I spent weeks upon weeks exping on many different personas in chardok on Teek server during kunark - camped this area almost exclusively and never saw Korocust spawn, even during bonus rare periods. What I did see spawn in his place instead was a Security Advisor, which just happens to have the same loot table minus the two Axes.
I also do not see Korocust listed on the mischief/teek spreadsheet for shared loot across different named. I would assume he would be in bucket 11 along with the 4 other named that spawn in that area, but he is absent.
My guess is he was moved to Chardok B and the spelling of his name corrected to Korucust, to better align with all the other items/lore that involve him. Meanwhile "a Security Advisor" took his place in regular Chardok.
edit: did some more digging and checked my log file for his two Axes since he may be the only mob to ever drop them. No record of either Axe for sale in my log file (since server launch) or on the tlp-auctions.com website for all 3 random/increased loot servers: thornblade, mischief and teek. On these servers if Korocust was still spawning then he would be sharing his Axes with other named around his level.
Edited, Sep 2nd 2024 11:08pm by Zaztik