Rowyl's Vambraces of Nature (Thurgadin Druid Armor Quest) is only 7AC +2 WIS...I'd rather be wearing this...sad thought...these don't weigh 6.0 stones either...
These might give 1 wisdom and 1 ac more than the Rowyl's, but the 30 mana makes Rowyl's a lot better.
The whole point of higher wisdom is because that is what your mana pool is derived from. I believe at the higher levels, each 1 point of wisom = 10 points of mana. So, in affect, Ulthork gives you only 30 mana, but the Rowyl's gives you 50.
Besides all that, I'd rather be wearing: Nathsar Vambraces +8 AC +4 Agi +4 Dex +4 Wis +2 vsCold +2 vsDis +0.90 Wt Chardok None 45 Lose a little wisdom, but look at all the other bonuses. You can get at an earlier level, and most wisdom casters from 45 to 50 have 200 wisdom and start concerning themselves with AC and Resist.
So, my advice is go ahead and get the Ulthork at lvl 30, but then get the Nathsar at 45. Don't even bother getting the Rowyl's at 50 unless they are needed for upgrade in another quest.
Rowyl's Vambraces might not be that good for the difficulty to get em, but they are still a lot better then this one. Why? Well, they add 30 mana AND 2 wisdom, while this one here just adds 1 wisdom. Plus you will have a very unique look. I will chose Rowyl's Vambraces any day over this one.
ill have to say easest wis arms to get in the game being a druid lev 34 when I first came to vellios I found lev 19 feer anamal very very usefull in EW get in a group grab a cleric and 2 tanks have cleric feer the ulthorks you snare have two tank chase around and kill it any adds are usely anamal so you can liminate the adds bye feering them leaveing the cleric with more mana to heel ex is ausome till 40 and I have seen 5 arms drop in one day wile going from 34 - 40 in 4 days liveing in EW
I was hunting the Ulthork Man o Wars today with a group, i was the only one that wanted the armor. The second man o war we killed drop the leggings, i gotem and am happy. only ulthork pieces i didnt get today was the tunic and the gorget, dont need the gorget cause it doesnt show up and isnt very good for druids :). Gonna have to try for the tunic some other time.
I was in thurgadin window shopping after a rather monotonous couple hours of smithing when i stopped in the shop that sells fletching supplies (to the right after u come in, before the bar and across from the guy who sells cooking supplies) where i saw a pair of these for sale. The vendor had them for 23pp. my line of thinking was the 8ac added made up for the str hit from losing my plat armband and the -3dex hit on the sleeves, so i bought them, not knowing anything at the time. The point of this being 1) i now realize i was very lucky 2) vendors must buy them somehow, for since i have bought them i havent seen another vendor with any, so someone must have sold them to him. 3)window shop in thurgadin, you never know what u may find. the higher levels around there may sell stuff just to unload.
Here is how you sell things for nothing. Take a backpack and only put the item you want to sell in the backpack. Then in a sale screen select your backpack, not the item in it, and push sell once. The merchant will then buy whatever is in the backpack (unless it is no drop) for absolutly nothing.
You are wrong. It tells you what you will get for each item in the bag at the same time that it says what the bag sells for, then when you hit sell it will tell you the total cash you get for the bag and each of the items in it. You get money for everything that is in the bag, period. I doubt you ever studyed what was being told to you by the vendors.
You are correct in that if the shop would give you money for the item, this method will still give you the same amount of money.
There are some items that are not nodrop/norent that the shops still don't want to buy from you. You can still sell those items to the shop for 0 by using the technique of putting them in a bag and trying to sell the bag. You can force foraged food and a number of other items into the shop this way. The shop will then sell those items to players for 0 also.
There are also a few items that the shop will quote a price for, but the shop still doesn't want to buy, even though the item is not norent or nodrop. Those items also can be sold to the shop this way, and the shop will give you the quoted price.
This is a very nice druid/shaman item. It gives as much wis as platinum armbands pluse some AC. I have sold 2 of these one for 300pp and bone arms as trade, and the other for 350pp. Every druid/shaman I know wanted them. On Barb shamans these arms are green and blend very well with totemic. The Ulthork bracers also have +1 wis and the Ulthork tunic has +3 wis +35 mana -35 hp.
I have looted all visable pieces of Ulthork except Tunic and legs. I prolly kiled about 300 so far which leads me to believe they drop off something else.
I got the tunic from the Ulthork Man O War and they are pretty rare items took hours to get one to drop it. and they don't pop so often when I play ( in 4 hours saw maybe 10 but also ran into time when was hunt looking for them and for two hours not one poped.
For halfling druids looking for a different look than the bus boy of death...these arms give you a nice chocolate brown look, along with all the other pieces of this armor.
No they look like Tizmak on Wood Elfs, first you have to have the SoV expansion and second you have to edit your .ini file in your everquest folder, change all the load armor 17-23 to TRUE and viola you see the graphic...
I've only got the wrists from ulthorks, but my wood elf druid has tizmak arms, legs, and tunic. They seem to be same graphic as ulthork since the wrists match as far as I can tell.
Im going to keep killing ulthorks now since the ulthork arms are DEFINATELY better than the tizmak, 3 wis, yay!
Killing TONS of hunters and warriors only got wrists and gloves so far = / AHAH the gloves are a funny item, ac 8 and int 3, BUT NO CASTERS, just leather classes. I guess an sk MIGHT wear but much better sk gloves that drop in velious like candy.
Alright... yes, these have the same look at Tizmak... yes the sleeves are pretty rare. The hood is pretty nice, AC 8, +3 str, -3 sta. 0.6 weight. A good item for Monks, I believe.
The leggings and Tunic only drop from the Ulthork Man-o-Wars... SouthWestern section of the zone, near Kael.
As for better SK gloves... I'd like to know where you're getting your candy.
I definitely have to agree with natsuko that there are better gloves than these for Shadow Knights. My SK wears Dark Mail gauntlets (AC 10, 50 mana, Dex +5) that I paid 40pp for...usually see them go for around 100pp. So, yeah, there ARE better gloves for Shadow Knights...much better.
As far as these sleeves, my druid wears them...hate losing the dex but it's a small price to pay for the AC & Wis I get from them.