January 19, 2015

Here are some updates for today:

New Items: Scroll: Mindsunder Rk. IIIScroll: Daggerthorn Rk. IIIScroll: Beast's Bidding Rk. IIIScroll: Polyrefractive Rune Rk. IIIScroll: Ward of the Enticer Rk. IIIScroll: Enticer's Unity Rk. IIIScroll: Perilous Bafflement Rk. IIIScroll: Enticer's Command Rk. IIIScroll: Anodyne Stare Rk. IIIScroll: Issuance of Mana Reciprocation Rk. IIIScroll: Mana Reciprocation Aura Rk. IIIScroll: Adrenaline Torrent Rk. IIIScroll: Talisman of the Faithful Rk. IIITideworn Leggings of the AssassinTideworn Helm of Havok

New Recipes: Scroll: Voice of Premeditation Rk. IITideworn Helm of HavokTideworn Leggings of the Assassin

New Bestiary: a construct of surfa construct of watera convergence of tidea convergence of wavesan elemental constructan elemental watershapera sea dervisha Hraquis grunta Hraquis seera Regrua aggressora Regrua naturewalkera sea dredgera Kedge defendera Kedge oraclea Kedge watermancera puddle of watera sea mephit defendera sea mephit evokeran experimental Kedge arcanistan experimental Kedge championan experimental Kedge overseera brutal turtlea Regrua aggressora Regrua naturewalkera sea dredgera Hraquis grunta Hraquis seera construct of surfa construct of watera convergence of tidea convergence of wavesan elemental constructa Kedge oraclean experimental Kedge arcanistan experimental Kedge championan experimental Kedge overseer

Updated Zones: Thalassius: Coral DivingThalassius: Evidence of UnityThalassius: Sea SerpentsThalassius: The HydromancerThalassius: Locating the Statue

Updated Items: Runed Stone Worker FingerGiant BonesGiant PartsGiant BloodEarth Elemental PartsIron OxideBurnt Out Earth Elemental Animation EssenceDrop of MercuryEarth Elemental Animation EssenceBurnt Out Golem Animation EssenceGolem Animation EssenceFresh MeatWorldslayer Blessed CrystalMindshear ToothPallorax's Frozen FlameCurator's TreasureBrilliantly Pulsating Chronal ShearCrystal Embedded Discord StoneKsathrax's AmberGem Embedded Discord StoneMindshear SlimeSunshard DustTears of the RatheRough Defiant Chain SleevesOrnate Defiant Cloth SandalsOrnate Defiant Leather BracerFine FeathersRough Defiant CharmOrnate Defiant Plate GauntletsFlawed Defiant Plate BootsFlawed Defiant Plate BootsSuperb SilkFresh LarkspurPlatinum Silvered RuneCrude Animal PeltStone Tongue FragmentStone Tongue of Ateleka

Updated Quests: Shadowknight Epic: Innoruuk's CurseHardam's GoodsAiding Askr (Bastion of Thunder Access)Coral DivingFlora #1: Evidence of UnityFlora #2: Sea SerpentsFlora #3: The HydromancerCOTF Rank III Spells: Captured Essence of Ethernere

Updated Achievement: Achievement: The Endless Song (Caverns of Endless Song)

Updated Recipe: Gnomish Spirits

Updated Bestiary: an earth elementala Tae Ew fanatica majestic grizzlya restless soula disgruntled penkeepera squeaking rata swooping batPixtt FlamedirgeHistorian Finrazela sea mephitRyzok D`Tol`s RemainsPsychotic Prisoner


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