The Acolyte  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Faction Required:
Priests of Mischief (Min: Amiable)
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Thu Jan 25 21:21:12 2001
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Gapeers Johhanis is located at -240, -412 in the cleric guild in Rivervale.

    You say, 'Hail, Gapeers Johhanis'

    Gapeers Johhanis jumps at your voice, he's obviously very focused on a set of beakers on the table. They seem to be holding samples of rotted flesh. Gapeers says, 'Oh my heart! You could have stopped it! Please be careful when entering these chambers. It would be unfortunate if I had dropped and broken these [specimens].'

    You say, 'What specimens?'

    Gapeers Johhanis turns to explain the specimens when he accidentally knocks over the beakers. He sucks in a short breath as the beakers crash to the ground, ruining the samples. As Gapeers's skin loses color he says, 'OH NO!! No, not my specimens!! Now what am I to do?! I needed those badly! You did this! You [owe] me now!'

    You say, 'Owe What?'

    Gapeers Johhanis says 'You bet you do! You big clumsy Half Elf! These were the remains of unfortunates who were drowned. Not only were they drowned but their bodies clung to life and refused to settle. Products of the horrendous curse of unlife. I'll need you to find three [special samples] of drowned and cursed flesh.'

    You say, 'What special samples?'

    Gapeers Johhanis's eyes widen as he realizes you actually might intend to help him. His voice becomes raspy with desperation as he says, 'Oh! Wonderful....uuhhmmm.... well ....You'll need to find undead creatures found in the waters of three different climates. One from a tropical ocean. One from the muddy and slow moving river of a jungle. And one from the stagnate and polluted water of a city's sewer, Freeport would be ideal. Will you really [do this for me]?'

    You say, 'I will do this for you.'

    Gapeers Johhanis says 'Oh thank goodness! Thank you so much, ______! Those old specimens were much to ancient anyway, fresh ones will help in my mission to heal those who were unfortunate enough to drown and become cursed. If you bring back the three samples I have a little something you might like. Although it will only fit and be of use to one who heals as a profession and is small of stature like myself. Good luck!'

    In Erud's Crossing kill a zombie sailor.
    --You have looted a Algae Covered Flesh.--

    In Feerrott kill a drowned caravan guard or a Greenblood Zombie.
    --You have looted a Swollen Flesh.--

    In Freeport Sewers kill a drowned citizen.
    --You have looted a Waterlogged Flesh.--

    Hand Gapeers Johhanis the 3 Flesh.

    Gapeers Johhanis says 'Oh....well.....This is nice, but I'll need the swollen, waterlogged, and algae covered flesh before I can reward you.'
    Gapeers Johhanis says 'Oh....well.....This is nice, but I'll need the swollen, waterlogged, and algae covered flesh before I can reward you.'

    Gapeers Johhanis cheers as you hand him the samples of zombie flesh. He says, 'You have them! Excellent! Thank you very much, ______! Now I have much work to do so shoo before you break something else. Oh and here is your reward. It's an anklet that all our acolytes wear. Not only is it functional, but we can show off our beautiful foot hairs at the same time. Us halflings are pretty smart really.'

    Your faction standing with Priests of Mischief got better.
    Your faction standing with Mayor Gubbin could not possibly get any better.
    Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 12 copper from Gapeers Johhanis.
    You receive 14 silver from Gapeers Johhanis.
    You receive 6 gold from Gapeers Johhanis.
    Submitted by: Mustard
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    Drowned Citizens
    # Feb 08 2001 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
    Ok I've read that they spawn in the tunnels apposite Drixel, but I've never seen any of them in there yet. Are they a once a day spawn or is there a place holder I have to kill?.
    RE: Drowned Citizens
    # Feb 08 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
    Go to the secret tunnel under Freeport. They are lying in the bottom of the body of water you come to first. Walk the ledge take the tunnel and keep to ur left. U will eventually be looking out the waterfall that u see when u first enter the area. I think their are about 5 of them and they will all rush u when u get close enuff to target them. So be prepared. Try to take one out and then zone. Come back and loot the body.
    RE: Drowned Citizens
    # Mar 21 2001 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
    what lvl exactly are the drowned citizens and what would they con to a lvl 25druid?
    RE: Drowned Citizens
    # Jun 10 2001 at 10:07 PM Rating: Default
    one word for the 25 druid "green"
    RE: Drowned Citizens
    # Feb 17 2001 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
    I found three of them in the cistern.
    greenblood spawns
    # Feb 05 2001 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
    This can be a very difficult quest if you can't track or sense undead. There is also a spawn that is in the air that will POOF as soon as you attack if you don't kill it on the first hit (200+). I killed pirahna and got this spawn time after time. Loving the mass kill of AE I nuked the "pile" of swamp gaters for fun, within minutes there where greenbloods all over. I got the flesh on the 3rd or 4th kill. I found most of them near the fork in the river and never saw a bouncer.
    Greenblood zombie
    # Feb 03 2001 at 4:44 AM Rating: Default
    after killing some piranas in the water, i found the zombie swimming in the water at loc -218, 744.

    Killed him and he had swollen flesh on first drop.
    # Jan 29 2001 at 9:16 PM Rating: Decent
    Thanks on the great info about the GBs. I have been running around crazy over there trying to find one. Dang bouncers wont leave me alone =). Gonna go try the river thing tonight hopefully it wont take long =)

    Thanks again
    RE: Thanks
    # Jan 30 2001 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
    Let me know how it goes, the Swollen flesh is all i need to get.

    Also are you a halfling or dwarf? Or are you just trying to get it to make some money? The reason is I have had problems with faction and the Priest's of Mischief because I am a dwarven cleric.
    RE: Thanks
    # Jan 30 2001 at 6:42 PM Rating: Decent
    Well after a fun night of killing every single dang fish and croc i could find still no pop. Also of note I am a halfling druid using endure breath and just staying under the water when trying to find those dang fish.....HINT the dang Orge Bouncers came in the water and killed me so watch out. I tried all the different loc points that were listed and still no pop. Any suggestions?
    RE: Thanks
    # Jan 31 2001 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
    hehe these are the hardest ones to find... not to kill though. After spending a day or two at locations told I never got one. I saw two but they despawned before I got them.

    The place I finally found a butt load was on the south EASTERN bank of the eastern branch of the fork. There is a stone bridge and off the bridge to the right (as your facing west) is a spawn for the croc's and the GB's. If there is no zombies just kill the crocs, they are placeholders. I also found them spawning next to the shore heading north from the stone bridge (in the water though, but you can see them from shore). This is the stone bridge that leads to the lizard isle part and cazhic thule.
    RE: Thanks
    # Feb 14 2001 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
    I went ahead and tried this just to see if it works. I found the aligator swarm, jumped into the water and cast TREMOR- killing them all at once :) Then I hunted pirana until I killed the one that said "You have slain a piranh ". Two seconds later 2 greenbloods showed up on tracking and the first one I killed had the swollen flesh.

    RE: Thanks
    # Feb 19 2001 at 4:29 PM Rating: Decent
    Lucky all of you......If I kill one more croc or fish PETA will be on me. Still havent found this...about ready to give up. =(
    How to kill a greenblood zombie
    # Jan 29 2001 at 7:23 AM Rating: Good
    Okay so far everything that everyone has said helped me tonight.

    1) Bring someone who can levitate.
    2) Kill every piranha you can. The ones that are called "You have slain a piranh " (i.e. no a at the end) are placeholders.
    3) At the v in the river I found like 15 alligators swimming together. Once I cleared out those things, I had more zombies than I knew what to do with. I killed like 4 more in 5 minutes and 2 of them had flesh on them.
    4) Thanks to everyone who gave the locs out. It totally worked.
    5) You will need a DD that is over 200 or be quick on the draw when they drop out of the sky.
    6) Don't bother swimming in the water because when they start bouncing, you cannot hit them in the water. Even if you see them in the water, float above it and then hit them with a spell when they start bouncing.

    Here are some of the locs that I got.
    -518, 675
    -863, 771
    -873, 614
    -582, 757
    -354, 686

    Good luck,
    Squirrell delBosque.
    -The Tribunal.

    Train!! Rodents and children first!!!
    RE: How to kill a greenblood zombie
    # Mar 12 2001 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
    I am a 26 lvl druid and got the greenblood zombie skin on the 1st one i killed. You need to kill the group of gators loc pos 80 pos 515. Shorty after about 5 greenblood zombies spawned and one actually attacked me (lucky me only had to kill one). GOOD LUCK DODGING THE BOUNCERS. I died bout 4 times from them

    Treluver Blledsoe
    Druid of 26 seasons
    RE: How to kill a greenblood zombie
    # Jan 29 2001 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
    The only place that I have seen where they bounced is the spawn above the piranhas. Even then you really dont need levitate. Just target the mob, swim to shore and then blast.

    Also, the stuck alligators are major placeholders. Kill them all, and as you found out, you'll have zombies swimming in the river and walking on land.
    RE: How to kill a greenblood zombie
    # Feb 02 2001 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
    Killing that big gang of stuck alligators is how I got mine to spawn as well. I got tired of looking for the zombies and decided to just hit them all with an AE spell for kicks. Well once they were all dead, like 5 or so minutes later I had several greenblood swimming in the water.
    Can a Dwarf get it?
    # Jan 29 2001 at 7:08 AM Rating: Default
    I seem to be having some trouble getting this quest... whenever I talk to Gapeers he says i stink or something and won't talk to me about the quest!

    I've tried uping my faction with the people in rivervale by getting the runnyeye beads and turning them in, but it hasn't seemed to help.

    Has any of you dwarven clerics got this quest yet?
    RE: Can a Dwarf get it?
    # Jan 29 2001 at 9:31 AM Rating: Default
    Well I found a quest to up the faction of the preists of Mischief: the cleric supply quest. I've done it 7 or 8 times now and I still con aprehensive. If there is some secret or better way to get it please tell!
    Place holders for Green blood
    # Jan 28 2001 at 8:18 PM Rating: Decent
    Swamp Alligators and Large Pirahna. Killed 4 greenbloods in 5 minutes and 4 out of 5 dropped swollen flesh.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Jan 28 2001 at 12:30 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /rude Verant
    #Anonymous, Posted: Mar 30 2001 at 11:28 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Stop whining. You knew it would be a difficult class/race/deity combo, so why would you expect to get nice items easily? It goes with the game. There are other quests you can do. If you don't like your choices, then make another character. Simple as that.
    #Anonymous, Posted: Jan 28 2001 at 3:05 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ah yes poor you - you have to settle for the akanon gnome cleric quest for the
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 01 2001 at 4:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) why? It has a disease cloud effect and there doesn't seem to be anything else beyond that (no disciple or regent quests)
    #Anonymous, Posted: Mar 21 2001 at 8:56 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ROFL if you guys dont like the fact that you cant wear or use this item why dont you just make a class who can?....DUH
    #Anonymous, Posted: Feb 01 2001 at 5:21 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Oh poor you, did you ever think that the midget druids is what this quest is for? There are so many other high wis items that go in other slots. I am currently trying vary hard to find items with wis on them that I can wear. There are a lot of items that have high wis but are plate classes only, which leaves us druids out. So I dont want to hear you crying. I am currently lvl 29, with a wis of 177, and thats just about every piece on me has wisdom. So go cry in someone elses corner, you will get no sympathy from me.
    RE: /rude Verant
    # Feb 03 2001 at 5:59 PM Rating: Default
    haha you guys are funny. Halflings have way more wisdom than gnomes do. Everyone knows that gnome cleric is the hardest race combo they have like 50 less wisdom than a high elf cleric.

    Think his point was that if an item has your class and race on it, then it should be obtainable. I can't think of other items in the game that cannot be obtained with enough faction work.

    Luckily I'm a gnome cleric worshipping brell, so I got my anklet easily. I think they just did it to punish the evil god worshipping gnomes ha ha!
    RE: /rude Verant
    # Feb 17 2001 at 12:01 AM Rating: Default
    Hey, they should have known this when they created their chatacters, not everyone who can use items can do the quests (hey, its part of being evil, live with it, or create a differnt character)
    Greenblood zombie info
    # Jan 27 2001 at 7:18 PM Rating: Good
    I killed him about 4 times in a few hours and finally go the skin, but was also doing other things behind the keyboard so it may be possible to get him more. basically one loc i'm sure of is about neg 1220, pos 650. Basically like the one guy said he gets caught in a dropping from teh sky thing and then despawns. the loc i gave is hwere i killed him 2 times out of the four. lev yourself and stay on top of the water and cast on him while he's dropping from the sky. his corpse will fall into the water.

    i also found him up the river from that loc a little ways, and also trapped in a pathing bug inside the water with about 4 other crocs. right about where the river y's on the western edge.

    Don't know if its related but i was swimming between the beginning of the Y in the river and back toward the loc i gave killing all the pirhana and he seemed to spawn quite often. Like I said not sure if the pirhana are related, but at least it give you something to do.

    basically stick around the river by cazic thule. don't know if spawn on the east side or not but he did spawn 4 times on the west side, and always was in the water or dropping into it in a bug

    RE: Greenblood zombie info
    # Jan 28 2001 at 7:21 AM Rating: Default
    Well I decided to give this a try with my lv 19 cleric. I camped for about 2 hours at the loc you gave and saw a GB spawn and die before i could even target it! walked along the west side of the river and found one... it died, despawned before i could kill it! argh... Went and chated with a GM about it and they said they had someone looking into it.

    OH and if your Good aligned i.e. dwarf, halfling watch out for the ogre bouncers they roam the edges of the river in the middle of the map. They hit worth 90 and killed me good once, now i stay near that loc Dimper gave and haven't seen um once. Just FYI, you've been warned.

    I found the Decaying Citzens in Freeport fairly easy, only problem is they like to swarm 4 or 5 at a time, it was a battle even for me. I haven't been to Erudin's crossing yet but i hear it's pretty easy. (at least i hope so with what i've had to put up with so far in Feerott)!
    greenblood zombie
    # Jan 27 2001 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
    #Anonymous, Posted: Jan 26 2001 at 6:09 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I cannot find any reference to a Greenblood Zombie anywhere. I cant even find the GB Zombies in Feerrott. So if you did theis quest.. TELL ME WHERE TO FIND THE GB ZOMBIES
    RE: Greenblood Zombie
    # Jan 27 2001 at 6:15 AM Rating: Excellent
    The Greenblood Zombie was messed up on Torvonnilous. He spawns in the river by CT in the feerrot (there are pirhanas in the water in the general area). But GB Zombie had a pathing or world insertion issue where he would "bounce" about 10 feet above the surface of the river and eventually despawns because of it. And it's tough to even see it given the thick fog of the feerrot. Use track or, even better, sense undead which will target him for you, and see if you can get a nuke off when he's up. It took me like 6 spawns of the GB zombie to figure this out and eventually kill it, heh.

    A guide on Torvo witnessed this with me and "made a note of it". Hopefully they'll fix it. /shrug
    Very hard to find the Feerrott flesh
    # Jan 26 2001 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
    I was with a lvl 39 druid and we finally found one Greenblood Zombie but after around 20 min or so another still hadn't spawned, the rest of the zombies seem to spawn around 6 to 10 min.

    And for Spoiler info
    The Zombie sailors are at the shipwreck straight opposite almost of the dock on Kerra Isle in Eruds Crossing and about 3 of them are up most the time
    The Drowned Cittizens are in the opposite tunnels from the one that Toxdil is in, 5 spawn at a time
    And the one Greenblood Zombie I've seen was a singe spawn in the river in Feerrott I don't have any idea about specific location though
    RE: Very hard to find the Feerrott flesh
    # Jan 26 2001 at 11:21 PM Rating: Default
    DOes anyone have the location of this.....I was there all day yesterday and couldnt find one =(
    RE: Very hard to find the Feerrott flesh
    # Jan 28 2001 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
    facing away from the entrance of the city of Oggok, head along the path till you get to the stone bridge. The greenblood zombies spawn along shore between here and the fallen column downriver to the left - they spawn on shore, in river, and on the other side of the river.

    do the usual - kill anything around - I killed off all the spiders, alligators, skeletons etc nearby and the greenbloods started spawning fairly quickly.

    Use sense the dead to locate them and see when they spawn. stay near water so if you see a bouncer coming your way dive dive dive!

    there was the occaisonal zombie that spawned in the air above the water on E-marr as well, but there were plenty of others around to make up for it.
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