Tried this guy. He was yellow at 53, thought it would be fairly easy for uber shaman like me (lol)... So I went in, made pet, and found one of these. Pulled with Tugur's Insects. Went in. Sent pet in, but he kept coming for me. I rooted it. Took fer hits for 180s at this rate. Then I cast Plague on him. He gets off root. Hits me again for 180s several times. I root him again. Then he summoned me. Hit for 180s AGAIN. At this rate, I was at 20%, and he was at 92%.... As my insticts were yelling "DONT RUN! YOU CAN BEAT IT!!" I still turned around at zoned like a wet little rat. Then I sent lots of messages to my guild how tough he was. It was awesome experience to fight such tough thingy. =) Please try it out.
Thought I would jump down and go in the back way to check how mobs might be for my wife (52 Shaman) and I (52 Warrior) to do as a team. Was down there in my early 40s and all was red that I saw so figured who knows.
Well, worked my way down the hall to no big deal and saw one of these as the first mob. From the sounds of it I was lucky he hadnt seen me.
Red to me at 52 so Level has to have an upper limit of higher than 54.
Lets put it this way, Granted I am only 34 but the same story. fell off bridge and thought I would be clever and zone in. I was AT ZONE line, and he brought be down to 1/3 of a bubble of health. He aggroed and ran down the hall... and hit me inta-dizzy and pummled me. I only had to turn around and TAP forward. he took some 600+ hp off me in about 1 second(s) real life time. hes very cute... really
I was stupidenough to walk around on the ice at The entrance to thurg. suddenly i fall off the bridge. i was talkin to my 44 wizard buddie and ge said mybe there is a hole. i jump of the snow platform i am on and hit the ground being a monk i take no dmage from either fall. I hop through the hole, doo doo doo, i am strolling around in icewall keep in this tiny tunnel. suddenly i see this ice dude, conned red i ran hard but sadly wasn't fast enough. he caught up to me right before i hit the zone exit. he hit me for 300 in a matter of 3 seconds. A 35 monk just doesn't stand up to that. i was lucky that i hit FD fast. he walked off and after a little while i zoned, when i got back under the bridge my wizard friend jumped down and ported me out. now i am afraid of thurgadin bridges, especially the one to icewall keep. i don't know if i can fall through that one but i don't want to know. i learned 2 thnigs on that venture... don't fool around above big pits, and never listen to karwyn. =)
These guys hit hard - 189 max, and seemed to spawn near the Thurg-Icewell zone in the pit (the one near the entrance to Thurg. Conned blue to 54, but had a TON of Hps - must have been upwards of 10-15k