March 16, 2015

New anniversary content goes live today (older content is another month away):

New Items: Scroll: Vow of Virulence Rk. IIIScroll: Sound of Thunder Rk. IIIScroll: Syllable of Convalescence Rk. IIIScroll: Greater Ward of Vie Rk. IIIScroll: Ward of Surety Rk. IIIScroll: Ward of Censure Rk. IIIScroll: Divine Indemnity Rk. IIIScroll: Shieldstone Stance Rk. IIIScroll: Summon Mutinous Servant Rk. IIIScroll: Renewal of Calix Rk. IIIScroll: Coronal Skin Rk. IIIScroll: Searing Sands Rk. IIIScroll: Promised Invigoration Rk. IIIScroll: Eradicate the Unnatural Rk. IIILuclin Shield Ornament

New Quests: Anniversary Solo Task: Belle of the BallAnniversary Shared Task: Cleansing the GroundAnniversary Shared Task: Dead DragonsAnniversary Shared Task: Korukust's Royal PainAnniversary Shared Task: Liquid CourageAnniversary Shared Task: Pirates of Timorous DeepAnniversary Shared Task: Pub Crawl

New Achievements: Achievement: 16th Anniversary TasksAchievement: 16th Anniversary Tasks (Bonus)

New Zones: Timorous Deep: Pirates of Timorous DeepPlane of War: Liquid CourageChardok: Korukust's Royal PainWestern Wastes: Dead DragonsThe Grounds: Cleansing the Ground

New Bestiary: Agent SeudavenaaZantog, the GreatestCaptain Jack AviakAnkraBrasse

Updated Items: Harmonic SpearSpear of HarmonyWooden BandsScroll: Yaulp XIV Rk. IIScroll: Eradicate the Unnatural Rk. IIBlood Rage PauldronsSymbol of OrderShimmering Black PearlGolden Helm of Rallos ZekSarnak Seneschal MaskNecromantic Dragon BoneMetamorph Totem: Speckled HareCommemorative Coin

Updated Quests: Bard Test of HarmonyColdain Ring #9: Coldain Hero's Insignia RingRare PlantsReaching the Seventh HammerMagician Epic 1.5 Pre-Quest Heshyrr's WisdomMashing Pumpkins

Updated Bestiary: A Protector of the HeartFalina RoughspinnerWicyl, the Watchera harpy hunterManunchiThe Butler


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