Crusader's Test of Betrayal (#5)  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
  • Money
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Quest Items:
    Related Zones:
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    Related Quests:
    Era:Ruins of Kunark
    Group Size:Solo
    Min. # of Players:1
    Max. # of Players:1
    Appropriate Classes:
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Fri Aug 16 16:23:40 2002
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    Lord Qyzar is standing on the parapet one level up in the SK guild, at +1005, -150. At the end of the previous quest, he mentioned a [matter of betrayal].

    You say, 'What matter of betrayal?'

    Lord Qyzar says 'One of our agents, a hero by the name of Goxnok, has found evidence that the book entitled 'Charasis' has been taken from this temple and is to be delivered to an unknown foe in the Outlands. Go at once to the lower levels of the temple and greet Goxnok. Hurry, before he departs!'

    Drop down to the bottom of the western tower to find an Iksar crusader at +1010, -100, -24.

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar crusader'

    an Iksar crusader clicks his heels together at attention. 'Hail, follower of Pain.'

    You say, 'What about the Charasis Tome?'

    an Iksar crusader says 'The Charasis Tome, the tome of the old city of Charasis. It was taken from this temple and must be returned. The one sent to [apprehend the traitor] who stole the tome must be [ready to depart] with me at once.'

    You say, 'I have been sent to apprehend the traitor.'

    an Iksar crusader spies the khukri sheath at your side. 'This cannot be. I was told a duke would attend the matter. Still, if the Lords have sent you, then you must be able to complete the task. The [traitor] most certainly must be stopped from delivering the [Charasis Tome]. The [recipients] appear quite formidable and I cannot handle such a deed, not single-handed.'

    You say, 'Who is the traitor?'

    an Iksar crusader says 'I am afraid I do not know. The babble is that he is from Cabilis, but he could have been a disguised sarnak. Who knows? The tink is that at night within the Outland territory, near the old skinless outpost, they are to meet. We should depart at once. Go get outfitted and let me know when you are [ready to depart].'

    You say, 'Who are the recipients?'

    an Iksar crusader shows signs of fear and his face turns olive. 'I do not know. The [spider riders]!! I have only heard tales of them from dying lizards. Evil skinless stubs. From the wounds inflicted on the lizards, I can tell they are vicious opponents. Bloated and frayed flesh, disembowelment. Their steeds must have also joined the fray, for some of the victims were covered in webs.'

    You say, 'What are spider riders?'

    an Iksar crusader says 'As I have reported, the babble states they appear to be skinless stubs who ride giant spiders. Most encounters occur when the moon is high. Little is known about them and only in recent weeks have they begun to appear.'

    If you say you will "apprehend the traitor" it will circle back to the first response.

    You say, 'I am ready to depart.'

    an Iksar crusader slings his pack on his back and locks his sheath. 'Very well. I shall follow shortly. You must depart on your own. Go to the plains of the old skinless outpost. Beware, they have returned and patrol the hillside. Keep an eye on the gates of the outpost. I will be disguised within their ranks, I shall kneel as a sign. Give me this coin as your token.'

    You receive A Coin (identifies as "Token of Goxnok").

    Head to Firiona Vie to the "good" elf outpost and look for Tracker Azeal at +670, -2380, +173, who is secretly Crusader Goxnok in disguise. You need to be at least level 30 or he won't talk to you. Also you don't want to hail him there because he doesn't want to break cover, but if you do happen to hail him, you'll see:

    You say, 'Hail, Tracker Azeal'

    Tracker Azeal looks over at you and gives you an awkward smile, then quickly looks away. You notice he isn't like most of the elves you've seen. You can't quite put your finger on it, but for one thing he smells like he hasn't bathed in weeks.

    Shortly before 9 PM game time, he despawns and reappears in a form indifferent to everyone, then walks out of the outpost.

    Tracker Azeal says 'I'm going to start my patrol. I'll report back by morning.'

    This version appears to have an extra space at the end of his name.

    He takes off running toward a spot on the cliffs, then scoots east a short distance and ends up near a boulder at -2560, -1520, where he kneels (the sign he said to watch for). He still doesn't respond to hails. Give him the coin.

    Tracker Azeal begins to pull his face off.. it is a disguise!! 'Aha!! You have made it!! I cannot see well in this disguise, but I thought I smelled you. I have [news of the Charasis tome].'

    He respawns as Hero Goxnok.

    You say, 'What news of the Charasis tome?'

    Hero Goxnok says 'The Charasis Tome has been scribed and now another copy exists. The traitor obviously wants to keep a copy for himself. I am told you will deliver both copies to Lord Qyzar along with your zealot khukri and you shall be awarded that of a crusader. Let us rest for a minute and then I shall show you the meeting place.'

    After a moment, he leaves, saying:

    Hero Goxnok says 'Come along. If we get separated, look for the humanoid wolf camp and beyond the tunnel, you shall find the meeting place of the spider riders and the traitor.'

    After some running, he pauses at -375, -720, +67.

    Hero Goxnok stops abruptly and shudders with fear. 'Look!! There, past the wolf people. Near an ancient tunnel can be found the meeting place. I fear we may be too late. I thought I saw a shadow dash from the tunnels, but I did not see any spider riders. We'll see when we reach it'

    After another moment:

    Hero Goxnok looks over at you and sizes you up before continuing on. He says, 'We should continue, follow me.'

    He runs northeast, cutting across the edge of a drolvarg encampment, and approaches what used to be the drolvarg tunnel but is currently where the good elves hang out. When he reaches +625, -1785, +134, he meets up with a drachnid spy. (Both of them may be on Greenmist faction). Neither of them says anything, but they begin casting various spells: Goxnok casts Grim Aura and summons a pet; the spy casts Skin Like Wood on himself, Goxnok's pet, and Goxnok. You can, of course, attack before they do all this, which might make the fight easier.

    You say, 'Hail, a drachnid spy'

    a drachnid spy looks upon you with evil eyes and you hear a horrid chatter. Hairs rise from the spider's thorax. 'Greetings, creature. What a fine meal you would make!'

    It attacks.

    a drachnid spy says 'You shall not take the tome from me!! I shall snack upon your blood-drained corpse.'

    Kill the spy and loot a Charasis Tome, then hail Goxnok again.

    You say, 'Hail, Hero Goxnok'

    Hero Goxnok sighs slowly, seeing the confusion on your face. He says, 'Yes, ______, I am the traitor. What I can gain by giving up this tome outweighs any patriotic obligations I may have once had. That city is dead, it is now time for us to grasp at our own destinies. I now give you two choices, Iksar. You can walk away and never speak of this to anyone......or you can die. What will it be?'

    It's time to kill him. Beware his Harm Touch.

    Hero Goxnok says 'Die by the power of Greenmist!!'

    Once he's dead:

    Hero Goxnok's corpse says 'You shall now be a wanted man.. The Union of Vie shall punish you.'

    Loot a Charasis Tome Copy. Return to Lord Qyzar and give him both tomes and your Zealot's Khukri.

    Lord Qyzar says 'You disappoint me. I must have the Charasis Tome and its copy along with your zealot khukri.'
    Lord Qyzar says 'You disappoint me. I must have the Charasis Tome and its copy along with your zealot khukri.'
    Lord Qyzar says 'Congratulations! You are now a true crusader, but there is no time for celebration. We have lost two of our operatives. Crusaders Golin and Fodcod were dispatched to seek out an ancient artifact, the [visceral dagger]. Where they have gone, I do not know. They have been gone far too long. Find them and return the dagger to me with your crusader khukri and you shall be a hero.'
    Your faction standing with Crusaders Of Greenmist got better.
    Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got better.
    You gain experience!!
    You receive 1 platinum from Lord Qyzar.
    Send a Correction
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    Post Comment
    Clarification on Tracker Azeal on TLP
    # Sep 11 2022 at 7:44 PM Rating: Excellent
    117 posts
    I recently completed the Greenmist series of quests on the Yelinak TLP and wanted to provide some additional context on the Tracker Azeal because I found directions regarding his location confusing.

    On TLP, he begins stationed at the main Firiona Vie outpost at -2828, +2267, -75, NOT the smaller tunnel mentioned in the quest walkthrough. If you go to that area, you will only find Drolvargs. At 8PM game time, he proceeds to -2667, +2183, -78 to begin his patrol, with the following dialogue:

    Tracker Azeal says, 'I'm going to start my patrol. I'll report back by morning.'
    Guard Tobiah says, 'Acknowledged, Tracker Azeal.'

    He then proceeds to run to the boulder referred to in the walkthrough and kneels down at -2552, -1552, -1 for quite some time.

    When you turn in the Coin [Token of Goxnok], he respawns as two versions of Hero Goxnok. Both Hero Goxnoks proceed on a scripted route northwest, then northeast, ending at the small Drolvarg outpost at +625, -1785, +134 where "a drachnid spy" spawns. The drachnid spy also spawns a duplicate, and you will have to kill both drachnid spys and Hero Goxnoks, all of which drop the quest items. This was not a problem for me at max level, but would be an issue for someone doing this when it is level appropriate.

    Edited, Aug 19th 2023 4:56pm by Venril
    Waiting on tracker azeal
    # Oct 17 2020 at 9:29 PM Rating: Excellent
    33 posts
    Iksar crusader spawns at the bottom of the side ladder room next to lord qyzar. I found it easiest to invis and stand on the center of the bridge into Firiona Vie. You can see tracker azeal standing at the end of the bridge in front of the first structure. Azeal doesnt move until 8pm when he walks out of the fort and then runs east towards a rock. I followed him and when he stopped, he kneeled down. I handed him the coin given to me earlier. Hero Goxnok spawns. After a minute, he runs off north. Follow him. He will stop once for a minute, then run to the final destination. A spider spy will spawn there. Kill the spider, hail goxnok and kill him. Loot both the tome and the copy, then return to Cabilis and give Lord Qyzar the tome, copy and your kukri.

    [Sat Oct 17 21:45:20 2020] You say, 'matter of betrayal'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:45:20 2020] Lord Qyzar says, 'One of our agents, a hero by the name of Goxnok, has found evidence that the book entitled 'Charasis' has been taken from this temple and is to be delivered to an unknown foe in the Outlands. Go at once to the lower levels of the temple and greet Goxnok. Hurry, before he departs!'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:46:50 2020] You say, 'Hail, *an Iksar crusader'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:46:50 2020] *an Iksar crusader clicks his heels together at attention. 'Hail, follower of Pain.'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:47:13 2020] You say, 'What of the charasis tome'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:47:14 2020] *an Iksar crusader says, 'The Charasis Tome, the tome of the old city of Charasis. It was taken from this temple and must be returned. The one sent to [apprehend the traitor] who stole the tome must be [ready to depart] with me at once.'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:47:29 2020] You say, 'apprehend the traitor'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:47:29 2020] *an Iksar crusader spies the khukri sheath at your side. 'This cannot be. I was told a duke would attend the matter. Still, if the Lords have sent you, then you must be able to complete the task. The [traitor] most certainly must be stopped from delivering the [Charasis Tome]. The [recipients] appear quite formidable and I cannot handle such a deed, not single-handed.'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:47:51 2020] You say, 'traitor'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:47:51 2020] *an Iksar crusader says, 'I am afraid I do not know. The babble is that he is from Cabilis, but he could have been a disguised sarnak. Who knows? The tink is that at night within the Outland territory, near the old skinless outpost, they are to meet. We should depart at once. Go get outfitted and let me know when you are [ready to depart].'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:48:10 2020] You say, 'recipients'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:48:11 2020] *an Iksar crusader shows signs of fear and his face turns olive. 'I do not know. The [spider riders]! I have only heard tales of them from dying lizards. Evil skinless stubs. From the wounds inflicted on the lizards, I can tell they are vicious opponents. Bloated and frayed flesh, disembowelment. Their steeds must have also joined the fray, for some of the victims were covered in webs.'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:48:30 2020] You say, 'spider riders'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:48:30 2020] *an Iksar crusader says, 'As I have reported, the babble states they appear to be skinless stubs who ride giant spiders. Most encounters occur when the moon is high. Little is known about them and only in recent weeks have they begun to appear.'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:48:43 2020] You say, 'ready to depart'
    [Sat Oct 17 21:48:44 2020] *an Iksar crusader slings his pack on his back and locks his sheath. 'Very well. I shall follow shortly. You must depart on your own. Go to the plains of the old skinless outpost. Beware, they have returned and patrol the hillside. Keep an eye on the gates of the outpost. I will be disguised within their ranks, I shall kneel as a sign. Give me this coin as your token.'

    @Firiona Vie:
    [Sat Oct 17 22:52:06 2020] Tracker Azeal begins to pull his face off... it is a disguise! 'Aha! You have made it! I cannot see well in this disguise, but I thought I smelled you. I have [news of the Charasis tome].'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:52:06 2020] You gain experience (with a bonus)!
    [Sat Oct 17 22:52:27 2020] *Hero Goxnok says, 'The Charasis Tome has been scribed and now another copy exists. The traitor obviously wants to keep a copy for himself. I am told you will deliver both copies to Lord Qyzar along with your zealot khukri and you shall be awarded that of a crusader. Let us rest for a minute and then I shall show you the meeting place.'
    Hero Goxnok says, 'Come along. If we get separated, look for the humanoid wolf camp and beyond the tunnel, you shall find the meeting place of the spider riders and the traitor.'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:56:01 2020] Hero Goxnok looks over at you and sizes you up before continuing on. He says, 'We should continue, follow me.'

    [Sat Oct 17 22:56:57 2020] You say, 'Hail, a drachnid spy'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:56:58 2020] A drachnid spy looks upon you with evil eyes and you hear a horrid chatter. Hairs rise from the spider's thorax. 'Greetings, creature. What a fine meal you would make!'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:57:10 2020] You say, 'Hail, Hero Goxnok'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:57:10 2020] Hero Goxnok sighs slowly, seeing the confusion on your face. He says, 'Yes, Yxunomei, I am the traitor. What I can gain by giving up this tome outweighs any patriotic obligations I may have once had. That city is dead, it is now time for us to grasp at our own destinies. I now give you two choices, Human. You can walk away and never speak of this to anyone...or you can die. What will it be?'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:57:32 2020] A drachnid spy says, 'You shall not take the tome from me! I shall snack upon your blood-drained corpse.'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:57:33 2020] Hero Goxnok says, 'Die by the power of Greenmist!'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:57:48 2020] --You have looted a Charasis Tome from a drachnid spy's corpse.--
    [Sat Oct 17 22:58:08 2020] Hero Goxnok's corpse says, 'You shall now be a wanted man... The Union of Vie shall punish you.'
    [Sat Oct 17 22:58:08 2020] You have slain Hero Goxnok!
    [Sat Oct 17 22:58:12 2020] --You have looted a Charasis Tome Copy from Hero Goxnok's corpse.--

    Final turn in:
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] Lord Qyzar says, 'You disappoint me. I must have the Charasis Tome and its copy along with your zealot khukri.'
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] Lord Qyzar says, 'You disappoint me. I must have the Charasis Tome and its copy along with your zealot khukri.'
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] Lord Qyzar says, 'Congratulations! You are now a true crusader, but there is no time for celebration. We have lost two of our operatives. Crusaders Golin and Fodcod were dispatched to seek out an ancient artifact, the [visceral dagger]. Where they have gone, I do not know. They have been gone far too long. Find them and return the dagger to me with your crusader khukri and you shall be a hero.'
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] Your faction standing with Crusaders of Greenmist could not possibly get any better.
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis could not possibly get any better.
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] You gain experience (with a bonus)!
    [Sat Oct 17 23:12:50 2020] You receive 1 platinum from Lord Qyzar.

    Edited, Oct 17th 2020 10:30pm by Irredine
    It's bugged, but it works at lvl 30.
    # Aug 22 2019 at 9:16 AM Rating: Excellent
    68 posts
    I just completed this on Agnarr. Tracker Azeal will not talk to you unless you are at least lvl 30. I tried this at 27 and he ignored me. At 30 he took the coin.

    The quest is still bugged: after you give Azael the coin he respawns, but now there are two of them with slightly different names overlayed. They both head out and eventually meet the Drachnid Spy, which there are also two of. If you kill alal 4 you will end up with two books, and two copies, but since they are lore you can only loot one of each. The extra mobs make the quest twice as tough, not to mention the pathing Drolvargs.

    Oh, and once Azael spawns as Iksar, he is agro towards any race Iksar are KOS to.
    Quest Bugged
    # Feb 08 2019 at 5:17 PM Rating: Decent
    Quest is bugged, he is no longer accepting the coin while kneeling by the rock at night. He just hands it back stating that he has no use for it.
    Tracker kneeling
    # Oct 10 2013 at 8:29 PM Rating: Decent
    Here's the map point for Azeal kneeling:

    P 1540.7310, 2555.2075, -6.2220, 0, 0, 0, 2, Azeal_kneeling
    It's time to kill him. Beware his Harm Touch.
    # Jun 27 2008 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    You writhe in the grip of agony. You have taken 171 points of damage.

    I found it lol.

    You crush Hero Goxnok for 10 points of damage.
    You gain experience!!
    Hero Goxnok's corpse says 'You shall now be a wanted man.. The Union of Vie shall punish you.'
    You have slain Hero Goxnok!

    You receive 11 silver and 9 copper as your split.
    --You have looted a Velishoul's Tome Pg. 9.--
    --You have looted a Charasis Tome.--
    --You have looted a Fine Steel Rapier.--
    --You have looted a Charasis Tome Copy.--

    Edited, Jun 27th 2008 9:35am by fcoty
    Jumbled dialogue
    # Jun 26 2008 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
    2,308 posts
    How do you know to say the following?

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar crusader'

    an Iksar crusader clicks his heels together at attention. 'Hail, follower of Pain.'

    'What about the Charasis Tome?' should be your first question. Then the rest plays out.
    Jumbled dialogue
    # Jun 26 2008 at 7:49 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    The One and Only fcoty wrote:
    How do you know to say the following?

    You say, 'Hail, an Iksar crusader'

    an Iksar crusader clicks his heels together at attention. 'Hail, follower of Pain.'

    'What about the Charasis Tome?' should be your first question. Then the rest plays out.

    Updated, thanks.
    # Jan 19 2007 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
    18 posts
    I was able to have my Vah Shir rogue use the iksar illusion and hand in bone chips till he was amiable to the crusaders. My ROGUE did the hails to get the coin and follow the Hero dude around FV. Killed the drachnid, killed the Hero, camped, logged on my lvl 19 iksar sk who i had camped near the goodie outpost entrance, looted, turned in to Lord Qyzar, and got my khukri.

    Did the same thing for the Dalnir dagger in the next quest, as far as having my rogue do all the killing and letting the sk loot. Takes a while, but it's doable =)
    just fyi
    # Aug 04 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
    I got so pissed trying to do this quest. Completed it as a 26 sk tonight FINALLY. I read all the posts on this site saying it is "recommended" to be turned in after 7pm GT. BBUUUUTTT it is ***REQUIRED*** after 7pm GT. Tracker Azeal will NOT except "a coin" before 7pm. Figured that out the long and hard way.

    Anyways, Gox starts attacking you while you are killing the drachnid spy so be prepared. As a twinked out 26 SK with too much HP I able to solo this with a good 30-40% HP left over (unbuffed). Wasn't prepared for Gox to attack during spy kill otherwise I probably would have done better.

    Any other info. provided on earlier posts is suffice to get you through this. Good luck
    Quest works fine now.
    # May 15 2005 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
    130 posts
    My 57 sk gnome completed this quest, here is how:

    Couldn't find Azeal where allakhazam said, instead saw him leaving the "ancient tunnel" that is spoken of. This tunnel is not the one that leads into FV city. Instead, its the entrance hallway to the hidden valley that the FV good elves have taken refuge in. Azeal mentioned something about doing some scouting, then took off south at sow speed towards the ocean. My sk gnome has fabled boots so easily kept up. Goxnok stopped and knelt by a rock, at -2560, -1561. At this point my sk handed him the coin and then Azeal disappeared and Goxnok spawned. My gnome said the charasis phrase, Goxnok said his own things, then he took off running again. He stopped about a minute later, paused for about a minute and then took off running again. Unfortunately, my sk had drawn a train and so FDed to get rid of it. I got delayed in doing that and in looking at the FV map and so was not able to unFD the sk in time to follow. I lost Goxnok and went looking around uninvised. For some reason, my sk was no longer dubious to the FV guards and so they surprised me with a few heavy hits. Sk tried to make it to the Swamp of No Hope zone line but died along the way (the guards were keeping up with fabled boots, plus they can throw spells while running. Cheaters. Sigh.

    Rezzed and prepared for second attempt, armed with 7 buffs. Placed my two other boxes at a strategic location to help draw greenie agro away from sk. Waited for Azeal at the spot he knelt before. Within a few minutes, saw him and gave the coin. Sk never did say the charasis phrase so I guess its not necessary. Goxnok stopped at two places during his run..first was at -364, -707 and second was just south of a drolvarg building, which in turn is just southwest of the "ancient tunnel". After that, he ran right next to the drolvarg building and stopped just out of agro range of the FV elven guards at the ancient tunnel. He summoned a pet skel and the drachnid spy spawned. The spy was an easy kill for a 57 sk. Then my sk did a HT on Goxnok which killed him right off. Looted both corpses then ran out of the zone.

    Lower level toons who are attempting this quest are going to have probs. The drolvargs and pilgrims see thru invis, as do some of the drachnids. The good elven guards/merchants can't see thru invis, but if you are KOS to them and they see you then you gonna die. The drolvarg faction in FV is Pack of Tomar...not really something to worry about. But pilgrims and drixies and the good elves are all 'Inhabitants of FV' faction so beware if you intend on working faction there.

    Good luck,

    Edited, Sun May 15 01:38:57 2005
    Goxnok spawns as of 05/11/2005
    # May 12 2005 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
    I successfully completed this quest this evening. In my experience, Hero Goxnok now spawns as expected, and although I did lose him a few times following him around FV due to aggro from other mobs, I eventually found him due west of the tunnel (pos642 neg1779) with our buddy, the drachnid spy - not sure I've ever been that happy to see a drachnid before.

    Goobah Itchycheeks
    55 Shadow Knight of Vazaelle
    Hero Goxnox not spawning
    # Mar 29 2005 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
    I attempted this part twice tonight with my SK alt. Handed the coin in to the kneeling Azeal, got the expected quest text, and Azeal despawned. However, Hero Goxnox did not respawn in his place, both times I attempted this. Since he never spawns, the Drachnid Spy cannot be triggered, even if you do run to approximate location where the end of the event takes place.

    Perhaps this is due to SOE tweaking with the spawn tables for the 6th Anniversery, in addition to loot tables. There's recent posts that indicate activity in the subsequent quests after this one, so I'm guessing this part of the quest hasn't been broken (again) overly long. Anyone feel free to add/correct anything.
    Broken quest???
    # Mar 07 2005 at 11:42 PM Rating: Decent
    The hero Goxnok in dusguise as Tracker Azeal does not spawn now!!! There is NPC Tracker Azeal in Drolvarg camp, but he is KOS and of course does not accept "A Coin". I had two 60+ SK's helping me. They both completed the quest, but before the war. We waited for Azeal to spawn and kneel, but he did not. I also had high lvl RNG to track him down for me, but nothing on track! I have petitioned this issue 3times, but soe answered the quest is working as intended. Im lost now! Tried everything. Can anyone tell me if you have completed the quest recently(after FV war) and if yes HOW???
    RE: Broken quest???
    # Mar 14 2005 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
    In same boat as you. I petitioned and was told to seek help from my fellow sk's /boggle. Anyway, have been still looking for him allover FV and only one i find is Tracker Azeal who /con's KOS all the time. /bug sent........we'll see what happens.

    RE: Broken quest???
    # Mar 09 2005 at 3:59 PM Rating: Decent
    I have been working this part of the quest now for a few weeks and I agree that this indeed appears broken. I have been trying to search for other NPCs instead of Azeal that kneel but no luck. I have even started turning the coin into other NPCs, in case they don't kneel... nothing. Indeed this seems to be broken since the war between OT and FV mobs.
    tracker azael
    # Feb 28 2005 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
    with the war in firioana vie, tracker azeal was moved into the drovarg fort. but the one in disguise doesn't spawn and even if he did the guards would kill both the spy and the "iksar", if anyone knows any information can you please post it or send me tell on shasril or yizuman on maelin starpyre thanks
    Level or Faction?
    # Aug 18 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
    I've been working on the khukri quests with my lowly lvl 12 sk with the assistance of a friend, just to see if it can be done. I was under the impression a level one would be able to complete Greenmist with the right kind of help (not MQ's mind you; just babysitting. Sk has done all of his own looting thus far).

    Anyway, when I did the coin hand-in Tracker Azael ate my coin, and told me he 'didn't wish to discuss such matters with me until I had increased in rank' or something similar. I'm assuming he's speaking of level here. I've gotten all of my faction boosts for my turn-ins up to this point, so my faction should not be a concern. Greenmist can be completed by other races with Dubious faction, can't it?

    Struck me as odd that Qyzar wasn't at all bothered by my level when he gave me the quest, and neither was the crusader, yet Azael ate my coin.

    Perhaps, with multi-questing (and a some hand-holding in order to get to the forge in Dalnir, etc.) a level one SK could indeed complete Greenmist, but it doesn't look like they could get past Azael if they were the one turning in the coin.
    Just leaves me wondering whether Qyzar or Arch Duke Xog or someone might not also eat your khukri and items, refusing to reward you with the next khukri, due to insufficient level.

    Edited, Wed Aug 18 19:39:34 2004
    RE: Level or Faction?
    # Dec 15 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
    Azeal don't accept A Coin with 20 shadow knight. I think need level 30 for this quest, because this quest needed FD spell normaly.
    RE: Level or Faction?
    # Dec 22 2004 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
    I completed this quest with 25 shadowknight, and MQed Hero and Lord of Pain, and there Post that 23 shd completed FV part at Hero Quest BBS.
    So Required level 21 ~ 23 for Crusader's Khukri.
    It's all about Location
    # Mar 31 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Decent
    After the first time getting confused and almost dieing, i tried again, this time i took /loc's and below are "alterations":

    4. Get some Sow potions if possible and head to Firiona Vie Zone. Invis and go East-SouthEast to loc neg 2546, neg 1560 avoiding "a pilgrim" or "an explorer" (they see invis and you are KoS). "tracker azeal" may not be there yet, but he will run out to this spot and kneel.

    5. Only attempt the following at Night (5ish game time it starts getting dark, and there are fewer spawns). Remove your invis and con the tracker from far away. If he cons "indifferent", then it's the Hero Goxnok in disquise. Hand "tracker azeal" the "SILVER COIN" and it will say "Tracker Azeal begins to pull off his face... It is a disquise! AHA! You have made it! "I cannot see well in this disquise, but, I thought I smelled you. I have [news of the Charasis Tome]

    6. "what news of the charasis tome" and he replys: "The Charasis Tome has been scribed and now another copy exists. The traitor obviously wants to keep a copy for himself. I am told you will deliver both copies to Lord Qyzar along with your Zealot Khukri and you shall be awarded that of a crusader. Let us rest for a minute, and then I shall show you the meeting place"

    7. Here's where you must be sowed (run3 was fast enough). He will stop a couple of times to let you catch up. I recommend using invis to avoid any suprising MoBs.

    8. Eventually, he will stop at loc neg 375.88, neg 712.91 and say: "Look!! there past the wolf people, near an ancient tunnel can be found the meeting place. I fear we may be too late. I thought I saw a shadow dash from the tunnels, but, I did not see any of the spider riders. We will see when we reach it. (follow him once again to loc pos 623, neg 1772)

    9. Drop invis and look for the "drachnid spy". Make sure that when you are fighting it you remain FAR way from the posted Drovargs near the tunnel's entrance. The Drachnid spy will say "You shall not take the tome from me!! I shall snack upon your blood drained corpse".

    10. Slay the drachnid spy. After you loot the CHARASIS TOME from the drachnid spy's corpse, "hail Hero Goxnox": He sighs slowly, seeing the confusion on your face. He says "Yes (your name here), I am the traitor. What I can gain by giving up this tome outweighs and patriotic obligations, I may have once had. That city is dead, it is now time for you to choose (your race?). You can walk away and never speak of this to anyone.... or you can die...what will it be?

    11. Slay hero Goxnok (be cautious of his harm touch). Loot the CHARASIS TOME COPY. Proceed back to Cabilis.

    12. Hand in the 2 copies of the tome, and your Zealot Khukri to Lord Qyzar, and you will receive a CRUSADER KHUKRI, and the following information:

    Lord Qyzar says `Congratulations! You are now a true crusader, but there is no time for celebration. We have lost two of our operatives. Crusaders Golin and Fodcod were dispatched to seek out an ancient artifact, the [visceral dagger]. Where they have gone, I do not know. They have been gone far too long. Find them and return the dagger to me with your crusader khukri and you shall be a hero.'
    RE: It's all about Location
    # Apr 03 2004 at 7:32 PM Rating: Decent
    True, and you might have to wander around a little bit before you see the drachnid spy. But beware how "late" in the night you start this, if it's morning by the time you get to the drolvargs the drachnid won't spawn. Looked everywhere, had a tracker too, and no drachnid. Hailed Goxnox and he gave the "ya, I'm the traitor..." speech. I kicked his traitorous tail in frustration, and he told me when he died "You are now a wanted man... the Union of Vie will punish you" or something like that, though there was no faction hit of any kind.
    RE: It's all about Location
    # Jun 22 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
    Wasn't on track for me either til we got to the spot where he stopped. Over by the Drolvarg island over in the upper right hand corner of my map. Then POP, there he was : ) easy kill for a lvl 34 SK.

    Phazeki Bootparty
    lvl 34 Shadowknight
    Karana Server
    Crusader's test of betrayal
    # Jan 17 2004 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
    The Tracker Azreal spawns where thay sad.

    I had a ranger and myself there the ranger clerd out where the drachnid spy spowns at if not and you get agro the Tracker Azeal will fight you be for it is time and you will have to do it all over agen not fun at all. have fun and good LUCK!!!!
    Crusader's test of betrayal
    # Jan 17 2004 at 8:10 PM Rating: Decent
    The Tracker Azreal spawns where thay sad.

    I had a ranger and myself there the ranger clerd out where the drachnid spy spowns at if not and you get agro the Tracker Azeal will fight you be for it is time and you will have to do it all over agen not fun at all. have fun and good LUCK!!!!
    # May 19 2003 at 2:53 AM Rating: Default
    What is the level on the spy and the hero? or how hard are they do kill?
    RE: Lvl
    # Jul 08 2003 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
    81 posts
    Judging by the hero's harm touch (HT hit me for 271) , the one I killed was level 27. Although I think his level can vary between 25-28 or so. I would guess the spy to be around that level also, as they both took about the same time to kill. Either way, both green cons and easy kills for a solo level 55 sk.
    RE: Lvl
    # Jul 14 2003 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
    17 posts
    Could a lvl 32 sk take both of them on? If not with temperance could he?
    36th season Shadowknight (Yeziliz)
    25th season Necromancer (Notiliz)
    Karana server
    Faction in FV
    # Jan 30 2003 at 3:33 AM Rating: Default
    31 posts
    The NPC's in FV dont hate us because we are SK or DE or Iksar or whatever....they hate us because our Diety is an evil god. If your diety is Innoruuk or Cazic...U are done...not amount of faction will make it better, you are KOS for life (or their death).

    Sallar 57 DE SK

    Servant of Innoruuk
    Crusader of Greenmist
    Murphy's Law - all that can go wrong
    # Sep 16 2002 at 10:51 AM Rating: Good
    After spending HOURS on this quest and running up against EVERYTHING that could go wrong, I will generously share the following advice:

    > If you have have a friend helping you, park the friend at the tunnel entrance (where the final battles occur). Have this character keep the area clear of mobs. They can also help out with the adds that occur during the final battles (I had 7 adds during my final quest attempt).

    > You don't HAVE to speak with Qyzar/the crusader to get the coin, then run to FV and start the quest all at once. Yes, you need the coin, but Goxnok can be spawned at anytime by a second SK - even a newly created character who hasn't even begun the Greenmist quest.

    > Performing the quest at night seemed to reduce the amount of wandering drixies and pilgrims. However, some of you may want the extra challenge of training half a dozen of these while following Goxnok.

    > Before you approach the disguised Tracker Azeal, make sure there are no wandering mobs nearby. I had one aggro on me before I handed in the coin and the disguised tracker assisted the mob I was fighting and AGGROED ON ME! Furthermore this tracker mob was WAY tougher than Goxnok, camped me while I was FD, was still KoS to me after I got up from FD and I couldn't get it to respawn after I had lured him [far] away (with a second character).

    > As was mentioned in another post, don't do this with a non-Iksar. Also, if you happen to run by a non-Iksar who is camping the Drolvargs while you're following Goxnok, Goxnok will aggro on the PC. After this happened I couldn't get GoxNok to forget about the PC and had to kill him and start over.

    > When GoxNok gets to the tunnel, you have to be patient and WAIT for the drachnid spy (it says "drachnid spy" as the mob's name). I got impatient the first time we arrived there and Hailed Goxnok in hopes that he'd hurry up the spy's arrival. Instead, Goxnok gave me the message to "choose or die" and then I never did get the spy.

    As a nice bonus - enough to make up for all the problems which I had incurred - Lady Chromoire aggroed on me TWICE while re-redoing this quest. The first time she didn't drop the wings, but the second time she did. Both times she was located around the broken-looking patch of ground near the path, in a straight line as you run from the NW corner of FV to the tracker spawn point.

    Edited, Wed Sep 18 15:11:03 2002
    Spawn Time
    # Sep 09 2002 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
    I did this quest with my sk and tracker azeal spawned about 11pm. I knew it was him cuz he kneeled, just like he said he would. And he does kneel at the location previously given by Noxist(neg 2551, neg 1540). This location is right at a rock. I had a druid with me for tracking which made this a bit easier. I also had some buffs from some level 50 friends which was extremely nice for my level 36 self.

    What makes this a pain in the neck is all the possible adds you may get doing this. The pilgrims HATE iksar along with everyone else in the zone. When I did the final fight, I had to kill to drolvargs first and feign off a pilgrim on the way there.

    When you get to the final location, the drachnid spy shows up and is amiable until you Hail him. So if you need a extra minute or two to get rid of adds, you have the time before you have to engage him and Hero.
    Fixed and Done.
    # Aug 18 2002 at 1:13 AM Rating: Good
    This quest is now fixed on povar. i saw the thread here and went on to check if it was true. and this is what happend. i did the opening of the quest and then ran to FV following the river to the bridge then past to the far south right wall where i saw Tracker Azreal at THIS LOC neg 2551.05 neg 1540.66 this was at 6 am game time i didnt have to wait at all. i droped shadows and /cond him and he was indiffrent so i gave the coin to him and followed him to the cave once there the Dracknid spy wont pop till you get there and drop invis you then need to hope that there is someone killing drovalgs. i had to fight off 1 drovalg and both goxnok and the spy all at once and i was alone save for a pally i think named Corn. (Thanks Corn woulda died if it wasnt for you) andy way after regaining conciousness (yes is was that close twice) i was able to loot the two tomes and then shadowed up and bolted to Lake zone. now here is the good part. At the completion of this quest i was lvl 30 i am now lvl 31 they coned drk blue to me and the drovalgs ranged from drk blue to red if you do this solo good job but my guess is that you will take someone with you any one will do just another body to take the add on drovalgs. so now i have my Crusader's Kuhkri and i am going to look for the dagger next /sigh another long camp. any way the dracknid spy and goxnok are mid to high 20s no more this had to be the easyest quest i have dont over lvl 10 i spend 20 lvls on the test of pain.. /frown

    take it light
    Still broken
    # Aug 18 2002 at 12:29 AM Rating: Decent
    Unless they have moved his spawn location he is still broken - camped his location for 5 hours last night with no sigh of him.

    Edited, Mon Aug 19 11:55:01 2002
    test sry
    # Aug 17 2002 at 12:52 PM Rating: Default
    this is a test
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