Breakdown in Communication #6: Vxed  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
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Era:Gates of Discord
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sun Jun 6 19:23:01 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Talk to Vaifan Cogswin

Vaifan Cogswin may be found near Fezbin Fizzles at -35, +60, with whom you must have already completed the preflagging to accomplish this step of the quest.

You say, 'Hail, Vaifan Cogswin'

Vaifan Cogswin says 'Well, hello traveller. You here to help with the problems we've been having with the mechanical scout?'

You say, 'Yes.'

Vaifan Cogswin says 'Good to hear. I have been going out of my skull trying to tinker another one to find the first. Now that you are here, I can stop that and focus on compiling the information I already have. Let me tell you, being in charge of something like this is very taxing on the nerves. I remember being a young gnome and whenever I tinkered something it worked the first time. Ah, how good it felt to put the Cogswin family emblem on my wonderful creations. Nowadays it seems like everything I make has some intermittent flaw or defect. I might have to accept that I am getting old and a little slow, but I still have the wits to invent. I should stop rambling and get to the point. I am in charge of scouting the mountain areas known as [Tipt], [Vxed], and the [sewers] under the city. Which would you like to know about?'

You say, 'What is Vxed?'

Vaifan Cogswin says 'We have discovered that this continent holds many dangerous creatures, including the strange beings of the invading army. Many of these beasts can be found in the mountain area called Vxed. After being severely damaged in Tipt, the clockwork scout made its way back to Vxed to perform self maintenance, but I believe this is where it met its final demise. While the chance is slim, I believe you may be able to salvage enough of the parts from the creatures within Vxed to reassemble the frame. What you will need to find is a flickering finkenheimer, a tarnished sprocket, some uncoiled springs, a greased bolt, and some connection rods. When you have them all place, the sprocket, springs, bolt, and rods in the finkenheimer and bring me the result. I must warn you to be careful though. If these things could stop my clockwork, they must be pretty powerful creatures.'

Collect the Parts

The parts are random drops in Vxed. You need a Flickering Finkenheimer (the container), a Tarnished Sprocket, some Uncoiled Springs, a Greased Belt (Vaifan got confused), and some Connection Rods. Once you have the parts, put them all in the Finkenheimer and hit combine. Note that you must have had the quest assigned to you by Vaifan or the combination will result in nothing:

You have trouble fitting the pieces into the frame correctly. Each attempt ruins the frame a bit more until it crumbles into multiple unsalvageable pieces.

If you had the quest assigned to you, you see this instead:

Linking the pieces together the you create an empty clockwork shell. [sic]

You craft a Clockwork Scout Shell.

The Finale

Give the shell to Vaifan.

Vaifan Cogswin says 'I can't believe you did it. Not a bad job if I do say so myself. You may have a future in tinkering my young friend. Now, if you will give me one second to change a few things and rip this part out, adjust this here, add a couple of these, and there you go, a nice new clockwork frame. Now we just need to collect the rest of the pieces to rebuild him. Oh, and before I forget, here is a reward for helping me out. Let me know if you wish to explore any of the other areas by asking me about them.'

Flag: You were successful in helping Vaifan complete her report of the Vxed mountain area.

You receive A Dusty Gem Shard, which you may combine with A Muddy Green Gemstone and Vaifan's Clockwork Gemcutter Tools in Vaifan's Experimental Sealer to craft A Dusty Green Gemstone. You also receive an Inactive Clockwork Scout Module, "for the rest of the pieces to rebuild him."
Submitted by: Fleven, KyrosKrane, numerous folks at The Safehouse
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# Jul 30 2017 at 5:53 PM Rating: Decent
96 posts
I got all five pieces in 4 hours in four separate Vxed runs. No nameds ever spawned in any of the instances. It seemed like only 2-3 unique pieces would drop each instance.

Run 1: Tarnished Sprocket and Uncoiled Springs dropped.
Run 2: Tarnished Sprocket and Greased Belt dropped.
Run 3: Uncoiled Springs and Greasted Belt dropped.
Run 4: Connection Rods and Flickering Finkenheimer dropped (one right after the other).

Maybe it's just coincidence, but something to think about if you're having trouble.
# Aug 06 2021 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
4 posts
I was able to get all 5 pieces for 3 group members in a single instance of the zone, in a little over an hour. Just ran around and killed everything as it repopped.
Text for quest
# Oct 22 2011 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
The text may have been changed Vaifan says: "Well, hello traveller. You here to help with the problems we've been having with the mechanical scout?
Vexd step combine failure
# Mar 15 2009 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
OK I collected the items, hailed Viafan. Here's my log of what happened. Any suggestions? I /reported and petitioned this since the collection is a few hours work.

[Mon Mar 16 01:15:43 2009] You say, 'I am here th help'

[Mon Mar 16 01:15:44 2009] Vaifan Cogswin says 'Good to hear. I have been going out of my skull trying to tinker another one to find the first. Now that you are here, I can stop that and focus on compiling the information I already have. Let me tell you, being in charge of something like this is very taxing on the nerves. I remember being a young gnome and whenever I tinkered something it worked the first time. Ah, how good it felt to put the Cogswin family emblem on my wonderful creations. Nowadays it seems like everything I make has some intermittent flaw or defect. I might have to accept that I am getting old and a little slow, but I still have the wits to invent. I should stop rambling and get to the point. I am in charge of scouting the mountain areas known as [Tipt], [Vxed], and the [sewers] under the city. Which would you like to know about?'

[Mon Mar 16 01:15:47 2009] You say, 'vxed'

Vaifan Cogswin says 'We have discovered that this continent holds many dangerous creatures, including the strange beings of the invading army. Many of these beasts can be found in the mountain area called Vxed. After being severely damaged in Tipt, the clockwork scout made its way back to Vxed to perform self maintenance, but I believe this is where it met its final demise. While the chance is slim, I believe you may be able to salvage enough of the parts from the creatures within Vxed to reassemble the frame. What you will need to find is a flickering finkenheimer, a tarnished sprocket, some uncoiled springs, a greased belt, and some connection rods. When you have them all place, the sprocket, springs, belt, and rods in the finkenheimer and bring me the result. I must warn you to be careful though. If these things could stop my clockwork, they must be pretty powerful creatures.'

----> Attempted combine

[Mon Mar 16 01:15:53 2009] You have trouble fitting the pieces onto the frame correctly. Each attempt ruins the frame a bit more until it crumbles into multiple unsalvageable pieces.
May not actually get the shard from this task...
# Mar 01 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
As an FYI... You may NOT receive A Dusty Gem Shard after completing these steps... You MAY have to continue and complete step 7 and 7b in order to get your A Dusty Gem Shard, which is what happened to me yesterday, and resulted in my paniced petitioning (ironically they got back to me after I had already completed 7/7b and gotten the shard). A friend of mine who ALSO completed the exact same steps that day (took him to hail Vaifan to get the task) DID get the A Dusty Gem Shard when turning in his completed Finkenheimer...

I completed the combine of the Flickering Finkenheimer and 4 pieces (btw we got 2 complete sets and many duplicates in a single Vxed instance in about 4 hours). Handed the results to Vaifan, and got the proper text, but no character flags. He also gave me the Inactive Clockwork Scout Module, a Power Pack Adapter, and instructions (guess I should have read them before panicing) which are used in step 7b.

A close friend of mine informed me that it has to do with certain steps you've completed, and things being out of order. He instructed me to take those items along with my Extended Life Powerpack that I got earlier in step 7, and go to Vxed and combine them (NOTE: must be done in Vxed or Tipt as it says in the directions).

Once I did that, I spawned the "Clockwork Scout Model XIII". I hailed, gave the phrase, and received the Outer Regions Scouting Report as it says, and then returned to Vaifan and gave him the report, resulting in my A Dusty Gem Shard.

Crisis averted =)

Hope this helps some of you that run into the same situation, I've heard of 3 people so far of this happening to, all had the same final results.
# Sep 13 2006 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Freaking 6 aa in 70 today in vxed, enough parts for 4 people to get Bic Vxed done, cept no uncoiled springs, how stupid.
Life needs more cowbell.

# Aug 01 2006 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
Took me about 30-35ish hours of soloing/duoing/trioing at the zone in to get all my pieces for this. I had 5 Flickering Finkenheimers drop and the last piece I needed, Connection Rods, only dropped once. I also had 3 Polished Stonemite Shells drop for the Cragbeast Queen belt.
# Jun 13 2006 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
2,605 posts
Fezbin Fizzles is actually involved in this quest -- unless you need to get another Vaifan's Experimental Sealer.

Does anyone bsides me find it odd that it is Fezbin and not Vaifan that you get the Vaifan's Experimental Sealer from?

# Jul 27 2005 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, I completed the gathering of the pieces from Vxed and combined them, and got the crystal. Well, after turning it in and getting the next container, I went to go destroy the backpack I had in inventory but was too tired to realize still had the BiC container. Well, destroyed it and the other item from the quest which was inside it, and put in a petition, but said 'Vxed' to Vaifan Cogswin again, and went back and farmed another set of items, and trying the combine, it failed and destroyed it. So I went to Fezbin Fizzles and said 'I need to rescout Vxed' hoping it would reset and I could start it back over, but was met with the response 'That is not necessary. The final report has been made and we are looking at the information now. Thank you' Does this mean I am stuck unless a GM can replace the items, or is there another way to get the box and shard back so I can continue?
# Jul 24 2005 at 11:03 PM Rating: Decent
been doing this for a few weeks now, best place for drops is to camp the round room full of pookas at the top of the rightmost hill as you zone in and then pull the hill to that area, find that there are many drops in this area instead of other places

all pieces drop off anything, pookas, crags, hynids, stonemites and doesn't have to be named either

container is the most rare of them all

Edited, Mon Jul 25 00:07:59 2005
# Jul 21 2005 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
125 posts
I have fought in vxed for a very long time, I found that killing named helps the droping process up a little, the names have a way better chance at dropping the items you need to finish these steps but otherwise you can just take a group and exp at zone in for hours on end waiting for them to drop =)

Not all named can drop all items, for instance i know that there is a named far in the back that drops one of the pieces and is very hard and time consuming to get to, others like umbiki and the pookie named are easly pullable to zone in by a bard and can drop the finklheimer(sp?) and the tarnished sprocket.
Uncoiled Springs
# May 03 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
dropped off --A Mountain pooka--on 5/3 2005
have been able to get all the parts plus Flickering finkenheimer off the regular non-summoning mobs..happy hunting

Edited, Tue May 3 12:23:42 2005
uncoiled springs
# Aug 24 2004 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
As far as I know, they drop rarely off trash mobs. Just do 4 or 5 vxed trials and you will get them all.

Uncoiled Springs
# Aug 21 2004 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
I solo a lot in Vxed and have gotten all the other parts to drop at least once, and often 4+ times. I have yet to see an uncoiled springs drop yet. Are they a named only drop or has my luck just been rotten? Please tell me what mob yours dropped off of.

Thank you.
turnin text
# Aug 17 2004 at 12:16 AM Rating: Decent
Upon combine:

"Linking the pieces together the you create an empty clockwork shell."
(no typo, i know it's grammatically incorrect)


Clockwork Scout Shell, Lore, NoDROP, WT0.0, TINY class none, race none item

Previous Quests?
# Aug 14 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Do you need to do the previous quests to do this one?
Flickering Finkenheimer
# Jul 10 2004 at 3:06 AM Rating: Decent
Note that you must have had the quest assigned to you by Vaifan or the combination will result in nothing

when do you know wether you have had the quest assigned to you? and when it's safe to combine once you have all the parts
RE: Flickering Finkenheimer
# Jul 30 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
ah, i found it out for have to talk to Valifan about vxed, then i guess you get an imaginary flag of some sort so that you can sucessfuly combine this
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