Snazlieu #1: Espionage Starts at Home  

Quest Started By:Description:
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Adventure
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Experience
  • Loot
  • Money
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 03:00:00
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Call of the Forsaken
Group Size:Group
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:6
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Oct 8 05:57:58 2013
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023

Call of the Forsaken Info & Guides: Overview | Progression & Task List | Raiding | Visible Armor

About Heroic Adventures

- Heroic adventures in Call of the Forsaken scale in level: As low as Level 75 and up to current maximum level.
- Scale is based on the highest level player present in the zone and affects difficulty, loot quality, and mob levels.
- There is some variation/randomization in the task steps you'll be assigned as you progress through the task.
- Time of completion will vary by your group's makeup (anywhere from 30-90+ minutes).
- Collection items appear as ground spawns midway through tasks (you'll see an emote indicating their appearance).
- Named mobs (or their PHs) spawn midway through tasks (usually, but always, at the same time collection items appear).
- These tasks have individual 3-hour lockout timers (timer gained upon completion).

Experience in Heroic Adventures

- Mobs in these instances grant some experience, but the bulk of experience is earned upon task completion.
- As of a patch in November 2014, less difficult tasks were tuned to reward less experience and more difficult ones were tuned to reward more.
- For an added experience bonus, check out Guard Hamarn's "Daily Tasks".

This is a heroic adventure (1-6 players) that begins with Snazlieu the Shadow (map image) in the Bixie Warfront. She is located a little ways north from the portal to the Ethernere Tainted West Karana.

Pre-Requisites for Requesting:
- Level 75
- No tasks


- Say "embark on an adventure" to request the task and "ready" to zone in.

Step #1:
- Gather reagents to heal Scout Jrona and deliver them to her 0/10
--- Click the purple flowers outside the zone-in cave to spawn mobs; loot the mobs and deliver the items to her
- Kill the barricading bixies 0/5
--- Kill update
- Defend Rikla Waym 0/1
--- Hail Rikla Waym to spawn a wave of three adds (repeat 3-4 times for update)

Step #2:
- Rescue merchants 0/5
--- Clear the hostile bixies around each "a bruised merchant", then hail the merchant
- Interrogate weapon vendors 0/3
--- DPS weapon vendors down to 2% health

Step #3:
- Find clues in homes 0/10
--- Collect ground spawns in bixie homes and kill homeowners to loot items
- Earn bixie civilans' trust 0/4
--- Run errands for bixie residents in the houses
- Make room for Wet River Hive spies 0/10
--- Kill update (kill bixies inside the houses)

Step #4:
- Kill investigators 0/6
--- Kill the investigator mobs that path in and out of the residential district
- Kill fleeing witnesses 0/40
--- Kill all the fleeing witnesses (snare mobs to stop them from fleeing, then kill)

- At this point in the task, collectibles spawn in the zone (ground spawns) and a named (or its PH) has a chance to spawn.

Step #5:
- Kill rushed runners 0/6
--- Snare "a rushed runner" to stop them from moving, then DPS to 50% to make them aggro, then kill
- Plant tracking bugs on tired runners 0/5
--- Plant tracking bugs on the runners (doing so spawns 2x hostile bixie mobs)
- Collect soggy supplies 0/10
--- These are found floating down the honey river

Step #6:
- Kill Coordinator Haslizz 0/1
--- Kill the Coordinator

- As soon as the objective for Step #6 is done, the task completes.


"an Enraged Bixie Drone" (or its PH) has a chance to spawn after the fourth step is completed. Known loot from this named:

Bixie Summoner's Stone
Drone's Fury
Ring of Rage
Scuffed Journeyman's Rucksack



You say, 'Hail, Snazlieu the Shadow'

Snazlieu the Shadow looks over your shoulder behind you and then says, 'Well, now you're [here]. And you're staring at me.'

You say, 'Here?'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'Yes, you are here. Do you even know where that is?' Snazlieu looks at you suspiciously and asks, 'How many [fingers] am I holding up?'

You say, 'Fingers?'

Snazlieu the Shadow sighs and shakes her head, 'Such poor attention to detail. You're lucky I'm [desperate], _____.'

You say, 'Why are you desperate?'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'I'm sure you've heard at least some of what's happening around here. And if not, well, it's not my job to explain it to you. What you need to know is that the [Stone Hive bixies] are creating massive [industrial] infrastructure for their military.'

You say, 'Stone Hive bixies?'

Snazlieu the Shadow puts her head in her hands and replies, clearly exasperated, 'Yes, Stone Hive bixies. You did notice we're a different color, right? We're the Wet River Hive bixies. We're helping you. The Stone Hive bixies are our allies, but they've gone mad or something lately. Together, we're going to stop them from starting a [crazy war]. Got it?'

You say, 'Industrial military?'

Snazlieu the Shadow gives an approving look and replies, 'I don't know how they did it, to be honest. But they've managed to create a sprawling infrastructure of dojos, hives, factories, and housing, all designed to structure their society in a way that produces [soldiers] and the [tools] they need quicker than any hive I've seen before. If they weren't acting so crazy, I might've been able to convince the queen to ally with them in their campaign. But that's a discussion for another day.'

You say, 'A crazy war?'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'Yes, they want to kill all the dragons, or all the gnomes, or all the _____s, or something. Who cares?' Snazlieu grabs your face and forces you to stare into her face as she says, 'Just remember while out in the field: yellow bixies equal bad, blue bixies equal good. If you accidentally kill one of my agents, I will personally skin your corpse and hang it above this doorway.'

You say, 'What about the soldiers?'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'Martial artists, chemical weapon experts, assassins--the hive has them all. And they're sacrificing everything in order to get more. We've got to [stop] them before they have no civilians left to feed them. Even a war hive needs civilians, _____.'

You say, 'What tools?'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'You sound surprised that bixies can build war machines, _____. Well, wait until you have your first honeycomb lobbed onto your head from a catapult. Until you experience that very real pain, I suggest you simply trust me that we must [stop] this.'

You say, 'We must stop this...'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'We have three objectives here, _____. We need to gather information, establish reliable routes of reconnaissance, and sabotage their military-industrial infrastructure however we can. Think you can [handle] that?'

You say, 'I'll handle it'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'Good. You're not my ideal candidate for this mission, but we'll simply disown you if you bungle this. There's no downside, really. Well, for us. Anyways, are you ready to [embark on an adventure]?'

You say, 'Yes, let's embark on an adventure'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'Very well. Let me know when you're [ready] to depart.'

You have been assigned the task 'Espionage Starts at Home'.

The bixies of Stone Hive have built a massive underground expansion incredibly quickly, using supplies shuttled down from the surface. Most of their shipments seem to go through the nearby residential district. Investigate the area to see what you can discover about the Stone Hive bixies' intentions.

You say, 'Ready!'

Snazlieu the Shadow says 'Good luck... No, don't tell me your name. It's easier this way.'

You have entered Bixie Warfront.


Gather reagents to heal Scout Jrona and deliver them to her 0/10 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: You discovered an injured Wet River Hive bixie scout. She can make herself a remedy, but she needs reagents from nearby plant life. Gather some from purple flowers near her and deliver them to her.

If You Get This Step: Click on the purple flowers around the area. Doing so spawns "an uprooted _____" (stunnable; mezzable; hits for a max ~12,000) which drops "Dirty Reagent". Turn in 10 of these to update the step.


Kill the barricading bixies 0/5 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: The crazed bixies are trying to barricade your group inside the water caverns. Kill the ones blocking this path.

If You Get This Step: Kill the "a barricade _____" mobs ahead of the zone-in.


Defend Rikla Waym 0/1 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: You discovered a bixie weapon vendor, Rikla Waym, who's fleeing the nearby marketplace. Speak with her and offer to protect her from the violent bixies coming to steal her weapons. Having a merchant indebted to you could be useful later.

If You Get This Step: Hail Rikla Waym to spawn a wave of three adds (repeat 3-4 times for update). These mobs hit for a max ~13,000. Some of them backstab for ~51,000. Watch your back. They are mezzable.

Rikla Waym looks around cautiously and then gives a wicked smile and shakes your hand. 'Thank you, Thorque."


Rescue merchants 0/5 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: The local bixie population seems to be rioting, taking everything from the merchants and trashing the stores. The guards are not helping. Defend the helpless merchants to earn their trust, which your group can later use to get information.

If You Get This Step: West of the entrance cave will be several "a bruised merchant" mobs (note: they can spawn inside the little houses along the path). Kill the ransackers, safecrackers, and selfish soldiers (stunnable; mezzable; splitable) around the merchants (the extra trash mobs in the area don't have to be killed), and then hail the merchant for credit.

You say, 'Hail, a bruised merchant'

a bruised merchant nods curtly to you as it picks up its supplies from the ground, 'Thank you for your help, _____. You need to leave, though.'


Interrogate weapon vendors 0/3 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Mobs will be in groups of three. Kill the guards and DPS the vendors to 2% health, at which point they surrender.


Find clues in homes 0/10 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: Search the bixie homes in the west side of the tunnel for clues regarding what might be the cause of their recent bloodlust. Try to determine if it's still affecting all bixies, or only some. No doubt, some bixies will carry the propaganda on them, but you may need to search their homes for scrolls or parchment as well.

If You Get This Step: West of the merchant area are more bixie houses. Inside are homeowners which can drop "Revealing Diary". You'll also find scrolls ("Propaganda Flyer") inside the houses as ground spawns.

an intimidated homeowner says 'Stop touching our stuff, you _____ jerk!'

You say, 'Hail, an intimidated homeowner'

an intimidated homeowner looks scared as you approach. It's not looking for a [fight].

You say, 'You're gonna get a fight!'

an intimidated homeowner says 'I won't go down easily!'


Earn bixie civilans' trust 0/4 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: The bixies living in the nearby homes are having some sort of fight. Talk with the different homeowners to find out what you can do to help them. Earning their trust now will give your group an inside route to infiltrating the community.

If You Get This Step: In the bixie houses, you'll find different mobs: Kill "an annoying roommate"; pick up honeycombs (ground spawns in one of the houses) and give them to "a greedy decorator"; speak with "a squatting neighbor" and "a confused neighbor" will leave, then speak with "a squatting neighbor" again; speak with "a messy neighbor". This should update the step.


Make room for Wet River Hive spies 0/10 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Kill updates by killing bixies inside the houses.


Kill investigators 0/6 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: The violence in this district has not gone unnoticed by the local bixie authorities. They've sent investigators, who are currently approaching from the northwest. Intercept them and kill them all.

If You Get This Step: Investigators (and their guards) will path through the area. They stick to the main path, so you can set up in one of the houses and pull to there. None of the mobs are aggro-linked. They are all stunnable, mezzable, and splittable.


Kill fleeing witnesses 0/40 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: You can't let word of your actions here reach the main hive! Some of the civilians are starting to flee towards the western edge of the tunnel. Stop them before they get outside the city limits, or face the wrath of the bixie military.

If You Get This Step: Kill the fleeing witnesses. They may not initially fight you back, but may start at a certain health point.


Kill rushed runners 0/6 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: It looks like some of the bixies are carrying supplies from the river to another location. Kill them to break down their military supply chain.

If You Get This Step: Bixies called "a rushed runner" begin pathing up and down the main path. The best way to handle one of these is to snare them which stops them from running. At 50%, they attack (note that these have a lot of hitpoints):

a rushed runner says 'That does it! I'll skip my next delivery to give you the beating of the century.'

a rushed runner has been slain by _____!


Plant tracking bugs on tired runners 0/5 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: it looks like some of the bixies are carrying supplies from the river to another location. Place a tracking bug onto some of them to find out where they're taking the supplies.

If You Get This Step: Right-click the tracking bugs on rushed runners. Doing so spawns two KOS "an alerted guard" on top of the clicker's location.


Collect soggy supplies 0/10 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: "Kill" the floating parts that are flowing down the honey river and loot them. If you don't have enough DPS to kill them on a part's first go-around, they will reappear at the beginning of the river at the health you left it.


Kill Coordinator Haslizz 0/1 (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: At the top of the supply trail, you find a frantic bixie who seems to be coordinating all of the supply shipments. Killing them should slow down the bixies' manufacturing of weapons significantly.

If You Get This Step: The coordinator is found in the northwestern cave at the top of the honeyflow. Kill her to complete the task. She hits for a max ~13,500, and is stunnable and mezzable. She casts emote-based spells "Lost Shipment" and "Expedited Delivery":

Coordinator Haslizz orders an expedited delivery.
Coordinator Haslizz says 'We needed that yesterday, lazybones!'
Coordinator Haslizz begins to cast a spell. (Expedited Delivery)

Coordinator Haslizz orders a delayed delivery.
Coordinator Haslizz says 'That's no longer necessary to our production schedule.'
Coordinator Haslizz begins to cast a spell. (Lost Shipment)

Coordinator Haslizz has been slain by _____!
Coordinator Haslizz's corpse says 'Apparently my arrival has been delayed indefinitely.'
Your faction standing with Stone Hive Bixies got worse.
Your faction standing with Guardians of the Vale got better.


- a varying amount of platinum
- a varying amount of experience
- a varying number of Marks of Valor (currency used to buy group gear)

197 Marks of Valor at level 95.
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Additional Step #3
# Jun 26 2022 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Make room for Wet River Hive spies

Kill "a forgettable tenant" and "a quiet tenant" for updates
2021 updates
# Mar 31 2021 at 10:12 AM Rating: Good
7 posts
Just completed March 2021. A few updates.

1) There are five flowers spawning mobs that drop one Dirty Reagent per kill, the character 'touching' the flower collects one for every touch. That amounts to the 10 you need to complete the step.

2) For the "Gain the trust" step, if you are stuck getting updates try hailing any/all of the special Bixies in the houses. The honeycombs needed for the decorator are ground spawns but they are BIG ground spawns, at first I wasn't seeing them because they looked like part of the background. The decorator needs five honeycombs before his script completes.

3) 'Neutralizing' the weapon vendors and surrounding mobs isn't part of the task but does award extra Marks of Valor.

4) Coordinator Haslizz is hiding high up in the honeycomb at the back of the zone, just bring everyone to the area and he'll swoop down and start attacking.

5) Completed easily with three 83's and mercs. During Anniversary bonus XP earned about half a level for completion.

6) Didn't attempt the Enraged Bixie Drone named. Trash mobs dropped a bunch of collectibles.
MoVs at 95
# May 10 2017 at 6:01 AM Rating: Good
443 posts
got 197 MoVs for this at level 95
MoVs at 95
# May 10 2017 at 5:50 PM Rating: Excellent
iinelder wrote:
got 197 MoVs for this at level 95

Thanks, added as a reward option.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

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Kill fleeing witnesses 0/?
# May 10 2017 at 5:43 AM Rating: Good
443 posts
Kill fleeing witnesses 0/?

40?! and they come FAST!!!

NM have a ranger snare and shoot em down, NP.
Kill fleeing witnesses 0/?
# May 10 2017 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
iinelder wrote:
Kill fleeing witnesses 0/?

40?! and they come FAST!!!

NM have a ranger snare and shoot em down, NP.

Thanks, added 40 for that part.
Allakhazam Developer and Admin

For real time update information on Allakhazam, follow me on Twitter!

Or join us via our Discord channel at
Still bugged
# Apr 08 2017 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
This task is still bugged. The first time I tried it last week, I got the step to click flowers to spawn mobs and only found 6/10 clickable flowers and spent 30 minutes clicking every flower in site to spawn more. Tried it for the second time yesterday and got Defend Rikla Waym for step 1, which went fine. For step 2, I had to Rescue Merchants and only found 4/5 merchants to rescue. Have reported it to DBG but do you just keep trying the task until you manage to get through it without bugs?
Still bugged
# May 13 2017 at 5:14 PM Rating: Decent
11 posts
Winspearean wrote:
This task is still bugged. The first time I tried it last week, I got the step to click flowers to spawn mobs and only found 6/10 clickable flowers and spent 30 minutes clicking every flower in site to spawn more. Tried it for the second time yesterday and got Defend Rikla Waym for step 1, which went fine. For step 2, I had to Rescue Merchants and only found 4/5 merchants to rescue. Have reported it to DBG but do you just keep trying the task until you manage to get through it without bugs?

When you click the flowers to spawn the mobs, more than one reagent appears in your inventory per flower-click. Possibly this is how the devs decided to handle the bug - but you only need to click on the flowers in the front of the zone then kill the subsequent spawned mobs to get a total of 10 reagents. For the Rescue Merchants step, one of the bruised merchants is actually located behind another bruised merchant inside one of the Bixie houses. I've boxed this mission at least a dozen times in the past year, and it definitely helps to bring a tracker. Once you get all of the steps down, this is a fantastic mission to farm for collectibles or the Enraged Bixie Drone named for drops.
Easter Egg task name
# Feb 19 2017 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
350 posts
The name of this task is an easter egg. Exploitation begins at home is a made up rule of acquisition made up by two scheming Ferengi on ST: Voyager.
Vendors are linked.
# Nov 07 2016 at 10:30 PM Rating: Decent
211 posts
The weapon vendors and watchful guards groups of 3 in Step 2 seem to be aggro-linked. We couldn't get them separated. Every time one would get aggro, all would get aggro and keep it, despite paci, snare, etc.
Buanu Connoy
Champions of Norrath
bugged flowers
# Feb 21 2016 at 6:35 AM Rating: Good
7 posts
Did this HA a few years ago. Today I did it again and got the first step: click 10 flowers.
After 8 flowers there were none left, and I remember the same happened back then. Amazing to see that SoE / Daylight never did anything with the bug reports we filed.
bugged flowers
# Feb 26 2016 at 8:57 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Kouwes wrote:
Did this HA a few years ago. Today I did it again and got the first step: click 10 flowers.
After 8 flowers there were none left, and I remember the same happened back then. Amazing to see that SoE / Daylight never did anything with the bug reports we filed.

I would /bug it again.

Jophiel and I bugged a longstanding issues with the curscale armor... it got fixed a few months later. Likely a total coincidence, but the illusion of the process working can be a comfort! Ideally, get some in-game friends with different IP addresses and and accounts to /bug it as well.
42 AA's
# Sep 29 2015 at 7:16 AM Rating: Good
3,021 posts
Level 105 earned 42 AA's, with 100% XP potion and during +50% XP week.

- Kill fleeing witnesses 0/?
--- Kill all the fleeing witnesses (snare mobs to stop them from fleeing, then kill)

Gotta kill 40. Not early as intimidating as it sounds since there are tons of them moving down the path, they don't have a lot of HPs or hit hard and they don't assist each other.

Edited, Sep 29th 2015 9:16am by Sippin

Edited, Sep 29th 2015 9:26am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
Defend Rikla Waym
# Oct 15 2014 at 6:24 AM Rating: Default
three mobs spawn but only one was on extended target so didn't realize for a while. when i dis i got agro and the wiped me quick hit for 13k and backstab for 51 k so not let them get at your back. they are messable so i went back and haild but could never respawn the "wayes so could not complete dropped mission and will get again
Defend Rikla Waym
# Jul 01 2015 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
When you hail Rikla, 3 mobs rush her and start beating on her. If you back up to the cave opening, you can spell / do ranged attack damage on one mob at a time. As long as you don't completely take agro, the mobs will beat on Rikla and you can pick them off one at a time without getting in the fray. It takes a while, but if you don't have an uber DPS group, it's worth going slow just to avoid the deaths, IMO anyway.

You have to hail 3 (and sometimes 4) times, and deal with 3 (and sometimes 4) waves of triple mobs to complete the step. Like I said, it can take a while.
1st step problem
# Oct 05 2014 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
340 posts
1st step - click the flowers and kill the pops.
Only 5 flowers found but need 10.
Fleeing witnesses
# Jul 10 2014 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
195 posts
Kill fleeing witnesses 0/? (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: ?

If You Get This Step: Kill the fleeing witnesses. As they don't fight back, you may want to try snare effects to keep them in place.."

Yes, they do fight back, but you can take on 3-5 at a time. I pull them out of the line with arrows and let the merc tank pick them up.
Farwarden Aquendar Lerilon, 105 Season Human Ranger of Tunare
My Fantasy Novels
My Profile
# Jun 23 2014 at 11:05 PM Rating: Decent
8 posts
The Depthkeeper's Ever-Glaring Eye dropped from an Enraged Bixie Drone tonight
# Jun 15 2014 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
Has anyone done this HA with an 85 lvl group? I am noticing the scaling across HA's is inconsistent, with some working as advertised and some having red trash mobs that 2 shot me (with a fulll lvl 85 group).
Find clues in homes Scrolls bug
# May 07 2014 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
309 posts
If you attempt to loot "Propaganda Flyer" with a full inventory, the scrolls disappear, you do not get credit for collection, and they do not respawn. If you collect them all without reading the full inventory spam, like I did, you will be unable to complete this stage.
Fleeing witnesses
# Dec 31 2013 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
Kill fleeing witnesses 0/? (Bixie Warfront)

Task Window Says: ?

Should say:Kill fleeing witnesses 0/40 (Bixie Warfront)

This is so easy its almost a laugh......Just pet pull or tash pull one....They are non KOS and mostly non - social....You may get one add but they have less HP's than you can even imagine.

Edited, Dec 31st 2013 7:17am by Zaleric
Zaleric Dacleric
105 Cleric
Earn Bixie Trust
# Dec 26 2013 at 1:53 PM Rating: Default
184 posts
did not have a confused neighbor on my track, but a plotting neighbor did the same update
tracking bugs
# Nov 18 2013 at 2:15 AM Rating: Good
689 posts
the 2 mobs that spawn on you are NOT auto-aggro
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
tracking bugs
# Nov 18 2013 at 3:28 AM Rating: Good
689 posts
To clarify, the 2 mobs that spawn when you click the tracking bug spawn on top of the person doing the clicking (not the mob you clicked it on). The first 4 of 5 that I clicked, did not aggro. The last set DID aggro.
Silfh V'Ester - Holy Defender of Koada'Vie
Mahlah Tohsis - Spiritwalker
bug planting
# Nov 11 2013 at 6:00 PM Rating: Good
124 posts
It's rushed runners, not tired as the task says above. Right click on the bug while you have a rushed runner targeted and it will spawn 2 alerted guards. They will auto agro after about 1-2 seconds. Also, you can't target the same runner, you'll get a message stating you already planted a bug on that runner.

100 gnomish enchanter
Final Assault
Step 1
# Oct 16 2013 at 11:11 PM Rating: Good
17 posts
As noted by wonkabc below, the first step we encountered was to "defend Rikla Waym". Hail her, a wave of three adds spawns, had to repeat three maybe four times before the step updated. The next five steps were all covered above.
Soggy Supplies
# Oct 14 2013 at 2:53 PM Rating: Default
184 posts
Soggy supplies are obtained by destroying the floating crates and plant parts in the river. Since my tank is a merc, I could not get it to agro onto the crates, but I was able to dot them. The crates can be destroyed by waiting for them at the end of the river, and when they get to the end they circle back around, so after 2 or 3 cycles around with dots on it, it will be destroyed and lootable. Just make sure your nukes/dots that finish it off are done near you. If a crate dies off in the distance you will not be able to loot it. Once I was bale to get 8/10 this way but since I did not time the final death just right I had to start over again.
Earn Trust
# Oct 14 2013 at 11:10 AM Rating: Default
184 posts
For this step I did as posted above and got 4/5 updates. I noticed that all the ones to earn trust were white cons on track (at lvl 100) while the rest were blue, so I hailed A Plotting Neighbor (white con) and got the 5th update.
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