EQ Update #1 of 2016
Tarvas for MVP
/salute to Tarvas for helping big-time with The Broken Mirror (there are a lot of NPC entries to catch up, but Tarvas has given several big lists to work from in the comment section of the December 30th Update).
I've had a chat with Cyliena, and unfortunately we're not going to be getting any more volunteer admn at this time. Several of you had offered to help, and believe me that is/was wanted. There are some key ways to help without the admn status though:
Edit: Clarification: doing #1-4 below can really help if you sort the information where it needs to go by posting the pieces of information as directly under the correct NPC/Item/Quest as possible. If all of those are missing, then default to posting under the zone... if the top post in the forum thread for a zone summarizes all the "needs created information" from the thread it will be a lot faster for the few of us with the admn access to do that part. I'll say it another way... anything that anyone wants to do that puts the information closest to where it needs to be in a cut-and-paste ready wording really helps.
1. Pick a The Broken Mirror zone, look over the posts and summarize it all in a "this isn't entered yet" kind of post. If you do this you will find that some posts in a thread may be entered already (with me replying to them) and other posts will be redundant as the info was entered via another thread --but some stuff has been missed. Remember that quests/zones/NPC were missing when some of our users posted info under the zones (and some are still missing).
2. Help make sure The Broken Mirror quests/tasks are written up in a readable way. Identify missing details such as starting NPC (many of them have to be reflagged as quest NPC before the quest can be connected to them).
3. Item collector has snagged a lot of items now for The Broken Mirror. Post under the items what they drop from (as the NPC may not exist in the bestiary yet).
4. We need screenshots of most TBM NPCs.
Here are some updates:
Updated Items: Crude Binding Powder ; Cloth Veil ; Skullstone of Last Breath ; Bulging Bloody Stone ; Blightforger ; Soulcatcher Earhoop ; Raw Deathseeker's Leggings ; Raw Deathseeker's Gloves ; Poignant Pestulator ; Greater Essence of Decay ; Glowing Essence of Decay ; Eternal Spirit ; Bloodclot Charm ; Lumber Plank ; Blue Diamond ; Diamond ; Remnant of Tranquility ; Giant Scarab Eye ; Prayer Beads ; Rough Silk ; Order of Thunder ; Human Blood
New Quests: Lxavnom Labors ; EQ Task of Trust: Culling the Unreasonable
Updated Quests: Key to Jaled Dar's Lair (Zlandicar) ; Udumbara, the flower of legend ; TDS Progression #4a: The Pellarus Satum ; A Task of Trust: Problematic Priest ; A Task of Trust: Culling the Unworthy ; Faith in Relife ; In Defense of Health
Bestiary Updates: orc pawn ; Tolony Marle ; Einhorst McMannus ; Guard Tyrak ; Madame Serena ; Kobot Dellin ; Quegin Hadder ; Gomo Limerin ; Kyle Rinlin ; Parcil Vinder ; a giant scarab ; a lustrous scout ; Kerath Punox ; Diseased Supply Cache ; Bhaly Adan ; a goblin whelp ; a lustrous scout ; Riches of Akkapan ; Withering Murkglider ; Clockwork Merchant (1120, -1035) [Enchanter Spells] ; Sara Eggers
New Zones: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Undead Underground ; Plane of Health: In Defense of Health ; Plane of Health: Bane of Decay
Zone Updates: Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay: Undead Underground ; Plane of Health: In Defense of Health ; Plane of Health: Bane of Decay