Posted:Feb 26 2001 at 10:50 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) The drop off of this wurm is page 25 in the Singing short sword Bard epic quest. If anyone knows please post what kind of caster this is.
we killed this wurm last nite and we needed a full party of lvl 50+ members. This wurm has a huge amount of HP´s is a caster can summon u and it dropped some rotted wurm guts. Any of u know what they r for?? Besides this wurm has a placeholder that u have to kill first.
Actually I think they may have been Red Wurm Guts. They are used in the bard epic quest. I'm not sure if they are nodrop or not but they probably are. I'll be scouting these one of these days soon.
Does not drop page 25, but drops guts as a component to obtain page 25 in the bard epic quest. First Part is guts from Edrik the Old in Skyfire... Second Part is guts from Nezekezena... third part is from Blackwing (Huge Onyx Drake) in Rathe Mountains.
Turn these items into Kelkin Mekia in South Karana and she will reward you with page 25...