Shaman Mystic Armor (Shezlie Furscale Pieces)
Scaled Mystic Breastplate
Banded Tunic
Star Ruby (Bought)
Nectar of Isolation (Portik Grolam - 5pp 2gp 4sp 9cp /Timorous Deep)
Watchman Spectacles (Ogre Watchman/Timorous Deep)
Scaled Mystic Gauntlets
Banded Gauntlets
Ruby (Bought)
Venomous Parchment (venomous lamprey (Levels: 22 - 26)/ Swamp of No Hope, Firiona Vie)
Warlord Drawing Pen(goblin warlord (Levels: 22 - 26)/ LoIO)
Scaled Mystic Greaves
Banded Leggings
Fire Emerald (Bought)
Exiled Iksar Head (Iksar exile (Levels: 22 - 26)/LoIO, Swamp of No Hope, Warslik Woods)
Sarnak Recuitment Letter (a Sarnak recruit (Levels: 21 - 25)/LoIO)
Scaled Mystic Helm
Banded Helm
Sapphire (Bought)
Bargynn's Dagger (Bargynn (Level: 20)/Kurns Tower)
Sythrax Building Plans (Gharg Oberbord (Level: 31) servant of Sythrax (Levels: 25 - 29)/ Field of Bone)
Shaman Mystic Armor (Zazlan Furscale Pieces)
Scaled Mystic Boots
Banded Boots
Fire Emerald (Bought)
Rhino Hoof (a kunark Rhino/Overthere)
Spirit Caller Beads (Spirit Caller Goblin/LoIO, Warslik Woods)
Scaled Mystic Bracer
Banded Bracer
Ruby (Bought)
Gooey Adhesive (gyrating goo (Levels: 22 - 29) smoldering goo (Levels: 25 - 31) /Crypt of Dalnir
Coercion Implant (a coerced dwarf (female) (Levels: 25 - 30) a coerced Iksar (Levels: 27 - 29)
Scaled Mystic Cloak
Banded Cloak
Star Ruby (Bought)
Forest Giant Hammer (a forest giant (Levels: 18 - 22) a forest giant evergreen (Levels: 23 - 27) a forest giant greenwood (Levels: 19 - 23) a forest giant sapling (Levels: 15 - 18)/Warslik Woods)
Worn Charbone (charbone skeleton (Levels: 23 - 27)/LoIO)
Scaled Mystic Vambraces
Banded Sleeves
Sapphire (Bought)
Frenzied Gnawer Tail (A Frenzied Gnawer (Level: 37)/Kaesora)
Forglok treated Planks (a froglok repairer (Levels: 18 - 22)/Swamp of No Hope)
Complete List of Items -
Fire Emerald x2
Ruby x4
Sapphire x2
Star Ruby x2
Rhino Hoof
Spirit Caller Beads
Gooey Adhesive x2
Coercion Implant x2
Forest Giant Hammer
Worn Charbone
Frenzied Gnawer Tail
Forglok treated Planks
Nectar of Isolation
Watchman Spectacles
Venomous Parchment
Warlord Drawing Pen
Exiled Iksar Head
Sarnak Recuitment Letter
Bargynn's Dagger
Sythrax Building Plans
Banded Boots
Banded Bracer x2
Banded Cloak
Banded Sleeves
Banded Tunic
Banded Gauntlets
Banded Leggings
Banded Helm