Demiplane Tier 1: Graniteclaw  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Event
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Loot
Failure Lockout Timer: 00:01:00
Success Lockout Timer: 108:00:00
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Depths of Darkhollow
Group Size:Raid
Min. # of Players:18
Max. # of Players:54
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Dec 20 07:26:04 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Zi-Thuuli of the Granite Claw can spawn from the corpse of any 73+ level mob in the Demiplane of Blood. The fourth time he is successfully encountered is his last appearance.

Zi-Thuuli growls in a booming voice, 'Caught by surprise, mortals?'

He hits for ~7000 and single-target rampages. Spreading Stone, a DT trigger, is cast in bulk on random people throughout the encounter.

The first time he must be beaten down to 55% or so.

Zi-Thuuli growls in a booming voice, 'Your show of force is impressive, fleshy ones. The Master was right about you. We will meet again, very soon.'

The second time, to about 50%.

Zi-Thuuli growls in a booming voice, 'Once again the mortals put up an admirable fight. This bodes well. The Master himself may even wish to meet you.'

The third time, to about 45%.

Zi-Thuuli growls in a booming voice, 'Perhaps next time Graniteclaw will catch you off guard. One way or another, the next time we cross paths will be the last.'

The fourth time, to his death.

Upon his death, a battered steel chest spawns with additional loot.
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a battered steel chest
# Jan 18 2021 at 9:12 AM Rating: Good
566 posts
the link to a battered steel chest in the Description is dead, correct url is:
# Jul 15 2014 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Easily soloed as a 100 SK.

The DT trigger can be healed with the AA Purity of Death. He only seemed to do it maybe once per pop. It also only does 32k, so it's easy enough to shrug off.

He does have a gflux/knockback, so be mindful of where you are fighting him.
# Oct 11 2016 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
140 posts
It says min 18 people, but you said you solo'd it. I believe you, but does that mean you had 17 people join your raid just so you could start it, or can you do it with less now?
# Oct 12 2016 at 3:45 PM Rating: Good
most older raids can be requested with min 6 toons.
# Oct 20 2018 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
Only one of which even needs to be online. It's easy if you have a box account to just take turns inviting and logging until you have a group of six.
Jiriki Sa`Onserei, 120/67k AA Wood Elf Ranger
Anadriel Starfire, 120/46k AA High Elf Mage
Rune Etched Stone Blocker
# Jun 20 2008 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
How many Blockers does each named Drop ? just one ?
Rune Etched Stone Blocker
# Jul 15 2014 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Seem to drop 6-8 I believe.
Graniteclaw spawn
# Sep 19 2006 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
He also only spawns on the death of red con mobs. Yellow con won't spawn him that is with the current and soon to be changed cap of 70th lvl.
# Apr 03 2006 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Dropped a Leering Coldstone Mask lastnight, and I won!

As said above.. 50%-50%-40%-finish him off.

He has an AoE of about 5500. Grav flux.
And a DT DoT. He turns you info gargoyles, and you have I believe 46, or 56 seconds to get a cure.. or your DT'd.

he has a nasty rampage, non aoe.
and can hit upwards to 7k or so. normals are about 5.

good amount of hp too!

watch the push!
# Feb 15 2006 at 11:33 PM Rating: Default
He spawns after random mobs are killed. First time he spawns, you kill him down to 50% and he dissapears. Next time he spawns, kill him down to 50% again. 3rd time he spawns, kill him down to 40%. The next and final time he spawns, kill him from 100%-dead and you win.
lockout timer
# Feb 14 2006 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
6 posts
just did this and i saw a lock out timer of 4 days 12 hours not 6 like top says just little correction i see
Forgotten Artist's Mesh Sleeves
# Feb 12 2006 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
125 posts

dropped these
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