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Cant Believe no one else knows
# Oct 04 2001 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default
LOL none of u people realize that ULTHORK TUSKS r the best drops off all of these....you turn in 4 tusks to chief of the othmirs in cobalt scar. He rewards you with a piece of jewelery or a RARE gem..and i mean rare. So far ive done the quest a few times gotten 2 blue diamonds =), 3 diamonds, 1 black sapphire, 2 jacinth, and 1 platinum fire emerald ring. THIS IS THE BEST money making quest that even lvl 35s can do...the blue diamond seems to be rarest of the rewards but you will get 1..or 2 or 3=) heheh...why dont more people know this?

47 enchanter Cyryllis Mezzamal
Fennin Ro server
RE: Cant Believe no one else knows
# Dec 02 2001 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
100 posts
The reason for many people not knowing is because the Ulthorks are already kinda overcamped at primetime, and that you have to go to CS to do the quest. BUT most importantly its because a lot of people who do the quest dont want to tell other people or alert VI of its value cuz then it will either get nerfed/taken out of game or people will start farming/supercamping the Ulthorks. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Better way to kill...
# Oct 03 2001 at 11:28 AM Rating: Default
LOL, Uhm at lvl 55 you become "Preserver" and cease to be a wander *cough* yah im a lvl 55 wanderer *cough* ahem BS!
Why aren't they spawning?
# Sep 15 2001 at 6:04 PM Rating: Default
I have killed nearly 30 Walrus just south of Kael, waiting for a Man O War to spawn. Any suggestions on what I need to do?
Tough Cookies
# Sep 10 2001 at 10:34 PM Rating: Good
Today while quadding walruses in EW, I checked track and saw an even con man o war, so I tracked him and pulled him to the hut with Korrigan.
Here I started at full mana, with 187 wis and level 40. I pull with ensnare, root him, double DOT him, and repeat it once or twice. I'm thinking "Man, this guy has got some hp."
Then he starts resisting root. I ran around the huts in a figure 8 way, until root finally stuck. I was oom, and I had just enough for a drones of doom.
After about ten minutes of intense kiting, my DoT finally caught up with him.
I can't even solo even cons. Poo =P
He did drop the Shaman spell Tulmutuous (sp?) Strength, as well as Ulthork meat which I'm farming for guildies doing the shawl quest.
I had no time to record how many DoTs I slapped on this guy, but he has much more than 2k hp and had some magic and fire resist.
All in all, wurms and giants are much easier, but I can't wait until I get to try killing a manticore...fun fun! =P

~~ Noleriand Greyelven ~~
Tunarian Druid of the 40th Season
Zeb Server
RE: Tough Cookies
# Oct 04 2002 at 2:57 AM Rating: Default
Must have been a bug on the even con as i am Level 45 with 255 int and I have yet to see one even light blue to me. They are all dark blue. At lvl 44 I got the occasional one that was yellow. Never an even con.
RE: Tough Cookies
# Mar 01 2005 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I'm soloing MOH's at 36 with my Necro and they're all Red to me. I still take them down one by one by one by......etc.
Quadding ulthorks
# Sep 04 2001 at 3:01 AM Rating: Default
What about quad kiting them? Do they resist cold based spells? Do they all run at the same speed? How much hps approximately do they have?

Petel, 53 Wizard
RE: Quadding ulthorks
# Nov 13 2001 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
Qauding these bad boys is fairly simple.. i am a 51 wiz with 217int and jboots. i run in and pull with staff of temperate flux. the man o wars will not agro additional walruses, so have no fear of running them over each other.. but dont run over the walrus your self.gets messy... but i was pulling and quading tonight with a druid friend as an observer. i would agro 4 and run around till they was all nice and tight.. pause and cast Atols spec. Shacles. then proceed to unload with pillar of ice(or frost forget name its the 51 pillar spell) takes 5 pillars with no resists they all fall down.. and that uses up 3-4blue bubs of mana.. resists can make it a bit more interesting
got ro's firey sundering/or fury cant recal as it was a druid spell and a cleric turning the unnatural
Dolgan ConDoin
51st chaneler
RE: Quadding ulthorks
# Oct 04 2002 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
I beg to differ on a couple of points.
First if your MOW passes near a walrus you have an add everytime.

They have High cold resists. probaly don't resist much on yours because they are probably green to a level 51. I highly doubt that they don't all give some partial resists. On a group of 4 of these I use Circle of force and sometimes get a few partial resists. Never have i gotten a full resist using this spell. but it does take almost 15 casts to down the lot of them.
One tough hombre...
# Aug 13 2001 at 12:28 AM Rating: Good
Soloing these as a 52 Enc isn't a breeze. Though it is a given that it will go down.

When I solo I try to conserve as much mana as possible so I don't DD alot, if at all.

Get a pet up. Speed it, and Rune3 it then make sure BSKRSTR is up, cause you will be casting it alot.

Slow the Ulthork, DoT it and if you feel like it, Weaken it. The DoT already has a nice debuff so Weaken isn't nescessary. But it seems my pet hits for max more often when it's cast. I even mem fear once in a while. At 40% it gets pretty slow. And the pathing is bad enough in EW that it basically will stay in a small area, travelling back and forth, if you know where to go.

It's been a while since I fought them. I think they double in the 90's. Their normal brethren are much easier to kill.

All the times I have hunted these beasts. The only notable drops have been Ulthork Pants and Tunic and SHM spell Furious Strength.
RE: One tough hombre...
# Dec 08 2001 at 10:18 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts
Your pet will hit for max more often with the choke spell due to the -20? Str and -15 AGI. lower agi means easier to hit
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 05 2001 at 2:18 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) killing these guys is fun, and they have an awesome name.
Tactics for Druids
# Jul 17 2001 at 12:19 AM Rating: Good
First use a long range DOT (the stinging type) to pull. Next kite (don't snare yet) and begin tracking for a rhino, a wholly mammoth, or a savage dirk wolf (if not available then a walrus will do). Slow down if you have to, because even with SOW (not to mention wolf form) you can outrun them pretty easily. When you find your target charm it and snare the MoW (or vice versa). If the MoW is still after you when snare it, thats even better because your pet will attack it from behind. Next root the MoW when you believe its time for them to go 1 on 1. If you have a rhino, then root the MoW immedidate because its already an even match. The key is to either let your pet die and you finish the MoW off, or invis yourself to wear off the charm and finshish them both off.
Drop rates
# Jun 25 2001 at 8:56 AM Rating: Excellent
Killed about 40/50 of these ....

Ro's fiery Sunder(x3)
Tumultuous Strength (x1)
Ulthork Tunic (x5)
Ulthork Collar(x4)
Ulthork Legs(x4)
Tusks (x4)

Various 40-50 level spell components

If your a druid my suggestion is to root and charm walrus on them. High kill rate for walrus ensures a regular spawn rate of Man o War. Shame that other people come along and steal what MoW you manage to spawn and then leave without killing any walruses to help replace them. You know who you are, you losers... :)

Talon Zek
RE: Drop rates
# Aug 05 2001 at 6:45 AM Rating: Default
I did not know the walrus were placeholders. Thanks
# Jun 18 2001 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
they also raise faction with snow fang gnolls when you kill them
Man O Wars
# Jun 13 2001 at 11:34 AM Rating: Default
I've killed a crapload of these things the last 2 weeks looking for Ro's. Here's what I've gotten so far, I'm a 45 druid btw:

Velium Spear
Velium Scimitar
Ulthork Tusks
Walrus Teeth for some reason
Tears of Prexus (?)
oh and Ulthork Meat

and not one lousy spell drop of any kind! I've killed well over 50 of these things.

The best way is to root/rot. You'll need about 3-4 Drifting Deaths, an Immolate if you wish to do that, and then a Calefaction or Firestrike for good measure--especially if melee like I do (horribly).
RE: Man O Wars
# Jul 08 2003 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Stack Drifting Death, Immolate, Drones of Doom and Stinging Swarm, they all stack and you do some major DOT damage every tick :)
spell drops
# Jun 09 2001 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
One of these bad boys dropped Ro's Fiery Sundering for me yesterday, so add them to the spell-droppers list.
Man O Wars
# Jun 04 2001 at 10:41 AM Rating: Default
I managed to talk a group to make a trip down here, me being the cleric had a little influence on it. Just like to say this area was completly empty of players. We were used to North Side, with 5-6 groups killing everything, down here is God's Country.

With 2 necros, 38 warrior, wizard, cleric and shaman this area was no contest. That is until it hits the fan. You'll get adds fast, and lots of them. On jsut one man-o-war we managed to have 4 walrus adds.

After this warrior logged and we ran back to north side for more mundane ulthork. But my eyes are set on the man-o-wars and thier breastplate. I'll be back

Man-O-War's Tough
# May 15 2001 at 1:04 AM Rating: Default
This is goofy as hell..I threw 6 walrus at a Man-o-war about 20 minutes ago and ended up having to kite the ulthork anyway..He was still over half health after 6 walrus. Either I got a high ulth or just managed to get a bunch of whimpy walrus or someone is just typing to see their post..hehe. Anyway... drifting death and root works much quicker for me. Just my 2 cents...
About Manowars
# Apr 27 2001 at 2:16 AM Rating: Excellent
I haven't read most of the posts here, so if I repeat info, just ignore it =P

They spawn in the "walrus fields" south of Kael. They are lvl 40-42 (mostly yellow, some white at 40) and their Walrus PH's are lvl 30-35 or so. The walruses in this area are a few levels higher than ones in the ulthork warrior/hunter areas, and, although this could be just me, seem to resist spells a bunch more.

Manowars have so much hp and magic resistance for their level that it's useless to camp them for anything but their drops, as there are MUCH easier ways to get experience. They also hit for 100+. Trying to get the tunic, me and a friend camped this area for a while, killed about 30 manowars, got 1 pair of legs (9 AC 3 CHA -3 INT, pretty darn useless except as a newbie item for the decent AC), 1 collar (7 AC 30 HP -30 MANA, great neckpiece for a non-casting melee class, behind the rygorr chain collar, and one of the best neckpieces for monks as it weighs 0.5) but still no tunic...

Besides those three ulthork pieces, the manowars drop walrus teeth and ulthork meat/whiskers/hides/tusks, but don't seem to have velium weapons like the other ulthorks do.
RE: About Manowars
# Apr 27 2001 at 2:18 AM Rating: Default
And quick addendum to my post above: the loot table on this site for the manowars is wrong, they ONLY drop the legs/tunic/collar, NOT any of the other pieces. Those are dropped off ulthork hunters/warriors in the northern area of EW.
What about the rest?
# Feb 08 2001 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Okay this fellow drop's the Collar, Leggins and the Tunic...
But where can i find the rest?
I really need a full set...

Hope you guys/gals can help me :)

Marro Gatecaller(Soon to be know as Marro Trakant)
51st Wanderer of Karana
RE: What about the rest?
# May 12 2001 at 9:46 PM Rating: Excellent
285 posts
The different levels of Ulthork drop different pieces. Hunters (weakest): bracers, gloves. Warriors: sleeves, skullcap, boots (may drop from hunters; haven't been there for a bit). Man-o-wars: tunic, legs, collar. It may be possible to find something from a lower lvl one on the next tier (i.e. bracers on a warrior). All Ulthorks and walruses can potentially drop the tusks. I'm curious, though...there's a quest that requires you turn in 4 tusks for some potentially nice rewards, but they're a lore item. (?)
RE: What about the rest?
# May 23 2001 at 9:03 PM Rating: Default
The tusks are not lore, you are probably confusing them with the walrus teeth which are (and I would have 1000 of them if they weren't).
RE: What about the rest?
# Feb 11 2001 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
So far I've gotten the boots, wristbands, and caps off of ulthork warriors. They are about 5 levels lower, and hang around the north side of EW at the ruined houses with a bunch of Ry'Gorr and Frost Giants. Really easy to run up, pull them west where nothing roams, and kick the crap out of them. :) They also drop ulthork tusks, saving mine up to turn in when I get my key to CS. One of the othmir there will give you a random gem for 4 tusks, sometimes you can score a blue diamond or black saphire. Now if only I had good enough CoV faction to get my key.... :(
stats? how hard does it hit and how mnay hps and resistances
# Jan 18 2001 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
looks like a animal but its not..
5000 hp?

#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 14 2001 at 10:16 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Ulthorks are NOT animals... Say it all together now: NOT animals. The spell Charm Animal doesn't work on them. It does however work on their Walrus bretheren... So, one more time:
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 14 2001 at 12:51 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) you know, i don't think anyone here said that ulthorks were animals.
Better way to kill ...
# Jan 13 2001 at 12:28 PM Rating: Good
A better way to kill those creatures is online since last patch (9th Jan 2001). Since Snare and Root do stack now, pull one with a DD (I use Calefaction) and once its out of reach for other walruses to interfere you snare and root it. Cast a DOT (I use Drifting Death) or two (if you wanna use Immolation as well), sit back and med while it slowly dies. If root breaks, you have enough time to re-root it before it gets in touch with ya.
RE: Better way to kill ...
# Aug 23 2001 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
240 posts

I have not had much luck with the charm thing. The charm seems to break really fast for me and then I have two things trying to bash me :(

I like the snare + root + DOT method the best. At lvl 40 I pulled a yellow con Man O War with ensnare. I led him away from the walrus area nuking him a couple of times on the way. He did not resist my ensnare or either DD, maybe I was lucky. He did resist my first two roots and quickly broke the third but the 4th stuck for the full duration. I then stuck on my dot and refreshed the root as needed. It took forever to kill this guy!! I actually had to reapply Ensnare!! I was OOM after the kill and got nothing for a drop :(.

I would say these guys are only good if you are after spell drops. There are not enough spawning to quad-kite and to single pull & kill requires to much down-time to med back to full. You also will have to blow mana killing the green walrus Ph's to spawn the Man o War. As another poster pointed out you can quad the walrus to spawn the Man o War only to have others kill the Man o Wars while you are meding from your quad-kite GRRRRRRR!!
RE: Better way to kill ...
# Mar 29 2001 at 4:26 PM Rating: Default
281 posts
That sounds like a plan, but I've seen a much easier way for these to be brought down. I watched a lvl 40+ druid charming walruses and throwing them at the Man-O-War, it took a few to get him down, it was fun to watch. After the Druid told me he still had half mana. Nice tactic if you ask me, and he was always ready and able to run or gate out if things went bad.

Different tactic someone might want to try.
A good way to kill Man-O-War's
# Jan 10 2001 at 8:54 PM Rating: Excellent
To the Druids who want these guys,

Kiting these guys is a royal pain in the ***** They have alot of hit points and like to resist Fire Strike partially or fully alot. The best way I've found to take these guys down without spending 20 minutes kiting and wasting a ton of mana is to do the following:

1) Find an Ulthork Man-O-War. They are in the Southwest corner of Eastern Wastes just south of Kael Drakkel, in the same area as the Walrus beach (walrus's are place holders btw).

2) Get the Man-O-War to chase you. This is easy, just nuke or try swinging at it, but don't ensnare it just yet (this comes later).

3) Start running to just south of Kael Drakkel near the wall (at the base of the hill that touches the wall to be precise). Along the way, find a blue Walrus and get it to follow you too.

4) Once you have said pissed off Man-O-War and Walrus near Kael Drakkel, ensnare both of them and try to get the Walrus ahead of the Man-O-War.

5) After you get to just out of spell casting range, start trying to cast one of your charm animal spells till the walrus is in range (this is why you want him ahead of the Man-O-War or atleast right next to him, but not behind him).

6) Once the Walrus is your friend, order it to munch on the Man-O-War. Generally, the Walrus and Man-O-War will go at it while you sit and meditate.

The Man-O-War wins most of the time, but is badly hurt by the time the Walrus dies (I usually get it to half it's health). I then go and charm another walrus to keep beating on the Man-O-War so that the Man-O-War is almost ready to flee and another walrus is gone or the Man-O-War wants to flee and the walrus manages to finish it off with barely any hit points left. If the Walrus is barely alive, I just go invisible (through hide since I'm a Wood Elf, but camo works too) to break the charm so I get a cheap, easy kill in the walrus as well.

By doing all this, you save mana most of the time and you get rid of a walrus or two making room for more Man-O-War to spawn. This generally works really well for me and saves me considerable time and mana instead of trying to DD kite the Man-O-War. This strategy also works against other Walrus's when you're trying to clear them so Man-O-War's will spawn in their place.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 12 2001 at 8:18 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Here's a novel idea:
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 19 2001 at 9:39 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you could solo everything, you would, too.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 18 2001 at 6:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Cos we can hehe
RE: A good way to kill Man-O-War's
# Jan 16 2001 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
Because some of the peices these guys drop are nice for a druid, and getting a group together isn't always possible. Either way, he's only offering advice, if it doesn't help you just ignore it.
RE: A good way to kill Man-O-War's
# Jan 12 2001 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
Im not a druid, but I don't understand why you take the chance of them both cathing up to you while you are casting... Why don't you just charm a walrus first, blast a man o war, then kite it a bit away. After that go ahead with your other instructions...
RE: A good way to kill Man-O-War's
# Aug 09 2001 at 9:24 AM Rating: Decent
The reason you get a Man of war First is because the Druid Charm animal spells do not last that long. On a very low blue walrus to me at 39 , the charm last 5 minutes, How ever this walrus can barely hurt the Man of war and will die in less than a minute. I kited one this way last night it was red (42). I threw 4 walrus's at it and a DOT. The kite went such , I pulled a Man of War then Snared it near a walrus. I charmed the first Walrus I found and /pet attack on the Man. This works great as you want the Walrus to Die and not survive. Being a Halfling with low CHA my Charm times sux. When a pet is low on health start looking for the next victim. When the man is low to the point that he doesn't run , Dot the Man, then root snare your pet, THEN Hide to break charm and then kill the walrus for more xp. This is a 10 min kill for me, but I was farming for the arms. This is not a place to get mad xp at. This strategy also works good with a Tank. Just have the tank back off to let the Pet get major agroed, so the tank wont be hit.

At 39 I had these spells memmed. Ensnare , Drifting Drones, Immolate, Beguile Animal, Enveloping roots, terrorize animal (for adds), Greater healing and SOW. (bad when kiting if sow drops :- (( ).
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 13 2001 at 7:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I'm not positive(seeing i dont have velious) but he pulls them away from the area becuase they are probably friendly MOBS..... AND it is probably a safer area near that wall he was talkin about... hee hee
RE: A good way to kill Man-O-War's
# Feb 05 2001 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, you really want to take them over to the wall in case a walrus or other man o war walks by because they'll jump right in.
RE: A good way to kill Man-O-War's
# Feb 11 2001 at 9:52 PM Rating: Default
Yes sir, you are correct. The key is get away from where you pulled it to an area where you can charm/snare/root AND safely meditate. Manna is the casters lifes blood.
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