Alright, first things is first, you are here for loot, do you wanna share the loot with 34 people or do you wanna share the loot with 10 to 18? Fewer people you have on this raid the faster you get it set up and done with. If you are going to use the dummy tactic I suggest you get 34 pure melee and not even worry about clerics. 2 clerics when you have 34 people might as well be melee.
MT should be a warrior that has a lot of MR 120+ unbuffed. The trick is to make naggy stick on him so ya know where all that extra damage is going and it's not going to happen if he's feared 90% of the raid. 8th coldain ring and gobby earing if you are thinking of twinking your warrior they are definate assets (hotkey the earing slot and your gobby earing slot so you can switch between them without loosing a good earing). Raid should not have very many warriors, they don't deal as much damage as the other class.
Wizards, rogues, and monks should be the majority of the raid. Wizards are nice because they can hide from the ae, but they still got to get in range so they do loose hp, also they should work on getting the aucum mask as well as the gobby earing for insta buffs. Rogues have an easy epic and do bs, chances are you can find some epic rogues, they WILL do the most damage on the raid even if they are getting feared more then the mt. 49+ wizards have ice commet, they aren't really all that useful until that point.
Now clerics are here for a reason, they are here to heal so using my tactic should make them useful on a naggy raid, after all they are not getting nuked for 500 and feared before they get their heals off anymore (see, "strategy", below). Set one in each group and one alone, the one without does ch on the warrior. The warriors cleric in his group only does cel heal on him, remember cel heal is 24 seconds so that cleric hits everyone else (4 second cast, 1 second to recover, 5 people). Make shaman/druids patch heal him so ch is delayed as long as possible.
For buffers its nice to have a 49+ shaman, 51+ druid, 49+ paladin, 52+ cleric, 49+ enchanter, 49+ ranger, 49+ mage. Shaman harnessing of spirit, paladin brells, clerics heroic bond + symbol of naltron (peridot) are all hp buffs that stack, and hp is what makes this easy. Clear your first 4 buffs and put useless ones there first for the dispell, not including your insta buff (gobby earing or coldain ring) because it's better to save that for when something is dispelled. Get cleric to also add shield of words onto mt, enchanter to clarity and haste on the guys with the big weapons, also shaman alacrity for the lower end melee, ranger for force of nature, feet like cat, strength of nature on mt. 49+ mage for summon elemental blanket.
MR should be the main concern on these raids, then hp, then maybe FR if its convient with your gear selection for the tanks. Gobby earing is very very nice to have as well and you'll need it if you wanna get into the high end guilds anyway. These are lure based dd's so don't make sacrifices. For casters that have to cast on naggy they should work on mr because they have to get in range. For casters that don't shouldn't even bother with that stuff, just keep your mana gear on and hide on the other side of the wall keeping him out of site.
Make a group with 2 warriors (incase peel includes a second), cleric, chanter or shaman, monk or sk and tell them to get rid of the fgs while you get the rest. If Rokyls Channeling Crystal drops include it with naggy loot. Bind monk and clerics at nexus for fast recovery.
This is restating what I said below but maybe you are tired and don't wanna check it. Get a monk to fd into his layer past him and towards the back wall, you'll see two pots, choose one. The monk gets up, does fearless so he doesn't run away and tanks naggy. While tanking he tells channel to charge. Everyone heads to the other pot except for the MT, the MT discs fearless then starts to attack. Everyone waits a few seconds for MT to call them in, if weapon procs right away thats a good time, if not wait a few seconds. Everyone is on the other side of the pot to avoid ae damage and fear while the MT develops aggro. This is where the clerics stay, try to move naggy back and fourth, do not bring him to the other or the raid is dead. If you lack insta buffs I suggest you make hotkeys and prepare casters in the group to buff you if need be. If your hp buffs get dispell you are useless to the raid.
Do FFA loot, the loot is concidered a prize for listening to the raid leader. If there is no loot that means the raid didn't succeed, that means YOU didn't listen to the raid leader, that means you get no prize! Make a list of the people, do a roll, first person get to pick then roll again and repeat until no more loot. If a ranger walks away with pally epic, don't feel bad, he'll sell it for something else that he can use and the person who buys it will have earned every pp he payed for it. Every person contributed to the raid, you shouldn't be telling them to stfu, they deserve a chance at prizes.