Stone Kanabo. Magic item Lore item No trade. Slot:Primare/Secondary. Skill: 1HB. Delay 20 DMG 15 AC 15. Effect Freezing Strike I (combat) 100 DD. Str 14 dex 14 sta 14 cha 14 hp 180 mana 180 end 180 Recommended 75 required 71. WT:1.2 size medium. Class War, rng, mnk, brd, rog, bst. Race All. Slot 1, type 4.
Conned Yellow - Red to a 71. Does NOT summon. Rootable. Solo kills net about 1% regular xp per kill; 2% with LoTD running. 1st attempt to solo there; pulled them to zone wall near shaman spell vendor and root/rotted. Netted just over 18% regular xp for the duration of LoTD. Killed a few with a partner afterwards; Hit me (1800 AC) for 1.4k max; missed alot. Mitigated slow.