Crusaders of Greenmist  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Related Static Containers:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Aug 6 17:28:02 2002
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Librarian Zimor is located in the Shadowknight's guild.

You say, 'Hail, Librarian Zimor'

Librarian Zimor says 'Hail, citizen, I hope that you are here to assist. We are gathering Crusaders to make an assault on the Libraries of Chardok. The slave creations have thrived in their sanctuary for too long. The tomes and texts they have stolen to fill their library belong us. They are even rumored to have a text on the Sacred Khukri of Rile, the Greenmist. If you see such a tome, you must bring it to me immediately. May Cazic-Thule guide you!

Kill Loremaster Piza'Tak or Grand Loremaster Di`Korr in Chardok library and loot The History of the Greenmist.

Upon handing this book to Librarian Zimor:

Librarian Zimor looks disturbed as he examines the book. His hands tremble as he mouths the words on the ancient parchment pages. "This book may alter the reality you see before you, "the scholar says as he continues to read the tome. "The information that has been waiting in this book may have been brought to us by your hand, but your fate has obviously been chosen by our Lord. Our mystics have conveyed a new vision to us in this most recent season. Please take this note to Hierophant Oxyn, while I continue to translate this tome." the Librarian hands you a note and turns his attention back to the book.

Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
You gain experience!!

You receive A note to Oxyn. Hand this note to Hierophant Oxyn, who can be found downstairs.

Hierophant Oxyn takes the note and begins to howl into the air! "The visions are true! The new prophecy begins today, Crusader," the mystics growls with pleasure. He quickly turns and takes a bottle of murky liquid from one of his potion bags and hands it to you. "Take this and keep it safe. Our visions have told of this day. We have been able to learn of the metal of prophecy. This liquid will help us to locate it's true resting place!

You gain experience!!

You receive a Bottle of Liquid Deklium.

You say, 'What is in this bottle of liquid?'

Heirophant Oxyn says "The bottle contains deklium in a liquid solution. The metal of prophecy has been determined to rest in a mass of living earth. Our scholars have written of a mass of ore that fell from the heavens. This ore was used in the creation of a blade of our father, Rile. We have been filled with visions of this blade. I have seen it in the hands of our Crusaders as they march towards the new age of Greenmist! Seek out the corrupted earth that guards the interlopers. We have an alchemist near there. He will be able to use the deklium to determine which golem contains the metal. Take care to go in force. I sense that there will be a battle.

Alchemist Granika is at The Overthere Outpost outside of East wall.

You say, 'Hail, Alchemist Granika'

Alchemist Granika says, 'If you were sent to me, show proof or be gone from my sight!

You give Alchemist Granika the Bottle of Liquid Deklium.

Alchemist Granika says "If Heirophant Oxyn has sent this with you, I can assume that our visions were corect. The new age is calling us from the heavens. Prepare for battle. I will take this solution to the Outlander's gates and use it to reveal the location of the metal of prophecy. Should I not return, you will only need to find the creature that glows without the use of a torch. Deklium glows when it gets near the smallest trace of tynnomium. Prepare for battle, Crusader... I am off".

A Glowing Cliff Golem spawns just inside the side exit of the Outpost near your location. He, Watch Sergeant Grolj, and 4 x "an undead watchman" walk straight out of the Outpost and the skeletal guards all take a post position. If you watch him for a moment, the golem will walk away from the other mobs and you can snag him easily by himself. He's a 1 group kill if you have 55+ warrior for main tank and a cleric to CHeal. Faction hits for killing them:

Your faction standing with Venril Sathir got worse.

Loot a Chunk of Tynnonium and take it back to Heirophant Oxyn:

Heirophant Oxyn holds the ore in his hands and begins to chant. His eyes go white as he raises the chunk of ore above his head. He lowers his arms and shakes his head for a moment. His eyes return to their normal state as they focus on you. The shaman hands you the ore and says, 'Seek out the creator of Rile's blade. He is still on this plane. I have felt his torment. Take this note to Librarian Zimor. He learned a great deal from the tome and can instruct you further. Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned.

Your faction standing with Scaled Mystics got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.

You receive a Note to Librarian Zimor. Upon giving this to Zimor:

Librarian Zimor says 'I am very glad you have returned. Your discovery of the tynnonium is extraordinary! This Sarnak tome has been an incredible source of information. It appears that they have been studying the Greenmist for some time. I'm sure they sought it as nothing more than a trinket to be collected. Their shortsightedness will be their eventual undoing. I have compiled a book of notes that will aid you in your quest for the Greenmist. Please take care to keep this information of the grasp of our enemies.'

Your faction standing with Brood Of Kotiz got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.

You receive Notes from the Greenmist Tome, which reads as follows:

"I made these notes from my interpretation of the Sarnak tome.

Read them carefully.

The weaponsmith who created the Greenmist still exists in some form. He has been tormented for a very long time and may not remember his art. If this is the case, there may still be some chance of recovering the design of the sacred blade. The key lies with the Lich-King's beloved.

It is rumored the lich had a mirror created that allows his beloved Drusella to see her former self in its reflection. Perhaps this artifact can offer you some assistance in this quest.

Several items will be needed to recreate the Greenmist Khukri. A special hammer was specifically created to fold and sculpt the weapon's blade. Both the Greenmist and this hammer were created on the same day. Only the year is know. The year was 1406. The tome mentions that the Sarnak were actively seeking the tool.

The formula that will be needed to smelt the Tynnonium is written in the back of this book. Use this book when you find the forge needed to create the Khukri. You will need a design pattern, the block of Tynnonium, the hammer, and this tome to create the Greenmist blade.

To finish the weapon, you will need the Lord of Pain's Khukri, this tome, the hammer, the Greenmist blade, and a Greenmist shard or fragment. We have not found any Greenmist fragments.

All items must be forged in the hottest of all forges, the Forge of Dalnir.

May the will of Cazik Thule guide you."

Kill Weaponsmith Ko`zirr in Lake of Ill Omen. He's down the hall from the chancellor's room along with three imperial escorts. Loot the Hammer of 1406.

Kill the Alchemist's Acolyte in Chardok lower caves and loot a Greenish Metal Shard.

Shattered Blade of Rile is located in Karnor's Castle. It is sitting on top of a large wooden box adjacent to the jail area where the Drovlarg Warlord spawns. (location 12 on EQAtlas map). It looks like a dagger that's been dropped on the ground. This is Rile's Shattered Blade.

Kill Drusella Sathir in Howling Stones and loot the Mirror of Self Loathing.

Give the Mirror of Self Loathing to The Tormented Tradesman in the forge room of the Crypt of Dalnir, he spawns The Haggle Baron Dalnir. When you hand him the mirror the following text appears:

The undead entity looks in the mirror and appears to be stunned by the memory of his former self. He drops the mirror, which causes it to crack slightly. You immediately grab it and place it back in your bag. The spirit looks at you and begins to transform. Ethereal strands of muscle, blood, and flesh come together and the Haggle Baron Dalnir appears.

You receive Cracked Mirror. (NOTE: Haggle Baron Dalnir is iksar but is on beta neutral faction.)

You say, 'Hail, Haggle Baron Dalnir'

Haggle Baron Dalnir says 'I have little time to speak. I can feel this facade weakening already. A Scaled Mystic came to me during my time of torment. He spoke to me. He said that a new time was hiding behind the darkness of the horizon. You seek Master Rile's Khukri. I can diagram it for you... Arrrgh! I feel the pull of torment upon me! Return to me with a piece of parchment, a quill, and Rile's Shattered Blade. Use your mirror again to bring me back and I will try to remember the design. Please be quick!

Give Piece of Parchment, Quill and Rile's Shattered Blade to Haggle Baron Dalnir:

Haggle Baron Dalnir stares at the broken blade for some time. After a few moments of studying, the apparition begins to draw and scribble on the parchment. He works with amazing speed as the memories from his past flood from his quill. The diagrams and runes that etch the surface of the parchment begin to glow. The legendary Haggle Baron rolls the parchment and hands it to you. Smiling, he bows deeply and quickly fades away.

You gain experience!!

You receive a Greenmist Design Pattern

In the Dalnir Forge you place:
Greenmist Design Pattern
Block of Tynnonium
Hammer of 1406
Notes from the Greenmist Tome

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You gain experience!!
You have fashioned Greenmist Khukri Blade.
You have fashioned Hammer of 1406.
You have fashioned Notes from the Greenmist Tome.

You receive Greenmist Khukri Blade: LORE / NO DROP, weight 2.5.

In the Dalnir Forge combine:
Lord of Pain Khukri
Greenist Metal Shard
Greenmist Khukri Blade
Notes from the Greenmist Tome
Hammer of 1406

You have fashioned the items together to create something new!
You have fashioned Greenmist.
Submitted by: Klissar Silverspine
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This quest is simple
# May 21 2001 at 4:22 PM Rating: Default
Simply put, this quest is not able to be solved yet. Argest is the imprisoned iksar in the Lord of Pain quest. IF this quest is able to be solved, Verant really screwed up. Looking for the imprisoned Argest you saved in The Lord of Pain quest, found in the same location, think about it.
It's not implemented
# May 15 2001 at 9:00 PM Rating: Default
They said it would be a month at least only a short while ago. It's definately not in the game yet as I'm sure they would announce something like this in the patch messsage anyway.

To the Tallon Zek anonymous guy...

As a 55 Iksar SK on Tallon Zek I KNOW you are talking crap because I would know if you had Greenmist. Within 5 minutes of anyone killing anything vaguely uber on TZ all the uber guilds know what dropped and which people were involved. I guarantee that any of the high lvl Iksar SK's on TZ would /tell me ,"Greenmist, thx |la~ " within 5 minutes of getting it.
RE: It's not implemented
# May 17 2001 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I have to agree with this guy. I'm the one with the post referring to the GM just below this one, and I know the Tallon Zek guy is full of it. If not, prove it. Still haven't seen any updates to the quest, you haven't supplied a walkthrough, no screenshots of the weapon. Somepeople use these to actually figure out what they can't on their own to complete these quests. If your just going to fill it up with crap, don't post. I have a char on both the Test Server and on Terrew Marr. I haven't seen or heard of it beng completed on either. BTW, on both servers there are numerous Iky SK's trying to complete. We all talk both in game and through e-mail. If anyone completed it, I am quite certain (though by no means 100% sure) I would have heard of it by now. Even if someone completed it and hadn't done a shout about it's completion, I'm sure GM Zalumbas would have know it was possible to complete and let me know by now. If for no other reason than to get me to leave him be in the game and through e-mail.

Basically, if you're going to post crap, do it to the elves quests. They're way too overplayed anyway.
GreenMist quest
# May 10 2001 at 1:56 PM Rating: Default
Last I heard from a GM Zalumbas (or something like that) three nights ago when asking about this quest:

The quest is partially complete, and many of it's components are in place. It is likely to gain all the items before we complete, but unlikely. He then asked from my e-mail to give more info when he had the time.

From an e-mail from him:

He mentioned something about there being problems with the main character being one in use by another quest and having to add/change it. He thinks it may be possible on the test server, but wasn't sure. He then stated my lvl 45 shouldn't attempt it as he thought you would need to be in the mid to upper 50's to complete.

Anyways, believe what you will. I think I'll side with the GM. When the quest does become avail, you can bet you all will be competing with me to complete it. Best of luck to all when it becomes avail.

P.S. Anyone know of any decient places to lev in Kunark for a 45 SK? Everywhere I go I keep getting greens or blues and little xp from anything. Wanna get 47-50 asap to hit plane of fear. Don't know if my lack of creatures are due to a large ammount on the Terrew Marr server in the upper lvls killing everything or if Kunark just doesn't have many places t hunt in the 45+ range. Any locs will be appreciated.
RE: GreenMist quest
# Aug 18 2001 at 3:33 PM Rating: Default
Head for The Dreadlands. Great EXP there in a group.

Meltem Elemaster 47 Human Magician
Arcane Evol
Mithaniel Marr
"This is technical support. How may I abuse you?"
RE: GreenMist quest
# May 19 2001 at 12:02 AM Rating: Default
kunark is low for a 45 on any server, unless your talking dungeons or dreadlands
GreenMist quest
# May 11 2001 at 8:58 AM Rating: Default
Got another e-mail from the GM, he said the quest should be up in the next patch. Will post anything else I find out.
# May 09 2001 at 11:49 PM Rating: Default
Could it possibly have something to do with the lord of pain khukri?
No use trying this quest
# Apr 23 2001 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
VI has not even implemented the quest (ie. MoBs) and they say the wpn is meant for 45s-50s to me that is not a long enough level period to make this weapon worth it for the time one would probably have to invest into it. They also said it would be a month till it did get implemented
a clue?
# Mar 31 2001 at 9:12 PM Rating: Decent
ive heard rumors around my server and these sites that greenmist is up again, and ready to be completed...not sure if thats true, but found myself in Dalnir today, talking to the Spectral Crusader, who now says different text than the last time i talked to him

When i mention "greenmist" he says:
Mighty is the mist that covered the land, mighty is the blade wielded by a crusader"

When i mention "Crusader Golin" he: moves his hand towards his head in a chopping(<--key word) motion and says 'Stuck between the crypt and the dust'

i consulted a peer, and thought, between the crypt and dust MUST be the 2nd floor of dalnir.....the crypt, being the 3rd floor(coffins, mussoliam(SP?)) and the DUST must be the top floor, dust meaning DIRT? the top floor is all caves and dirt floors...

Another thing,
i killed the spectral crusader, no faction hits, dropped a fine steel hammer , which ids as fine steel hammer, he MIGHT have a rare drop, not to proboble...

also killed a coerced reverent, who dropped a part to the iron rods'I'...he also dropped a NO RENT, NO DROP, LORE ITEM note which says:

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
day 55

i have happened upon the crypt if dalnir, his grand forge is near, i can feel it. I also have discovered a segment of a staff. It shows signs of Iksar craftsmanship, but the age of atrebe. I know the other part must be here too. it would fetch HEAVY COIN....

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
HEAVY coin....not greenmist related, but i remember the haggle baron in EAST CAB saying he only wants to discuss "heavy coin" possibly a clue to that quest???

im going back into dalnir tommorow, gonna push every rock, smear against EVERY wall...grab EVERY scroll, hoepfully ill find the answers.

Zanix Knightshadow
Luclin Server
This is NOT Broken, if it is wrong...
# Mar 13 2001 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
Well I think you are wrong. After a quick thinking I realized something was totally wrong... and that was no proc! WHY would there be a proc on the previous weapon, but none on the "new" one?

Also I hope it looks "cooler" than the beginning Khrukis, cuz to be blunt they don't have any "cool factor look" to them
spectral librarian
# Mar 09 2001 at 5:42 PM Rating: Default
there is a mob in kaesora called a spectral librarian.we need a book.see what i'm getting at?if not then the book might drop off this mob.just a hunch,i'm to low to go there yet
this is NOT broke
# Mar 08 2001 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
compleated this long and annoying quest last night on Tallon Zek (the server alone makes this hard)
the weapon is 18dam 24del +10str +10stam +5agi +10dex +20int +35MR

i will submit all info in e-mail to this site..way to long to list here.

but i can tell you this much, you'll need friends, loads of them
RE: this is NOT broke
# Jul 27 2001 at 7:57 PM Rating: Default
Well if its not broke than how do you do it? Don't say anything unless ya gonna share. Otherwise I'm just gonna think you talkin nonesense
RE: this is NOT broke
# Mar 10 2001 at 12:44 AM Rating: Default
There is no way you have Greenmist as the whole quest is not even in the game, as per official Verant posts.

Post what you have, give some screenshots, and maybe that will begin to cover your story. Other than that, this is just another schmoe with nothing better to do.
# Mar 09 2001 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
It has already been confirmed by a Verant employee, that only one fourth of the quest is complete.
RE: this is NOT broke
# Mar 08 2001 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent

This is a fantastic weapon! I can't wait to get high enough to complete. Hell this weapon outperforms almost all 1h weapons for SKs and stats there amazing +20 to int! Never need to worry bout getting int gear 8) and other stats or pretty sweet as well. Hell this weapon is almost better than Epic 8). Epic procs a dot drain 8( should have been tap not drain and gives less int than this! and this gives AMAZING MR Resist, almost never need to worry bout that now. All Armor needs to be is every other type of resist and AC and maybe some small stats 8)
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 18 2001 at 10:42 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You win the gullible award.
RE: this is NOT broke
# Mar 19 2001 at 6:11 PM Rating: Default
You know what idiot, I am not high enough level to even do this quest, so guess what you win the biggest loser who doesn't think before they post award. It just so happens that I realized that it was a fake after no proc was listed 8P
Argest's location
# Feb 18 2001 at 1:17 PM Rating: Default
Argest is in Dalnir on the second level. He is the captive that is near the teleporter out. You have to be lvl 35+ to get him to talk to you. If you give him the wire spool (no drop) that is on coerced creatures, he free's himself and gives you a crystal shard (no drop)that he tells you to give to the Arch Duke in East Cabilis.
I tried it, but I am a Monk, and the Arch Duke politely to me where to go. :)(after throwing the shard in the water. (got positive faction with Crusaders of the Greenmist and negative faction with the Legion of Cabilis).
I assume that you have to be a shadownight in order for him to accept the quest item at this point.
Hope this helps someone.
Library, Greenmist and Before Green...
# Jan 24 2001 at 10:15 AM Rating: Default
Just trying to make ends meet:
There seems a library or at least a book involved. Furthermore Argest was found a library. maybe he found a book and lost it again. This would fit nicely for the unsolved "Before Green" Tome you can get for an emerald at the Outpost or in Cabilis.
Anyone has a clue if that somehow works together?
RE: Library (long)
# Jan 25 2001 at 1:07 AM Rating: Default
As I said in a pervious post, there is a library in Kaesora. It is in the Field of Bone, so it is right near Cabilis, it makes sense that it was once the library of Cabilis. There might be some book or tome that can be found on a mob, or picked up off of the floor or shelves. Has anyone ever tried to read a tome that they found on a MOB in kaesora? has anyone ever looked all over the floor of that dungeon? has anyone ever scoured the shleves of the library for a book that can be picked up? These things could lead to a discovery, or they could not, but it might be a good place to start.

I hadn't heard of the tome of Before Green. You said you got it for an emerald in Cabilis? Can you specify what person in Cabilis to give the gem to? You said it was unsolved, does that mean is has no current use, or that there is some bigger quest to get it? What does the tome say?

it seems logical that this tome has some use in some SK quest. Afterall, we are the Greenmist. If this tome tells of things that came before we did, that must be significant somewhere along the lines. Didn't they say that the greenmist was an ancient weapon that has been lost for generations? This may be the clue that we need to solve this puzzle...

Another thought just occored to me. Do you all remember the quest for the knights khukri? We had to kill froglocks in the swamp and turn in a completed book to him? he told us not to read the book or something bad would happen. Did anyone actually read the book even though he told us not to? Maybe that book tells us something. Has anyone gone back and collected all the pages and read the book? We might try doing that.
RE: Library (long)
# Feb 15 2001 at 4:58 AM Rating: Default
Before the green can be purchased for a few gold in Cabilis. Go to the warriors guild and go downstairs. There is a iksar who has 4 books for sale. One of them is Before the Green.
RE: Library (long)
# Jan 25 2001 at 10:26 AM Rating: Default
I read the pages, they were all the same concerning the birth or spawning. look under the knight's kukri for more info on this.
RE: Library (long)
# Feb 06 2001 at 2:50 AM Rating: Default
You can't read the completed book anyway, I tried.

- Dran Draggore, Iksar Shadowknight of Greenmist, Drinal
RE: Library (long)
# Mar 09 2001 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
i read the first page and it talked about the monk guild master
RE: Library (long)
# Mar 22 2001 at 1:18 AM Rating: Default
I read the non-Lore, non No Drop page for the book quest. It says:
The broodling has reached the age of rebirth`
The broodling is called forth to Cabilis` to
begin training in the art of fist and tail.
`Within the walls of the Court of Pain shall` I
wait. This summons shall be presented to me
`upon arrival. Discipline awaits.`
Grand Master Glox`
The swiftail caste`

The little tick marks were in the text. I don't know if they're significant.
The new quests
# Jan 23 2001 at 12:28 AM Rating: Default
Hey we might actually get a descent weapon! Look at the Grand Lord's Khukri 12 24 +5str +5wis +10int +25sv magic(hope they didn't play a sick joke by making it piercing, cuz thats what the item says). Well anyway this may solve it, 2 bad I'm 2 low to actually have it 8(. Well good luck to everyone at trying to wield such a good weapon.
library in Kaesora?
# Jan 19 2001 at 1:50 AM Rating: Default
Okay, this quest talks a lot about a library. Well, I have heard that there is a library in kaesora. Has anyone looked in there for this tome? I havn't looked at Kaesora loot very much becuase my Iksar SK is only level 18, but isn't there some held tome or something out of that dungeon? If there is one, has anyone tried to read it, or have they just assumed it is a held item and has no function? If there is no tome or book drop, has anyone looked all the shelves over up and down? Kaesora is in the Field of Bone right? That is very close to Cabilis and I don't think there is a building in Cabilis large enough to have been a library. Does it make sense that the Library might have been in kaesora? If you all really wanna solve this quest, that might be a good place to look. Look at each shelf, get the book/tome that drops in there and try to read it. It just might be easier than we thought.

Has anyone completed yet?
# Jan 05 2001 at 3:03 AM Rating: Default
This is ridiculous that it is taking 6 months to complete the chain SK IK quest. PLUS so far the weapons we receive are absolute ****. If we need to hand in the Visceral Dagger it better be one hell of a good weapon!
# Dec 22 2000 at 10:52 PM Rating: Default
last week they said they fixed the MoB quest, this week they are stating that it is still broken (as of 12/22/00) the reward for this MoB quest is the "crusader's Khukri" which was obviously the crusaders weapon which will hopelfully be the weapon req' to add into the coffin (commen sense)
good luck!

# Dec 25 2000 at 4:52 PM Rating: Default
I was hesitant to hand in my zealot's khukri and the two tomes, but I did it anyway. I was happy to see that the Crusader Khukri appeared in my inventory as of Dec. 23. Throw away your copy that you got from Dorn in N.Ro cause it's not part of the quest anymore... if it was ever intended to be.

Gotta get the visceral dagger for the next step and I only have 1 of the shards (the one from the church thank god) so that will lead to the Hero Khukri. Good luck everyone.
Crusaders Khruki
# Dec 21 2000 at 4:12 PM Rating: Default
GM_Aradiel has informed us that the wheapons name after the Zealot's khruki is infact the CRUSADERS Khruki, which will be obtained upon completion of the MATTER OF BETRAYAL quest. I believe this quest (the one in Dalnir) is calling for the wheapon of a crusader...., correct?
anyway, im looking forward to having all of the Iksar SK's out there working together on one quest, instead of the branched effort of the past. This Quest should be Post Central in a few weeks =). Hail Brothers Greenmist is in sight! Do not lost faith in our common goal! The end near! and we shall weild our heritage!.....GREENMIST!
ok that was too much RP=)
41 Iksar Shadowknight MM
Twice Weilder of the Zealot
Thrice of all others

Other quest has a breakthrough
# Dec 20 2000 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
The Crusaders Test of Betrayal has made a passed a major hurdle. Go check it out!
Grizzle's Obsidian Hilt
# Dec 03 2000 at 8:23 PM Rating: Default
Check the "Obsidian Hilt" quest under Warslilk's Woods. I think the Knight referred to might be Grizzle, from the Zealot's Khukri quest. Might be a clue there. The Knight digs up something and leaves the Hilt on the ground. Recall for the Zealot's quest you gave Grizzle a shovel...
# Oct 15 2000 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
The quest for the other weapon has been fixed. I would think that the weapon he would use was the crusader sword so we might have something!
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 08 2000 at 7:28 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Always a troll in every message room.
Golin's weapon
# Sep 15 2000 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
41 posts
Just some information some friends and I found out when we were attempting to summon Golin. The Two-Handed Practice Sword did not fit into the Crusader Coffin. All 2-handed weapons are the same size with a few being even larger (there of course are probably a few exceptions of weapons that have the wrong size or whatnot), so Golin's weapon couldn't have been 2-handed. This excludes the Two-Handed Practice Sword, Tower Guard's Blade, and the Greenwood Bo Stick as being Golin's weapon. This of course lends credence to the theory that Golin's weapon might be one of the SK khukri's.
RE: Golin's weapon
# Jan 12 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
I am trying to figure out what you are talking about with bones and coffins... Golin's weapon however is the Shattered Crusader Khukri which dropped from the Kly Overseer in Dalnir... picked it up exiting the zone after finishing my greenmist
RE: Golin's weapon
# Sep 15 2000 at 7:26 PM Rating: Default
why don't you try the Zealot's Khurki? seems logical enough.
RE: Golin's weapon
# Oct 02 2000 at 12:46 AM Rating: Default
There is another Khukri between the zealot and the greenmist khukri (or whatever it will be called) named the Crusader's Khukri. That quest is also listed as currently being unsolved, but if people are working on this one, I imagine SOMEONE has had to have finished it. If anyone has info on the Crusader's Khukri quest, can you please post some info on that quests info page? Thanks :)
RE: Golin's weapon
# Jan 07 2001 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
Icompleted the Crusaders Khukri quest and thought perhaps it was the right weapon to put into the coffin , but alas it is not i put all the bones into coffin along with my newest khukri(i had obtained the bones and coffin last year sometime)and hit combine :( it said those items in those quantities did not make anything and CONSUMED ALL the items including my new khukri, me thinks that the rare spawn on third floor ' a coerced crusader' may rarely drop the khukri need for this quest.

::heavy sigh:

In service to pain,

Cryssaliss the Terror
43 Iksar ShadowKnight
aeyonae ro
enslaved Iksar is nothing to do with this quest
# Aug 30 2000 at 6:09 AM Rating: Good
His real name is Veltar, and he is part of the Iksar Monk 'Shackle of Steel' quest.

Zadkiel Hopeseeker, 50 Monk, Xegony.
Iksar only weapon
# Aug 29 2000 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Is this a Iksar only weapon?
RE: Iksar only weapon
# Nov 09 2000 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
It is an Iksar Shadow Knight only weapon since you get the quest from the Shadowknight guild, have to have the previous Kukuri's which are no drop. So yes, it is Iksar only, but ShadowKnight only as well.

Dachanded level 16 ShadowKnight of Cazic-Thule
RE: Iksar only weapon
# Mar 27 2001 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
The Khukris are Iksar and SK only but my Zealot khukri is not no drop so if someone had a VERY kind iksar friend and they had VERY good faction with Cabilis they could probably do the quest...but they wouldn't be able to use the Khukri
Maybe This Helps
# Aug 29 2000 at 10:36 AM Rating: Default
There is a forge at the soothsayer in Temple Of Droga.

SOunds like you need to combine some items together 8).

Karde, Solusek Ro
RE: Maybe This Helps
# Apr 07 2001 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
The forge is for the visceral dagger quest.
Crusader Coffin
# Aug 29 2000 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
41 posts
The Crusader Coffin is used in a quest wherein you obtain 3 bones of a Crusader and his weapon and combine them. This quest is probably part of the Greenmist quest (just mention the word "greenmist" to the Spectral Crusader to see why). The Crusader is Golin and his 3 bones are found in Dalnir off the Lumpy Goo's. Scattered throughout Dalnir is an accounting of what happened to Golin found in the journal entries of the other Iksar crusader (now resides in Dalnir as the Spectral Crusader) who was with him who also died. If you want proof that the journal writer died, read through the last journal entry carefully and note the presence of the Spectral Crusader who is not Golin. The weapon has yet to be found. It is NOT the Visceral Dagger. As made obvious in the journal entries, Golin never wielded the Dagger, and it was obviously never recovered nor restored after it's destruction a long time ago (till every necro with lots of hours to spare started camping Dalnir, hehe). After talking to some other people (thanks Gumin for your help!) and doing a LOT of research I believe I have found Golin's weapon but in respect to the SK I am helping work on this quest, will not at this time post what that weapon is. If you use a little logic though I'm sure you all can figure it out. One thing that may save you all a lot of time: Identify is of no use. I have ID'd every weapon but 1 which drops exclusively in Dalnir and all ID'd as their name or a close approximation except for the Tower Guard's Blade which ID'd as "Iksar Protector." There may have been a name change with this weapon and they forgot to change the Lore or maybe it's intentional but, either way, it is not what I believe Golin's weapon is.
RE: Crusader Coffin
# Sep 13 2000 at 3:45 PM Rating: Default
OK, Cisas,

It's been over 2 weeks since you posted this. May I suggest that if you know what the weapon is that you now post it?
# Aug 23 2000 at 12:09 AM Rating: Default
Has anyone ever tried giving the Visceral Dagger to Qyzar or one of the other guildmasters? That has always seemed like an obvious step to me, but my SK is too low a level to enter Dalnir as of yet. Maybe after you give them the dagger they'll give you some more info and possibly the Crusader Coffin, which I imagine is a combinable container of some type.

Any thoughts?
Crusader Coffin on merchant
# Aug 25 2000 at 1:24 AM Rating: Good
41 posts
I'm still unsure where and how exactly the Visceral Dagger might fit in but the Crusader Coffin itself can be bought in West Cabilis from the Mortician. I don't remember the price as the Mortician sells various odd items, but I'm thinking it was about 60pp.
RE: Crusader Coffin on merchant
# Aug 28 2000 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
Maybe you should get some coffins and give them to Argest? Maybe he'll give you a response. Or, maybe he needs both the dagger and coffin. Anyone with about 200pp?
RE: Crusader Coffin on merchant
# Aug 29 2000 at 6:46 AM Rating: Default
From what I've heard, the Visceral Dagger is for your Khukri after the one attained by the Matter of Betrayal Quest. My guess is Greenmist would be a step or two beyond that and it is quite possible that you need at least a certain "rank/level" before the iks slave will tell you anything useful. If he is argest and Greenmist does result, it could be comparable to the lifeleech quest where the necro involved won't even talk to you until you're 50th.
RE: Crusader Coffin on merchant
# Aug 29 2000 at 4:22 PM Rating: Excellent

The iksar slave in the prison cells in droga is actually Veltar, an iksar monk who was looking for the whistling fists and who grants the shackle of steel when he is rescued.
RE: Crusader Coffin on merchant
# Apr 30 2001 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
where veltar spawns there is another spawn named agest...see the completed quest for more info and not in this thread.
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