Ripened Heartfruit in Greater Faydark.
Speckled Molded Mushroom in Innothule Swamp.
Sweetened Mudroot in Misty Thicket.

Combine these four items in the Shiny Tin Bowl to get a "Hardened Mixture." Don't destroy the tin bowl, as you'll need it later in the quest.

Seek out Alrik Farsight who roams near the chessboard in Timorous Deep. He is on Keepers of the Art faction. You will need to be at least amiable to him in order for him to speak to you. It may be raised by doing a bat wing turn in quest described here.

You say, 'I seek an ancient type of bowl made by the elves of old.'

Alrik Farsight rummages through his tattered bag and throws aside a towel. 'Too many towels. Oh well, someone told me they were good to have once. Here it is, a bowl pattern. Interesting bowl. Looks almost like a magical bowl but I'm no potter. You need it, you say? Well, it is interesting. Part of my research here is for the wizard guild in Felwithe. I'm sure they'd put a high price on this one, the enchanters guild being so interested in trading for magical paraphernalia and all. Of course if you helped me out on a chore I have, I'd be happy to give it to you. I need to deliver an artifact to the guild and I'd much rather stay here exploring. If you wish, you can take the artifact and return with the receipt and I will give you the pattern.'

You say, 'I will take the artifact.'

Alrik Farsight says 'Hah! Okay then. Here take this to Farios Elianos in Felwithe. He will give you the Receipt.

Alrik Farsight gives you "Crushed Pot" to give to Farios Elianos in Southern Felwithe.

Farios Elianos says, 'Why in the nine hells would I need a crushed pot? Perhaps I could use it to not hold water! Why did you even bother me with this? Are you mentally deficient? Apparently. Oh, well, you're just a servant boy. Well, then, we'll make you useful, if just a little. Take this shopping list and go get my groceries. Take it to Nora in the tavern. She'll know what I need.'

Farios Elianos gives you a "Grocery List" to give to Merchant Nora.

Merchant Nora says 'You hardly look like the type of errand runner Farios usually sends out to fetch his groceries but here they are. I hope he chokes on them. Oh, and tell him he still owes me five gold for his last order!

Merchant Nora gives you a "Bag of Provisions" to take to Farios Elianos.

Take the bag of Provisions back to Farios Elianos and give it to him.

Farios Elianos says 'Ah, good. Here's a few copper and a receipt for services rendered. Now be off, I'm sure citizens across the land are in dire need of broken pots at right this moment.

Farios Elianos gives you a "Receipt" to take to Alrik Farsight.

Go back to Alrik Farsight and give him the Receipt.

Alrik Farsight grins happily. 'Excellent! Was he pleased with the artifact? Oh, that's not even worth answering. I'm sure he was. He's always happy with the things I send him. That's why he honored me with this position of esteem, searching for useful and powerful items in this newly discovered land.'

You receive an "Ancient Pattern."

Go to Firiona Vie in Kunark and forage a "Rose of Firiona."

Now head to Merdan Fleetfoot in Surefall Glade:

You say, 'Hail, Merdan Fleetfoot'

Merdan Fleetfoot says 'Yes Niera! Oh. Erm. Hi. I mean, uh. How are you?'

You say, 'Who is Niera?'

Merdan Fleetfoot blushes. 'She is, uh.. I don't know. I haven't been able to speak with her. She has many suitors, and I'm just another poor ranger. I spend my days here pretending to fish, to carve bows, but really I'm just waiting to catch a glimpse of her. I thought about adventuring into the world to find some kind of token to give her, to show her how I feel, but I cant tear myself away from here.'

Give Merdan Fleetfoot a Rose of Firiona.

Merdan Fleetfoot blinks and looks at the flower. 'This is perfect. Thank you! I'm going to go over to her now. Erm, well, maybe I'll wait a week to let the uh.. beauty of the flower.. uhm.. blossom. Yes, that sounds good. Here, you take this painting. I don't need it now. I made it myself, she wouldn't like it anyways.'

Merdan Fleetfoot gives you a "Wood Painting" to give to a Human Skeleton in Frontier Mountains.

a human skeleton begins to crack and disintegrate, its body collapsing into a pile of dust that scatters into the winds. On the ground you notice a locket on a fine, thin chain which you pick up ("Silver Chained Locket").

Head back to Surefall and give the locket to Niera Farbreeze and she will give you "Platinum Speckled Powder."

Niera Farbreeze says 'This, this is my mother's amulet. I cannot believe it. Please, take this powder you say you need. Perhaps it does have powers, I don't know, I don't care. Thank you, my eternal thanks for this.

Seek out Kinlo Strongarm in Kaladim.

You say, 'What mud?'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'Eh? Oh, the clay. Arrr. Lots o that mud round 'ere. Mostly, a good dwarf not be needin somethin so soft 'n squishy but the womenfolk, you know, the elves come lookin fer it. If ye be one o' those pansy elves wantin some mud fer workin into fairy statues, flashy trinkets, 'n pig sticker arrers then I can get it for ye. Course I'd be lowerin meself, a good dwarf, ta be diggin that kinda mush outta the ground, but I can do it fer ya.

You say, 'Do it for me.'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'Arrr. Shaddap. I ain't doin it til ya bring me something. A fee, I guess yed call it, fer lowerin meself ta elf woman work. Go get me a good strong axe and I'll do it fer ye. Mebbe somethin with a good tinted polish on it. I got plenty o' axes but no tinted ones. Har har! Colored axe. Something to go with the color left on the blade after I be crackin open a gobbo head.

He wants a Jade Reaver from the City of Mist.

Give Kinlo a Reaver, and he will give you Enchanted Clay.

Kinlo Strongarm says 'Arrrrr. Ooooo. Arrrrrr... Yah, now that's what I be callin a good lookin axe. I be crackin a few skulls with this one. Oh, here's yer block o' mud. Our priests o' Brell use the mud pit fer relievin themselves after really hard ale blessin ceremonies, so ya ain't got ta be enchantin it in holy water or anythin cause they already have. Har har!

Combine the Ancient Pattern, Enchanted Clay, and Platinum Speckled Powder in a Pottery Wheel to make a Runecrested Bowl, which identifies as "A meticulously decorated bowl." This requires no skill in pottery to do and any pottery wheel should work.

Head back to Misty Thicket and visit Ella Foodcrafter. Give her the Hardened Mixture and Runecrested Bowl.

Ella Foodcrafter smiles slowly as she works the mixture in the bowl and it starts to shine with power. 'This is... a piece of a lost magic item known as Nature's Gem. When restored to completeness I've heard its healing powers will be extraordinary. Take it now. I will take the bowl and hopefully do some good from my end. From here, you can go many ways but I can't guide your path step by step. The only advise I can give you is to look for ones such as yourself.'

Ella Foodcrafter gives you the "Softly Glowing Stone," which identifies as Left Half of Natures Balance.

Seek out Foloal Stormforest in Firiona Vie.

You say, 'Are you one such as myself?'

Foloal Stormforest stares at you and whispers. 'You must be the one that has been spoken of. Yes, yes I am one of the circle. There are many of us in the lands right now, all seeking answers to the ills that have befallen our homes.'

You say, 'What answers?'

Foloal Stormforest says 'I have heard whispers of new Iksar movements in the land. The name of Venril Sathir is on the scaled lips and sharp tongues of every cold blooded lizard in this place.'

You say, 'What about venril sathir?'

Foloal Stormforest says 'All I've heard are whispers of connections between the undead lizards and the dark god of hate. There's some kind of history behind the two. It might be that Venril is the main focus of Innoruuk's will in the land. Then again, maybe not, but this is the best we've gotten so far. If you think you can do it, then find him and remove him from the face of this earth. Bring me the half of the stone I know you have and whatever conduit of power you find on his rotting corpse.

Locate Venril Sathir's Remains in Karnor's Castle. VSR spawns about 24 hours after the real Venril Sathir is killed.

Venril Sathir's Remains says 'The living fire. I seek the fires of life. Bring them.

Use the spell Dance of the Fireflies to summon a Firefly Globe. Give Venril Sathirs remains the Firefly Globe, which causes the Spirit of Venril Sathir to spawn.

Venril Sathir's Remains grasps the glowing sphere of fireflies from your hands. Tendrils of mystical energy begin to flow forth from the swarm of glowing insects like tiny fingers. The glowing tendrils begin to reach into the ribcage of the rotting remains of Venril Sathir, coalescing into the form of an Iksar ghost.

You say, 'Hail, Spirit of Venril Sathir'

Spirit of Venril Sathir says 'So mortals, you seek to end the tainting of Tunare's children? So be it, I have no cares. My death has been caused by this foolishness and I want no more to do with it. Bring me a scroll with the knowledge of resurrection so that I may once again live. I will hand you that which you seek.

Give the Spirit of Venril Sathir the cleric version of the Spell: Resurrection scroll.

Spirit of Venril Sathir says 'I am alive! My thanks to you. And now I will aid you in your quest for preserving the forests of norrath. Your carcass will help nurture the soils of the wilderness.

Venril Sathir respawns. Kill Venril Sathir to get the "Pulsing Green Stone," which identifies as Pulsing with a sickly light. This version of Venril Sathir should be easier to kill as I have been told that he does not Lifetap. He will drop two Pulsing Green Stones and nothing else.

Head back to Firiona and hand Foloal Stormforest the Pulsing Green Stone and Softly Glowing Stone.

Foloal Stormforest blinks and carefully takes the stones from you, cautiously scratching the jagged green stone against the other. Its skin seems to shiver and flake at the contact and eventually begins to shine brightly. 'With the gem nature's balance is complete. Take the stone and walk your path. Blade or lightning caller, burning sword or the mother's walk.'

Foloal Stormforest gives you the "Warmly Glowing Stone," that identifies as Natures Balance Completed.

Head to the Burning Woods and give Telin Darkforest the Warmly Glowing Stone.

Telin Darkforest nods as he unbuckles his sword and hands it to you. 'The storm callers are working on containing and fighting against the corruption but they can not hold back the inevitable for long. It is up to us to strike against Innoruuk directly. If we were warriors or paladins we would have a fancy ceremony and plenty of feasting but we're just rangers, without time for pleasantries. The sword you hold in your hands is one of the oldest blades known, even to the eldest. To strike at the darkest heart of evil requires a weapon beyond this, or even ones you may carry at your side. The first task, the first preparation you must make is the smithing of that blade. Its edge sharpened, its balance made perfect. When you have finished, bring me this sword again.

Telin gives you an "Ancient Longsword," which identifies as a "Finely Crafted Longsword."

Head back to Kinlo Strongarm in Kaladim and ask him about the ancient.

You say, 'What ancient?'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'The ancient smiths, for what I think yer askin about, ain't been around fer a long time, laddy. Last anyone heard o' the ancients was 'fore my time even. There be more than a few tales about 'em.

You say, 'What few tales?'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'There be some who talk about how the ancient smiths went down to work fer the duke o' below, sayin he be needin some fine dwarven smiths fer makin some castle or some such. There be tales that the ancients were so good at smithin that the duke took 'em down and made 'em head smiths over his minions. There's even tales that some o the smiths' souls were trapped in their hammers, stuck there by some necromancer or somethin, as punishment or retribution.

You say, 'What hammers?'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'Aye. Some says their souls were bound into their hammers by an Erudite necromancer and enchanter. They say they used the power of the hammers ta profit by makin ships, boats, and houses better than any other merchants. Sad tale, if'n it be true.

You say, 'What Erudite necromancer?'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'I'm not knowin more about the story, lad. Everythin I know is already in what I said. Aye, Erudites. I suppose if yer wantin ta run after shortbeard tales ya can look over on that plague island they call Odus.

You say, 'What Erudite Enchanter?'

Kinlo Strongarm says 'I'm not knowing more about the story, lad. Everything I know is already in what I said. Aye, Erudites. I suppose if yer wantin ta run after shortbeard tales you can look over on that plagued island they call Odus.

Head to The Hole with a raid and make your way down toward Jaeil the Wretched. Jaeil is indifferent by default.

You say, 'Hail, Jaeil the Wretched'

Jaeil the Wretched whimpers pathetically as his reflection catches his eye. He turns and stares pitifully at the ceiling.

Jaeil the Wretched shields his eyes from his reflection in the water, occasionally gibbering as he scratches at a flapping, rotted patch of skin on his sunken face. In his arms he cradles something. He seems to emanate an aura of power.

Stand behind Jaeil the Wretched to make him indifferent to you, then give him the Shiny Tin Bowl so that he will see his reflection.

Jaeil the Wretched howls in anger, his body seeming to suck energy from the walls around him as he sees his reflection. He pulls a hammer from the bundle in his arms and swings fiercely at your head.

Jaeil the Insane spawns and attacks. Kill Jaeil the Insane and loot the "Soulbound Hammer," which identifies as Hammer of an ancient dwarf. Jaeil the Wretched used to remain there and could be chain triggered. Since the revamp of Old Paineel, he will poof once he receives the bowl.

Give the Soulbound Hammer to Kinlo Strongarm.

Kinlo Strongarm examines the hammer respectfully, admiring its craftsmanship. He strikes it against his anvil and winces as a howl fills the air. 'This is one of the ancients' hammers? I can almost, well, almost hear it callin ta me. It's strong, that's fer sure, lad. I don't know how ye got it, but aye, a dwarf could make a mighty blade with this. It's lookin like this thing still has its owner inside it though. I'm not knowin how, and not wantin to know, but fer yer own good ye better find some way ta get 'im out.'

Kinlo gives you back the "Soulbound Hammer," which identifies as Hammer of an ancient dwarf.

Off to Erudin Palace to find Mairee Silentone. Talk to her about an ancient hammer.

You say, 'What ancient hammer?'

Mairee Silentone says 'Yes, the ancient hammer. I heard something about that. Do you mind if I take a look at it?'

Give Mairee Silentone the "Soulbound Hammer," which identifies as Hammer of an ancient dwarf.

Mairee Silentone makes a few marks on the hammer, and all the while you can hear a muffled cursing coming from the hammer head. 'Yes, it is an ancient dwarf's hammer. Interesting artifact. I've marked it to keep it stable while you retrieve something for me. You need to travel to the Plane of Sky and find a swirling sphere of color. Bring it and the hammer back to me.'

Mairee Silentone gives you the "Dwarven Smiths Hammer," which identifies as Hammer of an ancient dwarf.

Head to Island Four of the Plane of Sky and kill an essence tamer which drops the Swirling Sphere of Color.

Give Mairee Silentone the Hammer and the Swirling Sphere of Color.

Mairee Silentone holds the sphere and makes intricate marks and patterns on it, eventually turning the entire crystal clear. She rolls it across the hammer, raising a ringing sound in the room. 'There. Now take the hammer back to Kinlo. He'll know what to do from here. Good luck to you .'

Mairee Silentone gives you the "Hammer of the Ancients," which identifies as Hammer of an ancient dwarf.

Back in Kaladim, hand Kinlo Strongarm the Hammer of the Ancients, which causes Usbak the Old to spawn.

Kinlo Strongarm looks at the hammer and nods once before slamming the head against his anvil, and shattering the head. In a cloud of dust, another dwarf appears from the cloud and tosses you a hunk of metal. Kinlo stares in awe.

Usbak the Old gives you "Small bit of Mithril Ore," which identifies as Small bit of Mithril Ore.

You say, 'Hail, Usbak the Old'

Usbak the Old says 'Took ya long enough! Ye'd think ya had an Orc head on them shoulders there. I'm owin' ya for yer help though. Else I'd have been on that darn hammer for ages. Ye said ya had an ancient blade or somethin ta be smithin. If so lemme see it.

Give Usbak the Old the Ancient Longsword and he gives you the "Refined Ancient Sword," which identifies as Sword to show Telin.

Usbak the Old admires the blade and then starts to bang the edge with a hammer. 'Hah, that was a good blade, no doubt. Ain't seen one I couldn't make better though. I'm knowin' yer cause and all I know is ye should take that ancient blade ta yer friend in the woods, he'll know what to do now. With that I'm gonna be takin muh leave. Debt paid and all. If'n yer wantin' another blade, which ye do, ye got enough ore left that Kinlo can do it for ye'

Usbak the Old despawns. Give the Small bit of Mithril Ore to Kinlo Stirngarm and he forges the "Refined Mithril Blade" for you.

Kinlo Strongarm says 'Erm. Well, I aint never worked with this stuff but here's what I got for ya. It ain't bad, pretty much like the one ye got there. I suppose ye should take the one the ancient made and show it ta yer friend.

Head to the Burning Woods again and give Telin Darkforest the Refined Ancient Sword. He returns the sword.

Telin Darkforest smiles slowly. 'Now that's fine work. Just a moment, we have a friend here who can enchant one of the blades. Give her the blade the ancient smithed.'

Faelin appears.

You say, 'Hail, Faelin'

Faelin says, 'Didn't think I was gone for good, did you? We're that much closer to finishing this trial of our strength, thanks to you.'

Give her the Refined Ancient Sword. She enchants it and returns it to you.

Faelin smiles at you, then closes her eyes as she sets the gem 'Nature's Balance' into the crossguard and begins to channel her spirit into the sword. The ground rumbles loudly as she casts. She collapses in exhaustion after a short time. 'Take the blade, and perhaps you can finish this. You must strike at Innoruuk's heart. Bring his shattered gem and the Mithril blade to Xanuusus. Only with Innoruuk's death can the balance of the land once again be restored. If we do not meet again, remember you always have my eternal thanks.'

This lands you the first half of the Ranger epic:

Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 21
DMG: 13
STR: +15 DEX: +5 STA: +10 HP: +50
Effect: Swift Spirit
WT: 2.0
Class: RNG

Now for the Earthcaller.

Head to the Plane of Hate in search of the "Shattered Emerald of Corruption." This item drops randomly off "mini bosses" (Grandmaster R'Tal, Coercer T'Vala, and Avatar of Abhorrance are confirmed) and frequently off Innoruuk himself.

Once you've obtained the emerald, find Xanuusus in North Karana.

You say, 'Hail, Xanuusus'

Xanuusus says 'Greetings, small one! I am Xanuusus of the Stormreapers. You are welcome to rest beneath my mighty branches.

Give Xanuusus the Refined Mithril Blade and the Shattered Emerald of Corruption.

Xanuusus waves his hands over the gem of corruption and a wave of warm energy passes through the area. With care for such a huge creature, he melds the gem into the sword and seems to glow all over as he channels energy into the weapon. 'Thus is the link of hate broken between Innoruuk and the spirit of earth. Through your will has balance returned. Your deeds, your work for the good of all, will be remembered by anyone who walks beneath the canopy of a forest or roams the plains. Continue your vigil over nature's balance.'

You now have the second half of your epic:

Skill: 1H Slashing Atk Delay: 24
DMG: 14
STR: +15 DEX: +10 STA: +5 HP: +50
Effect: Earthcall
WT: 2.0

Class: RNG

You get access to the title "Windcaller."
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Contradictory part in walkthrough
# Aug 11 2024 at 4:24 AM Rating: Good
Dark Elf Corruptor and two Dark Elf Reavers spawn. You need only the Corruptor and loot the Fleshbound Tome.

Dark Elf Corruptor shouts 'We come for you, fools. Your reign of weakness over the powers of the land comes to an end now!

It is not necessary to kill the two Reavers but if you don't, they'll wander to the druids and kill them. Allowing this to happen will waste your time, as you need to hand the "Fleshbound Tome" you looted off the Corruptor into Althele.

The first sentence gives bad advice. The third sentence contradicts itself. The Reavers need to be stopped. Maybe someone else wants to let the Reavers kill the druids but the Athele that respawns later shouldn't even accept the Fleshbound Tome. I may have to check log files but this may explain the past failure where the Corruptor was killed but the tome was not possible to be looted until the reavers were dealt with.

And that is as it should be so people don't jump in and turn in the tome to someone else's Athele that spawns from receiving the worn metal coin. If it was doable in the past then it may have changed for TLP's.

Level 46 and up
# Jun 17 2024 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
13 posts
At level 44 and 45 Telin Dark forest would not speak to me. Once I got to level 46 he was very chatty. By that time I had Ripened Heartfruit, Chilled Tundra Root, speckled Moulded Mushroom, Pulsing Green Stone, and Runecrested Bowl.
MQ with Under Level 50
# Sep 07 2023 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent
244 posts
I did it all as up until the killing of the Dark Elf Corruptor and turning in the book. I let the level 20 loot it and they were able to turn it in for the earth stained note. Fast forward to the Refined Ancient Sword to Telin which hands it back and spawns *Faelin. Give her the sword and she says she has no use for it. I handed in the sword to Telin and that spawned yet another *Faelin so it looks like I'll have to wait til 50 to finish it. I wasn't about to risk turning in the Shattered Emerald of Corruption and it was a pita to get.

;tldr - *Faelin sword blocks you if you're not of a high enough level. Not worth attempting.
Dark Elf Reavers
# Mar 28 2023 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
244 posts
This time around I had both of them spawn under ground and weren't attackable. Needless to say they completed their assignment while I partially did mine and got the tome. Just have to wait for respawn since this was the bottleneck for going any further.

Edited, Mar 28th 2023 7:11pm by hullan
# Oct 26 2022 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
sorry for typo Mage guild in felwith for batwing quest
Pulsing Green Stone
# Aug 03 2022 at 4:46 AM Rating: Default
25 posts
Last night Venril Sather's Remains were up, and I had a few Ranger and Druid characters too young for their epic quests, but wanted to pre-award them with their pulsing green stones, so they'd have it when it was time for their pursuits. I migrated some to Karnon's Keep and camped them in the pit. I purchased three resurrection spells for this adventure, expecting to kill Venril Sather for the stones three times over three nights. Still, I accidentally turned in all three spells at once, causing three separate Venril Sathers to spawn. So, I had to scramble other characters to Karnor's Keep afterward. I did have to leave one of the six stones in the pit to rot, but I did alert others on the general chat channel it was rotting. I don't know if anyone got there to claim it. I have not yet confirmed this discovery and doubt if I ever will. How many more ranger and druid characters do I need? But it does make me wonder about other quests involving the turn-in of non-lore items causing a spawn. Might this work there if any other pursuits do exist?
# Mar 03 2022 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
46 posts
Yet Another Broken Quest

I'm amiable to Telin, but whenever I hail (or say anything to him), all he responds with is "You need to prove your dedication to our cause before I can discuss such matters with you."
# Aug 16 2023 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
11 posts
you need to be ally just buy some muffins in west freeport
# Oct 26 2022 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Do the muffin quest in freeport untill you are kindly to rangers in fay then talk to thelin also need to do batwing quest in felwth at the bage guild for the note part of quest in timorous deep
# Mar 06 2022 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
First paragraph of the full walkthrough shows where you went wrong. The quest works fine.
Final Step, No Earthcaller
# Jul 24 2021 at 1:26 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Submitted the "Refined Mithril Blade" and the "Shattered Emerald of Corruption" to Xanuusus and he didn't say anything and only returned the "Shattered Emerald of Corruption". All that work for nothing.... /petition-ing

EDIT, Apparently i didn't give the "Shattered Emerald of Corruption" logged back in, and turned it in, and boom, got it. Looks like this can be MQ'd if anyone was wondering. /phew

Edited, Jul 24th 2021 2:48am by FiLiFLiP
SEoC info
# Jan 25 2021 at 7:59 PM Rating: Decent
6 posts
SEoC dropped off Lord O' Loathing 1/25/21.
Venril drops more than just 2 pulsing green stones
# Dec 30 2020 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Besides two pulsing green stones, Venril also dropped blackened iksar bones, dust of decay, and bone chips.
Shattered Emerald of Corruption
# Nov 10 2019 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
4 posts
Confirmed 11/10/19, Shattered Emerald of Corruption dropped off of Avatar of Abhorrance
Ranger Epic 1.0 Vid Playlist [Mangler TLP]
# Oct 21 2019 at 4:36 PM Rating: Good
47 posts
I'm working on a video playlist of the full Ranger 1.0 Epic. The link is here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGpIE-P7J-_yFF5SZ5zfG4y9kmjwyJKa_
My dad used to main a ranger back in era. It's sort nostalgic to be able to see the class as he did. Thank you all for the support and this write up above
# Jun 11 2019 at 7:01 AM Rating: Default
604 posts
Althele in east karana will respawn 35min after someone has handed her the Fleshbound Tome, so you can do this portion of the epic back to back without too much waiting.
Added Checklist
# Jun 02 2017 at 11:45 PM Rating: Good
528 posts
Added a quick guide/checklist for this epic. Let me know if there are any errors that I may have made.
Cliff notes version of Ranger epic 1.0.
# Aug 08 2014 at 4:09 AM Rating: Excellent
41 posts
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
Cliff notes version of Ranger epic 1.0.
# Nov 04 2015 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
19 posts
Excellent Summary, Thanks.
Instant chaos leading to instant failure
# Oct 25 2013 at 1:13 AM Rating: Decent
The druid's respawn time is 1 hour, not 2. I just tried this and was lucky I parked my lvl 61 cleric (doing the quest with a lvl 54 ranger) at the spawn point because the corruptor stayed with her. However, the spawn was instant, and the reavers make an instant beeline for the druids so you have to be in between with your eyes peeled. I barely got back up to my cleric and the corruptor to take him down, and saw the reavers way off in the distance running like lowbies being chased by a griffon, hit the corruptor a few times then everyone despawned. I could have had him easily if he hadn't despawned. You HAVE to have someone setup to instantly grab those reavers or you have no time to do anything. Instant spawn, instant run, instant kills needed. And now that I've failed I think I have to start the entire epic over again because hailing Althele again when she respawns doesn't do anything except give you the chance to talk to her just like any other time. The spawns are just so fast now, there's no way to get everything done without at least 3 people to get the attention of all the mobs and give you a chance to get up the hill and kill the corruptor. And that's in wolf form too. Anymore it's about pointless to do the epics anyway because in game loot is better anyhow.
Instant chaos leading to instant failure
# Jul 12 2014 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
756 posts
I just had this happen to me. Was interrupted in RL, Reavers spawned, ran fast to druids, killed them in an instant then all despawned. Not starting again, not worth the time.

EDIT: Well, just couldn't give up... Succeeded on attempt 3! Woot! Now at the point where I give the painting to the skelly.

Edited, Jul 14th 2014 9:15pm by KC13
Instant chaos leading to instant failure
# Nov 01 2013 at 2:26 PM Rating: Default
I didn't have this problem at all. It was just me at the druids, and I actually had time to go "oh crap where did they spawn" check zam for a basic idea, think "wait a moment, I have track" track the corruptor, find the reavers first, drag the reavers with me to the corruptor (they were pretty much right by each other) and kill all of them. The killing was a lot faster since I was level 86, but I didn't have anyone waiting at the spawn pt nor was I ready for them spawning so quickly.
Ranger Epic
# Oct 22 2013 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
When i was going to kill the dark elf corrupter, a gnome rouge attack and killed me, i'm a 71 Ranger FYI. He backstabs for 2k, so be aware he's KOS.
Ranger Epic
# Sep 28 2017 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
At first I thought, "What? In EK? Was this maybe on Zek or something?"
Nope, it's Drevlon Knacknabber. A mean little gnome that's part of the Warrior 1.5 pre-quest.
Did my turn-in to spawn the Corrupter (2nd time, soon to be third) and caught him running east to west. My 59 merc broke off and kept him busy while I tried to grab the inkies on their way by. By the time we sorted out the fight the merc was at 20% and looked to be a close call for winning the fight.
Dark elf reaver despawned
# Aug 17 2013 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
If the dark elf reaver despawns, what do you do then? Where do I go to backtrack?
Dark elf reaver despawned
# Sep 10 2013 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
236 posts
If the Dark Elf Reavers despawn, you do nothing other than hand in the Fleshbound tome to Teloa as you normally would. It is not necessary to kill the reavers anyways (although they normally head to the village and kill the druids, which hinders turn in). If the Dark Elf Corrupter despawns, I would try leaving the zone, zoning back in 2 hrs later, and re-hailing Athele (since Teloa keeps the amulet anyways)..that should retrigger the spawn of the Corrupter & 2 reavers (had a similar problem when I was working on my wife's epic for her). It appears the respawn time is 2hrs (but could be up to 24). Good luck!

Edited, Sep 10th 2013 8:59pm by ThefirstFeid
# Apr 10 2013 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
A note for those working on faction - rather than doing both the Muffin Quest (in order to speak to Telin Darkforest), and the Bat Wing quest (in order to speak to Alrik Farsight), you can just do the Bat Wing quest, as it raises both Faydark's Champions (for Telin Darkforest), and Keepers of the Art (for Alrik Farsight).
# Aug 15 2021 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
__DEL__1592347756115 wrote:
A note for those working on faction - rather than doing both the Muffin Quest (in order to speak to Telin Darkforest), and the Bat Wing quest (in order to speak to Alrik Farsight), you can just do the Bat Wing quest, as it raises both Faydark's Champions (for Telin Darkforest), and Keepers of the Art (for Alrik Farsight).

Instead of doing quests, you may head to Crushbone and kills orcs, Killing the Emperor will yield 30 faction points alone.
Shattered Emerald of Corruption
# Nov 11 2012 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Looking for an MQ on test, so any server works, doesnt even take your live piece. Test server Rangerashe.
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