Breakdown in Communication #2: Barindu  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Nihil (Min: Warmly)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Gates of Discord
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Sat Jun 5 17:21:00 2004
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Talk to Taminoa Bialu

    Taminoa Bialu may be found near Fezbin Fizzles at -35, +60, with whom you must have already completed the preflagging to accomplish this step of the quest.

    You say, 'Hail, Taminoa Bialu'

    Taminoa Bialu says 'Greetings. You must be one of the adventurers that Fezbin told me about. It is a pleasure to meet such a brave individual. Where are my manners? My name is Taminoa Bialu and I compile all the information from our scouts in the [city] area of Taelosia.'

    You say, 'What city?'

    Taminoa Bialu says 'Well, it appears the native inhabitants of Taelosia lived in a grand city once. This city is made up of four different areas named in their language. They are [Qinimi], [Riwwi], [Barindu], and [Ferubi]. Based off of early information, we believe each area had a specific purpose. I am still trying to decipher the native language to figure out what the names mean, but going off of visual information I can assume that Qinimi served as their court, Riwwi is where they held games, Barindu was a lush garden, and Ferubi was a central place of worship once. That is about the extent of my information as far as the intended purpose of each area. What they are now used for I can explain in further detail. Which area would you like to hear more about?'

    You say, 'What is Barindu?'

    Taminoa Bialu says 'This area holds the remains of what was once a place to build stone workers. We can only guess what purpose this part of the city served and all we know now is that it is home to some of the cruelest acts of violence against the nihil. I assigned this area to Talwin, a young wood elf new to the brotherhood. He was a proven scout eager to assist. Initially things were going well, but the information he was sending was not helping much. I think this worried him and resulted in him pushing his luck a little far. Ever since I told him his reports were lacking the vital evidence we needed I have not heard from him. Before Falcin passed on, I asked him if he had found anything out about Talwin and he shook his head. I know Talwin is still alive . . . he has to be . . . and I know that there must be some clues in the area of Barindu somewhere. He was diligent about recording what he found so I would assume that if he has been captured that his writings must be lying around the area somewhere. See if you can find two of his journal entries and bring them back to me. When you return please give what you find to my assistant Opury Foop. She is trying to help me organize my reports a little better.'

    You need to find out what happened to Talwin.

    Find the Report

    Talwin's Journal Pages 1 and 2 drop from random mobs in Barindu. Give these pages to Opury Foop, located near Taminoa Bialu on the ship..

    Your Location is -112.19, -43.76, 144.51

    You say, 'Hail, Opury Foop'

    Opury Foop says 'My brother is an adventurer like you. He left to explore the new continent a couple of days ago. I hope he is okay.'

    Upon hand-in:

    Opury Foop says 'What's this . . . Oh, you must be one of the adventurers helping us with our scout issue. Taminoa will be excited to see this. Talwin and Tam were really close before Talwin joined the brotherhood, but it is really not my place to give you any more details. I will leave that to him. Now, let me see. According to what Talwin has written here, the head slaver is a being known as Ixvet Pox who spends much of his time in the Stone Worker Yard. Apparently he forces the slaves to use their control over the stone workers to protect him. Sounds like that may be the best place to start looking for more Talwin clues. Wait a second. There are some more notes here on the second page. Seems Talwin was able to build a rapport with the head slave in the area. His name is Proterri and it says here that he was planning to poison the head slaver and try to start a slave revolt. While it seems you could easily go find the head slaver, I would suggest talking to Proterri first and asking him about Talwin. Either way, whatever information you find out regarding Talwin, please return it to Taminoa. I should have finished helping him get things in order by the time you return.'

    You gain experience!!

    Proteri Amari

    You must have warmly faction with the Nihil to have this conversation:

    You say, 'Hail, Proteri Amari'

    Proteri Amari glances around nervously. 'Leave me be. I can't be seen talking to outsiders.'

    You say, 'Who is Talwin?'

    In yellow text:

    'Yes ... Talwin. He and I were becoming fast friends until Ixvet took him. I am not sure what has happend to him, but if you would be [interested] in helping me I may be able to assist you in return.'

    You say, 'I am interested.'

    Proteri Amari says 'Good, good. As you may have noticed, the majority of these creatures are brutish types best suited for destruction. They are kept under control solely by strong [leadership].'

    You say, 'What leadership?'

    Proteri Amari says 'The one who controls this area of the city goes by the name Ixvet Pox. She's as cruel as the rest, but considerably more intelligent which makes her even more dangerous. Fortunately, she's grown complacent and that gives us an [opportunity]. If we can destroy Ixvet, it will throw this area into chaos and we should be able to escape before order is restored.'

    You say, 'What opportunity?'

    Proteri Amari says 'I've managed to get someone loyal to our cause placed within Ixvet Pox's entourage of personal servants and a skilled herbalist tends to her favorite fruits in the gardens. We will use this connection to poison the tyrant. Go talk with Kunimi Falade. You can find her working on the Hanging Gardens. Give her this ring as proof that you are there with my blessing and she will tell you what she needs.'

    You receive a Simple Stone Band.

    The Exotic Poison

    Kunimi Falade is on the east side of the hanging gardens. You need warmly (possibly high warmly) faction with the Nihil to turn in the ring.

    You say, 'Hail, Kunimi Falade'

    Kunimi Falade glances around to make sure no one is within earshot then whispers, 'Who are you and what do you want?'

    You say, 'Proteri sent me.'

    Kunimi Falade looks nervous at the mention of that name and says, 'I'm sorry. I don't know anyone by that name.'

    Give Kunimi Falade the Simple Stone Band.

    Kunimi Falade takes the ring and studies it for a moment. 'So the time has finally come. Unfortunately, I have had little success. Our traditional poisons have absolutely no effect on these invaders. They don't even seem to notice the poison. But, there is some hope. I believe I can distill a poison that will affect them if I had the right [ingredients].'

    You say 'What ingredients?'

    Kunimi Falade says 'Creating poisons is distasteful business and I'm afraid the items that go into it are just as distasteful. I need the black bile of a hynid and the yellow bile of a tide feaster from the shores of Natimbi and both a vial of corrosive slime and a mass of insect larva from the sewers beneath us. Once I have these items, I should be able to create an effective poison. Now, you should leave before we're seen.'

    You need Black Hynid Bile (from Natimbi), Yellow Tide Feaster Bile (also from Natimbi), Writhing Mass of Insect Larva (from flies and gnats in any of the four the Sewers), and a Vial of Corrosive Slime (from lurker mobs in any of the four Sewers). Give them to Kunimi.

    Note: To open Sewers of Nihilia expeditions, visit Gamesh in Barindu.

    Kunimi Falade takes the ingredients and gets to work. Within a few minutes, she produces a viscous green liquid. Plucking a bunch of fruit from the nearby plant, she coats the fruit in the poison.

    Kunimi Falade says 'That should do it. I can't be positive that this will do more than give Ixvet an upset stomach, but we can hope. Please take this to Proteri Amari.'

    Your faction standing with Nihil has been adjusted by 10.
    You gain experience!

    You receive a Poisoned Fruit. Head back to Proteri Amari.

    Poison Ikaav Ixvet Pox

    Proteri Amari says 'I knew Kunimi would come through! Our day of escape is almost here. Take this to Abena Taifa. She is the servant who brings Ixvet his meals and is loyal to our cause.'

    Your faction standing with Nihil has been adjusted by 10.
    You gain experience!

    You get a different Poisoned Fruit back (if you turn in the wrong one, you'll need to restart from the beginning). This one goes to Abena Taifa in theory. Alas, she has run into a snag, and you'll have to find help somewhere else.

    Abena Taifa says 'Proteri sent word that you would be coming. I have bad news. It seems Ixvet has gotten wind of a plot on his life and has grown paranoid. He has started changing his personal servants on a regular basis and I was replaced by Chiaka Lerato yesterday. I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to help you anymore. Please, keep the fruit for now'.

    Abena hands you back yet another version of Poisoned Fruit. You now need to determine whether Chiaka Lerato will help.

    You say, 'Hail, Chiaka Lerato'

    Chiaka Lerato ignores your attempts to talk to her.

    Hand her the poisoned fruit.

    Chiaka Lerato says 'I know of your plot and I have no interest in being a part of it. It's too dangerous and more likely to get us all killed than set us free. I don't want anyone else getting hurt, so I won't tell the guards, but I will have no part in your plans.'

    You get another different form of the Poisoned Fruit. Now you have to figure out how to either get Chiaka to help or replace her as Ixvet's servant. Go back to the Abysmal Sea and talk to Hamisi Lerato, a family member of Chiaka's found near the Soulbinder (location -200, 220, 129: same room as the soulbinder - above the bar, by way of the stairs in the bar).

    You say, 'Hail, Hamisi Lerato'

    Hamisi Lerato looks despondent. 'I recently managed to escape from the city with my mother, but my sister is still stuck in there. She was too frightened to escape with us and now I fear she may be dead.'

    You say, 'Chiaka is alive.'

    A look of astonishment flashes across Hamisi's face. 'You've seen my sister? Is she ok? Where is she? Wait, there will be time to talk later. For now, you must return to her immediately. Our mother has been worrying herself to death and has grown very sick. I fear she won't last much longer. Please, take this shawl to my sister. It's our mother's. My sister will recognize it and know what it means. May the ocean speed your journey!'

    You get a Tattered Shawl. Head back to Chiaka and give it to her.

    Chiaka Lerato says 'How did you. . . Never mind. I'd know this shawl anywhere and it can only mean one thing. Mother needs me. I haven't heard from my brother or mother since they escaped and I thought they might be dead. I should have left with them when I had the chance. Fortunately, Hamisi told me of his plans. I should be able to use the same route he did to escape. Here, take this. I won't need it any more.'

    You gain experience!!

    You get her Serving Tray. Chiaka then starts walking toward the Ferubi zoneline and eventually despawns.

    Wait until Ixvet is back up and go to Abena Taifa. Give her the Serving Tray and Poisoned Fruit (from Chiaka).

    Abena Taifa says 'Just in time! Ixvet is due for his next meal in a few minutes. With Chiaka out of the way, I'll be able to serve him. I hope this poison isn't noticeable. Here, I've managed to secret this away from the guards up until now and I hate to think about those beasts getting their hands on it. Please hold onto it for me. If this goes well, I won't need it anymore.'

    Your faction standing with Nihil has been adjusted by 50.
    You gain experience!

    You get Abena's Collar of Liberation.

    Abena will be killed, because one of the aneuk guards will taste the fruit before it gets to Ixvet.

    Abena Taifa says 'Ikaav Ixvet Pox, I humbly present you with your meal.'

    Ikaav Ixvet Pox says 'Be gone. I've no interest in your fruits today.'

    Aneuk Controller says 'Bring that tray here, girl! I'm famished.'

    Aneuk Controller says 'Don't keep that all to yourself. Bring some of that fruit over here too!'

    The Aneuk Controllers quickly gorge themselves on the fruit. After a few moments, they both double over and cry out in pain.

    Ikaav Ixvet Pox says 'What have you done, slave! Try to poison me? You will pay for your insolence!'

    Kill the ikaav and Talwin's Remains, a fallen skeleton in one of the buildings becomes targetable (similar to a chest in the Lost Dungeons of Norrath). The controllers will also join in the fight:

    Aneuk Controller raises its scepter and calls out, 'Finally, a chance to practice our tactics. Constructs, destroy their support troops!'

    However, being poisoned, they cannot command the constructs:

    Aneuk Controller doubles over in pain, losing its concentration as the poison burns through its body.

    Break the remains open (attack it) to get Talwin's Final Report.

    The Finale

    Give the report to Taminoa Bialu.

    Taminoa Bialu looks at the final report before bowing his head for a second. 'While I had accepted Talwin's passing as reality, I still hoped you would save him in time. Either way, I thank you for your effort and for delivering this vital piece of information contained in this report. Please take this. I found it wrapped up in the report. Talwin would have wanted you to have it as it appears to be a gem fragment that could fit into the stone Fezbin gave you. Now that you have finished all that was needed for Barindu, there is still more of the city left to explore and I won't be able to complete my report until it is done.'

    You have successfully completed a section of the Taelosian City.

    You receive A Shiny Gem Shard, which you may combine with A Dull Socketed Crystal and Vaifan's Clockwork Gemcutter Tools in Vaifan's Experimental Sealer to craft a A Shiny Socketed Crystal.
    Submitted by: KyrosKrane, numerous folks at The Safehouse
    Send a Correction
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    # Mar 17 2014 at 11:01 AM Rating: Good
    27 posts
    Abena wont take my serving tray or fruit.

    edit: nm. my rogue's hide/sneak were bugging out and setting his faction to indiff.

    Edited, Mar 20th 2014 12:30am by trajhver
    related creatures
    # Oct 17 2012 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    Anuek Controllers
    Colossus of War
    more info
    # Oct 16 2012 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    After letting the script play out, I focused on killing one Anuek Controller while IIP cast on me. All 3 are rooted in place. After killing one Controller, Ikaav Ixvet Pox emoted about enough of this blah blah and sicced the Colossus of War on me. The remains could not be opened until the 2 Anuek Controllers, IIP and the Colossus of War was killed.

    It's possible to kill IIP first to avoid the Colossus of War becoming active, then the 2 Anuek Controllers. I will have to test that out.

    Death emote for Anuek Controller:

    [Sun Oct 14 17:29:11 2012] As the scepter slips from the Aneuk Controller's dying grasp, the constructs he commanded lose their determination.

    Death emote for IIP:

    [Sun Oct 14 17:34:10 2012] As the dying cries of Ikaav Ixvet Pox echo off the city walls, the ranks of the Muramites are thrown into chaos. Seizing the opportunity, the many slaves of Barindu rise up and fight for their freedom.
    [Sun Oct 14 17:34:10 2012] a harindi craftsman says 'Ixvet Pox is dead! Run for the mountains!'

    Edited, Oct 16th 2012 8:44am by fcoty
    To same time and effort.....
    # Dec 09 2008 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
    2,605 posts
    In the above outline, starting at the "Proteri Amari" section and all the way thru the "Poison Ikaav Ixvet Pox" section... you can skip it all!

    All of that is NOT required, it is just beneficial.

    That entire sequence simply makes the "Finale" easier, as it eliminates the six Constructs of War from the final battle sequence.

    In todays world of Level 85, the additional six MOB's aren't that big of an issue with a decent group, or a small raid. So if you want to save time and effort....

    Some corrections and info
    # Dec 23 2007 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
    Abena will be killed no matter what you do. It is part of the script:

    Abena Taifa says 'Ikaav Ixvet Pox, I humbly present you with your meal.'
    Ikaav Ixvet Pox says 'Be gone. I've no interest in your fruits today.'
    Aneuk Controller says 'Bring that tray here, girl! I'm famished.'
    Aneuk Controller says 'Don't keep that all to yourself. Bring some of that fruit over here too!'
    The Aneuk Controllers quickly gorge themselves on the fruit. After a few moments, they both double over and cry out in pain.
    Ikaav Ixvet Pox says 'What have you done, slave! Try to poison me? You will pay for your insolence!'

    When you start the fight, the controllers will join in as per usual:

    Aneuk Controller raises its scepter and calls out, 'Finally, a chance to practice our tactics. Constructs, destroy their support troops!'

    However, being poisoned, they cannot command the constructs, so you can do the fight without the constructs adding (the construct of war will still add):

    Aneuk Controller doubles over in pain, losing its concentration as the poison burns through its body.
    Some corrections and info
    # Dec 23 2007 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
    Also a note on factioning. All mobs in Barindu give 1 (ONE) faction point per kill.
    I kept track using 'grep Nihil eqlog_Soandso_server.txt |grep better |wc -l' and reached ally at 1100 faction hits.
    chiaka lerato
    # Feb 07 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
    Also having trouble finding chiaka lerate in barindu, anyone has any idea at all, is she on a timer, or has a Pholder or something?
    chiaka lerato
    # Dec 23 2007 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
    She is on top of the hanging gardens on the second level of the east side, in the middle, tending to the gardens like the rest of the garden tenders.

    She will be killed by the ra'tuks if there are any around her when she spawns.
    She will spawn multiple times a day. I think it's about 4 game hours between spawns.
    chiaka lerato
    # Jun 21 2007 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
    661 posts
    Chiaka will wander towards the zoneline if someone else has done the quest recently and she will despawn. So you may just be waiting for her to respawn. She is in the same house as the High Priest marked on most maps.
    Antonius Bayle
    # Nov 23 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
    When where and how does chiaka spawn?
    Only need 3 drops total from this step!
    # Dec 19 2005 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
    This step can be done rather fast.
    Loot Talwins page 1 and 2 from trashmobs in Barindu.
    Gather a good group. Go in and kill everything inside the room with Talwins remain. Once all mobs there are dead you will be able to loot 3 final reports from the remains.
    Basicly whole Barindu step can be completed in 30 mins or so depending on luck with droprate on Talwins page 1 &2.

    There is NO NEED to do the poison fruit thing in sewers etc. Save yourself alot of pain and just kill the stuff in Barindu. The poisned fruit is only there to make stuff easier.

    Our setup for the "raid":
    Cleric (70) Anguish/Tacvi/Qvic geared
    Warrior (70) Anguish/Tacvi/Qvic geared
    Wizard (70) Anguish/Tacvi/Qvic geared
    Rogue (70) Anguish/Tacvi/Qvic geared
    Shaman(bot) (70) Elemental geared + DoD spellarc geared
    Bard (70) Anguish/Tacvi/Qvic geared

    cleric/chanter/druid all baz gear + some ep.
    We could have done it without them.

    We pulled to outside since the 6 linked golems leach at door. Once everything was clear except the 6 golems we charged Leeroy style. Was hard for Warrior to keep agro on all so everyone got to tank which wasnt really a problem since they died very fast and didnt hit hard.

    Important 2:
    Some subquests needs to be done to get report from Ghost of Smith Rondo. Im not sure if Poisoned fruit is one of them.
    Need this confirmed!'

    I can now confirm that you dont need this subquest to get smith rondo drop or any flag later. So you can defently bypass the poisoned fruit part.

    Edited, Fri Jan 27 16:11:07 2006
    RE: Only need 3 drops total from this step!
    # Jan 02 2006 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
    I will probably get the poisoned fruit mostly because this event sounds damn near soloable with my Beastlord. Neat little way to get passed the farming though, that did suck nuts.
    Minor update
    # Nov 24 2005 at 12:30 AM Rating: Default
    155 posts
    I am currently doing this quest. I got to warmly with the Nihil, got the ring from Proteri Amari and went directly to Kunimi Falade. There was no need for Ally faction to turn in the ring. I wasn't high Warmly either, I had just gotten it maybe 5 kills prior.

    Finding Kunimi. She is on top of the temple in the hanging Gardens. Go up 2 walls, and as you face the temple from the entrance to go into the sewers trial area, she's no the left side. WARNING!!!!

    2 Mastruq's path through here so be careful!
    Minor Updates / Text & Fruit Clarification
    # Nov 05 2005 at 9:21 AM Rating: Good
    84 posts
    Following are some miniscule updates/corrections to the quest text! Mostly... I just wanted to confirm that the fruit follows you throughout the entire text -- even though it looks like you can just hail Chiaka or bring the shawl from Hamisi, there's a little bit more than that.

    In the step that reads:

      [i]You get a different Poisoned Fruit back (if you turn in the wrong one, you'll need to restart from the beginning). This one goes to Abena Taifa in theory. Alas, she has run into a snag, and you'll have to find help somewhere else. [/i] Abena Taifa says 'Proteri sent word that you would be coming. I have bad news. It seems Ixvet has gotten wind of a plot on his life and has grown paranoid. He has started changing his personal servants on a regular basis and I was replaced by Chiaka Lerato yesterday. I'm afraid that I'm not going to be able to help you anymore.' Update: The text has been appended so that immediately following '... anymore.' it now reads 'Please, keep the fruit for now.' and Abena hands you back yet another version of Poisoned Fruit!

    Then the following step has been adjusted as well.
    Before this change, the step read:

      [i]You need to determine whether Chiaka Lerato will help. [/i] You say, 'Hail, Chiaka Lerato' Chiaka Lerato says 'I know of your plot and I have no interest in being a part of it. It's too dangerous and more likely to get us all killed than set us free. I don't want anyone else getting hurt, so I won't tell the guards, but I will have no part in your plans.' Clarification: Just hailing Chiaka now results in this: You say, 'Hail, Chiaka Lerato' Chiaka Lerato ignores your attempts to talk to her. You must turn in the Poisoned Fruit that you received from Abena to Chiaka in order to get the 'I know of your plot...' text. Also, once again Chiaka will hand back yet another Poisoned Fruit -- so it would appear you can't just go directly to Hamisi and skip all the previous steps.

    I know these are minor updates but figured I'd mention it while I was working through it! For what its worth, there are no obvious character flags in either of these steps -- if they exist, they're transparent.

    -= Ash

    Edited, Sat Nov 5 10:02:15 2005
    Skipping parts of this quest
    # Oct 13 2005 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
    123 posts
    Hi all,

    in this event, several copies of Talwins final report drop. And I had looted one of these in someone elses raid, before i got into the quest myself.
    But after doing the turnin for BIC 1, Taminoa would not accept my final report. He handed it back to me saying: I have no need for this at this time.
    As it turns out, you need to do only the first part of BIC 2 yourself to fix this: Hand in Talwins jurnal page 1 and 2 to Opury Foop. After doing this, Taminoa will accept Talwins final report.

    Good luck on this challenging quest all,

    Saviant at Antonius Bayle.

    Edited, Thu Oct 13 07:35:21 2005
    # Sep 23 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
    The reason you have the nihil poison pox is so the anuek guards taste the poison first. Then, they become unable to activate all of the constructs of war. You kill the anueks, then you kill pox. At some point the colossus of war may or may not become active, if it does, kill it. This event can be done with a single group if done right. If you want to zerg rush it, you can just bring 4 groups and kill all the constructs and pox and the anueks.
    keep abena alive?
    # Sep 13 2004 at 5:40 PM Rating: Decent
    Just curious, has anyone tried killing the anuek guards then leaving room and letting abena try to poison pox?
    RE: keep abena alive?
    # Jul 21 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
    125 posts
    I never realy got how this event worked so i just killed aneuk guards and killed the golems let abena poison and the end golems guy never spawned on us.
    Skipping Parts
    # Aug 17 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
    I turned in the two pages to Opury then got the ring from guy in barindu - hail guy for poison wasnt up and i already had final report so gave it to timanou and it worked fine. So ya parts can be skipped easily.

    65th bard Quellious
    Vis Maior
    #REDACTED, Posted: Jul 22 2004 at 12:51 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you guys can't stand all the stupid text involved (like myself) I found this writeup to be somewhat helpful.
    Ikaav Pox Kill
    # Jul 09 2004 at 10:23 AM Rating: Default

    To get the Talwin Remain's you must do this...

    Perform all the quest except having Abena try to poison Ikaav.

    Assemble a raid force of 3 groups of 65 or more. I recommend a tank heavy raid. Clear inside the building but NOT in Ikaav room. Ikaav and 2 Annuek are perma rooted. And they are casters.

    I found the Golem Constructs in Ikaav's room (6 of them) will aggro you for no reason once you are in building. Be ready. Kill them and off tank them until all 6 golems are dead. Keep count.

    Once these are dead do the Abena turn in and watch her try to poison Ikaav. Remember you are NOT in Ikaav's room yet. Abena will be killed by the Anneuk. AFTER this happens the person who triggered Abena is flagged to loot the remains. No one else is able to loot it.

    Race in and kill Ikaav then loot remains.

    Woot gratz :)


    RE: Ikaav Pox Kill
    # Jul 12 2004 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
    My experience was different, and this event may have changed since you posted Vraa.

    We killed the Ikaav then looted the remains without needing to trigger the Abena poisoning attempt. Also, there were 3 reports in the remains, so clearly multiple people can loot them.

    I haven't tried turning in the report to Taminoa yet, since I have all the drops to do it "properly", but I have read that turning in the final report without going through the poisoning will still result in a shard.

    Don't count on it though!
    Talwin's remains
    # Jun 20 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
    145 posts
    Talwin's remains, near the feet of Ikaav Ixvet Pox. A source of curiousity for me, as I was running around Barindu labeling my map...the remains were targetable for me, and locked. I tried to picklock, and was unable to open it...I was seen by Ikaav Ixvet Pox, who then casted an Insidious Retrogression type spell on me (688dd plus snare). Golems nearby added. I escaped, and lived to run another day. Next time I'll try attacking it. Also, Clay Golem Parts were groundspawn a few feet away, behind the Colossus of War.

    Jecour 65 rogue
    RE: Talwin's remains
    # Jun 29 2004 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
    I've messed with them appears to me that Pox has to die before you can open the chest (it appears to always be targetable, but as a bard I was neither able to pick the lock or hit it with bellow (bellow said "your spell had no effect" or something like that...the msg you get when I use it against an un-agroable (but targetable) mob))
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