Ranger Epic 2.0: Aurora, the Heartwood Blade  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 3 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Epic
Quest Items:
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Era:Omens of War
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Dec 16 17:40:24 2005
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
If you have the Heartwood Blade (ranger epic 1.5), find a Wayfarer's Brotherhood Officer in Nedaria's Landing at +500, +1450.

Hail a Wayfarers Brotherhood officer in Nedaria's Landing
Get Heated Loadstone from Siflu (proximity trigger) (Caution: do not kill Siflu, it will spawn a non-kos version at low health) in NC. It's possible to get the loadstone by doing some damage to Siflu and then say "What adventurers" while Siflu is still kos/attacking. Confirmed this works if Siflu is below 50%. May work when greater than 50%.
Loot Travelers Journal and Spirit Manacles from a mangled muramite captain in WoS, proximity trigger with Loadstone.
Give a Wayfarers Brotherhood officer in Nedaria's Landing the Travelers Journal
Loot Crooked Cage from a crazed miner, a delirious miner, a broken Skull Bruiser (Bruiser appears best bet) in Torgiran Mines
Loot Living Fragments of Fire (PoFire) and Water (PoWater) from mephits.
Combine in Crooked Cage Earthcaller and Swiftwind (returned), Fragments, Heated Loadstone and Spirit Manacles. Receive Spirit Cage.
Note: If you do not have Earthcaller and Swiftwind use Living Fragment of Air (PoAir) and Earth (PoEarth)
Loot Ring of Warmth from Craftmaster Tieranu (proximity trigger) in Riftseeker's Sanctum.
Loot Hoarfrost Wand from Herrian Warfrost (proximity trigger) in WoS located in the tunnels leading to MPG.
Combine Hoarfrost Wand and Ring of Warmth in Spirit Cage.
Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Warden Hanvar in Asylum of Anguish or other Anguish events.
While in Asylum of Anguish combine Globe of Discordant Energy in Elemental Ice Spirit Cage, this will spawn Oshimai Spirit of the High Air. If outside of Anguish, yellow text will appear "You sense that the spirit you wish to save is trapped in Anguish and that you will need the Heartwood Blade to free it."
Give Oshimai Spirit of the High Air the Globe of Discordant Energy, Heartwood Blade, Elemental Ice Spirit Cage.
Receive Aurora, the Heartwood Blade


You say, 'Hail, a Wayfarers Brotherhood officer'

A Wayfarers Brotherhood officer says, 'Hello. I can tell that you are a great hunter and tracker. I wanted to pass on to you some information, act on it as you will. A group of adventurers stopped in here a while ago. They said that they had information about a particular member of the Muramite army, some general or something, that had enslaved some elemental spirits. They went looking for him but haven't returned. I would appreciate any information you can find out about them. For now I am going to have to assume that they have all been killed.'

Find Siflu in Noble's Causeway.

Siflu spawns as you approach a bridge headed towards Slavedrive Menlo, at +240, +655. He is a fire elemental which you need to fight.

The Heartwood Blade thrums as you battle the flame spirit.

Siflu will become unaggro'd when low on health.

Siflu says 'Well, that was interesting! I guess you've broken their power over me. I suppose I should be grateful or something. I was having fun here, killing people without having to worry that it might be wrong. So what is it that you want from me? You're not going to yell at me for beating up [adventurers], are you? That wasn't my fault, I was forced to do that by the muramites.'

You say, 'What adventurers?'

Siflu says 'There have been plenty of those, that's for sure. If you mean recently, then, I suppose I know the group you're talking about. They were hunting us, just as I suspect you are. I was sent to kill anyone that might be on our trail. They gave me a loadstone that I could use to find them again. Here, you take it; I'm getting out of here while I still can.'

Receive Heated Loadstone [sic].

Head to the Wall of Slaughter and follow the left wall upon entering the zone to find a mangled muramite captain at approximately -1115, +40. It's probably a good idea to clear the area before triggering the spawn. If you have the Heated Loadstone on you, you will see an emote to the effect of "Your Heated Loadstone gets warm for a moment." The captain will spawn with 2 x Aged Ukun. (Fight info?) Kill the captain and loot the journal and spirit manacles.

  • Journal Text:

    We have learned a few things. These Muramites are definitely capturing people and making slaves out of them. So far they haven't caught too many of us since the Wayfarers opened the portal. Mostly they seem to have been taking elementals. Not sure why. Hopefully we'll have some real information to return to the Brotherhood officer when we're done here.

    We're on their trail now. Rolf managed to get close enough to them to notice that they had a fire elemental with them. He says there are only four of them, the elemental, two flunkies and some sort of leader. He heard the two flunkies talking about how it would be when they were reinstated into the army, so it sounds like these are independents. Their leader appears to be permanently injured. Rolf says that they talked about his failure at a trial of some sort and how they would get a chance to earn another try if they brought the big cheese enough slaves. We shouldn't have any trouble taking them out; they appear to be failures on all levels.

    Head back to Nedaria's Landing and hand the Traveler's Journal to the Wayfarers Brotherhood Officer.

    a Wayfarers Brotherhood Officer say 'Ah, well, this is unfortunate. I shall inform their families. On their behalf I thank you for your efforts and for discovering their fate, however unpleasant.'

    You feel words forming in your mind. They come from the Heartwood Blade. 'I sense it now, the one that put Siflu under the control of that Muramite is the same one that destroyed my body. It is too powerful for me to defeat if we encounter it directly. You will need to create a device that can harness and control the power of the elements. This will be difficult because I do not know exactly what you need. I can describe their function. You will need a container. It must be open to the elements but still hold the items you will put inside. You will be able to use that loadstone to focus the power on the right target, since it was made by the one we seek. Those horrible manacles will also serve to contain the energy and focus it. Then you will need a powerful segment of each element. You can use Earthcaller and Swiftwind to represent the spirit of Earth and Air, but you will need such a thing for Fire and Water as well. Without this item I will not be able to free any spirit directly under his control.'

    You must head to the Torgiran Mines and find a Crooked Cage. It seems to be a random drop. Confirmed to drop: A Delirious Miner, A Broken Skull Bruiser. It is a six-slot container.

    You will now need to get Living Fragments of Fire and Water (dropped rarely off mephits in the Planes of Fire and Water).

    Inside the Crooked Cage, combine the two fragments, your Earthcaller, your Swiftwind, the Heated Loadstone, and the Spirit Manacles.(see recipe) If you don't have your Epic 1.0, you may use this alternate recipe that also requires Living Fragment of Earth and Living Fragment of Air.

    Very Good. Now we must attune the cage to the specific element we wish to free. You will need two items, one must protect from the element and the other must be able to absorb an incredible amount of that element. This is not a simple task. You must first discover the nature of the spirit that you wish to free and then find such items that will allow you to redirect its power. You must know that each spirit represents a specific area within their element and that is what you must focus on, not their element specifically. For example, Grinbik was an earth spirit, but his area of power was fertility. Senvial was a spirit of Water, but his power was in mist and fog.

    Receive Spirit Cage, a two-slot container, and your Earthcaller and Swiftwind epics back.

    Find Craftmaster Tieranu in Riftseeker's Sanctum at about Loc is 1385, -17, 62 (northwestern part of the Pyrilen area). He hits for 2,500 and single-target rampages. He also spawns several adds, the higher levels of which come with a 1500 AE.

    Upon Tieranu's death, loot a Ring of Warmth. A chest can spawn with additional loot.

    Find Herrian Warfrost in the Wall of Slaughter in the tunnels leading to the Muramite Proving Grounds. He is not an easy encounter -- his AE Winter's Freeze goes off frequently for 1500, quads for 2700, hits fast, and procs a 10 second stun which will make holding aggro a difficult task. He is perma-rooted. He also spawns with 3 x "an excited builder." Kill him, and loot the Hoarfrost Wand. A chest can spawn with additional loot.

    In your Spirit Cage, combine the wand and the Ring of Warmth. This combine results in an Elemental Ice Spirit Cage, a one-slot container.

    The Red Dogwood Treant speaks to you from within your sword. 'Well done. This should allow me to free a spirit with power over cold and ice. Now you need to find the power that binds the spirit and unleash it where that spirit is bound.'

    You must obtain access to Asylum of Anguish via this quest. In there, kill Warden Hanvar to spawn an Orb of Discordant Energy, or kill Arch Magus Vangl, or kill Overlord Mata Muram, or finish Jelvan's ring event to spawn Jelvan`s Keepsake, inside which you will find the globe.

    In the Asylum of Anguish, place the Globe of Discordant Energy inside the Elemental Ice Spirit Cage and hit combine. You keep the globe and cage, and Oshimai Spirit of the High Air will spawn near you.

    Oshimai Spirit of the High Air says, 'So you are the one that I have been sensing all this time. I had hoped that you would come to rescue me. I am Oshimai of the High Air. I owe you and your guardian spirit my thanks. I think I know how I can repay you. Give me the Heartwood Blade, the Globe of Discordant Energy and that device you used to free me.'

    Give him the globe, Heartwood Blade, and spirit cage.

    Oshimai Spirit of the High Air shouts 'Everyone present shall know of your deeds. Each of you take notice of this ranger that has freed me! Oshimai of the High Air thanks you, friend and those that have aided you!' Oshimai raises the blade to the level of his eyes. A cold wind stirs in the area. It gathers around him and then flows from him into the sword in his hands. When he hands the weapon back, it has an animate life in it, a power that you can see and sense. 'I have given your ally some of my strength. He, through this blade, will be better able to aid you in your work. Thank you.'

    Receive 10 AAs, and more importantly: Aurora, the Heartwood Blade.
  • Rewards:
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    # Dec 21 2020 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    At level 110, I used a level 60 DS to get him down to 5% hp. he did not go non agro until he was at 5%.
    Ranger 2.0 Checklist
    # Nov 11 2018 at 4:13 PM Rating: Excellent
    36 posts
    Note: Living Fragments and the Crooked Cage and globe of discordant energy can be pre-looted.

    [] Hail a Wayfarers Brotherhood officer in Nedaria's Landing
    [] Get Heated Loadstone from Siflu (proximity trigger) (Caution: do not kill Siflu, it will spawn a non-kos version at low health) in NC. It's possible to get the loadstone by doing some damage to Siflu and then say "What adventurers" while Siflu is still kos/attacking. Confirmed this works if Siflu is below 50%. May work when greater than 50%.
    [] Loot Travelers Journal and Spirit Manacles from a mangled muramite captain in WoS, proximity trigger with Loadstone.
    [] Give a Wayfarers Brotherhood officer in Nedaria's Landing the Travelers Journal
    [] Loot Crooked Cage from a crazed miner, a delirious miner, a broken Skull Bruiser (Bruiser appears best bet) in Torgiran Mines
    [] Loot Living Fragments of Fire (PoFire) and Water (PoWater) from mephits.
    [] Combine in Crooked Cage Earthcaller and Swiftwind (returned), Fragments, Heated Loadstone and Spirit Manacles. Receive Spirit Cage.
    Note: If you do not have Earthcaller and Swiftwind use Living Fragment of Air (PoAir) and Earth (PoEarth)
    [] Loot Ring of Warmth from Craftmaster Tieranu (proximity trigger) in Riftseeker's Sanctum.
    [] Loot Hoarfrost Wand from Herrian Warfrost (proximity trigger) in WoS located in the tunnels leading to MPG.
    [] Combine Hoarfrost Wand and Ring of Warmth in Spirit Cage.
    [] Loot Globe of Discordant Energy from Warden Hanvar in Asylum of Anguish or other Anguish events.
    [] While in Asylum of Anguish combine Globe of Discordant Energy in Elemental Ice Spirit Cage, this will spawn Oshimai Spirit of the High Air. If outside of Anguish, yellow text will appear "You sense that the spirit you wish to save is trapped in Anguish and that you will need the Heartwood Blade to free it."
    [] Give Oshimai Spirit of the High Air the Globe of Discordant Energy, Heartwood Blade, Elemental Ice Spirit Cage.
    [] Receive Aurora, the Heartwood Blade

    Edited, Nov 11th 2018 8:22pm by hslater
    Prequest vs 1.0
    # Apr 13 2017 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    This was just emailed to me and i hope this helps:
    Justin "Woebot" C. (Daybreak Games)
    Apr 12, 10:57 AM PDT

    Greetings Romen,

    If you did not receive the Epic 1.0 weapons, you will need to use the appropriate fragments. To continue your quest you will need to combine Spirit Manacles, Heated Loadstone, A Living Fragment of Fire, A Living Fragment of Water, A Living Fragment of Earth, and A Living Fragment of Air in Crooked Cage to receive Spirit Cage.


    GM Woebot
    Prequest vs 1.0
    # Apr 13 2017 at 6:29 AM Rating: Good
    RomenEQ wrote:
    This was just emailed to me and i hope this helps: ...

    Very useful, I entered the alternate recipe and updated the quest text accordingly.

    Edited, Apr 13th 2017 2:29pm by Drewinette
    Siflu fight
    # Jan 26 2015 at 1:32 PM Rating: Decent
    26 posts
    Had a problem with Siflu fight. Got him down to 5% and still had agro. Was lucking I had made a hot key. Hit hot key as his health got real low and got what I needed. Looked like he was not going to break agro even at very low health to me. Btw ... it was very, very slow process, didn't want to kill him and not get what I needed so either bugged or things have changed.
    Siflu fight
    # May 14 2018 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    wht kind of hot key please i really need help on this jerk lol
    Siflu fight
    # May 14 2018 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    wht am i doing wrong i cant get this jerk to stop the agro i took dmg shield off i turned my back to him like was suggested i have gone for him now for 4 days n keeps ending the same way
    Still broken...
    # Jul 03 2014 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
    263 posts
    The part of the quest where the Traveler's Journal needs to be turned-in to the Wayfarers Brotherhood Officer is still broken. She will not accept the item, regardless if you have done everything in the questline up to that point. GM Accapelo (very nice fellow) tried to help with the issue, but he couldn't get the npc to accept the item. He had to resort to submitting a report about it to the EQ dev team. However, he suggested to just continue on with the epic line anyway.

    Hopefully this part of the epic will be fixed soon, and I can still complete the epic without this turn-in.
    Still broken...
    # Aug 27 2023 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
    3 posts
    Still bugged in 2023. Trying to figure out a workaround else will resort to a petition.
    Still broken...
    # Aug 27 2023 at 4:20 PM Rating: Decent
    3 posts
    Even though this step was definitely broken (I wasted time trying to redo the complete 1.5 from the start, and it still failed at the this step) - I was able to continue and trigger the last 2 quest mobs in RSS and WoS - so could successfully complete the epic.
    Still broken...
    # Dec 22 2020 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
    4 posts
    as of 2020, this part of the epic is still bugged
    Still broken...
    # Apr 10 2017 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
    4 posts
    Failed for me, was unable to turn in the book, kept refusing it saying she doesn't accept gifts. Were you able to finish you epic without this turn in?
    Still broken...
    # Jul 16 2014 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
    worked fine last night on drinal
    Still broken...
    # Jul 16 2014 at 3:42 AM Rating: Decent
    Worked fine for me last night.
    updated dialogue
    # Dec 18 2013 at 3:41 PM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    Inside the Crooked Cage, combine the two fragments, your Earthcaller, your Swiftwind, the Heated Loadstone, and the Spirit Manacles (what is the combine without Epic 1.0's?).

    Living Fragment of Earth
    Living Fragment of Air
    Living Fragment of Water
    Living Fragment of Fire
    Final Combine
    # Dec 12 2013 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
    I pre-looted the orb on a raid. When I do the final combine, can I be anywhere in the zone (ie: zone in) or is there a certain spot I need to be at?
    Final Combine
    # Jan 17 2014 at 8:01 PM Rating: Decent
    I was a bonehead and did things out of order and had to zone back into Anguish. I was able to do the combine right at the zoneline.
    Siflu update June 2013
    # Jun 23 2013 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
    8 posts
    Just did Siflu and at 22% staopped attacking and made merc set to passive. Siflu was still attacking my merc and gave me the Heated Loadstone right as i /say What adventurers

    I didnt have to wait for the non-agro version to pop.

    Loc of Craftmaster Tieranu
    # Feb 27 2013 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
    133 posts
    Find Craftmaster Tieranu in Riftseeker's Sanctum (location information?). He hits for 2500 and single rampages. He also spawns several adds, the higher levels of which come with a 1500 AE.

    Loc is +1387, -17, +62
    Added text when handing in the Traveler's Journal
    # Feb 26 2013 at 8:56 PM Rating: Good
    133 posts

    Head back to Nedaria's Landing and hand the Traveler's Journal to the Wayfarers Brotherhood Officer.

    You feel words forming in your mind. They come from the Heartwood Blade. 'I sense it now, the one that put Siflu under the control of that Muramite is the same one that destroyed my body. It is too powerful for me to defeat if we encounter it directly. You will need to create a device that can harness and control the power of the elements. This will be difficult because I do not know exactly what you need. I can describe their function. You will need a container. It must be open to the elements but still hold the items you will put inside. You will be able to use that loadstone to focus the power on the right target, since it was made by the one we seek. Those horrible manacles will also serve to contain the energy and focus it. Then you will need a powerful segment of each element. You can use Earthcaller and Swiftwind to represent the spirit of Earth and Air, but you will need such a thing for Fire and Water as well. Without this item I will not be able to free any spirit directly under his control.'

    In addition to the words from the Heartwood Blade, you also get text from the Wayfarer's Brotherhood Officer.

    a Wayfarers Brotherhood Officer say 'Ah, well, this is unfortunate. I shall inform their families. On their behalf I thank you for your efforts and for discovering their fate, however unpleasant.'
    so what happens if you accidentally kill him?
    # May 03 2012 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
    654 posts
    i was checking to see what to say to him and bamm-- he was dead-- now what? how long before i can respawn him?
    Success comes when preparation meets opportunity -- and EQ is no exception.
    so what happens if you accidentally kill him?
    # May 04 2012 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
    wait two hours... its lame but... thats the reset on these things sadly
    I know this is late but...
    # Apr 20 2012 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    In case there are any rangers out there that are still doing this, here are a few tips.

    1) Craftmaster Tieranu location.
    Be careful in cutting and pasting locs from here. I did it and it took me to the wrong area, and the directions posted below are from a statue that is almost past the turn off you need to take to get to the mob (from the zone in)

    Make sure you have your Spirit Cage with you. Having your Heartwood Blade probably wouldn't be a bad idea also.

    When you zone in to RSS, head to the right and go up the stairs (You should be in the red fiery looking area, not downstairs in the icy looking part).
    Follow the hallway past a right hand intersection (keep going straight), then past another right hand intersection (keep straight), then past a left hand intersection (keep straight) Note: Chailak spawns down this left passage, then you will come to another right hand intersection, take this right hand passage (It is the 3rd right you have come to) Note: If you continue past this right you will come to the Statue Room.
    This will lead you down along a hallway and you will pass a left hand intersection (keep going straight). At the bottom of the steps you will come into a smallish room with a table at the bottom of the steps. This is where she will spawn (on your left behind the table).

    In short; zone in, head forward and to the right, go upstaris, pass a right, pass a right, pass a left, take the right, pass a left.

    2) Anguish
    Note, for the new players that might be doing this, it is called the Asylum of Anguish, not the Citadel of Anguish.
    You will need six (6) PLAYERS to zone in. Mercs do not count, but players do not have to be in the same zone. You can just form a group of any players (presumably 68+) and then click in.

    3) Final combine
    As usual, any augments will be destroyed unless removed first.

    Edited, Apr 20th 2012 12:49pm by Slipschade
    Changes to 2.0 if you have 1.5 and not 1.0
    # Feb 15 2011 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
    You hail the Officer, You go beat down siflu but not kill (easy), You go kill the Captain (moderate), You go farm the Living fragments of Earth, Air, Water, Fire (easy), Get the cage from Torigran mines (tedious).... The rest continues the same as in walk-though, but the big difference is the epic 1.0 people have to use the journal but not the additional fragments of Earth and Air (thats what your epics are)... GL Information submitted confirmed by GMs
    Tieranu /loc info
    # Jan 08 2011 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
    351 posts
    Find Craftmaster Tieranu in Riftseeker's Sanctum (location information?).

    1390, -2, 65.

    In the Venomtail Familiar room, upstairs (Pyrilen area).

    Incidentally, Tieranu is a she.

    Edited, Jan 8th 2011 5:15pm by arkadykappa
    Long Live Clan Rundeep!
    All tradeskills maxed.
    Shadow Knight: 1.0. Warrior, Shaman, Wizard, Druid, Ranger, Bard, Paladin, Berserker, Rogue, Enchanter: 1.0-.20. Necromancer: 1.0-2.5.
    3 boxed
    # Aug 18 2010 at 1:15 AM Rating: Decent
    94 posts
    Long **** fight
    half the fight was just ranger and shaman .... mercs were running LoM so I loaded in chanter and ran her from Lobby for an extra cleric.

    Ranger, Shaman, Ench.. 3 merc clerics
    Gratz Phinder

    Edited, Aug 18th 2010 3:16am by Foerster
    # Jan 26 2009 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
    17 posts
    siflu does un agro just watch your dps. gear is better now then it was.
    # Aug 01 2009 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
    167 posts
    Confirmed on the non-agro. I triggered Siflu and fought him while watching his hits percentage. He became non-agro at 5% so you'll need to watch your DPS very closely during the battle.
    Wasn't Bugged
    # Jul 22 2008 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
    It's not bugged or at least wasn't in the middle of this month. I didn't have any damage shields on and beat on him as you would in the 1.5. Dragorns are a huge pain! Pulled him over toward bridge and had him down to the percent needed to hail when they added. I killed them and Silfu was still hailable. Don't know if that helps any. Just take this fight as you did the 1.5 ones.
    # Jul 20 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
    79 posts
    Siflu does NOT unaggro, at least as of today. You have to stop attacking and hail him while he continues beating on you. May be bugged as such, so be careful and pay attention.
    Siflu - take care! be fast!
    # Jul 07 2008 at 2:20 AM Rating: Decent
    54 posts
    Siflu says 'Well, that was interesting! I guess you've broken their power over me. I suppose I should be grateful or something. I was having fun here, killing people without having to worry that it might be wrong. So what is it that you want from me? You're not going to yell at me for beating up [adventurers], are you? That wasn't my fault, I was forced to do that by the muramites.'

    *** Important***
    You have about 10 seconds to answer him - or he will return to his spawn at full health doing nothing and you will have to wait 2 hours!!!
    *** Important***

    *edit* ok might have been i typed adventures instead of adventurers - but can't say for sure on 2nd try ;)

    You say, 'What adventurers?'

    Edited, Jul 7th 2008 12:11pm by TheUnnamedShadow

    *** Important***
    Have your 1.5 equipped when you hand the journal over to the office in Nedaria or you wont get the text! (I didnt have it in bandolier yet and did not notice, combine for crooked cage worked fine though and got the text for that part)
    *** Important***

    Edited, Jul 7th 2008 7:45pm by TheUnnamedShadow
    Pre Quest
    # Jun 10 2008 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
    I just finished my 2.0 with the Pre Quest. If you DO NOT have epic 1.0 you need ALL 4 Elemental Essences (AKA A Living Fragment of Earth, and AIR also) you do NOT use the peice you get from pre quest in this combine. Simply get your 1st 2 kills (Noting that the Wayferer Officer is NOT going to need the journal from you. Simply hail her so you can trigger the NC and WOS mobs, kill them, loot all the parts, then move onto the cage. Once you have the cage, simply get all 4 EP essences, put those in there, with the gem from NC and the shackles from WOS (the book is usless if you dont have 1.0's) now combine this in there, and you will then skip the part of turning in your book. Now simply follow the task from there (go kill RSS and WoS final fight, then go to coa and you are done.
    # Apr 12 2008 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
    the combine in the crooked cage. i did the prequest, so i never got my 1.0s...instead of the swiftwind and earthcaller, do i use the essence of earth and wind? its the charm item u get for doing the prequest... i tried it but it keeps saying you cant combine in this container type
    Travelers Journal
    # Apr 12 2008 at 10:18 AM Rating: Decent
    I got the Travelrs Journal and I turned it into The wayfarers officer, but she keeps says I dont accept gifts.. I have done everything in order. anyone have any clue?
    # Mar 15 2008 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
    1,273 posts
    Moved post to Siflu.

    Edited, Mar 15th 2008 9:44pm by dafdaf
    # Feb 10 2008 at 6:54 PM Rating: Decent
    Well just spawned him tonite and guess what? He spawned in a wall.
    Can't do turn in with him. Guess its petition time. Anyone else have problem with him?

    Edited, Feb 10th 2008 9:54pm by rogadanarr
    # Aug 04 2007 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
    I'm sure there will be quite alot of grammatical errors in this testimony, yet I ensure the validity of it.

    Spawn Point: Although Allah may be correct on the -1115, +40, the Heated Loadstone spawns him a good distance before the west southwest ruins(not the area below wall in middle of the zone, it's the first ruins you encounter as you travel west from the Noble's Causeway cave entrance). NOTE: If you spawn him and don't pull him very shortly after he will despawn(and you can't bring him back by zoneing or camping, then coming back). An ideal camp spot would be immediately south of the last set of boulders that are south of the ruins. This will ensure you do not prematurely spawn the captain.

    Adds: There are quite the amount of mobs in those ruins, not to mention potential roamers just outside of them, such as chemera's and bazu smashers and such. The mobs in the ruins (mostly dragorns) hit slightly harder than the roamers in the valley. Therefore it is very important that you clear the ruins first to minimize mobs.

    Con: My Tracker hinted as to the level of the mangled muramite captain. It con'd Yellow to me at level 70, which would indicated the captain's level from being anywhere between L71 to L73. I do not have the levels of the Aged Ukuns.

    I believe that sums it up, thanks.

    Followup: Okay, all this happened roughly @ 12:30pm., I tried to spawn him again around 6:00pm. yet he wouldn't pop, left me pretty confused. I may try to spawn him again around 12:00am.

    As said by Jesus Christ Himself, "If you continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." >John 8:32<

    Edited, Aug 4th 2007 10:19pm by Komgetchasum
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