Spy Reports  

Status: Incomplete

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 3 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Secrets of Faydwer
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Jan 19 18:43:33 2008
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Gurtrude is located at Tavik Gearpaq's tent at the zone-in of Fortress Mechanotus from Dragonscale Hills.

You say, 'Hail, Gurtrude the Spymaster'

Gurtrude the Spymaster says 'Shhh. . . A good spy knows to keep her voice low and quiet. Now, have you come here to assist me with my [work], or to [try to join] my gaggle of spies?'

You say, 'I have come here to assist you with your work.'

Gurtrude the Spymaster says 'Well, it is my task to lead a fine group of spies. I can't tell you anything about them, but it is our duty to infiltrate the enemy's structures, disrupt their war effort and steal what secrets we can. Now, I readily admit that none of us on this detail were much for spying before the crash, but when it became obvious that we would not win this battle by strength of arms, I convinced many of the crew to work together as spies. They are even now infiltrating Meldrath's infrastructure. Though, we are spread a bit thin, and there is no support from the ground for our efforts. Perhaps you might be willing to do a few simple [tasks] for me?'

You say, 'I am willing to do a few simple tasks.'

Gurtrude the Spymaster says 'Good! Obviously I'm risking the lives of my people by trusting you, but I have no choice. I won't be sending you to speak with our most important spies, however, since I really don't know you very well. Will you be handling this [alone] or with trusted [friends]?'

You say, 'Alone.'

Gurtrude the Spymaster says 'Well, even these tasks are dangerous so be very careful, for our sake as well as yours.'

This will open a list of quests to choose from:

Disable the Recycler
Supplies for Spies
A Slave to the Grind

You need to complete all three tasks before Spy Reports becomes available. Once you have completed all three tasks, speak to Gurtrude again.

You say, 'Alone.'

Gurtrude the Spymaster says 'Ah, I remember you now! Yes, I think I can trust you with some more difficult tasks and more sensitive information.'

You have been assigned the task 'Spy Reports'.

Make contact with our undercover agent in the Zepplid (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

The first spy to contact is located in the blimp which is southwest of the zone. Inside one of the small rooms to the front of the blimp will be "an inconspicuous mechanic" at roughly -1040, 1570, 478. Although he himself does not attack, other mobs in the room will attack you.

You say, 'Hail, an inconspicuous mechanic'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Assist Agent Starm in observing Siege Inspector Huttle (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

an inconspicuous mechanic looks at you suspiciously for a moment and speaks quietly, 'Did Gurtrude send you to [contact] me?'

You say, 'Contact.'

an inconspicuous mechanic nods cautiously, 'You can call me Starm... I'm here keeping track of the [repair] progress of Meldrath's forces, and I could use your help.'

You say, 'Repair?'

an inconspicuous mechanic says 'Yes, the repairs to this zepplid and to the siege engines on the outer offensive positions of Mechanotus... When our forces first arrived here, the first actions taken to sabotage those two targets... Unfortunately, we were only partially successful; the damage to the siege engines was not enough to destroy them... The repairs on the siege engines are being overseen by Siege Inspector [Huttle].'

You say, 'Who is Huttle?'

an inconspicuous mechanic says 'Agent Starm nods, 'I've spotted Huttle wandering along the perimeter of Mechanotus. Follow him, and see if you can determine the state of repairs on each of the six siege engines we sabotaged... Once you have a complete status report, bring it back to me as quickly as possible. One word of warning, be careful not to get too near to Huttle, or he'll spot you... But, be sure to stay within earshot.''

Siege Inspector Huttle roams the outside of Fortress Mechanotus between the giant siege weapons. Although he is KoS he does not attack nor can you cast on him. You can follow behind him while invisible. Every now and then he stops and emotes:

Siege Inspector Huttle examines the siege engine carefully, making notes in his notebook as he mutters under his breath, 'This one seems to be coming along nicely...' You quickly write down what you observe, careful not to be seen.

If you are too close to him when he emotes you will get:

Siege Inspector Huttle looks about nervously and snaps his notebook shut, 'Is someone spying on me?'

He will then warp to elsewhere in the zone.

Once you follow him for roughly 10 minutes or so. You will get the winning emote:

Siege Inspector Huttle examines the siege engine carefully, making notes in his notebook as he mutters under his breath, 'This one seems to be coming along nicely...' You quickly write down what you observe, completing your objective... Hopefully, Agent Starm will find this information useful.

A book called "Seige [sic] Engine Inspection Notes" (identifies as "Notes on progress of repairs of the Mechanotus seige [sic] engines") will then appear on your cursor. Return to "an inconspicuous mechanic" and turn in the book.

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

an inconspicuous mechanic examines the notes carefully, 'This is worse than I expected, the repairs on the siege engines are progressing more quickly than I expected. Please, report this news back to Gurtrude immediately... We will need to adjust our plans to compensate for this new development.'

Report back to Gurtrude (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

Return to Gurtrude.

You say, 'Hail, Gurtrude the Spymaster'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Gurtrude the Spymaster listens gravely to your report on the siege engine repairs, 'This is dire news indeed... I will need some time to examine this report and decide on a course of action, in the meantime... We need someone to make contact with our agent in the Steam Factory, where he is disguised as a fan mechanic. We have not heard anything from him in some time, and I am worried he may have been discovered, or incapacitated in some way... Please, locate him, and help him if you can.'

Make contact with our undercover agent near the SouthEast Computer Core (0/1) - The Steam Factory

The fan mechanic is located right at the southeast corner of the zone in the room just before the dead end if you have a map. There are no mobs in his room and he does not attack. /loc is -930, -690, 78.

You say, 'Hail, a fan mechanic'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Assist Agent Cogly and Kill Head Engineer Gearwhir (0/1) - The Steam Factory

a fan mechanic barely turns to acknowledge you, his hair rustling slightly in the breeze from the fan behind him, 'Did someone [send] you to speak with me?'

You say, 'Send?'

a fan mechanic says 'Well, who sent you?'

You say, 'Gurtrude.'

a fan mechanic nods with relief, 'It's good that you've contacted me, my name is Cogly, I have been unable to report back to Gurtrude due to the increased security here... All thanks to the new head engineer, Gearwhir... He is causing all sorts of problems for us, and needs to be [eliminated] at all costs.'

You say, 'Eliminated?'

a fan mechanic lowers his voice slightly, 'Gearwhir is highly intelligent; he is also extremely paranoid and is very careful to avoid being exposed to any potential threat... I've been here gathering information for quite some time and I've worked out a [plan] to lure him out into a location we control, and ambush him...'

You say, 'What plan?'

a fan mechanic cocks his head to one side, 'I've noticed that Gearwhir seems to have an amazing ability to monitor and maintain almost all parts of this facility... Any time the slightest problem arises, he seems to be on site almost immediately to fix the problem... We will need to gather a few [parts] first, but I believe we can exploit this fact to ambush and neutralize him.'

You say, 'What parts?'

a fan mechanic says 'One of our other agents has managed to surreptitiously disable and secure a steamwork in one of the main manufacturing rooms... If we can gather the parts to create a [warped driveshaft], we can install it into the steamwork and reactivate it. With any luck, it will cause enough of a commotion to draw out Gearwhir, and enable us to strike before they have a chance to react.'

You say, 'Warped driveshaft?'

a fan mechanic says 'To create a warped driveshaft we need to liberate a regular Clockwork Driveshaft from one of the steamworks in the factory... Unfortunately they are a bit delicate, so you may have to try a few times to find one that isn't damaged. We will also need a calibration device; you can probably find a Calibration Device in one of the storage rooms. Some of the engineers here sometimes carry Calibration Device Screws and Calibration Device Schematics, we will need those items as well in order to set and use the calibration device to warp the Clockwork Driveshaft... Once we're done, we can [insert] the Warped Clockwork Driveshaft into the disabled clockwork in the manufacturing room.'

You say, 'Insert?'

a fan mechanic sighs softly, 'Unfortunately I will not be able to leave my post to assist you... Once you insert the Warped Clockwork Driveshaft, the steamwork should begin to malfunction and draw out Gearwhir... He's not to be underestimated, so be sure you have backup before you engage him.... If you are successful, be sure to search him carefully for any information, if you find anything of importance, deliver it to Gurtrude at once.'

Now you must locate the four items he was referring to and hand them to him.

* The Calibration Device is a ground spawn in a room at 50, 128, 88 (room before the tunnel leading to the Rebel Brownie vendors).

* The Clockwork Driveshaft is an uncommon drop off any steamwork model in the zone. Don't confuse this with "A Used Clockwork Driveshaft," which looks the same, but which is for a different quest.

* The Calibration Device Screws and the Calibration Device Schematics are an uncommon drop from a gnome version of "a mechanic," and may also drop from other mobs (need confirmation either way).

Hand them in:

a fan mechanic studies the Calibration Device Schematics for a few moments, then inserts a few of Calibration Device Screws into the Clockwork Driveshaft, rotating them slowly as he measures their depth with Calibration Device, 'There, that should be enough to cause any steamwork to go completely haywire. Now all you need to do is [insert] the Warped Clockwork Driveshaft into the deactivated clockwork in the manufacturing room.'

You receive a Miscalibrated Clockwork Driveshaft.

You say, 'Insert?'

a fan mechanic sighs softly, 'Unfortunately I will not be able to leave my post to assist you... Once you insert the Warped Clockwork Driveshaft, the steamwork should begin to malfunction and draw out Gearwhir... He's not to be underestimated, so be sure you have backup before you engage him.... If you are successful, be sure to search him carefully for any information, if you find anything of importance, deliver it to Gurtrude at once.'

Now you need to locate a deactivated steamwork, which is located in the manufacturing plant. This is the room with the the big conveyor belt in the middle. The deactivated steamwork is hidden behind a wall. /loc is 500, -82, 100. Although he is KoS, you can neither attack him nor cast on him.

Give him the Miscalibrated Clockwork Driveshaft.

a deactivated steamwork begins to whir and power up, 'Bbbbtttttt... Ttttzzzttttt nnnnkkkk Entering harvest cycle... Bttbbbttbbb. Deconstructing... Bafftttfffbbbb.'

He will then move to bottom of the ramp west.

Head Engineer Gearwhir will then spawn and meet him. When Head Engineer Gearwhir spawns, he is at the top of the ramp approximately at location +593, +154, +116. He is non-aggro at this point.

Head Engineer Gearwhir waves a magical device in the air, 'Steamwork Deactivate... Hrm, what's the meaning of this... Why is this steamwork malfunctioning? You there, what are you doing in this facility?'

He then immediately walks down the ramp towards the deactivated steamwork who is standing at the conveyor belt at approximately location +586, +6, +103. If you are invisible at this point, the Head Engineer is still not aggro. You will need to pull him probably to the tunnel west is the best spot to kill him in. Once he's aggro:

Head Engineer Gearwhir says 'Yaaaaah!'

He hits for about 2500ish, summons, snares, is mezzable and summons groups of 'a miniature steamwork' at various stages of his life. These hit for about 1500 and are mezzable.

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Search Head Engineer Gearwhir for any useful information (0/1) - The Steam Factory

Head Engineer Gearwhir's corpse scatters tools across the floor as it stops moving.

He drops 6 copies of Steam Factory Work Schedule.

Loot the Steam Factory Work Schedule for the next update.

--You have looted a Steam Factory Work Schedule.--

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Deliver the Steam Factory Work Schedule to Gurturde for analysis (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

Return to Gurtrude and give her the schedule.

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Explore Power Station Alpha in the NorthWest (0/1) - The Steam Factory

Gurtrude the Spymaster looks dumbfounded for a moment as she studies the work schedule, 'Wonderful! This is a very valuable piece of information; with it we will be able to plan and coordinate our sabotage in the steam factory with great effeciency.' she pauses for a moment to scribble some hasty notes, 'If this schedule is correct, now is the perfect time to do some reconnaissance in the steam factory at Power Station Alpha... Can I rely upon you to locate and scout the area to determine the results of our initial sabotage attempt? Our previous scout never returned, and I'm afraid after looking at this schedule I know why... It seems there is some 'new steam contraption' that is being used in that area, your secondary objective should be to learn what exactly this new contraption is...'

To get to Power Station Alpha, you must travel to the northest of the zone to the overhead which spans across the foundry area to the Power Station. /loc is 1270, 560, 265.

You will obtain this message when you reach the Power Station:

Power Station Alpha has suffered extensive damage, and is not yet close to being fully repaired... Excellent news indeed. There is no evidence of anything that might be a new steam contraption, although a few of the power suits being used by the gnomes to repair the station seem a little different than the others you have encountered...

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Report your findings to Gurtrude (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

You say, 'Hail, Gurtrude the Spymaster'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Speak with Engineer Brinik (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

Gurtrude the Spymaster nods thoughtfully at the news, 'It seems that the damage to Power Station Alpha was more extensive than I could have hoped, wonderful news indeed, although... These odd looking power suits you mention, perhaps it is nothing to worry about, but I'd like you to speak with Engineer Brinik up the hill to the South. He's been studying the steamworks quite extensively and might be able to glean some useful information from your report. We can't afford to overlook any information we stumble upon.'

Engineer Brinik is located on the hill next to the crashed plane at -240, -1223, 538.

You say, 'Hail, Engineer Brinik'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Assist Agent Weegle and escort him to Power Station Alpha (0/1) - The Steam Factory

Engineer Brinik listens silently your report, his eyes fixed on a point in the distance, 'It sounds as though there may be a new type of power suit already in use in the Steam Factory. I have an agent disguised as a furnace engineer in the East side of the Steam Factory who is qualified to analyze these new suits, but his activities have already drawn too much attention... If he were to approach Power Station Alpha, security forces would definitely be alerted... Getting this information may be more important than we realize, if you can protect him from the security forces long enough for him to reach the power station, he should be able to gather the information I need to fully determine the threat these new suits pose.'

a furnace engineer is located at +888, -805, +121 in a room south of Meldrath's Majestic Mansion (take the left fork). He is not KoS although the mobs in the room are.

You say, 'Hail, a furnace engineer'

a furnace engineer scowls sourly, 'It's about time that someone showed up to assist me... Do those fools have any idea how important my analysis is? Never mind, we should get moving. The security are swarming all over these tunnels, I hope you are [ready] for a fight.'

You say, 'I am ready.'

a furnace engineer nods curtly, 'Follow me, and don't dally.'

He will then begin to walk towards Power Station Alpha and you must protect him until he reaches there. As he walks there he will be attacked by a security enforcer which generally come in pairs. These hit like regular mobs in zone and all mez. It's very similar to the Coldain Shawl 8 Crawl. keep him mezzed when they spawn so he doesn't roam off. Thankfully you are only attacked in the corridors so you do not need to clear any rooms (normal mobs do not agro him). The only exception to this is the four enchanced steamsuits which are on the walkway above the foundry area (since they don't mez, you may want to kill them first before you start it).

Once he reaches Power Station Alpha he will stop at which point you will need to speak to him.

He will pause just outside the room, at which point you may hail him (but this is not required).

You say, 'Hail, a furnace engineer'

a furnace engineer mutters under his breath as he stares at the grating.

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

a furnace engineer mutters in a low voice, 'We should be safe now, I no longer need your protection... Return to Gurtrude, and tell her to expect a report from me shortly, I'll gather as much information as I can on these new power suits...'

Report back to Gurtrude (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

a furnace engineer mutters in a low voice, 'We should be safe now, I no longer need your protection... Return to Gurtrude, and tell her to expect a report from me shortly, I'll gather as much information as I can on these new power suits...'

Head back to Gurtrude again.

You say, 'Hail, Gurtrude the Spymaster'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Make contact with our undercover agent in the iron gardens (0/1) - Gyrospire Zeka

Gurtrude the Spymaster let's out a small sigh of relief, 'I was a bit worried that you might have met with an unfortunate fate... I am heartened to see you alive and well, and grateful for your assistance in escorting our agent. Already, he has managed to send back a preliminary report to Engineer Brinik.' Gurtrude pauses for a moment, 'I'm afraid that I must ask you to put yourself into harms way once again... Our agent stationed in Gyrospire Zeka has been unable to make any progress in his mission, and I have confidence that you will be able to assist him. I do not like to impose, but I have no other choice... You will find him in the Iron Gardens outside of the main tower, disguised as an iron gardener.'

The iron gardener is located at -170, 270, 36, out front of the main building in the garden area which is left when you zone into Zeka. Be wary as there are many see invis mobs roaming the area.

You say, 'Hail, an iron gardener'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Assist Agent Gibblin in obtaining plans from Catapult Engineer XIX (0/1) - Gyrospire Zeka

an iron gardener nods politely, a nervous bead of sweat glides along his brow, 'Ahem, I suppose that you've been sent to deliver the bad news that I'm to be discharged...' he sighs woefully, 'I'm afraid that I'm an utter failure, I have been unable to even penetrate the lowest levels of the tower, even in this clockwork suit... Being made of mere gnomish flesh, I am unable to penetrate the heavy security that has been established here.' he stares at you for a moment, 'If only I could retrieve the Zeka Catapult Plans from Catapult Engineer XIX and have them delivered to Gurtrude, but I'm afraid that is all but impossible as he is located at the utmost level of the tower, unless...' he trails off wistfully, looking at you with baleful eyes.

Catapult Engineer XIX is located on the roof of the main building of Zeka at -260, -85, 604, which is not so nice to clear. He hits for about 3-4k. Once he's dead loot him to get the update.

Catapult Engineer XIX's corpse collapses into a heap, venting steam.

--You have looted a Zeka Catapult Plans.--

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Deliver the Zeka Catapult Plans to Gurtrude (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

Head back to Gurtrude and give her the plans.

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Make contact with our agent beneath the main deck (0/1) - S.H.I.P Workshop

Make contact with our agent located near M.E.G (0/1) - Meldrath's Majestic Mansion

Gurtrude the Spymaster cocks her head to one side as she studies the Zeka Catapult Plans for a moment, 'I am no engineer, but these plans appear to be extremely detailed... I cannot thank you enough for all of your assistance.' she pauses to brush a stray wisp of hair away from her face, 'If you are willing to further assist our cause, I've just received two very urgent requests for assistance from two of our most deeply seeded agents. As you are more than aware, our resources are stretched overly thin, and I cannot spare anyone to provide that assistance... If you can make contact and provide the needed assistance, it would be an invaluable contribution to our cause. Our agent in the SHIP Workshop is disguised as a steamwork tinker, and our agent in Meldrath's Mansion is working as a valve inspector.'

This opens up two task lines which can be done in any order, one is in S.H.I.P Workshop and the other one is in the Meldrath's Majestic Mansion (you will need to be keyed for Meldrath's Majestic Mansion to zone in).

For the task line in S.H.I.P. Workshop, if you pick up the solo task "Disrupt the Workshop" from Gurtrude, it allows you to use the disguise from the spybot at the zone-in, rendering you non-KoS to mobs in the zone. The quickest way to get to the agent is to take the elevator at the zone in. This opens to a small room which leads to the big bottom floor room. There is a hatch in the middle of the room which you can open and jump down. The agent is located next to a disabled steamwork at the bottom of the hatch at 444, 380, 113.

You say, 'Hail, a steamwork tinker'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Assist Agent Quigbell in modifying a steamwork to explode (0/1) - S.H.I.P Workshop

a steamwork tinker sighs with relief as she greets you, 'I see they finally sent the engineer I have been waiting for...' she pauses a moment and rests her hand against the metal wall, 'I'm no slouch when it comes to steamwork manipulation, but I've had a bit of trouble gathering enough gears to set this steamwork on his deadly course of [sabotage].'

You say, 'Sabotage?'

a steamwork tinker chuckles wryly, 'It seems a bit ridiculous, but after all the time I've spent here, I still have been unable to successfully destroy the central steam control nexus for this facility... It's located in the room down those corridors. I'm at my wits end, and if this [plan] doesn't work... Well, I'll have to take matters into my own hands....'

You say, 'What plan?'

a steamwork tinker says 'I've managed to install an explosive device into this clockwork here. And managed to repair it into a functional state, I just need some help in collecting and properly setting the [control gears] that will direct the clockwork down the hall to the central steam control nexus for automated detonation... Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself, the name is Quigbell.'

You say, 'Control gears?'

a steamwork tinker nods, 'The control gears are used to direct specific movements in steamworks. They allow simple movement and rotation... By inserting gears in correct sequence, you can set the steamwork to travel to the control room and detonate while we are safely out of range of the explosion... To be honest, I don't fully understand the exact details myself, but perhaps if you were able to collect some gears from the other steamworks in this facility, you could experiment and solve the problem for me... I've managed to have the steamwork respond to hails with some basic information that might be useful to you as well...'

This is the longest timesink of the entire task: collecting the gears to operate the disabled steamwork. They are very rare drops from any steamwork in zone. There are ten different types of gear:

Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Advancement Gear Beza (Forward 30 Paces)
Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Reversal Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Reversal Gear Beza (Forward 30 Paces)
Reversal Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Rotational Gear Beza (Turn 180 degrees)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Destructon Gear Zeka (Explode the steamwork)

You must give the disabled steamwork a combination of gears so it will walk to the room nearby and explode. There are several combinations you can use depending on what gears you have.

You say, 'Hail, a disabled steamwork'

a disabled steamwork lurches, 'Ttttzzzttttt... Steamwork control rods ready for insertion of control gears... Active operational instructions... [reset] and [execute].'

Make sure you reset the disabled steamwork before you begin in case someone else was using it earlier.

You say, 'Reset.'

a disabled steamwork whirs quietly, 'Steamwork control rods reset, ready for insertion of control gears...'

Hand in the appropriate gears one at a time. Each time you hand one in it will emote:

a disabled steamwork says 'Nnnnnkkkk. Control gear accepted.'

When you are done handing in gears:

You say, 'Execute.'

a disabled steamwork rocks slightly, 'Activating control gears, executing control gear sequence.'

This will start him moving. If you have done it correctly he will emote causing the zone to shake:

a disabled steamwork says 'EXECUTING DETONATION INSTRUCTION!'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

For the task line in Meldrath's Majestic Mansion, take a group and clear towards M.E.G, which is located up the left ramp from the zone in (head north). You will come to a giant room with a machine with a giant robot face in the back of the room and Brenda's assistant's assistant.

You say, 'Hail, a valve inspector'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Assist Agent Cliktog by destroying the Steamwork Eradicators (0/20) - Meldrath's Majestic Mansion

a valve inspector smiles warmly and rubs his palms together excitedly, 'Excellent, I've been expecting you... I am agent Cliktog. You'll do well to remember that name. I've spent quite some time here studying M.E.G. and I believe that I've uncovered a [weakness] in her threat level assessment.'

You say, 'Weakness?'

a valve inspector nods and looks towards M.E.G., 'I've studied the system carefully, and I believe that I can manipulate the threat level assessment with some minor tinkering... I expect to provoke an aggressive response, but nothing you won't be able to [handle]. If you can counter the threat for a short period, I should have enough time to alter the response system and introduce a flaw that we can later exploit...'

You say, 'Handle?'

a valve inspector chuckles patiently, 'You've managed to make it this far into the mansion without any trouble, I'm sure you will be able to handle things while I go to work... Any time you are [ready] we may begin.'

Clear the entire room of trash mobs before you begin.

You say, 'I am ready.'

a valve inspector scurries towards M.E.G. with a giddy laugh, 'I'll be done in no time.'

In red text:

M.E.G. says 'Request lead crew chief 'Doctor' Brinda Sprockets or nearest available subordinate unscramble password matrix and initiate battery replacement sequence, immediately. WARNING! Failure to adhere to replacement sequence protocol will result in lockdown.'

M.E.G. intones, 'WARNING! Foreign entities detected in Mechanotus workshop. Threat level assessment: marginal. Deploying steamwork eradicators to neutralize entity threat.'

This starts off a small ring event where you will be attacked by Steamwork Eradicator IV's. They are no harder than normal zone trash mobs, attack singly or in pairs, and some but not all are mezzable. After killing several waves (in red text):

M.E.G. intones, 'ALERT! Foreign entities detected in Mechanotus workshop. Threat level assessment: nominal. Deploying steamwork eradicators to neutralize entity threat.'

After even more spawns (in red text):

M.E.G. intones, 'ATTENTION! Foreign entities detected in Mechanotus workshop. Threat level assessment: minimal. Deploying steamwork eradicators to neutralize entity threat.'

Once the final Steamwork Eradicator IV was defeated and nobody who was in MEG's room had the assist-the-valve-inspector task step active anymore, MEG says that no more eradicators will spawn (in red text):

M.E.G. intones, 'NOTICE! Foreign entities detected in Mechanotus workshop. Threat level assessment: inconsequential. Entities ignored.'

Once you kill 20 the event will stop. At this time the valve inspector moves back to his normal spot and says:

a valve inspector says 'Excellent! You've been most helpful, give Gurtrude my regards and tell her things are progressing well here.'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

Report your success to Gurtrude the Spymaster (0/1) - Fortress Mechanotus

You gain experience!!
Steamwork Eradicator IV's corpse says 'Critical Damage. Repairs needed.'

Return to Gurtrude.

You say, 'Hail, Gurtrude the Spymaster'

Your task 'Spy Reports' has been updated.

The assistance you have provided to Gurtrude and her network of spies has been invaluable... The damage inflicted upon Meldrath has been significant, and will go far in ensuring his defeat. Enjoy the respect you have earned; it is well deserved.

Gurtrude the Spymaster clasps your hand tightly, 'I thank you on behalf of all Ak'Anon, without your efforts we would have failed in many of our endevours against Meldrath and his forces... Please accept this as a token of our respect, use it well in out fight against Meldrath's forces.

You have gained 5 ability points! You now have 13 ability points.

Your faction standing with Ak'Anon Strike Force V could not possibly get any better.

You have successfully been granted your reward for: Spy Reports

You receive experience, faction, and an Ak'Anon Strike Force V Black Badge.

Need missing task stages and descriptions.
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Post Comment
# Jun 30 2008 at 3:44 AM Rating: Decent
111 posts
I have found many of these gears on vendors, and started saving them just in case I do this quest. Am I wasting time doing so, like to I need to get quest hits by finding them, or can I save myself a LOT of time by holding on to these?
# Jun 21 2008 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
Can anyone explain where Power Station Alpha, Beta, etc. are?


Missing info
# Jun 11 2008 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
I can see I am going to have fun doing a checklist for this series like my oculus one.. it should have loc's of mobs and a clearer layout of what happens when you turn in stuff. But this sure had a lot of work put into it.. thank you for that involved effort. It's going to make this a doable series : )
# Jun 08 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent

Adv A
Adv B
Rot C
Rev A
Rot C
Rev C
Rot A
Rev A
Rot C
Rev C
Rot A
Adv A

# Nov 13 2009 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
The important thing here is to WALK THE PATH!! do the math figure out how cal is walking him, then modify with the gears you have. draw it out on paper the direction u need to turn him etc... im reposting cals list and my own so you can have a comparison, I failed the first time because i did not do a good visual recon of the path. the beza piece does work for the last gear as stated earlier. GOOD LUCK! this was very difficult for me.


Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Advancement Gear Beza (Forward 30 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Reversal Gear Azia (Backward 15 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Reversal Gear Caza (Backward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Reversal Gear Azia (Backward 15 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Reversal Gear Caza (Backward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)


My Path:

Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Reversal Gear Beza (Backward 30 Paces)
Destructon Gear Zeka (Explode the steamwork)
# Apr 27 2012 at 10:37 AM Rating: Good
1,028 posts
redemptionvv wrote:

Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Azia (Forward 15 Paces)
Rotational Gear Caza (Turn left 90 degrees)
Advancement Gear Caza (Forward 45 Paces)
Rotational Gear Azia (Turn right 90 degrees)
Reversal Gear Beza (Backward 30 Paces)
Destructon Gear Zeka (Explode the steamwork)

This worked perfectly!
cant get quest
# May 10 2008 at 7:08 AM Rating: Good
238 posts
I dont understand. I've completed the 3 prereq quests on 3 of my characters and Gurtrude still does not give me the Spy Reports quest. Just keeps giving me the crap about not knowing me well enough. Is this faction based IN ADDITION to having to do the 3 prereq quests? All 3 prereq quests are available again to me...

This is very frustrating and i'm pretty much fed up with the fact that all i want to do is start the quest and i cant even do that inspite of time seemingly wasted
cant get quest
# Aug 15 2008 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
This is a bug, if you petition and explain it to a GM he can give you the Spy Reports task. It happened to my husband and I as well and after copying my cleric and trying to repeat the error he finally said he didn't know why it was not letting us have it and assigned the task to us himself. At least the 3 Gurtrude tasks show in the quest history window so it can be proved!

Leader of Spiritwalker
cant get quest
# Oct 30 2009 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
56 posts
It's not a bug i had the same problem, need to do all 4 of gert's quest... i didnt get the task till i did disrupt the workshop
assist agent quigbell
# May 09 2008 at 12:15 AM Rating: Decent
Next, the advancement beza and reversal beza are useless. The distances you need will either be the caza amount or azia amount.

Wouldnt exactly say they were useless, I used one of each when I completed the task. An Azia (15 paces) + a Beza (30 paces) is the same as using a Caza (45 paces)

One thing that confused me initially is the point from which the bot starts taking instructions from the gears is not the same point you hail him at, next to the spy. He moves forward a bit and turns right to be standing in front of the ladder facing forward and then he follows the path set out by the gears

Path I took was;

Rot B (turn 180o to be facing the ladder)
Rev B (walk backwards 30 paces)
Rev A (walk backwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left, actually turns you to face the right because you are still facing the ladder)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left)
Adv C (walk forwards 45 paces)
Rot A (turn 90o Right)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left)
Adv B (walk forwards 30 paces)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot A (turn 90o Right)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)

In fact there are many possible combinations to do this, so dont nessercerily pass on any gears that drop because they dont fit in with the paths shown above.

Rot A - Adv A - Rot C is the same as Rot C Rev A Rot A
Adv B - Rev A - Adv B is the same as Adv A etc.

What I dont know, coz I wasnt brave enough to risk the 1 destruction gear I was able to get, is what happens if you move (or try to) further in a direction than physically possible. Has anyone tried moving 30 paces down a 15 pace corridor? Does it bounce back? Does it just move the 15 paces available?

If it moves until it hits a wall and then stops then its even easier to create the path...
assist agent quigbell
# Feb 22 2009 at 12:02 AM Rating: Decent
Wouldnt exactly say they were useless, I used one of each when I completed the task. An Azia (15 paces) + a Beza (30 paces) is the same as using a Caza (45 paces)

One thing that confused me initially is the point from which the bot starts taking instructions from the gears is not the same point you hail him at, next to the spy. He moves forward a bit and turns right to be standing in front of the ladder facing forward and then he follows the path set out by the gears

Path I took was;

Rot B (turn 180o to be facing the ladder)
Rev B (walk backwards 30 paces)
Rev A (walk backwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left, actually turns you to face the right because you are still facing the ladder)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left)
Adv C (walk forwards 45 paces)
Rot A (turn 90o Right)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left)
Adv B (walk forwards 30 paces)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot A (turn 90o Right)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)

In fact there are many possible combinations to do this, so dont nessercerily pass on any gears that drop because they dont fit in with the paths shown above.

Rot A - Adv A - Rot C is the same as Rot C Rev A Rot A
Adv B - Rev A - Adv B is the same as Adv A etc.

What I dont know, coz I wasnt brave enough to risk the 1 destruction gear I was able to get, is what happens if you move (or try to) further in a direction than physically possible. Has anyone tried moving 30 paces down a 15 pace corridor? Does it bounce back? Does it just move the 15 paces available?

If it moves until it hits a wall and then stops then its even easier to create the path...

I tried it your way and not sure how you finshed or you posted wrong. Your last turn " Rot A ( turn 90. to Right ) " is wrong , that put it in the way and it blew up. it should be Rot C ( turn 90. Left )
assist agent quigbell
# May 30 2008 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
spiritbanethenecro wrote:
Next, the advancement beza and reversal beza are useless. The distances you need will either be the caza amount or azia amount.

Wouldnt exactly say they were useless, I used one of each when I completed the task. An Azia (15 paces) + a Beza (30 paces) is the same as using a Caza (45 paces)

One thing that confused me initially is the point from which the bot starts taking instructions from the gears is not the same point you hail him at, next to the spy. He moves forward a bit and turns right to be standing in front of the ladder facing forward and then he follows the path set out by the gears

Path I took was;

Rot B (turn 180o to be facing the ladder)
Rev B (walk backwards 30 paces)
Rev A (walk backwards 15 paces
Rot C (turn 90o Left, actually turns you to face the right because you are still facing the ladder)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left)
Adv C (walk forwards 45 paces)
Rot A (turn 90o Right)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot C (turn 90o Left)
Adv B (walk forwards 30 paces)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)
Rot A (turn 90o Right)
Adv A (walk forwards 15 paces)

In fact there are many possible combinations to do this, so dont nessercerily pass on any gears that drop because they dont fit in with the paths shown above.

Rot A - Adv A - Rot C is the same as Rot C Rev A Rot A
Adv B - Rev A - Adv B is the same as Adv A etc.

What I dont know, coz I wasnt brave enough to risk the 1 destruction gear I was able to get, is what happens if you move (or try to) further in a direction than physically possible. Has anyone tried moving 30 paces down a 15 pace corridor? Does it bounce back? Does it just move the 15 paces available?

If it moves until it hits a wall and then stops then its even easier to create the path...

The quotet, is that actually correct, seems it will bounce into a wall ?
assist agent quigbell
# Jun 11 2009 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Yes, it is correct. Also, NordBroc's correction is correct as well. I had copied several of the successful configurations into my notes as reference, and when I tried to use this one (with some variations--I did more walking backward because of the gears I had), it operated perfectly until that last turn, when it backed into a wall.

2 days of farming down the drain, guess I should've checked back here again :p

Oh well, I guess I'm still in better shape than the first people who had to figure this out from scratch.
assist agent quigbell
# Aug 28 2009 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I can confirm that using a movement 30 (Beza) as your final movement before the detonation instruction DOES work. The pathing for it is a bit scary (he walks to the middle of the room, turns North, then walks up onto the machinery), but it works.

I can also confirm that if you have a robot walk into a wall (use a Beza to walk 30 when you need to go 15) it will self destruct and waste your effort.
'Obstruction encountered, executing self termination... Thbbzzzztttt!'


Edited, Aug 28th 2009 7:25pm by Enokhaon
Incorrect info on "a fan engineer"
# Mar 27 2008 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
A Fan Engineer in Steam Fortress does not head towards Power Station Alpha. He heads towards Power Station Delta where you battle the Chief Mechanic (raid).
Destruction Gear drop rates
# Feb 26 2008 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
I have spent a total of actual time in SHIP killing wildly of app. 100 hours thus far. No Gear :(. Asking price on BB server=800,000 pp. WTG Sony!
Destruction Gear drop rates
# Apr 08 2008 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
319 posts
Dropped from a venodor for about 5 plat.
Calibration Schematics
# Feb 17 2008 at 12:13 AM Rating: Decent
Can anyone confirm what mobs and/or area the Calibration Schematics drop from? I have camped both The Foundry and the NE open area and have gotten nothing. Any Specific type of mobs have a better chance of dropping this or a special area?
Calibration Schematics
# May 28 2012 at 8:04 AM Rating: Good
1,312 posts
Schematics dropped from a foundry worker (female gnome plate), possibly from the northeast closet off the foundry.

Careful, it looks exactly like the Power Station blueprints which are more common.
Calibration Schematics
# Mar 06 2008 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
The calibration schematics I saw drop twice, both times off female gnomes in silver plate(non robe wearing). Once in the large open area (Spindlecrank raid room near dropoff) and once off a gnome in the same room as the furnace engineer.
# Feb 05 2008 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Here are a few notes about the final battle in mmmm. The MEG room appears to have an extremely long repop if it even repops at all - at least 9 hours. So, clear it at your leasure. The room to the south of MEG is an elevator. It is safe but stay close to the south wall because when you start the event some of the Eradicators will warp to the north door and path to MEG from there.

My DPS isnt that great but I could have had double my dps and still not keep up with the Eradicator spawns. This doesnt matter tho if you have a means of splitting them. After they path to MEG they have no particular place they would like to be so they just stay wherever you leave them after a fade/fd. So mez one, fade the others off to the side and go back and pull the mezzed one for an ez single. They will depop after about 15 minutes. This is not a propblem, just start the event over and over until you have killed 20. You can take your time and be very careful.
Book name
# Feb 03 2008 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
86 posts
The notebook you get from following Huttle is called: Seige Engine Inspection Notes.

Lore / Notrade / Quest
Book name
# Feb 03 2008 at 11:04 PM Rating: Excellent
6,998 posts
Fanornador wrote:
The notebook you get from following Huttle is called: Seige Engine Inspection Notes.

Lore / Notrade / Quest

Updated, thanks.
assist agent quigbell
# Feb 03 2008 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Since this step is a major pain if you get it wrong i'll clear up a little about the combinations of gears you can use.

The reversal gears don't move forward as the guide says. As you might expect they move backword. Actually the bot turns 180 degrees, moves forward, turns 180 degrees again but the effect is to move backward. This is handy if don't have enough forward gears or if you dont have enough gears to turn in a particular direction.

Next, the advancement beza and reversal beza are useless. The distances you need will either be the caza amount or azia amount.

The path i took was:

adv c
rot a
adv a
rot c
adv c
rot a
adv a
rot c
adv c
rot c
adv a

the last "adv a" may not have been necessary since the bot is in the destination room at that point but this moves him a bit into center of room and doesnt hurt.

also since i only had 2 "adv c" gears i substituted one with a "rot b, rev c, rot b."

Not too close
# Jan 26 2008 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
Dont follow him too close he will feel your presense and you won't get the update...give the little guy some room when he is checking out the siege equpipment.
partial walkthru
# Jan 22 2008 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
i'm nowhere near done but i'll post what i have so far.

the first step is the contact an inconspicuous mechanic in the zeplin. you may hail him invis and get the update but he doesnt see invis so you will have to deal with the nearby agro if you want to follow his dialog. this isnt needed tho.

next you follow siege inspector huttle around and make notes about what you observe. huttle warps at times so following him can be difficult. it took me about an hour of following him to eventually get the task step completed. completion of this step results in a notebook.

deliver the notebook to an inconspicuous mechanic and he will give you his report.

relay the report back to gurtrude.

contact a fan mechanic in steam factory. he needs some stuff to make a misaligned driveshaft. 3 are drops in SF but the calibration device is a ground spawn in one of the small square supply rooms. i found it in the room just north of slavemaster gork. it looks a bit like a small rocket. obtaining these parts is not part of the task so they can be prelooted. On FV they are tradeable and i looted them with a toon that wasn't working on the quest.

next give the misaligned driveshaft to a diactivated steamwork. it will wander off a short ways then fall down. this spawns head engineer gearwhir. he is con yellow, doesnt see invis, has hp and dps similar to the normal trash. but... he has 2 tricks up his sleeves. approximately every 30 seconds he will cause someone on his hate list to fall down. this appears to be random but not the mt. also at about 75% he will spawn 3 adds: a miniature steamwork. these are con light blue but hit fairly hard. they have low hp tho. i mezzed the boss and killed the adds because i 6 box and my mezzer is a bard. i didnt check to see if the adds were mezzable. loot the work schedule to complete the task step.

deliver the schedule to gurtrude.

... more to come ...

partial walkthru
# Sep 01 2014 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
>> the calibration device is a ground spawn in one of the small square supply rooms. i found it in the room just north of slavemaster gork. it looks a bit like a small rocket.

I found it but it took me quite a few tries to actually pick it up. I was shrunk at the time - perhaps that caused me some problems. Just thought I'd mention it in case someone else was having trouble getting this ground spawn.
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