The Favor of the Orcakar Players  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:95
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Quest Items:
Related Quests:
Group Size:Solo
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Dec 7 04:09:21 2011
Modified: Wed Dec 7 04:11:22 2011
Your Location is -2705.98, 2099.31, 6.48

You say, 'Hail, Celtreus Arwell'

Celtreus Arwell takes a swig of his drink and belches loudly in your direction, 'What de'yeh want? I'm tryin' ta watch a show here!' The Halfling cackles gleefully and returns to ignoring you.

If you have completed the Postmaster's Challenge from Postmaster Aric Songfairer, hailing Celtreus will instead yield the following:

You say, 'Hail, Celtreus Arwell'

Celtreus Arwell looks you over, 'Well, the boss says yer a courier, but yeh know that all work and no play makes fer a dull life! Come talk ta' me when yeh have the favor of the Orcakar players!'

From here you need to do the quest "The Fifth Nybright Sister" from Clair Nybright. After completing this, take the reward, the Armored Orcakar Figurine, and put it in your PRIMARY slot, then return to Celtreus and hail him:

You say, 'Hail, Celtreus Arwell'

Celtreus Arwell cackles gleefully as he sees the figurine in your hand. 'There! That's the favor I was talkin' about! I have just the thing for yeh!' The Halfling leans over and digs through his bags until he pulls out a curious looking faceplate and holds it out toward you, 'Complements of the King himself! Always remember that life ain't all work, sometimes yeh gotta sit back and enjoy the moment!'

You receive a Visage of the Daft Trickster.

If you have already completed his final hail for the mask and still have the orcakar figurine in your hand, he will say the following:

You say, 'Hail, Celtreus Arwell'

Celtreus Arwell nods and tilts his drink toward you, 'Fine day ain't it? I love these performances, ridiculously funny!'
Submitted by: CaudyrShadowfury
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evil races
# Sep 10 2023 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
You can use Puppet Strings or Charm spells / songs if you have bad faction to make this quest work.
This walkthrough is incomplete
# Jun 26 2012 at 10:32 PM Rating: Excellent
21 posts
...Followed this walk through, and followed the walk through and many tips here

The first part, the "post masters challenge" was np and worked without any hitches. If your Bard faction is too low, try slaughtering Mistmoore a few times.

the so-called "second part" of "The Fifth Nybright Sister" I have tried, and tried and tried again. even went so far as to send through a petition asking about a potentially bugged character flag. The responding cs told me this walk through was "very likely incorrect, and according to their records i had not completed this quest line". sooo i finnaly did the tax quest, then had to once more go through the fifth nybright sister part. wallah, quest completed.

I strongly believe you MUST do "The Nonad Brothers" quest before completing "The Fifth Nybright Sister", which is actually the third part of the quest.

The Nonad Brothers is here...

For the Factions, as an Agnostic Ogre... enough faction work to get dubious with clerics of tunare (killing the DE camp in Lfay worked great for this, but other bad factions means DEs wont want to do) then go do the Muffins for Pandos quest to Ally clerics of tunare. as seen here:

....for the Qeynos factions, specificly Antonious Bayle. go kill mobs in the low level black burrow til dubious with Qeynos guards, then go do the Qeynos muffin quest with Guard Wenbie as seen here: . so that Vicus nonad will talk to you and the taxes quest will be a trivial issue walking around in Qeynos without even invising, for the one part with Flynn i just used an alt to say his line and get his tax piece, i never spoke with Mira. the tax token is not notrade.

Now my Ogrillion self is much beloved by the Clerics of Tunare, Antonious Bayle, and even the Priests of Life. =)

Goodluck to you all!

Edited, Jun 27th 2012 12:34am by unknownhost
This walkthrough is incomplete
# Oct 01 2012 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
This walkthrough is EXACTLY accurate . . . confirmed on Monday, October 1, 2012. I was able to complete the quest today, having only completed the Post Master's Challenge and the Fifth Nybright Sister quests. You do NOT need to complete the Nonad Brothers quest. The reason the GM told the above poster that his quest line was not yet complete, was because he had not correctly finished the Sister quest. Once he correctly finished the Sister quest, he was then able to complete the entire task, regardless if he completed the Nonad Brother quest or not.

On a side note, I play a Dark Elf who warships Innoruuk, and as I was leveling up way back in 1999-2000ish, I camped Vhalen Nostrolo in South Karana for xp, which destroyed my already bad League of Anatoncian Bard faction. However, even at maximum KOS I was able to complete this quest to get the Daft Trickster without a single ounce of factioning. I first completed the Nybright Sister quest, without shroud, without charm, without anything. When I talked to the drunkard in Kelethin, he replied with the KOS message to everything I said. I then went to the sisters, said "Claire" then "Mayla" to Kayla Nybright which made all 4 sisters attack. Yes, Shyla attacked me too since I'm max KOS. I killed 3 sisters, leaving Shyla alive and getting "Blood of the sister on my hands". I then zoned agro, came back to Shyla who was alone and said "Claire" then "Mayla". Upon saying Mayla agian made Shyla attack, but I zoned agro without killing her. The reason, any time you get "blood of the sister on my hands" message, you have to say Mayla again to someone without killilng them, which is probably what was happening to the above poster. I completed the rest of the quest as normal.

For the 18 Bard deliveries, just shroud to your highest goblin rogue shroud. First click "Hide" then click "Sneak". For any interaction you must have with the NPCs, simply stand behind them with Hide and Sneak both active, unclick Hide, do your interaction before the NPC has time to completely turn to face you, and click Hide back on. If the NPC faces you before you click Hide back on, it will attack. Also, you'll find the mail deliveries go much faster if you first gather up all the mail that goes to the same destination, go drop it off there, then gather up all the mail that goes to another destination and drop it off there, and so on. You can carry all 18 pieces at the same time.

So there you go, you can either spend countless hours and days factioning and do it that way, or you can make use of the shroud mechanics and complete this rather quickly, even at max KOS.
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