EQ Update #8
Site Updates
New Items: Cask of Darkened Orcish Spirits
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Updated Items: Oily Gear ; Sweat-Stained Headband ; Cursed Arrowheads ; Blood Suspension ; Royal Linens ; Irresistible Lure ; Bag of Caynar Nuts ; Scorched Watcher Log ; Scorched Meteorite Chunk ; King's Key ; Bladefish Meat ; Pristine Gray Shark Hide ; Amorphous Selrach's Breastplate ; Frontier Stink Beetles ; Amorphous Velazul's Wristguard ; Amorphous Leather Sleeves ; Amorphous Silk Cap ; Amorphous Velazul's Sleeves ; Amorphous Plate Helm ; Amorphous Silk Wristband ; Amorphous Plate Greaves
Updated Quests: Druid Epic 1.5: Staff of Living Brambles ; Entrance to Daosheen's Chamber ; PoR Level 70 Spell #3: Message to the Past ; Accursed Grin of Malevolence ; Blood in the Mountains ; Safety of the Herd ; On Nobody's Side
New Recipes: Cask of Darkened Orcish Spirits
Bestiary Updates: Zimloro Jalobottle [Alchemy Supplies] ; Cutter ; Gorga Golo [Sneekee Spie] ; Opp Feelsick [Lost and Confused] ; Grazen Aeliubi [Combine Analyst] ; Ambassador Gruds [Combine Kromdul Liaison] ; High Praetor Lcea Katta [Representative of Tsaph] ; a disturbed ancestor ; a Chardok Gnomeslaver ; a fire coral plant
Zone Updates: Umbral Plains