Posted:Apr 23 2002 at 12:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) For the first time on any server acording to the GM. i hate to say it but GO TRITON good job!
I play on Veeshan and have a few friends who raid with or are in FoH, and they LIVE in SSRAtemple, this guy will go down, they killed Lord Seru guy, not asure if this will be much toguht, dont know, but im telling ya FoH will be able to kill this guy eventually, they are in SSRATE 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Triton got him to about 35% last night. Obviously that's not dead, but as it was their first attempt, he probably will go down soon. See screenshot at http://www.tritonguild.com
Posted:Apr 21 2002 at 3:48 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Wrong co|ckfiend, he already went down over 3 weeks ago. Get your fu|cking facts straight you fu|cking numbskulled homosexual boy fuc|king piece of dog excrement.
Posted:Apr 08 2002 at 9:04 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Guess what? He is next ... but probably not by FoH. Check out Triton's website ... they've been hacking away at the Emperor. it looks to me as if they're going for the title as the first.
Posted:Apr 05 2002 at 1:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) want some cheese with that whine? P
This guy has NEVER been killed on ANY server. Fires of Heaven attempted to engage him in combat. For all of their valiant efforts they could never have been prepared for the retardedness of this encounter. He rampages, hits in the 900s from the screenshot on their webpage, he does DeathTouch, and yay, he's immune to melee damage with the exception of a quested weapon that is shissar bane. oh joy...
heh, finally someone shedding light to all these people saying the FoH has killed this snake. they haven't killed him yet...though they managed to pull off a kill with Seru recently. at least now FoH can focus more attention on this thing, though i question how far they will actually go in attempting to kill this guy.
Posted:Apr 04 2002 at 6:19 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) To the numbskulled mother f|ucker who posted this.... Get your facts and/or sources straight before you start making posts out of your ***, k thx.
Posted:Apr 03 2002 at 3:33 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You looked like you were slipping there when SoS/LoS took down the AoW first. Then Afterlife raped Tunare before you could. But with this you have gone and taken first place again. I was thinking you were about to fall of the map entirely for a while there. Good job FoH I dont think anyone else will be killing this ***** anytime soon. I dont know though I would think Afterlife would be hot on your heals with killing this guy. Just kill that guy in Sanctus Seru before they do and your in first till the next expansion.
Planes of Power will allow further leveling. Somebody who has a 60 character and a few 60 friends buy it and kick his *** for me. I want to know his loot.
I have some complaints about the game since SoL came out I wanna talk about. First is that whole AA ******** that has all the guys with lvl 60 characters coming back to max out all there AA points so they can put there brand new finally maxed out 60 character back on the shelf where he was before that ******** came about. I had gotten to 52 before SoL came out and lvling was pretty easy and groups not hard to come by. Im a warrior so thats the only way I can lvl is grouped. But now its been 3 months since then and all the ******* dungeons that were deserted before are now packed ******* full. I have barely managed 3 levels since then. I know post 50 leveling isnt easy but when I have to wait 45minutes for a group I just get bored and turn it off. I mean come the **** on there is now a waiting list to get into a frenzy group in Velks for christ sake. I mean when the hell are people going to realize that 60 is 60 no matter how many AA points you have? No one will know you maxed your AA points unless you tattoo it across your *** and run around naked or go around pointlessly telling everyone they are maxed. Its not like your guild wont be able to take the new big named mobs without maxed AA points. Hell the way I have heard it is that every big named guy in SoL has bitten the dust so far anyway so why would it ******* matter if you have none or all of your AA points. All it could ever do is shave a few seconds off the time it takes you to kill a mob or two. I'm not saying quit playing your 60 characters Im just saying tone it back down a bit. You most likely only have played your 60 guy on a big raid where they would really be needed. Well who's to say you cant ding a few AA points while clearing a plane or clearing out the mobs up to a dragon or other such named mob. All I'm saying is do you really need all those dam points when your not gonna be doing anything that hasnt already been done? Just think about it.
How many people, level 60, with good gear and alt advance skills, do you think it would take to kill him, remembering that; You can't land any spells what so ever, for he is 10 levels higher then you, and it is +6 I think. So you would have a Warrior/Monk/Rouge/Ranger/Pally/SK/Cleric (for buffs and heals)/Druid (for buffs and heals and do they have unresistable spells?) /Necros (mana battery and their best life tap (life taps are unresistable right?) and a shaman for buffing. Oh, and toss in some BLs if you want. I would guess it would be: 12 60 warriors 6 60 Rogues (backstab I say) 12 60 clerics 6 60 monks a couple of necros or bards (6 in total).
As a buff team; 6 60 cleric, 6 60 shamans, 6 60 druids, 6 60 Wizzies, 12 60 necros/bards/chanters as mana pumps.
Not Emperor Bane, but Shissar Bane weapons. Like Seru in fact.
Kinda ironic: after spending 3 years amassing bigger and badder weapons, Verant wants us to fight bosses with the equivalent (for that fight) of Fine Steel weapons :)
After we killed something in Ssra, this guy popped up. Just like everything else, i figured he wuldn't last to long. I was so wrong. He was invinsible, and flurried. He also was just killing everyone that he wanted to. The next sleepers if you ask me, but prolly not.
Wow, it's a strange looking wall, too. Wouldn't you be slightly curious if you were walking in a high level dungeon where anything goes and you see a strange wall. This is an RPG, you EXPLORE. Tch, flamers.