Lord Nagafen  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

Lord Nagafen, along with Lady Vox, Phinigel Autropos, and the Avatar of Fear, is one of EverQuest's original four raid bosses.

In Nagafen's Lair: Warrior; hits for a max 250; has 32,000 hps; summons. Fire and magic resists (to avoid his AEs) are key in defeating Nagafen.

In Nagafen's Lair (Level 100 Revamp): See this quest entry for raid details and loot.

  • HP Estimate: 245 million

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-05-24 01:45:09.

Level: 55
Expansion: Original
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Naggy raids for the not so dummy people
# Nov 04 2002 at 12:17 AM Rating: Default
Alright, first things is first, you are here for loot, do you wanna share the loot with 34 people or do you wanna share the loot with 10 to 18? Fewer people you have on this raid the faster you get it set up and done with. If you are going to use the dummy tactic I suggest you get 34 pure melee and not even worry about clerics. 2 clerics when you have 34 people might as well be melee.

MT should be a warrior that has a lot of MR 120+ unbuffed. The trick is to make naggy stick on him so ya know where all that extra damage is going and it's not going to happen if he's feared 90% of the raid. 8th coldain ring and gobby earing if you are thinking of twinking your warrior they are definate assets (hotkey the earing slot and your gobby earing slot so you can switch between them without loosing a good earing). Raid should not have very many warriors, they don't deal as much damage as the other class.

Wizards, rogues, and monks should be the majority of the raid. Wizards are nice because they can hide from the ae, but they still got to get in range so they do loose hp, also they should work on getting the aucum mask as well as the gobby earing for insta buffs. Rogues have an easy epic and do bs, chances are you can find some epic rogues, they WILL do the most damage on the raid even if they are getting feared more then the mt. 49+ wizards have ice commet, they aren't really all that useful until that point.

Now clerics are here for a reason, they are here to heal so using my tactic should make them useful on a naggy raid, after all they are not getting nuked for 500 and feared before they get their heals off anymore (see, "strategy", below). Set one in each group and one alone, the one without does ch on the warrior. The warriors cleric in his group only does cel heal on him, remember cel heal is 24 seconds so that cleric hits everyone else (4 second cast, 1 second to recover, 5 people). Make shaman/druids patch heal him so ch is delayed as long as possible.

For buffers its nice to have a 49+ shaman, 51+ druid, 49+ paladin, 52+ cleric, 49+ enchanter, 49+ ranger, 49+ mage. Shaman harnessing of spirit, paladin brells, clerics heroic bond + symbol of naltron (peridot) are all hp buffs that stack, and hp is what makes this easy. Clear your first 4 buffs and put useless ones there first for the dispell, not including your insta buff (gobby earing or coldain ring) because it's better to save that for when something is dispelled. Get cleric to also add shield of words onto mt, enchanter to clarity and haste on the guys with the big weapons, also shaman alacrity for the lower end melee, ranger for force of nature, feet like cat, strength of nature on mt. 49+ mage for summon elemental blanket.

MR should be the main concern on these raids, then hp, then maybe FR if its convient with your gear selection for the tanks. Gobby earing is very very nice to have as well and you'll need it if you wanna get into the high end guilds anyway. These are lure based dd's so don't make sacrifices. For casters that have to cast on naggy they should work on mr because they have to get in range. For casters that don't shouldn't even bother with that stuff, just keep your mana gear on and hide on the other side of the wall keeping him out of site.

Make a group with 2 warriors (incase peel includes a second), cleric, chanter or shaman, monk or sk and tell them to get rid of the fgs while you get the rest. If Rokyls Channeling Crystal drops include it with naggy loot. Bind monk and clerics at nexus for fast recovery.

This is restating what I said below but maybe you are tired and don't wanna check it. Get a monk to fd into his layer past him and towards the back wall, you'll see two pots, choose one. The monk gets up, does fearless so he doesn't run away and tanks naggy. While tanking he tells channel to charge. Everyone heads to the other pot except for the MT, the MT discs fearless then starts to attack. Everyone waits a few seconds for MT to call them in, if weapon procs right away thats a good time, if not wait a few seconds. Everyone is on the other side of the pot to avoid ae damage and fear while the MT develops aggro. This is where the clerics stay, try to move naggy back and fourth, do not bring him to the other or the raid is dead. If you lack insta buffs I suggest you make hotkeys and prepare casters in the group to buff you if need be. If your hp buffs get dispell you are useless to the raid.

Do FFA loot, the loot is concidered a prize for listening to the raid leader. If there is no loot that means the raid didn't succeed, that means YOU didn't listen to the raid leader, that means you get no prize! Make a list of the people, do a roll, first person get to pick then roll again and repeat until no more loot. If a ranger walks away with pally epic, don't feel bad, he'll sell it for something else that he can use and the person who buys it will have earned every pp he payed for it. Every person contributed to the raid, you shouldn't be telling them to stfu, they deserve a chance at prizes.
RE: Naggy raids for the not so dummy people
# Nov 07 2002 at 1:51 AM Rating: Decent
Just a few things in my defense,
First off, it is impossible to find the people that you want. Yes, you can kill naggy with 18 of the class/levels you decribed but realistically those kinds of people wouldnt even join if you asked nicely. Wizards stand to gain very little since there is no specific loot for them, although wizards do tend to want to join more then all the other casters except druids. Rogues are great but ive never had more then four able to come and most are in the 45-48 range. In all the raids a total of 4 shamen have come and never more then 1 at a time. Naggy raids are practically ancient and few people still want to do unless they need to complete there epic, i.e. palidans bards and warriors (the three most common classes to join)
Next,theres a reason why I said clerics should never CH. When they CH naggy instantly argos on them and will summon them and kill them quickly. I have never seen a cleric land a CH and then live to talk about it.
Third, you mention other peoples resist gear. I have never seen a /shout "Naggy raid 49-52 rogues (with epic) wizards (must have ice comet) and monks please send tell, but dont waste your time if you dont have high resists" It just wouldnt work out. Unless you plan on buying full sets of resist gear for all the participants you really cant control what kind of gear the people are wearing to the raid.
Lastly, you say as long as someone joins the raid they should get a chance at the prize and to do ffa loot. Obviously you havent lead a raid lately. If you ffa loot, and a druid walks away with a CoF, who will get the thousands of tells from across the server about need before greed? The raid leader will.
I would honestly love to see you try to run your "naggy raid so the not so dummy people". Itd probably end up like this: After 3 hours of recruiting for people that you wont ever find, you'll begin to comprimise. Let a few 46-48 people in. Let a few druids and paladins fill in the gaps of shamen and rogues. Before you know it you'll be back in the nexus sending tells to the other people in the zone to drag your raid of 10-18 people out from King Tranix's throne room. If you even make it to naggy with the 18, non-epic, most likely sub-90 svm and svf, people. You would have to face yet another CR. Then, by popular demand, you'd get a new leader.

Also, a naggy raid of 10 people? Please please please let me know when that is going on. Ill bring a lawn chair and some popcorn, and sell tickets at the door 10pp a person and make more money then all the bazaar sales in one weekend.

Edited, Thu Nov 7 17:05:24 2002
RE: Naggy raids for the not so dummy people
# Dec 07 2002 at 7:40 PM Rating: Default
I'm gonna have to agree with Tvardary here. You are definitly being to picky on this and people cant sit in the game for 24 hours waiting on someone to put together the "Perfect" group.

And getting people to join a raid isnt all about giving them looting rights. Raids are the most enjoyeable thing to do in EQ, loot or no loot. If there are no items dropped off naggy for your class, 95% of all people could care less, they would go expecting nothing in return but sheer entertainment. It sounds to me you havnt been on too many raids...
RE: Naggy raids for the not so dummy people
# Nov 07 2002 at 9:17 AM Rating: Default
The best way to get a non melee to a naggy raid is to offer them a chance at naggy loot, there isn't anything there for them so why not let the have a chance at it all. They are a part of the raid are they not? Don't they deserve a chance at the loot? As for the CH, it does draw aggro but not so much when you have the other healing classes patch heal to slow it down. Most people at that level have aquired some sort of resist gear, but the best way is to keep an eye out yourself and take down names, ask them for the name of alt/main.

I'm outlining tactics for people to read to make things easier, do you think these tactics are new? No they are not, they've been used in ToV for a long time. If you really wanna moan about how you're strategy is better why don't you read it, it's not even a strategy, it's just senseless babbling, I see nothing there describing how to take him out aside from the obvoius.

I don't know, if ya really wanna do the NBG thing you are kinda gyping everyone and it's very not cool, but here are some things you prolly wanna know:
Bards are not melee,
ranger rogue and beast lord have 40% haste on their epics and they are easy to get so they are not on the NBG list
that leaves warriors monks sks pallys for the roll. Now maybe some of you are thinkin monks have haste on epic but thats song haste, not equipment haste.
Everyone thats got epic peice drops tell em they have the choice of one or the other. Some people will go for epic, don't ask me why they just do.

There, now you have a higher chance of excluding people to get your greedy little hands on something you don't deserve.

My warrior has 134 svm unbuffed(my equipment is crap because I focused on svm) unbuffed with a gobby earing, he never gets feared, he never gets real buffs dispelled because I watch that carefully. Naggy sticks on me like glue because I'm not running the other direction. Nuking before 50% becomes safe because there is only 1 tanks, me. Newbie charge is cool and all but it will result in cr a lot and people will be afraid to attend these raids.

Edited, Thu Nov 21 23:33:08 2002
Naggy Raids for Dummies
# Nov 03 2002 at 5:21 AM Rating: Good
I'd just like to start by saying I'm retired from leading vox/naggy raids. I sorta go into it near the end, but I felt I could pass some of my information along. All this information is accurate to the best of my "vast" knowlegdge. It can be applied to Vox as well with some minor adjustments. I don't feel like making a seperate post tonite, this one took me 2 hours, but maybe another time.

Please excuse the typos, its 3:20 in the morning.

Well here's what my DAY of running a vox or naggy raid is like. Well do a weekday one since thats when most happen. After I get home from school (2:30) Log on immediately (no life I know =)) /join buysell, /1 Anyone killed naggy yet? Wait two minutes and repeat /1 Anyone killed naggy yet. Then someone else will say, "Is he spawning today?" thats your que,/1 "Naggy raid forming 46-52 pst with level and class" /join nagtheoldhag, Every tell you get right down the name and their level and class on a piece of paper. No joke, the recruiting on buysell will last on average 2-5 hours. 5:30, you look at your list of names and should see bout 25, depending on what your loot rules will be (we'll hear more bout loot rules later). You'll notice that about 20% of your raid force is paladins, 10% Bards, 50% other melee, 10% Druids, and 5% wizards, and 5% other casters (These statistics are results of 15 Naggy raids and not including vox raids, where more casters do come). YOU WILL BE EXTREMELY LUCKY IF YOU HAVE 2 CLERICS AT THIS POINT. Although most likely you will not have any. Also dont expect any shamen to come. So /w all 46 Cle - /w all 52 cle, and send a tell to EVERY cleric you see. /tell joeshmoethehealler "Would you like to join a raid on Naggy, the loot rules are (insert loot rules here)"
6:30 And you finally got 3 Clerics. I have successfully raided Naggy with only 2 clerics and had only one death, ironically, one of the clerics, but I received tells for the next week telling me congrats and that it was the best raid with under 4 clerics ever. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND, unless you have extremely twinked people or very experianced raiders and you know what your doing, to not even try if you can't get 4 clerics along. Ok. Now if you've still been recruiting, and writing names down, you should have around 34 people on your list. Tell everyone to gather at the LS rings. 7:15. You can begin to create groups. There are many ways you can do this but heres my reccomended style:
G1 Yourself (Looter), MA (this should be a 52 Warrior), Nuker (highest level wizard there), Healer (highest level Cleric), another tank (Highest level sk or pally, your choice but i usually go with the sk), and SA (Next highest warrior to MA or a 52 monk)* Please note if you are one of the classes listed, place a bard in your group. Since I am one thats who was in the yourself group. This group is designed to be the XP group and should do the most damage to Naggy.
G2 Leader should be someone you know well, and group should have a cleric, 3 melee, 1 caster, and a bard. This is the reliable group, They should know what they are doing, and should you need to escort someone from zone, or go back and rez someone you send this group to do it.
G3 - G6, Each group should have either a cleric, shamen, or 2 druids, Make the leaders people who seem compedent and respond when you ask them things. Other then the healers, just jumble the other people into groups but try to evenly distribute based on levels, if you have a 52 warrior left, put him in with the 45 ranger that begged and begged to get in. This is to ensure that you get the xp and no one stands a chance at ninjaing.
8:00 (No joke) Everyone should be into groups now. And it is time to go over rules. *Loot rules are first*. *They are all anyone cares about. Defaulting one item is expected. Dont loot something like the cloak of flames, however, or no one will join you raid. Acceptable defaults are epic pieces and specific class only items. For the other loot the best way I have found is to simply say "NBG One Roll only". When rolling have everyone who wants in on the item send you a tell, and assign each a number, Forbz 1, Trevorz 2, Deathtotrevorz 3, Othercharactersidontlike 4, and then you /random 0 5. Whatever number it lands on, the corresponding person wins. If it rolls a 0 or a 5 you reroll. So if i rolled 3, in this case, Deathtotrevorz wins the roll. There are other details to that though, for example if two of the same item drop, you use the same list of people and /rand 0 X, twice. But most important thing to emphasize is the NBG, Need Before Greed. Meaning, that a ranger can roll on a Cloak of Flames but a Shamen can't.*
Next rules, (8:30ish)
"If anyone does anything I directly tell them not to do, they lose their roll. Example: Trevorz Do NOT GOTO NAGGYS DOOR, and then Trevorz goes to naggys door, having him get argo and cause chaos resulting in your only lost raid. Also if anyone does lose their roll, I will not tell them till after naggy is dead so they can not desert."
That is the most effective thing any leader can say. It worked every time I used it.
Be sure to add that no one should ever pass you or whoever is guiding you to the prep room or leading the way, or, they too, will lose their roll.
Move into Solb (9:00), Hack, slash, slap, spit, nuke, and nibble your way to the Stone Spider room (9:20). Move to the first giants and kill them. Then have a monk pull the throne room and make sure everyone assists the MA. You should have killed them all and rolled on the desireable items by 10:00. The rolls do not count as naggy rolls but are, also, NBG. Now move to the bridge. Be sure to repeat this next one at least 3 times -
Proceed then by have G1 go first. G2 and so on. While you lower then bridge, raise it, call next group down. lower it, raise it again, etc.
10:20 If you lucky no one attacked the prep room and your still alive. For those of you who didnt read the whole thing first, my guess is you just ran across and then met your maker after someone pulled the prep room. Well, if you did read the whole thing, and you didnt get killed by the prep giants yet, Good for you. Now pull the prep, once everyone is in the corner before it.
10:30 Whoot giants done... Wait no they aren't.... Time for you to apprieciate your monks and their FD abilities. Have a monk pull the giants out of Naggys lair. Now your ready to be buffed.
10:50 Let the buffing begin. First make sure everyone clicked off ALL BUFFS. Then have everyone put on 5 crap buffs, Crap buffs are buffs that are not important for killing naggy. IE. Enduring Breath, Resist Poison, Resist Disease, etc. After 5 craps, put on real buffs. You can have 60 Cleric and 60 shamen come along to help with this one, although their price will generally include any jewels dropped by the dragons. If your on Xegony, I reccomend sending a tell to Mrwind or Donna. Very fair person to deal with.
11:20. All buffed up. While the buffing is going on, you should be making a hotkey for the following information:
Make sure everyone knows who the MA is and to assist him.
Make sure your nukers dont nuke until you say NUKE. (Say at 50% of naggys life)
*Say the loot rules.*
Make sure no one trys to push Naggy into lava and if they do they will regret it for the remainder of their lives on this earth.
Make sure the cleric in your group is healing the MA primarly, you secondly, then the rest of your group.
Make sure all the other healers are targeting Naggy, /assist, and then healing whoever naggy is attacking, primarly, the members of their group secondly.
Make sure clerics do not use Complete heal.
Make sure all melee know to stay on the same side of the MA and to switch sides of naggy when he calls out "Switch"
Make sure everyone knows that the MA will run in and start attacking Naggy in the center of room, you will count to 5, in your head, and then tell everyone to go. Everyone will wait till you say go, except the MA.
*Say the loot rules again.*

11:45, Go to the bathroom, its been a long day.

11:47. get everyone in front of naggys door, against the wall looking at the door. Have the MA go in. Count to five. Then tell everyone to GO
11:48 Your mind should stop time. You should be able to tell 60 seconds into the fight if you will win or lose. If more then 3 people have died. You could be in trouble.
11:49 You should have naggy to at least 50% at which point you should have everyone Nuke that can.
11:50 If he isnt dead yet. It will be a close one but we will assume hes dead by now so start rezzing everyone.
11:55 Everyone should be rezzed so you start doing the rolls for items. It is at this time you will start to see why I retired from Vox and Naggy raids.
Now had you done everything as I said. You should have said loot rules 3 times. Just look for the *'s. But after someone loses a roll, they feel like they have been cheated and cant accept that they gambled and lost. Id expect this to happen in vegas if the gamblers never saw the dealers, the pitbosses, the managers, and the video cameras, and just gambled there money over the computer. Unfortunitly, the people who lose rolls dont ever get to meet me, so they feel like they can say whatever they want. They can say the rolls were fixed. They can say my loot rules are unheard of. They can say I am a pathetic raid leader despite me just leading them to victory.
IT HAPPENS. IF YOU CANT HANDLE THE BAD COMMENTS DONT LEAD THESE RAIDS. Dont get me wrong. I get compliments and apprieciative people more then 10 times as often as the "ungrateful" (my name for the complainers). But the "ungrateful" have a way of getting to you more.
12:29 Thank everyone for joining your raid. Even the "ungratefuls".
12:30 (yes thats a.m.) Ok this shindig should be over. Make sure everyone gets a TL or TP out of the lair and to a prefered destination, and get out of there yourself.
12:40 ;tell.xegony Tvardary Thank you for telling me how to lead a successful raid against naggy, You forgot to add (insert something here, im sure i forgot something) but it still worked.

Thanks for reading it all. This should work, although I am doing it by memory.
# Nov 02 2002 at 11:49 PM Rating: Default
get a monk to fd himself in to one of the far pots, get up, disc fearless, tank untill mt arrives. Everyone goes and sits at the opposite pot untill mt calls em in. The whole point in this is to keep your clerics and casters alive long enough to get their casts off, its called an ae wall, it prevents you from getting hit/feared. See easy, not a prob, you don't need 50 suicidal people charging him, more like 10.
Well, my first dragon raid
# Nov 02 2002 at 11:20 AM Rating: Default
I'm lvl 38 at the time, and I was let on this dragon raid for tashing, clarity, etc. We had about 35 ppl there, and aside from my chat channels not working the whole time, it was fun.

One thing to note is that if you're planning on raiding this beast, make sure everyone's gonna stay and fight, my raid happened at 10pm, so by the time we got prepped and entered, it was midnight hehe.

The FGs went down easily, dropped king tormax in minutes, everything was goin well. We just pulled and finished off the three by the drawbridge getting ready to clear prep room when, a bunch of ppl left, with only around 20pp left, we were too underpowered to take Naggy on. :( Well, with my hopes down and with my eyes closing randomly, I decided to gate to PoK and leave Naggy for another day (did that rhyme?) Well, my guild is planning on goin again, and I'm trying to lvl as much as I can to stand a better chance against him. Just a fun experience, and a great way to learn how to handle 3 FGs at once, beat the hell out of it :D

As for any dragon raid, a lvl 60 cleric is very useful (aego) but not needed, I'd reccommend a bard in almost every group, for the resists, and more than 2 chanters P. Bye now and good luck on slaying this evil fiend! ^_^

PS: sry for the long post, I'm in a type a lot and try to help mood today :)
Power of a mage
# Oct 17 2002 at 12:47 PM Rating: Default
Ok heres my idea, please comment :)
For anyone who has a 50+ mage, you know the power of their pets. I would like to lead a naggy raid of 30-35 magicians of lvl 49-52. Now before you think to yourself *yeah..ok...i give them 30 seconds before a total wipe*, think about the pets, a mage fire pet is almost, if not completely resistant to the AoE fire nukes that normally f*** up the casters on all naggy raids. If we pull naggy to the door and get him surrounded by pets (some 51 earth, some 52 fire and such) and have all the mages in the prep room during the fight, i think its possible. Even though the pets may be ripped up a little faster then a regular player, each mage chain casting their pet once it dies, would leave naggy in an endless cycle of trying to kill pets. I know someone will try to say we will be killed by being summoned, but each naggy raid i have attended, i have only been summoned when in naggys view, so if everyone is in the prep room, and only enters the hallway to send in another pet, there is a low chance of being summoned. If anyone has ever tried something as radical as this hehe, i would love to know how it went, and please respond to this post :)

53rd Elementalist
Fennin Ro
RE: Power of a mage
# Oct 31 2002 at 6:18 AM Rating: Default
Should work for you. Few drawbacks are:
1) 30 mages are not easy to come by.
2) resistances were changed in a patch a few months ago, and from what I heard pet resistances now equal to master's. (not sure if this true)
3) He will summon, and my guess is he will call in your mages. However it can only be done once every ~10 seconds so have mage summoned run back out. People will die but doesnt take forever to get rid of 32k with 30 mages.

I heard 6 necros could do it. And if any of you mages had epic pet to go on this, you would be set.
Fire Giants/Naggy
# Oct 11 2002 at 9:24 AM Rating: Default
Looking into a Naggy raid and need to do some researching before attempting it. The final fight itself I'm not too concerned about, but even with the EQAtlas map I'm a bit concerned about the fire giants. It lists the castle as starting at loc 15 on the map and states giants can aggro through walls and that not all walls and doors are shown. Need some info from someone who knows this spot well.

Any general advice for pulling/clearing the giants?

Any spots in particular to be careful of/around?

Is one group of 53 plus sufficient to clear the giants for a 52 and under raid?

At what point on the map would you suggest stopping for final buffs?

Is Magi Rokyl the only giant in the lair with Nagafen?

Where is a safespot to pull all other mobs from the lair itself before Nagafen? is this the same spot as the final buff area?

Thank you in advance for any input

Troubadour of Tallon Zek
RE: Fire Giants/Naggy
# Oct 31 2002 at 6:41 AM Rating: Default
Fire Giants can be tricky sometimes. Best advice is to have a monk FD pull. Bards are great to charm any extras from a bad pull. There are 20 total FG's to kill.
on the map they are
1)2 at spot 15, cant split them. i would suggest charge room and root one or charm, if rooting split them so dont tank both at same time. Also to land spells you have to be in melee range. Make sure to snare or root because they will try to run and where the cave shrinks down and heads to SS room, they drop in lava and reset to spawn and CH.
2) 2 more are just inside gate above lava falls and RF spawn north of section 16
3) 2 FG's and King Tranix spawn in area 16, tranix is a shadow knight and will harm touch and has a larger aggro radius then the others. I suggest when splitting them have force along wall at n1100, n200 and monk fd at n1300, n200 which is bottom of ramp. use that spot for steps 2 and 3. Remember to be patient when pulling sometimes it takes work getting a good split.
4) once in the throne room if you go west a path will lead to warlord skarlon. section 17 on map. He has a friend with him in his room. This pull can be skipped if you wish.
5)at area 18 are 2 FG's and a roamer that comes down. I suggest monk FD at top of stairs on throne room side of drawbridge and have it pulled in to throne room.
6) now to clear prep room. There are 4 FG's and a named one, who drops item for karana quest armor. FD at n1100, n500 and have tag man run up when have one solo and pull to throne room. This spot is easy to split if no wizards since the giants get to their home points easily which makes them forget. Just as before be patient.
move your raid force to the square room where the 5 giants were. this is known as the prep room.
7)Just inside the door to naggy's lair are 2 FG and rokyl, the 2 are to left and right of door and you wont see till you walk in door. so be ready. Naggy and Rokyl both can aggro as soon as you walk in door. You will need a 52 or under pulling these 3 otherwise you will be banished. If you have the force to take naggy these 3 should be np to take all at once.

At this point you buff for lord nag and you are all set.
Some side notes are some FG's are wizards and make it extremely difficult to FD pull. Use corners best you can vs casters and watch for the cast message. Also for the earlier part if it gets out of hand and you havent damaged the giants enough to where they summon you can run in to cave and camp out most of time. Sometimes the giants find a way to fit in there, but usually dont. When they did i was able to lose them in the hall next to SS room.
Worst split i found was Tranix room.

Difficulty isnt too bad. 60clr 60war and me started at 56monk did these often for fun.

Tsuson Silvermoss
60 Monk Veeshan
Nerf it again!
# Oct 02 2002 at 5:15 PM Rating: Default
You know, sending in a bunch of lvl 52 characters with lvl 60 buffs does not seem fair. Naggy should dispell all buffs over lvl 52 as soon as you enter his lair.

Does anyone know, is Summon resistable?
RE: Nerf it again!
# Jun 23 2003 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
oh yeah, that's a great idea. Just imagine.... your clerics without KEI.... *shock and awe insues*
naggy down by 11
# Oct 01 2002 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
Toke out Naggy on sunday with only 11 ppl. 52 warrio, 3 clerics 52, 52 monk, 2 bards 47 and 43, 52 rogue, 52 necromancer, 2 wizzies 52 and 47. All had aego thanks to 60 cleric and all had good resist gear. Lost one of the clerics in the first couple seconds. Total deaths 3. Too bad no CoF dropped but we got satchel, gloves, shaman hammer and orb. Very fun for everyone who helped and join.
# Sep 27 2002 at 9:06 AM Rating: Default
My 51 bard was in the lead attack group. With my resist songs playing, Mag resist was 235, fire resist at 180. Resisted all the fear spells, but took damage from 4 out of 9 fire blasts. My group was pretty much toast before others came in, so I stood there with my drum, tanking. :( tanked for about 3 rounds and started to fall back LOADING, PLEASE WAIT>
RE: Resists
# May 28 2003 at 12:12 PM Rating: Decent
Levels > Resists.

The bare minimum i would suggest anyone do a Naggy Raid would be the max allowable level 52 with fire and magic resists AT LEAST 150 each. Even that one level can make a huge difference.

Having been in Naggy raids with mixed levels i can say without doubt the people that tend to survive are the L52 people with high resists.

Being a BST i have had a lot of fun in Naggy and Vox raids, since they are actually two of better raids for using a shrunken pet in (the L49 BST Pet can easily hit and do a LOT of damage to Naggy/Vox especially with the disease proc). Don't use spirit of wind on naggy though, not unless you want the whole raid mad at you because your pet flung naggy into the Lava.
Spawn time?
# Sep 19 2002 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
I am sure it's been asked and answered before, but what IS the spawn time on Vox and Nagafen? A week?

I want to participate in raids on each of them before I get to be too high in level.
RE: Spawn time?
# Sep 19 2002 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
361 posts
A week give or take a day or two. Not a set time since they added a random amount to repop times for some mobs.
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 14 2002 at 6:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) yea hi i have a really uber guild and we get free 96 rezzes and KEI all the time, we kill this guy with one group and the 60s alll come to buff us like i said itrs a really uber guild, andim really uber because they hand down all their dump twink stuf that to us is godly and we dont pay 20k or 100k for stuff because they just throw it down to us, like i said were really uber and all the regular peons in the game have to work for years just to look at the kinda stuff my guild twinks down to out newbies. itsa a really uber guild in case i forgot to mention that.
# Sep 19 2002 at 4:56 PM Rating: Decent
Is this an attempt at satire?
#REDACTED, Posted: Sep 17 2002 at 7:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) grow up
RE: im so uber you suck
# Sep 26 2002 at 6:57 PM Rating: Default
173 posts
umm, first of all because you cannot enter planes (hate, fear, air) unless you are lvl 46 and up. No matter what your gear is, no matter what your hp is or how good you are at playing... it is physically impossible to enter the plane.

Other than that,lets say you 'could' enter a plane sub 46. You wouldnt last 2 seconds in hate at lvl 26. you cant resist the spells they throw at you, and no matter what you're wearing the mobs would eat you in one or two attack rounds. Or lets say you dont draw any aggro... you will be poking and slashing for 2-3 points of damage, and your spells wont land.

Sorry but the only way to get in is to go exping and come back later.
Naggy's been working out
# Sep 05 2002 at 9:02 AM Rating: Default
With the 8/4/02 Patch, Nagafen is a MUCH more difficult encounter. Forget the days of never getting feared. You WILL get feared now! And you will get feared often.

With the resist changes in that patch, I would recommend a buffed SvM of over 200. If not you can take your DPS and cut it in half.

And, no, I'm not joking.
RE: Naggy's been working out
# Sep 14 2002 at 6:16 PM Rating: Default
ye i went on naggy raid recently and nag was dead in less than a minute. the 6th group of wizards barely even got to begin nukeing before she dropped and only one death was an over zealous wiz who was trying to ks the xp lol. Of course the chance of winning a roll on loot with so many people is only slightly better than one in two hundred forty-three million, five hindred sixty-four thousand, nine hundred eighty-seven., if u catch my drift.
RE: Naggy's been working out
# Sep 09 2002 at 3:16 AM Rating: Default
I can confirm that. My resists (161 Mr, 175 CR/FR) have keept me alive and unfeard through three previous dragon raids. On our latest Naggy raid (first one after the patch) fear hit several times, and AOE burned through at 500 each time.

But, Naggy died and droped us a couple of croocks, 2 drums, one CoF and one Blight. No epic parts :-(

Steina Short, 52 paladin
Andorf, 51 Cleric
Tholuxe Paells

Edited, Tue Sep 10 08:03:37 2002
RE: Naggy's been working out
# Sep 05 2002 at 2:18 PM Rating: Default
DDW (on VZ) drop'd naggy last night after the patch on 9/4/02 in less than 2 mins. 23 lvl 39-52 players were involved. TOO EASY! Dropped drums, hammer, and orb.

Edited, Thu Sep 5 15:06:15 2002
RE: Naggy's been working out
# Sep 06 2002 at 5:35 AM Rating: Default
Omg Gosh like they know who DDW is! Its Dark Defiant Warriors!. And Yea dropping him was cake. I was playing a 49 Rog at the time with a lil over 100 Mr and was only feared once while I ran in at him. Once I took position behind him I wasn't feared or Ae'd the whole fight. I think we only had 5 or so deaths also, primarily the lower lvls we had with us, and I think 1 of our main tanks. We also only had 2 wizards, 1 I'm sure had Lure capability, not positive about the other. Our stragety is pretty simple. Clear Giants to chamber before Naggy. Assemble a "buff group" Clr, Shm, Enc, and sk/necro for resist poi/dis/cold, then any caster for see invis. Those 4 buffs should be your top 4 buffs because Naggy will dispell your top 4 buffs. So once you have those 4 the good buffs should follow. Buff all with Hp/ac/Mr/Fr and focus is a bonus. Then make sure Tanks get haste (the faster the better) and casters get clarity, a regen doesn't hurt either. Basically we form a buff group. raid leader calls forth each person one at a time to get buffed by the buff group, buff that person then have them camp to a chat room. After everyone is buffed and in chat all log back in fully buffed, reform groups quickly, give last min reminders (must be in melee range to land spells, use resistant discipline ect.) Then KEEL! Melee all charge with the Main Tank, Let them aggro for a min or so then send casters/pets and pray everyone does there jobs =). End result few mins later you'll be passing out the lewt! He dropped Drums, Orb, and 2 Hammers for us this time, also dropped 2 of the books for the Paladin epic. Overall a pretty easy raid that doesn't take a massive army when done right.

Edited, Fri Sep 6 06:24:43 2002
# Aug 31 2002 at 1:56 AM Rating: Default
the key is organization. A single raid leader with xperience with naggy and officers who are the leaders of each group. The raid leader only confers with the leaders of the groups on an officers channel.. turn off all other spam channels like /ooc 'others hits' others spells etc.

The group members talk to their group leadr only, and do what he says. the group leaders pass on info to the raid leader , like if someone goes LD. that way the raid leader is informed.

The raid leader calls the shots to the group leaders. the group members do as they are told and dont pass the group leader till they are told to assist the MA.

The MA and healers have their hotkeys.

and you might want to get a good puller, it helps with the FG.
Suicide Chanter?
# Aug 28 2002 at 12:54 AM Rating: Default
Instead of sending in a suicide enchanter to lower his resists, send in a chanter that's over 52. He'll tash, then get banished. That's my 2 cp.

re-poste(lol, bad pun)
# Aug 23 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Default
ok, duh i thought on ths and he's large so no bash will disrupt, but is there no way to end his casting at all...not very versed in caster information.thanks..for listeneing to my endless babbling.
cast interrupts
# Aug 23 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
can this bad boys spell casting be interuppted?
with a stun or bash or spell or anything????

curious lil rogue looking to take this creep down someday soon.
Aggro Group
# Aug 19 2002 at 12:15 AM Rating: Excellent
303 posts
I went on my first dragon raid, and thanks to good leadership, good planning, the right classes at the right levels, and plenty of bards, we downed Nagafen with only minor casualties.

I had the pleasure of being in the aggro group — that is, the initial contact group including the main tank. We had a warrior, two paladins, a bard, and two clerics in the aggro group. The tanks from this group rushed in to initiate the battle and establish aggro before the other groups joined in. When the main tank got to 30 to 40 percent health, the first paladin laid hands on the main tank to prevent the cleric from taking aggro from Nagafen too early. Naturally, the paladin (me) got Nagafen's full attention and was downed in about 10 to 15 seconds. Next, the second paladin took on the role and laid hands on the main tank and also tasted Nagafen's full wrath. With the two paladins down and out of the way, the main tank once again stood at the top of Naggy's hate list. It was therefore a bit safer now for the clerics to cast heals since the main tank had more time to establish a solid taunt.

Before long, they called in the nukers and Nagafen was brought down. The main tank survived the entire battle and therefore provided stability for the support groups to do the damage. I think having the paladins do the first two complete heals (with Lay of Hands) was an important factor in keeping Nagafen firmly planted on the main tank; of course, I might be a little biased since I was one of those paladins. =) But seriously, this seemed to be a good aggro-group strategy on the part of our raid leaders.

Edited, Mon Aug 19 01:39:24 2002
# Jul 26 2002 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
Took this fool out on the 7/24/02 real noobish raid we (Drinal figure =/)had about 7 deaths before even reaching the Fgs, after we reached there we had deaths here and there. the Raid was forming at 7pm cst but we didnt get in Solb till 10pm we got to naggy about 1am where the dumb raid leaders wanted to waste another hour buffing everyone , didnt take out naggy till 2am , i guess it was a good idea buffing everyone cause out of 45 people 40 died =/ including myself i was the last to die after tanking naggy for 5secs his aes were what really put me low on life.Anyway COF droped , but i lost roll by 1 freaking number . To sum it up just having good resist gear and resist spells on u and your fine..
# Aug 03 2002 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
40 died out of 45, omg. What level were all of you?
# Jul 08 2002 at 5:51 AM Rating: Good
I know if you are over 52 and you attack Naggy you get kicked to the zone. Is it ok to heal people though? Healing draws agro so would that be the same as an attack? Buffs are fine I assume, but i don't want to heal someone and be thrown out. Anyone know for sure?
RE: healing?
# Jul 21 2002 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
361 posts
Healing someone will put you on Naggy's hate list and you will get booted out of zone...

Edited, Mon Jul 29 16:28:29 2002
RE: healing?
# Jul 29 2002 at 2:59 AM Rating: Decent
Just a comment, with the default filter on I see you have 7 posts on just this page, did you get bored or something? YAAAAAAAAAAAR
RE: healing?
# Jul 29 2002 at 3:45 PM Rating: Excellent
361 posts
Post No 8
Clearly, not as bored as you if you took the time to count my posts here :smile:

but yeah, not much else to do at work :-)
# Jul 02 2002 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
Ahhhh....this guy is a remenent of the good ol' days. Actually the good ol' days weren't all that good =P. Hehe this guy was around before you could ever exceed lvl 50, or rather pre-kunark, hell this zone was in the beta test! So he's was kinda like what the 60+ Dragons of Velious and Kunark are now, like the dragons in Temple o Veeshan. Just wanted to point out for any newer players, that the info saying you need many groups, like a raid, to kill Naggy is out dated. In fact it only take a couple groups or less of peeps 55+ to take Naggy down. But, his area spell effect thingies are pretty bad a$$ still. Naggy is getting old and week, he's a has-been, but still fun to kill)

# Aug 31 2002 at 1:38 AM Rating: Default
dude, how long have you been away from the game anyways
# Jul 02 2002 at 11:59 PM Rating: Decent
361 posts
...the only way for a couple of 55+ groups to kill Naggy and Vox is to use an exploit.....you wouldn't do something like that would you Slythorpe? =p
# Jul 02 2002 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
Unless something has recently changed if anyone over Level 52 attacks Naggy he sends them right to the zone so I can't see 2 groups of Level 55+ taking him out. They would have to supply support for several groups UNDER Level 53 and avoid attacking him altogether.

Edited, Tue Jul 2 21:31:32 2002
How do you do it...
# Jun 28 2002 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
How can you take a screenshot and have the time displayed like right before something hits soemthing else? for example
[00:03:41:62] Jibantik hits a giant for 42 points of damage
[00:03:42:32] " "

[(hour of day):(minute of hour):(seconds of the hour):( milaseconds of the seconds)]
im trying to figure this out so i cna see how fast my attacks are actualy happening to be EXACT on the dot, please help , i beleive Bikamar did it previasly , thanks everyone =)
RE: How do you do it...
# Jul 01 2002 at 3:13 PM Rating: Good
361 posts
I just cut and paste from my log file.

To turn logging on, either type /log in game or in your eqclient.ini file in the directory you installed EQ, change the line LOG=FALSE to LOG=TRUE.

Your log file will be found in the same directory and will be called something like eqlog_xx_charname (where xx is a number)

I know of no way to take a screenshot with the date/time stamp, but that's not saying it isn't possible
# Jun 24 2002 at 9:03 PM Rating: Good
God some of the strats posted here are idiotic.

Naggy 101:

Get a Main Tank, level 52, with a nice aggro combo (frostbringer and another cold-based proc weapon work well, for example Club of the Ice Ocean), 75+ resist in FR/MR. Bonus points if he/she has a Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring for an instant fake.

Get a bard. Get two clerics. Get two paladins.

Put them in your FIRST group.

Fill up 3 other groups as necessary, rogues and wizards are great. Bring an enchanter to tash Naggy and haste melee, and a shaman to buff the raid. Druid for Circle of Winter is nice too.

Fake your raid with four fakes, then buff them up. Keep HP/FR buffs last.

When ready, send in your MT, pull naggy to the DOOR.

Send in your paladins. Have them LoH the MT as he/she gets low, in a rotation. Keep the clerics down the stairs along the wall, out of the AoE but in heal range.

Once the LoH rotation is done, begin Chealing the MT. He should have aggro enough to keep it off anyone by then.


Do not push Nagafen into the lava.

If you followed these instructions, and buffed everyone, and the bard was playing the proper resist songs, Naggy should drop like a rock within 40 seconds. Can't fail, unless your melee are lying about their resists or something.

Edited, Mon Jun 24 22:05:43 2002
bad leadership......
# Jun 22 2002 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
was just on a NAGGY RAID on prexus, we had 35+ lvl 45 to 52's there ( 6 full groups + a few straglers) needless to say i was in group 1 (agro group) we run in, get agro, get him down some, die, repeat... that's how it's supposed to go at least........... instead, we go in, get agro, group 2 comes in gets dmg, group 3 comes in gets dmg, group 4 comes in gets dmg, group 5 comes in DIES, group 6 comes in and doesn't even make it TO naggy, needless to say there wasn't ANYONE there to drag / rezz .... IMO everyone SHOULD NOT RUN IN TO DIE! it should go, 1st group gets dmg, 2nd group gets dmg, 3rd group gets dmg, 1st group dies, 4th group gets dmg while 2nd group dies, 3 group dies, and then 4th, 5th group should be corpse draggers, 6th should be rezzers / healers and then repeat... however this isn't how it went so oh well, maybe next time

PALADIN of the 51st season
RE: bad leadership......
# Jul 01 2002 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
361 posts
Strategy >>> Zerg always
MEEK Re:Boo-dookert?
# Jun 19 2002 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
I picked up naagafen and used him for my gnomish monk i jsust wnatto say that he rocks!!!!! he is the best monk ever. even though nagafen ways 70million tons i like the fast he can use a fire breath bomb turtle attack. So when i gave it to my gnomish monk the turtle head boo bob bob ate nagaafen i was like NOOOOOOOO!1 but then nagafen ate him! nowifyour gnomish monk has pimples the size of mrs. anderson then you will need touicklypress 44 !!!!!! quick!!! your going to explodey!!!!!Q my wart pimple removal cream ate my nagfen says one disgurntled mailbox with his falg down!!!!!@!! hey that look like a paperclip. welltimeto turn down the radio somy foot can soakup water andjump of of the paseo i speak fish spanhsih dudes fine me typing grammer bader mehahahaha fish ****. Ok so i justlike to see say that nagafen is the best weapon ever for any gnomish monk.

Getzurt the hafing shadow knight of the 59est umm.. 59est... umm yeah..

P.S. Hi hi hi hi Hey who doing that? that that that ECHO!!! echo echo echo ECHO!!1 echo echo WEE!! wee wee wee Hey i can echo! echo echo HI MOM!!! mom mom mom Boo dookert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dookert dookert dooket dookert dookert

P.S. P.S. i hope thta answeres all your Fisht turtle Questions = D have a nice boo dookert
RE: MEEK Re:Boo-dookert?
# Aug 31 2002 at 1:36 AM Rating: Default
well someone ginally said something that makes sendse. about time
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 15 2002 at 1:39 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I am a 48th chanter on Sol Ro server.Never been on a raid, cept little ones.I REALLY REALLY want to join a Naggy or Vox raid.I excell at chain stunning, buffing and de-buffing.I am in a guild which I love, alas we are not that established for a Dragon raid.I asked the guild and the 6 or 8 45-50+ people we have in the guild are very interested.I was told by my guild to set up the raid,alas, I know nothing about the process involved in raid "set up" .So where does that leave me?...asking you people to help me.Please respond to this post and/or send me a tell on Sol Ro, I am friendly and fun loving and (as some say) a pleasure to group with (well I try anyway).I know my job as a chanter and do it to the best of my ability.If this sounds like an application or a reume'....well it is, I REALLY want to get in on some dragon raids.My name is Mischiev Ious.Please help me on my endevour to kill a dragon or 2 by sending me a tell on Sol Ro.
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