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Talk to Taminoa Bialu
Taminoa Bialu may be found downstairs at /waypoint -87, -29, 140 You say, 'Hail, Taminoa Bialu' Taminoa Bialu says 'Greetings. You must be one of the adventurers that Fezbin told me about. It is a pleasure to meet such a brave individual. Where are my manners? My name is Taminoa Bialu and I compile all the information from our scouts in the [city] area of Taelosia.' You say, 'What city?' Taminoa Bialu says 'Well, it appears the native inhabitants of Taelosia lived in a grand city once. This city is made up of four different areas named in their language. They are [Qinimi], [Riwwi], [Barindu], and [Ferubi]. Based off of early information, we believe each area had a specific purpose. I am still trying to decipher the native language to figure out what the names mean, but going off of visual information I can assume that Qinimi served as their court, Riwwi is where they held games, Barindu was a lush garden, and Ferubi was a central place of worship once. That is about the extent of my information as far as the intended purpose of each area. What they are now used for I can explain in further detail. Which area would you like to hear more about?' You say, 'What is Qinimi?' Taminoa Bialu says 'It appears the Muramites have made this some sort of stronghold. Destroying many of the native symbols, the invaders have converted the building that once served as the court into fortified headquarters. It is here you will find a structure called the Chamber of Souls, various pens to hold ukun, and a moat of sickly black sludge. The structures that the nihil once called home are all but destroyed now. Very sad indeed. That's where the legion keeps the bulk of the [slaves]. I believe that the scout for this area was caught sneaking around the housing district, but I have no proof. If you were to search this area, maybe you would find some sort of sign or marker he may have left. That would be helpful.' You say, 'What slaves?' Taminoa Bialu says 'I see Fezbin saved some of the more dismal news for me. The legion has enslaved the natives of the continent. In the city area, these slaves are used mainly for menial tasks. Due to their fragile bodies, they cannot do any heavy lifting, but their knowledge of shaping stone makes them perfect for building new structures for the legion to use as well as altering current ones. They command the stone workers. I am not sure how the slaves are used in the temple areas. That information is held by L`diava.' The scout he mentions is Kreshin Silentcog. You need to confirm that he was caught by the muramites and find out what he was doing at the time. Finding the Report In Qinimi, follow the right wall from the zone-in from Natimbi. You will find Kreshin's Journal Page as a ground spawn on a rock near the wall between the two lines of buildings, location +310, -1060. Bring it back to Taminoa Bialu. Taminoa Bialu says 'Yes. This is exactly what I needed. Excellent job. Okay, now give me one moment to decipher this . . . hm. It seems that just before he was captured he was trying to communicate with the slaves in the area. The text is very hard to make out, but it looks like he may have been trying to get into the main headquarters. He was interacting with a particular slave named Sislono Nislan. This slave promised him a way into the headquarters only if he promised to rid the area of a tyrant, named Tixxrt. The rest of the parchment is undecipherable. I would suggest finding this slave and showing him this to see if he knows what happened.' You receive a different version of the page back. Sislono's Key Councilman Sislono Nislan may be found elsewhere in Qinimi at +255, -645. You will need at least dubious faction with Nihil or else he will not accept your turn in items. You say, 'Hail, Councilman Sislono Nislan' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'While I place my own life at risk by helping you, I feel a strong sense of honor amongst you and those who have come with you. It is because of this that I will try to help in anyway I can.' Give Councilman Sislono Nislan the page you got back from Taminoa. Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'Yes, I have seen this and others like it before. While we do not understand where it comes from, we have come to the conclusion that these strange glyphs express somthing important to your people. These particular glyphs were made by the small one they hold captive in the courtroom. If you wish to help him, you will have to retrieve the [stone of entry]. Only with this stone can you enter the courtroom and help the one who calls himself Kreshin.' You say, 'What stone of entry?' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'Gaining access to such a private place has always been reserved for the elders of my people. While the legion may have destroyed our home, they have yet to figure out a way around many of our wards that bar access to our sacred areas. Unfortunately, their frustration at gaining entry resulted in the painful torture of many of my people until they were given the keys to enter. The courtroom requires one of these keys and while the invaders hold all of the existing keys, I can create one if you can retrieve the proper [items].' You say, 'What items?' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'The key consists of mud, some stonedust particles, and a piece of chalk. The mud can be found in the sewers beneth the city. The stonedust is plentiful near the coliseum, and the chalk can be found all over this area. Bring these to me and I will make you a temporary key which will grant you access to the courtroom. I implore you to hurry. I fear the one you seek may not be alive much longer.' The three items he refers to are Stonedust Particles (random drop in Riwwi), Glob of Mud (random drop in the Sewers), and a Piece of Chalk (random drop in Qinimi). Give them to Sislono. Sislono covers the three pieces in his hands, closes his eyes, and begins to chant. A glow begins to emanate from his hands and he begins to chant louder. Then, just as quickly as it began, the glow in his hands dims and the chanting stops. 'There you are -- the key which grants you and your party access to the courtroom. Just stand on the pedestal in the center of the large building in this part of the city with the key in your hand and say you wish to enter. There is one more [thing] I must tell you before you go.' You receive a Stone of Entry. You say, 'What thing?' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'The geomantic device which raises you into the courtroom is an ancient one and takes time to reset after it has been used. If you are having trouble entering, be patient. You will know it is ready to receive a key when you hear a grinding sound from the base of the device as it settles into place. Please be sure you are fully prepared before entering. While it once was a place of peaceful discussion, the courtroom is now a place where terrible torture is conducted by those the legion wants information from. When they see uninvited guests, they will not be very happy. The leader of this area's force is known as Tixxrt and stopping him is the only way you can save the small one, called Kreshin.' Save the Scout With the Stone of Entry, a single group may attempt to save the scout from execution. This event is similar to the Plane of Justice trials, but more difficult, with a time limit of six minutes total for the entire event. Make your way to the temple on the south side of the zone. All members of the group must be visible and standing on the pedestal inside the temple. The keyholder must have the Stone of Entry in his/her inventory and say, "I wish to enter." The trial area has many mobs around but inactive. As soon as you teleport in, three come alive and attack immediately. Pixtt Xictic Krvne shouts 'What is this? How dare you fools enter this sacred place and interrupt my ritual. Minions of the legion! Show these infidels what they have gotten themselves into!' As soon as you defeat the initial three and loot their corpses, another three become active and attack. If you don't loot the corpses, the other mobs stay inactive. After you defeat the first six, a second wave of six will come. Pixtt Xictic Krvne says 'Looks like I may have underestimated you. Let's see how you handle more of my minions.' After you defeat the second wave of six, another wave of six comes. After three waves of this, the boss, Pixtt Tixxrt Kvrok, and 2 mobs called "Tixxrt's Guardsman" become targetable. After the boss goes down, the execution Xocik spawns and has to be killed (the guards may still be alive). Pixtt Tixxrt Kvrok says, 'What is this? Seems I have understimated your friends, Kreshin. No matter what this means, I will have to hasten your death and handle these intruders myself. Prepare yourselves for my wrath! Xocik, kill Kreshin -- no matter what happens to me.' Executioner Hexxt Xocik says, 'As you wish Tixxrt. I shall slay the spy no matter what the cost.' If you exceed the six-minute time limit, you are teleported out (provided you aren't dead) and a zone-wide emote announces the execution of Kreshin. If you are dead, Besana the Gravedigger is in the zone and can summon your corpses for you if you say, "I wish to live again" (be careful getting to her though). If you succeed in killing Xocik, you see this: Xocik writhes in pain as his body falls to the floor. Your valiant efforts have resulted in the rescue of Kreshin. Kreshin Silentcog says 'Thank you for rescuing me. I sense that one of you holds a stone key which allowed you entrance into the courts. Please show it to me.' Give him the Stone of Entry. Kreshin Silentcog says 'You have done well to get this far. Please, take this to Taminoa and tell him it is vital that he decipher it. I must stay here to investigate more. Let him know I am safe and thank you again.' You get the Stone back and a Writ of the Magi. Multiple people can hail Kreshin and do the turn-in. Head back to Taminoa and give him the writ. Another Enemy Taminoa Bialu says 'Finally, you have returned and with some information I see. Kreshin contacted me in advance to let me know of your daring rescue. We are indebted to you. Now, back to business. While I cannot make out most of it, Kreshin has translated some of it and it appears to be a description of a ritual one of the head ikaav performs regularly. Apparently she has been trying to absorb the geomantic powers of the natives of Taelosia. The details are kind of sketchy as Kreshin was only able to translate so much, but some information is better than none, I always say. Anyway, it says here that the ritual is conducted in the Chamber of Souls. It used to be a large tower which the natives used to watch the shores. The tower was destroyed when the invaders took over the area and converted it to a ritual chamber. They used it in experiments centered on the extraction of magic. The head ikaav, known as Xictic, has been trying to use the powers of the native Taelosians to build an army of stone workers that he can directly control instead of relying on the ability of slaves. During the ritual, Xictic stands atop a platform which is suspended over a circle of platforms. The center platform holds an inanimate stone worker while eight ikaav stand on smaller platforms around the center. What happens next is not really known, but the end result is three lifeless slave corpses. According to this, she has not yet been successful, which I would say is good news. But if we do not stop her, she could easily reinforce the numbers with stone workers tainted by the touch of this legion. I know you have accomplished your goal, but I must ask that you find a way into this ritual and silence Xictic for good. Show this to Nislan. He should be able to decipher the images. I believe this is the key to getting into the ritual chamber. Now, hurry please and return to me with proof of Xictic's death so that I can make a final report on the Qinimi area to Fezbin.' You get back a slightly altered version of the Writ of the Magi. Head back to Qinimi and give it to Councilman Sislono Nislan. Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'These glyphs look quite familiar. They are definitely in my language, but it seems as if the one who etched them did so against his will. Where did you get this? Wait, don't tell me. I know. Kreshin must have been successful in finding out what was going on in the Chamber of Souls. These glyphs detail how to animate stone using our geomancy abilities. There are some strange symbols toward the bottom, but for the most part, this is our language. Could he be trying to conduct the [ritual] of my people?' You say, 'What ritual?' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'While animating stone comes easy for us, sometimes we need an extremely powerful stone worker to help with the city. These stone servants were made through a ritual which combined the power of eight geomancers into a ninth. This geomancer would then imbue a stone worker with this power, resulting in a more powerful construct. We stopped doing the ritual when we discovered that it could take away our ability over time. If [she] has somehow figured out a way to absorb this power, then my people could be in more danger than I thought possible.' You say, 'Who is she?' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'We refer to her as the silent one, but the legion calls her Xictic. She is one of their kind who can use magic and she seems to be quite feared by everyone in this area. She comes here sometimes and takes three of us into the building with the glowing dome around it. Along with her are eight magic-using invaders and some of the slavers. When they are finished, only members of the legion leave. None of my people who enter are ever seen again. If what this says is true, you must stop her. If she succeeds, she will be able to control our stone servants at will and cause even more destruction. I beg you to stop her. I will help you in any way if you [promise] to stop her.' You say, 'I promise to stop her.' Councilman Sislono Nislan says 'I cannot tell you how relieved this makes me. Now to the issue at hand. While Xictic and those she chooses can roam freely in and out of the magical dome surrounding the chamber, if anyone else tries to enter they are held back. As a councilman, I was granted a device that allows access into the dome and I've managed to keep it away from the prying eyes of the Mata Muram. Using it is not without its consequences, though. As soon as an outsider shows up within the dome, they will know what has occurred and will come searching for the culprit so be certain you are ready to face the challenges ahead before you embark upon this venture. Only eighteen of you will be allowed into the chamber at one time so gather your forces and tell me you are [ready] to face Xictic.' Gather a raid of 3 full groups (update: 3 people in raid suffices, just 1 needs to be in zone), then say: You say, 'I am ready to face Xictic.' If you are not in a raid, you see in red: You must be in a raid before attempting this event. If you are in a raid, you see: Councilman Sislono Nislan pulls out a small stone and closes it in his hand. 'Please be careful. What you are about to see may shock you at first, but don't let yourself be distracted for too long. These beings are merciless and once they have discovered your presence, they will stop at nothing to add your corpse to the others in the area.' Your raid will be teleported into the enclosed dome in the center of Qinimi to fight another ring event, this one with a 27-minute time limit. You must kill the three ra'tuks within the first 10 minutes or the first sacrifice goes through and you will get slaughtered by the stone golem they created. There are several waves of mobs:
After the 3 ra'tuks are dead: a ra`tuk decimator's corpse drills a mighty hand into its wounds to hasten the coming of death. You slash a ra`tuk decimator for 1261 points of damage. You have slain a ra`tuk decimator! Your faction standing with Hexxt got worse. Your faction standing with Nihil got better. As the last sacrificer falls to the floor, his lifeless eyes lock onto you in a soul-entrancing stare. Even dead, these strange beings look ready to leap forward and try to separate your bones from your skin or your eyes from their sockets. Xictic shouts, 'What? How can this be? You fools have ruined my ritual and I am so close to finally fulfilling my goal. You shall suffer for this dearly. Meet my elite guardian, Kabeka. He will keep you busy while I finish absorbing the power from my eight magi. I warn you, stopping me this time will not be so easy.' The chamber begins to glow with magic as the magi continue to funnel their power into Xictic. Unfortunately, that is a concern that will have to be dealt with at a later time as the creature called Kabeka prepares to strike. Kabeka Kret says 'Xictic wishes you to be destroyed. It will be done.' Kabeka Kret's corpse says 'Your numbers proved stronger today, but I am one of many who will lay down my life for the legion.' You have slain Kabeka Kret! 4 Pixt Xictic Krvne spawn permarooted. 3 are fakes, one is real. If you kill a fake Xictic they all respawn. Pixtt Xictic Krvne says, 'You fools, did you think it would be that easy? The time you have wasted attacking my illusions has helped me gain even more strength. Now, see if you can find the real one this time.' If you kill the real one, they all despawn. The real one is not perma-rooted. Casting Beacon says 'Your foolish decisions have weakened your resolve and given me more power. I shall destroy you once and for all.' Upon killing him: The snakelike body of Xictic slowly slumps to the floor, eyes locked in disbelief. As the convulsions of death take control of the lifeless corpse, the area is filled with a familiar laugh. 'You fools! Did you really think I would be dumb enough to fight so many of you at once. I admit your power is indeed formidable, but our army will still crush you and this realm you call home.' Silence follows. Something evil has taken hold of this continent and the threat to Norrath may be much greater than anyone could ever imagine.' Other items from the raid:
The Finale Give Xictic's Bloody Robes to Taminoa Bialu. Taminoa Bialu says 'You have returned bruised, but not broken I see. I am disappointed to hear that he got away, but you are not at fault. We could not foresee how crafty these beings would be. The information you have given us will be invaluable. Fezbin will be pleased. Kreshin told me to give this to you. He believes it may be one of the fragments that will fit into the stone Fezbin gave you. Who knows, if you help me find the rest of our scouts we may yet find more fragments.' You have successfully completed a section of the Taelosian City. You receive A Dull Gem Shard, which you may combine with A Socketed White Crystal and Vaifan's Clockwork Gemcutter Tools in Vaifan's Experimental Sealer to craft A Dull Socketed Crystal. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Submitted by: Fleven, KyrosKrane, numerous folks at The Safehouse | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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