Ranger Epic 1.5 Pre-Quest  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Dec 16 17:40:01 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
This flags you to start the quest for the epic 1.5 if you don't have Swiftwind and Earthcaller (epic 1.0).

Find Targen Stonefall in Nedaria's Landing at +1390, -150, on the second floor of the building.

You say, 'Hail, Targen Stonefall'

Targen Stonefall says 'Hello there, ______. I hope you fare well in your travels. I've decided to settle in here, next to the warm fires of the smithy rather than visit the plane of discord again. It's nasty, but is certainly has some [interesting stones].'

You say, 'What interesting stones?'

Targen Stonefall says 'Well, I've been hearing about stones that have inherent power, much like those that we've been calling augmentation stones. These are cruder and you'd have to talk to someone else about exactly how to work with those. I'm more of a geologist myself. I study the way earth and stone are formed. I think there's a lot we can learn about this place from the formation of the [native stones].'

You say, 'What native stones?'

Targen Stonefall says 'Just about any of them, really. I've seen most of what can be found, but if you see anything interesting, please let me look at it. You never know what gems you might find! Best of luck to you, my friend.'

Forage a Blasted Stone in The Bloodfields. Give it to Targen.

Targen Stonefall looks carefully at the stone. He takes out a cloth and some liquid and rubs the stone thoroughly. 'Why do you waste my time, friend? This is a rock from Norrath. I suppose it's kind of you to bring it to me, you probably didn't know any better, but I can't do anything with this. Where did you find this?'

You receive a Washed Blasted Stone. Make sure you have an open slot, then:

You say, 'I found it in the Bloodfields.'

Targen Stonefall says 'What? You found this there? Now that is unusual.' Targen pauses a moment to scratch his chin. 'This might bear further investigation. I'll need a sample to compare to this new stone of yours. Maybe you can do me a favor. Gather up a stone from someplace like [Odus] and bring it to me. I'll be able to compare results from that stones to this one you brought and maybe we can learn something. Here, take this sample cloth and this vial of emulsion. When you find a rock that you think might work, use the emulsion and the cloth. If it reacts you know you've got a good enough sample. Then place it with the blasted stone of yours in the cloth and bind them up. Bring the bundle back to me and I'll take a look at them.'

You receive Targen's Emulsion and Sample Cloth, a 2-slot container.

You say, 'From Odus?'

Targen Stonefall says 'It's pretty obvious where all the good stone on that little rock is.'

Go to the Ruins of Old Paineel. Find Stone Collector at +110, +420 (just before the tunnel to Jaeil) and kill him. Loot a Dusty Stone. Combine Targen's Emulsion and the Dusty Stone in the Sample Cloth to create a Rock of Odus. Combine the Rock of Odus and the Washed Blasted Stone in the Sample Cloth to craft a Closed Sample Cloth. Give this to Targen.

Targen Stonefall works a fine cloth on both stones for a while, then takes out what appears to be a prism and peers at the stones through it. 'Well, the stone is indeed native to the Plane of Discord. It just has many properties in common with the stone native to Norrath. I have never seen something like this before. My best guess is that it is some sort of stone amalgamation. I believe that matter is pulled into Discord when gates open. From what I have been told a gate was opened to Norrath in the past. Perhaps matter from Norrath and matter from Discord were merged when the gate was opened. That would make sense if there was a powerful magical disruption or explosion. I understand that Taelosians had powerful geomantic magic. If this stone came from Taelosia many years ago during the height of their power, it might be very special. It's too bad there isn't any way to remove the [impurities] from it.'

You say, 'What impurities?'

Targen Stonefall says 'A large portion of this stone is infused with material native to this place. I call those impurities because to me the real stone here is the stuff that seems to be from ancient Taelosia. I hope you can find someone with enough earth magic to purify it for you.'

You receive a Polished Blasted Stone. Head to North Karana and find Xanuusus in the northern part of the zone at 1340, 500.

You say, 'Hail, Xanuusus'

Xanuusus says, 'You make my limbs ache. There is something unnatural about you. What is it?'

Give Xanuusus the Polished Blasted Stone.

Xanuusus says 'Hmmm... this is an unusual stone. I sense an ancient love in this stone, a love for the earth as well as for the crafting of stone. But I also sense blood, pain and confusion. I want to destroy it and yet I want to set it among my roots to nourish me. You found this on another plane? I think you have the strength and will to purify this stone, if you have faith. Let me recite a poem to you, small one. It will guide you on this path.'

You receive the Polished Blasted Stone back.

Xanuusus sways in the breeze. It is impossible to tell if he is trying to remember the poem or if he has fallen asleep.

The great treant turns his head down to you and you hear a creaking from his trunk. He then turns his face to the sky.

Xanuusus says 'The darkness seeps and crawls in the night'
Xanuusus says 'It eats away at the roots while light sleeps'
Xanuusus says 'There are ways to against the darkness fight'
Xanuusus says 'The stormy waves revere the rocky shoal'
Xanuusus says 'With polish and shine those stones it saves'
Xanuusus says 'Respect of the worthy enemy is the goal'
Xanuusus says 'It is friendship that are our best armor'
Xanuusus says 'A true ally will help a friend when he slips'
Xanuusus says 'When they ask for some, we give them more'
Xanuusus says 'In the darkest midnight faith is the thing'
Xanuusus says 'While one waits for the glory of light'
Xanuusus says 'Your trust is the best thing you bring'

Xanuusus says 'That is the poem. I hope you like it. Now, you shall have to decide how this poem applies to you, or to others, without my help. Return to me when you have what you need and we shall see if we can cleanse that stone.' You had plenty of time to write down the poem as Xanuusus recited it.

You receive a Poem of the Storms.

You say, 'I need help.'

Xanuusus says 'Well, I suppose I can help you a little, small one. There are three principles expressed in my lovely poem.'

Xanuusus says 'First one must defeat a worthy enemy of the Storm Lord, as you obviously understood from the second stanza. Seek a weapon born by one that would shackle the world if he could. He takes his name from his home, as if to claim it as his own.'

Xanuusus says 'Secondly one must aid a friend of the Storm Lord. There is one that considers himself small and worthless. Heal his heart so that his bare feet may roam again.'

Xanuusus says 'Finally one must perform and act of faith in the Storm Lord. When you have accomplished the other tasks, return to me and we shall again speak of this act of faith.'

Head to Torigran Mines and kill Taskmaster Waggad Brokenskull, who spawns at +1770, -900. Loot the Taskmaster's Cutlass.

Next head to Misty Thicket and find a tired farmer in the middle of the zone in a hut next to the Plane of Knowledge stone (/loc?). He'll only respond to you if you have the Poem of the Storms.

You say, 'Hail, a tired farmer'

a tired farmer looks worn out. His boots are stained with mud and his clothing is torn and frayed. 'Hello there. I hope things are going well for you, at least better than they are for me. I wish I had time to be more social, but I need rest before I go out and battle with the weather again.'

You say, 'I am a friend of the Storm Lord.'

a tired farmer says 'Please, not another lecture. I know, I know, I need to accept that it will rain when it rains. Rain is good, it grows my crops. I understand all that. But now the rain is rotting my crops on the vine. It's flooding out my seeds. It's ruining me. I want to remain true to Karana, but I can't be quiet while my family and friends starve. I understand why Karana is worthy of worship. I want to have faith, but I just can't afford to feed my family without my crops!'

How do you know to do this?

Give a tired farmer 300pp and the Poem of the Storms.

The farmer looks at you with a stunned expression on his face. He carefully sets the coins down in a neat stack on the ground and slowly unfolds the paper. As he reads the poem, heavy tears form in the corners of his eyes and drop onto the page. When he is done reading he carefully folds it back up and hands the page back to you. He then wipes his nose with his sleeve. 'I think I understand a little better about faith. Maybe my faith brought you here, maybe yours did, I don't know. I don't think it matters. You've shown me something about kindness as well. Thank you so much!

At this point a tired farmer becomes a faithful farmer and you receive a Tear-stained Poem of the Storms. Head back to Xanuusus and equip the Taskmaster's Cutlass in your offhand, the Tear-stained Poem of the Storms in your primary, and the Polished Blasted Stone on your face. They must be exactly in those slots or it will not work.

You say, 'I am ready.'

Xanuusus says, 'Stay close or this won't work. It is better that you do this, for trees are not very well structured to withstand lightning.' The treant releases a sound from his hollows that sounds much like thunder.

At this point he'll walk a short ways, and he'll cast a spell on you called Bolt of Faith. It's an unresistable stun, 50% snare, and gives -50 to dexterity. It lasts one minute. Once it lands you'll see text.

As the lightning courses through your body, you feel the stone dissolving. That material flows from your mouth in an unnatural fashion and you see it fade as it rushes away from you across the planes toward something moving in the distance.

When the stun portion wears off, you'll see:

You now understand the measure of your own faith.

During all this, A Tainted Beast spawns who /cons blue at level 75. He hits for around 200, and dies quickly. However, you MUST aggro him within a minute or he despawns and you lose the Taskmaster's Cutlass and the Polished Blasted Stone. If you fail, you can hail Xanuusus for another stone, but the Taskmaster's Cutlass must be acquired again. A Tainted Beast is a griffon who beelines for Xanuusus from the southeast. Once it's dead, loot the Stone of Winde. Now go talk to Xanusuus again.

You say, 'Hail, Xanuusus'

Xanuusus says 'I see you have purified that stone. Can I look at it?'

Give the stone to Xanuusus.

Xanuusus says 'It is free now. It is wonderful. It, hmmmm . . . makes the wind sound . . . windier. Much like that sword you rangers like so much. I bet someone could make a wind for that stone that would make it even more wonderful.'

Now go find Merchant Tenra in the Kelethin bard guild hall at -220.16, 251.55, 78.79.

You say, 'Hail, Merchant Tenra'

Merchant Tenra says, 'Hello traveler. I hate to bother you while you are shopping, but have you seen a [young researcher]? She would be a wood elf, like me. She's younger than me, but she would look a lot like me. Have you seen her?'

You say, 'What young researcher?'

Merchant Tenra says, 'Well, she's my little sister, Mera. She is a student here at the guild. She isn't a singer, she just doesn't have the voice for it, poor dear. She studies sound. She has some interesting ideas about how to make music sound better. She had just received a device from a gnome that he claimed could capture sound. It was some crazy jar with a gear on the top or something. Well, Mera left here in a rush after receiving the jar from a courier and hasn't been heard from since. I have nothing to offer you as payment, but you look like a kind person and an adventurer. If you see her, please send her home.'

Someone who has seen Mera would be Godbin Strumharp in the Steamfont Mountains, in a windmill at +50, -615.

You say, 'Have you seen Mera?'

Godbin Strumharp says 'Mera? Sure, I know her. Bright girl. She left here a while ago with one of my new [sound capture jars]. She helped me design them. Bright girl. She ran off saying that she was going to find a great sound to capture in the jar. She was very excited. I hope she's safe. She said something about howling or something like that. I just didn't hear her properly. She's a very bright girl.'

You say, 'What sound capture jars?'

Godbin Strumharp says 'The sound capture jar does exactly what it sounds like it does. If you use it properly, you can capture a sound in the jar for use later. I haven't worked out the details about how exactly you might use a sound, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. I have a few with me. They aren't part of my regular inventory, but I can sell you one if you need it for something. Seeing as you're a friend of Mera, I'll let you have it for cost, thirty platinum.'

Give him 30pp.

Godbin Strumharp says 'Here ya go. Good luck finding Mera.'

You can find the Ghost of Mera in the north wing of the Howling Stones at +545, +155.

You say, 'Hail, Ghost of Mera'

Ghost of Mera says 'What? Oh, hello. You're . . . you're alive, aren't you. I'm dead, I think. Why can't I leave here? I need to be free so I can continue my [work]. Oh, but I'm dead, I can't.'

You say, 'What work?'

Ghost of Mera says 'My work . . . I was working with sound, I remember that. I remember hearing all of the wonderful noise that the stones make in the wind. I think I found the perfect sound, but then they killed me. A sacrifice, I think. That makes me sad. I do have one happiness, though. I know the perfect sound. I just wish I could have saved it so that others could hear it. If only they hadn't broken my jars.'

Give her the Sound Capture Jar.

Ghost of Mera says 'Thank you!' Mera breaths [sic] into the jar. You hear nothing, but she seals the jar and says, 'Now all you must do is free my spirit! Do so and you may know the perfect sound of the wind and I will be free!'

For some reason she can't just give you the completed jar back, so you must kill her instead. She doesn't hit that hard, so once she's dead loot the Echoing Jar from her corpse. Finally, head to Erudin Palace and go to the back room of Sothure's Fine Gems where you'll find Mairee Silentone. Hand her the Echoing Jar and the Stone of Winde.

Mairee Silentone takes the stone and the jar. She smiles and nods to you. She drops the stone into the jar while singing a quiet but powerful song. When she is done she takes the stone from the jar and hands it to you. You immediately feel soft air flowing out of the holes in the stone and hear an intriguing sound. 'This stone feels much like a weapon I helped to create. I won't claim to be a fortune-teller, but I sense that this thing might be very important to you. You might want to keep it with you.'

You receive Essence of Earth and Wind. Congratulations on finishing the ranger epic 1.5 pre-quest!
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Done but an issue
# Oct 29 2020 at 5:09 PM Rating: Decent
2 posts
Completed the quest, with the longest wait being the task master. Pretty easy just have to be patient as other posters have mentioned. The only issue is when I equip the Essence of Earth and Wind all the stats drop and it shows as being modified in the description tab of the item. Not sure why this is happing as I meet the only restriction of being 60 level. Overall, it is not a bad charm item for someone who hasn't completed planar progression but it is very frustrating that there is another unknown condition or the quest is still bugged.
No problems running through this one
# Jan 06 2018 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
3 posts
This epic must be fixed now. I had no problems running through this one using the walk through above. The longest part was getting Taskmaster Waggad Brokenskull to spawn, but patients prevailed!
Xanuusus says he is not ready
# Sep 04 2014 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
When I say "I am ready" to Xanuusus, he says he is not ready. I've done all the parts up to this point repeatedly (except for the Cutlass.) I have Tear Stained Poem in Primary, Cutlass in Secondary, and Stone in face slot, but Xanuusus keeps saying "I am not ready." Any suggestions?

Edited, Sep 5th 2014 11:29am by Adagi
Xanuusus says he is not ready
# Sep 05 2014 at 8:34 PM Rating: Decent
14 posts
FYI this quest is bugged. Support had to help me out. Kudos to them--they had me fixed up way sooner than I expected.
loc for merchant tenra
# Jan 31 2014 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
-220.16, 251.55, 78.79
Key to Ghost of Mera is a Tallow-marked Candle
# Jan 03 2014 at 4:23 AM Rating: Good
93 posts
You need a Tallow-marked Candle to use as the key to the North door, dropped by most of the mobs behind unlocked doors, in order to get to the Ghost of Mera.


Edited, Jan 3rd 2014 4:31am by rbeam

Edited, Jan 3rd 2014 4:32am by rbeam
Location of the tired farmer
# Aug 20 2013 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
313 posts
The tired farmer in Misty Thicket is located at -281, -136.
Henrian Illinoid -
80th Level Half Elf 4000AAs/Epic 1.5
Ranger of Tunare - The Rathe
Stone collector
# May 17 2012 at 8:55 AM Rating: Decent
Looks like stone collector could spawn from any Broken Construct in the Hole. He actually spawned in the temple area just past Jaiel the wretched today (fresh spawn as I had camped that area for AA xp).
# Jan 07 2011 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
Location for Xanuusus is 1340, 500. Very north end of map slightly left of the middle.
# Sep 10 2010 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
156 posts
1) a Tainted Beast was not a griffon it was a Fire Beetle. 2) The reason you have to kill Ghost of Mera is because she wants you to "free my spirit". Otherwise everything worked fine.
"Is it just me or did that dragon just look at us funny?"
# Apr 24 2009 at 12:31 PM Rating: Default
4-24-09 Tainted Beast still broken. No biggie if the dang cutlass didn't take me abour 3 hours to camp.
Tainted beast
# Nov 30 2008 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
What a damn joke, yes yet again SoE strikes again with a broken quest,...real funny u have 1 min to aggro him but how can you do that when he only spawns for 5 seconds then disappears....waste of time doing these quests anymore... I wish someone would get fired for everytime a quest was broken maybe then they will actually do something about it
Tainted beast
# Apr 24 2009 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
Still broken 4-24-09
Crazy beast
# Aug 25 2008 at 8:12 AM Rating: Default
So I go and say " I am ready " to Zanuusus and am waiting for the beast to show up. He flys by me and when he reaches Zan just disappears. Didn't even have time to aggro him. Looks like I'm back to camping the cutless again. A whole morning wasted on another stupid quest that is broken.
stone collector!!!
# Feb 28 2008 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
113 posts
is the stone collector still broken? i have an alt i would like to crank out a 1.5 on and i am not seeming to get him to pop any way i try it.....zoning in with all quest pieces on me, clear the entire area for hours and nothing
stone collector!!!
# Apr 29 2012 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
I had no issue, as a 72 bard, no rangers in the zone, getting him to spawn. I killed for awhile and he popped out of nowhere. I killed and looted, then looked up the stone and am going to make a frustrated ranger on Luclin/Stromm very happy :)
If you need it on Stromm, mail Ripleyy!
stone collector!!!
# Aug 25 2008 at 6:20 AM Rating: Default
is the stone collector still broken? i have an alt i would like to crank out a 1.5 on and i am not seeming to get him to pop any way i try it.....zoning in with all quest pieces on me, clear the entire area for hours and nothing

Working fine. Got him today in the maze like area.
# Dec 22 2007 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
For the second time, I gave the foraged stone to Targen, when he gave it back instead of receiving the cloth, emulsion and container, I got this: Targen Stonefall says 'Very interesting. I tell you what, I'll buy that stone from you if you want. How about a plat for it? No sense arguing, that's as much as I'll offer." The first time I gave it back, he gave me a plat and said this will make a nice addition to son's collection or something like that. Naturally I was p.o'ed. I went and foraged another blasted stone, and he told me the same thing, only I retained the stone. What shall I do???
Stone Collector
# Dec 03 2007 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
Could someone please respond exactly how and where to make this guy spawn. As of Dec 04, 2007 I have tried on numerous occasions to enter the zone with both the cloth and emulsion on me in different postions and different times of day. Stayed for hours and never any spawn. Please for those of us that may be a little bit slow confirm this is working and how to do so. Thanks for your help.
Stone Collector
# Jan 23 2008 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
well soe told me today that yep the stone collector is definitely broken and will be fixed now that it has been brought to there attention.
Godbin's Loc
# Apr 24 2007 at 9:16 AM Rating: Decent
201 posts
Godbin Strumharp is at /loc 51 -615 in a windmill. At apprehensive faction he responded to the question "Have you seen Mera?" and offered the jar.

EDIT: looking over the gnome's text he says he hasn't yet figured out how to use the sound captured in such a jar. /sigh so either he sends you on another fetch quest after you get the jar or you're supposed to take it to someone else to "use" it.

Edited, Apr 24th 2007 1:19pm by Lognakaiser
Stone Collector
# Mar 05 2007 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
i Don't Find Stone collector can anyone say the way to make he pops
Stone Collector
# Mar 23 2007 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts

Make sure you have the emulsion and sample cloth on you when you zone into the Hole. That's what is supposed to make him pop. Everytime I ever logged in with those items on me, he was up. Since I killed him and moved forward in the quest, I haven't seen him again.
Stone Collector
# Jul 26 2007 at 10:49 PM Rating: Decent
how long did it take you to spawn him i cant seem to get him to spawn and i have the cloth and vile of stuff on me.
Stone Collector
# Oct 12 2007 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
64 posts

While I was at that point in the quest, he spawned every time I zoned into the Hole. Then it was a matter of fighting down to him.

90% of the time, I could track him from the zone in, the rest of the time, I could pick him up on track by the time I got down to the construct area.

Just make sure you're at the right point in the quest.
# Feb 03 2007 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
430 posts
Yes, cannot find stone collector, have killed at that area for a good 6 hours... rare spawn or busted?
Life needs more cowbell.

Ghost of Mera Location
# Oct 10 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
269 posts
Ghost of Mera, North Wing, P545 P154
# Jun 27 2006 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
1,352 posts
a stone collector is no longer up in paineel
at the pool though is an elemental lying on the floor with whom you can open a trade window. probably a part of another quest though, but does anyone know the repop time on the stone collector? he isn't up right now :(

all this talk about storms...
plane of storms comes to mind and.. isn't the storm lord Agnarr ?

Edited, Tue Jun 27 20:50:53 2006
# May 16 2006 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
Hey it says ask a friend in the poem. So i asked him for help. He said he would help some then said:
One must defeat a worthy enemy of the Stormlord.

One must aid a friend of the stormlord.

One must perform and act of faith in the stormlord.

Hope this helps I would like to finish pre-quest
# Mar 23 2007 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
64 posts
Here's the complete text:

[Wed May 24 15:44:50 2006] Xanuusus says 'Well, I suppose I can help you a little, small one. There are three principles expressed in my lovely poem.'
[Wed May 24 15:44:55 2006] Xanuusus says 'One must defeat a worthy enemy of the Storm Lord.'
[Wed May 24 15:45:00 2006] Xanuusus says 'One must aid a friend of the Storm Lord.'
[Wed May 24 15:45:05 2006] Xanuusus says 'One must perform and act of faith in the Storm Lord.'
Poem - possible opponent to continue this
# Nov 15 2006 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
I was running across north karana and encountered a dire griffon conning yellow at 62?? maybe has to do with the 1.5 prequest continuance to the already posted info :) GL
A possible guide
# Dec 17 2005 at 8:33 AM Rating: Excellent
22 posts
Luniyn Leaftracer, Ranger of VAZAELLE, on Maelin Starpyre has made a start on this guide.
You can find a link to it HERE.

RE: A possible guide
# Dec 19 2005 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
22 posts
Thanks for the crosspost Norik, but I might as well put what I have on both forums. I'll try to keep both updated as I go. Quest as I've done it so far.

Luniyn Leaftracer
65 Ranger of Vazaelle
RETIRED - Dadalan Lyfrender 65 Cleric of Vazaelle
Forage Blasted Stone in Bloodfields

Find Targen Stonefall in Nedaria's Landing (loc +1389, -149 2nd floor of building there)

You say, 'Hail, Targen Stonefall'

Targen Stonefall says 'Hello there, Luniyn. I hope you fare well in your travels. I've decided to settle in here, next to the warm fires of the smithy rather than visit the plane of discord again. It's nasty, but is certainly has some [interesting stones].'

You say, 'what interesting stones'

Targen Stonefall says 'Well, I've been hearing about stones that have inherent power, much like those that we've been calling augmentation stones. These are cruder and you'd have to talk to someone else about exactly how to work with those. I'm more of a geologist myself. I study the way earth and stone are formed. I think there's a lot we can learn about this place from the formation of the [native stones].'

You say, 'what native stones'

Targen Stonefall says 'Just about any of them, really. I've seen most of what can be found, but if you see anything interesting, please let me look at it. You never know what gems you might find! Best of luck to you, my friend.'

Give Blasted Stone to Targen Stonefall

Targen Stonefall looks carefully at the stone. He takes out a cloth and some liquid and rubs the stone thoroughly. 'Why do you waste my time, friend? This is a rock from Norrath. I suppose it's kind of you to bring it to me, you probably didn't know any better, but I can't do anything with this. Where did you find this?

You recieve Washed Blasted Stone

You say, 'bloodfields'

Targen Stonefall says 'What? You found this there? Now that is unusual.' Targen pauses a moment to scratch his chin. 'This might bear further investigation. I'll need a sample to compare to this new stone of yours. Maybe you can do me a favor. Gather up a stone from someplace like [Odus] and bring it to me. I'll be able to compare results from that stones to this one you brought and maybe we can learn something. Here, take this sample cloth and this vial of emulsion. When you find a rock that you think might work, use the emulsion and the cloth. If it reacts you know you've got a good enough sample. Then place it with the blasted stone of yours in the cloth and bind them up. Bring the bundle back to me and I'll take a look at them.'

You recieve Targen's Emulsion.
You receive Sample Cloth. <-- is a container so have an open slot

You say, 'Odus?'

Targen Stonefall says 'It's pretty obvious where all the good stone on that little rock is.'

Go to the Ruins of Old Paineel

Find Stone Collector (loc +111, +418 just before the tunnel to Jaeil) and kill him. He paths into this area and is an easy (DB to 65) kill. Loot Dusty Stone.

Then combine in the Sample Cloth
Targen's Emulsion + Dusty Stone = Rock of Odus

Rock of Odus + Blasted Stone = Closed Sample Cloth

Go back to Nedaria's Landing and hand Closed Sample Cloth to Targen

Targen Stonefall works a fine cloth on both stones for a while, then takes out what appears to be a prism and peers at the stones through it. 'Well, the stone is indeed native to the Plane of Discord. It just has many properties in common with the stone native to Norrath. I have never seen something like this before. My best guess is that it is some sort of stone amalgamation. I believe that matter is pulled into Discord when gates open. From what I have been told a gate was opened to Norrath in the past. Perhaps matter from Norrath and matter from Discord were merged when the gate was opened. That would make sense if there was a powerful magical disruption or explosion. I understand that Taelosians had powerful geomantic magic. If this stone came from Taelosia many years ago during the height of their power, it might be very special. It's too bad there isn't any way to remove the [impurities] from it.

You say 'What impurities?'

Targen Stonefall says 'A large portion of this stone is infused with material native to this place. I call those impurities because to me the real stone here is the stuff that seems to be from ancient Taelosia. I hope you can find someone with enough earth magic to purify it for you.'

Targen hands you Polished Blasted Stone

Head to North Karana and find Xanuusus

You say 'Hail, Xanuusus'

Xanuusus says, 'You make my limbs ache. There is something unnatural about you. What is it?'

Hand Polished Blasted Stone to Xanuusus

Xanuusus says 'Hmmm... this is an unusual stone. I sense an ancient love in this stone, a love for the earth as well as for the crafting of stone. But I also sense blood, pain and confusion. I want to destroy it and yet I want to set it among my roots to nourish me. You found this on another plane? I think you have the strength and will to purify this stone, if you have faith. Let me recite a poem to you, small one. It will guide you on this path.'

You receive Polished Blasted Stone back (note: you can now equip it in the face slot and is All/All)

Xanuusus sways in the breeze. It is impossible to tell if he is trying to remember the poem or if he has fallen asleep.

The breeze moves on from Xanuusus' limbs to mess up your hair as you wait.

The great treant turns his head down to you and you hear a creaking from his trunk. He then turns his face to the sky.

Xanuusus says 'The darkness seeps and crawls in the night'
Xanuusus says 'It eats away at the roots while light sleeps'
Xanuusus says 'There are ways to against the darkness fight'
Xanuusus says 'The stormy waves revere the rocky shoal'
Xanuusus says 'With polish and shine those stones it saves'
Xanuusus says 'Respect of the worthy enemy is the goal'
Xanuusus says 'It is friendship that are our best armor'
Xanuusus says 'A true ally will help a friend when he slips'
Xanuusus says 'When they ask for some, we give them more'
Xanuusus says 'In the darkest midnight faith is the thing'
Xanuusus says 'While one waits for the glory of light'
Xanuusus says 'Your trust is the best thing you bring'

Xanuusus says 'That is the poem. I hope you like it. Now, you shall have to decide how this poem applies to you, or to others, without my help. Return to me when you have what you need and we shall see if we can cleanse that stone.' You had plenty of time to write down the poem as Xanuusus recited it.

You receive "Poem of the Storms" (it is a book you can read and it has the above poem in it).

EDIT: Just added a few notes.

Edited, Tue Dec 20 14:35:42 2005
RE: A possible guide
# Mar 03 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
6,998 posts
Updated through here, thanks.
# Apr 30 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Decent
maybe its related to the howling stones? maybe...
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