Gynok Moltor  

Duxa - P99

Uploaded April 19th, 2011 by __DEL__1593362337626
Updated November 30th, 2020

It can be assumed by Gynok's last name that he is related to Vin Moltor. The Moltors are a family from Hallas who met the Blackburrow gnolls years ago. During this meeting, they seem to have made off with one of the gnolls hands. This "paw" has remained in the possesion of their family for some time.

The Moltors were cursed by the gnolls years ago, so it's not really surprising to find Gynok raised from the dead. What is surprising is that he managed to hold onto a platinum ring which is needed to restore the Paw of Opolla to it's magical state.

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2008-01-02 15:01:03.

Level: 21
Expansion: Original
NPC Added: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
NPC Last Updated: 2020-12-06 20:03:07

Known Habitats:
Factions Decreased:
  Befallen Inhabitants -30
  Paw of Opolla

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long camp
# Aug 28 2023 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
10 posts
Spent 5 hours camping him on Oakwynd until he spawned finally. He had two plat rings.
long camp
# Aug 28 2023 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
10 posts
His spawn timer is 8 minutes per my stop watch.
it must be broken
# Jun 08 2021 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
1 post
81 spawns, all placeholders... Mischief server, 6/8/2021 - 10.8 hours plus of camping him. This is really BS.

Edited, Jun 8th 2021 5:28pm by Idea
Gold ring drops from Gynok?
# Nov 29 2020 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
232 posts
I got 1 bronze ring and lots of platinum rings but no gold ring. Has anyone actually gotten one from him recently, or at all? I could have gotten the drop in UG by now but I want to get it from Gynok (for verification).
Gynok Moltor!
# Apr 27 2016 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
174 posts
faction hits for killing him:

Befallen Inhabitants -30
# Jun 07 2015 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I'm on 35 spawns, not a single gynok has spawned. *******!
Can be lower than level 24
# Apr 13 2012 at 11:03 AM Rating: Good
18 posts
I was camping the elf skeleton, behind the bottom door, and Gynok Moltor just happened to path by. I'm level 21 and he con'ed white to me, so he can obviously be lower than level 24.

Edited, Apr 13th 2012 1:08pm by alla4eq
Killed him today on p99
# Apr 19 2011 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
Killed him today dropped platinum ring... more info on here about where he spawns etc with screenshots and maps:
New Spawn Time
# Jul 18 2008 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
They must have lowered the spawn time for the placeholders now. Perhaps they thought it was too time consuming. Exact spawn time is now 9 minutes and 53 seconds (If I added right). They may have even made him more common, not sure, but I've seen 3 within 12 hours today. Hope that information helps.
The Spawn
# Oct 18 2007 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
Here's the deal. He has a PH, and he's not on a timer. His PH spawns at the zone in, as has been mentioned before. But the PH will despawn if not killed after a few minutes. Prior to writing this post (as I am camping him right now) his PH spawned 3 times, with out me ever killing them, and no one else in zone, spawns where "Ice Bone Skeleton" then a rat, then a ghoul. The mummy will agro you when he spawns and apparently stays active longer than the other PH's. I got killed while at work by the mummy, Who knows how long he beat on me, face was in wall so no riposte. Anyway when I ran my cleric there the timer on corpse was 1h 40m, and he was still up. Either he respawned in that time frame or he never despawned.

Again 100% his PH will despawn, you can stand at zone in and eventually he will spawn and agro you.
"Have you ever seen a human heart!? It looks like a fist wraped in blood!"
# Jul 27 2006 at 1:21 AM Rating: Decent
killed him TWICE today, both times he dropped ONLY the copper ring.

what the hell
Lucky i guess
# Feb 01 2004 at 6:56 PM Rating: Decent
Umm... wow, guess i was lucky when my rogue was jumped by him and dropped him ending with about 20% hp... got the ring on Quellious without even meaning too...
Gold Ring
# Aug 15 2003 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
It doesnt show the gold ring as known loot but I just got the gold ring today... guess I wont have to go back for the Guk Weed in Guk WOOT

# Aug 04 2003 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
camped him for a couple hours and after the about 15 phs i gave up. i was killing everthing in the room without going through doors and the ph kept spawning behind me and attacked me every time i sat down.
# May 31 2003 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
i am a cleric 12 killing skeles for exp with some nice druids buffs
well he pops and i cant take him but a nice monk does (thanks!) and i get the ring woohoo~
# Jan 11 2003 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
I went and killed everything I could in the area around the entrance. Spent about 2 hours there, and never saw him.

My solution: I cheated...I went to the bazaar and bought the ring for about 5p. I guess the guy who sold it didnt realize how valuable it was to me!

No to get the gold ring....
# Nov 28 2002 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
435 posts
Seen him about half a dozen times while levelling in Befallen: I'm almost certain that he is a random wanderer spawn and the placeholder is the plague rat, skelly, ghoul or whatever that walks from the entrance to the locked door and back... he seems to follow a similar path until someone aggros him (never got close enough without aggroing to verify that it's the same path).
My Experience
# Nov 21 2002 at 12:22 AM Rating: Decent
Just wanted to post my experience camping him

A Ghoul at 7:34pm est
Ice Bone Skel 7:51
A Putrid Skel 8:07
Ice Bone 8:25
A Giant Rat 8:42
Gynox Molter 8:59-Plat Ring
Ice Bone 9:16
Large Skel 8:32
LD-Logged Back at 9:53
Killed PH_Ghoul-10:06
LD-logged back at 10:27
Killed PH-Putrid Skel-10:28
Putrid Skel-10:44
Giant Rat-11:00
Giant Rat-11:16
Large Skel-11:32
Gynox Molter-11:48-Plat Ring
Giant Rat-12:04

Then I passed on the camp to Krackn DaHeads on Vallon Zek. Thanks man.

I hope this helps anybody.
On a side note....
# Nov 02 2002 at 4:35 PM Rating: Excellent
He can see through sneak/hide. I was picking the first door today with my rouge twink when he spawned. He walked through the door to the top and didn't aggro me at first. But about 30 seconds later I got punched in the back of the head for 40 points, and being he was yellow to me I just tucked tail and ran.
# Oct 29 2002 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
Soloing with my 11 bard in Befallen, I was staying at the entrance and only pulling from the first room.

Gynok popped on me twice in 15 minutes. Both times I was in the entry hall, once about half way to the main first floor room, the other I was sitting at the zone-in healing up, and both times he popped BEHIND me, so he definitely spawns at the entrance.

I had my 46 druid parked there. After the second pop, I logged my druid on just in time to see Gynok pass through the locked first floor door. I followed him down to the next floor before I killed him.

A ghoul also did the same thing several times, and headed to the lower floors also. Both times the ghoul popped right before Gynok.

Gynok dropped the platinum ring both times.
My Session...
# Sep 16 2002 at 6:16 AM Rating: Excellent
When I first went to Befallen to camp Gynok, I wound up camping the wrong spawn for about three hours… oy. I didn’t choose this title just because it sounds funny, you know. Anyway, not counting that, here’s a log of my 29 druid’s attempt at camping Gynok and what placeholders spawned when. With sixteen minutes in between spawns, I had plenty of time to meditate at the zone. About two minutes before the spawn, I put up my damage shield so I would damage the mob a little when it aggroed. Like many people you love to hate nowadays, I got lucky and Gynok was the twelfth and final spawn at 11:34pm, the last one I planned to kill before bamfing for the night. Here’s the log…

8:38pm - a giant rat (first kill)
8:54pm - a plague rat
9:10pm - ice boned skeleton
9:26pm - ice boned skeleton
9:42pm - a large skeleton
9:58pm - a giant rat
10:14pm - a ghoul
10:30pm - ice boned skeleton
10:46pm - ice boned skeleton
11:02pm - a giant rat
11:18pm - a giant rat
11:34pm - Gynok Moltor (dropped platinum ring)

The percentage of appearance I calculated for each mob within the twelve spawns is as follows. These likely don’t reflect the true percentage, but it’s what I got. The ice boned skeletons and giant rats seem to be the most common spawns.

4/12 - a giant rat
4/12 - ice boned skeleton
1/12 - a large skeleton
1/12 - a plague rat
1/12 - a ghoul
1/12 - Gynok Moltor

Gynok was blue and about the same difficulty as the mammoths I had been fighting in Everfrost prior to this camp. Root, Immolate, nuke to one bubble of health, then sit back and feel your *** grow as he falls back into his coffin.

Of course, this info probably won’t apply to everybody’s sessions, but I hope it helps if you’re considering doing the Paw quest. I’m going to head over to Upper Guk tomorrow and see if I can get a spot camping the fungus mutant for the last two rings, possibly posting a similar log with drop percentages.

“I have way too much time on my hands.”
Gynok Spawning
# Jul 25 2002 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
Best way to get this guy....there is no best way.
Camped him for 12 hours straight before he popped....Last night I just zoned into Befallen to see what was shakin and there he was just wandering around with no one but me and him in the zone :)
LOL...I only had one Lifedrain DoT up so I had to drain him and then melee him to death :) was pretty funny looking...since my piercing skill is in the mid-50's.
In the numerous times I have killed him I have actually got all 4 rings to drop from him...although I would not recommend trying to do the quest by just killin him....It will take way to long
# Jul 18 2002 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
i had been camping moltar with my alt, a 22-cleric, for a few days hoping to get lucky and not have to camp for 6 hours (as i had heard). after a week went by with no luck, i had popped in not expecting much. i killed two PH's & was bored so i started to summon food (coincidently i suppose, but maybe he was hungry :)) when he appeared! i killed him with the help of a 22-ranger and all he dropped was the copper ring. so, thinking he wouldnt pop for another 6 hours or so, i went to the 3rd level to get some exp. i had to gate out & when i entered the zone, there was Moltar again & this time he dropped the plat ring. i have to say that i did go back and kill 2 more PH's out of boredom of camping a SK, but i never expected him to pop again so quickly--twice in one and one half hours!! So, his pops ARE random for those who want to know :)

22 Cleric of Bloodsong

Edited, Thu Jul 18 11:19:37 2002
what floor?
# Jun 28 2002 at 1:10 PM Rating: Default
what floor is this bastid on?

Bogglobbs Ofpooopay
60th Troll, Grave Lord
RE: what floor?
# Jul 25 2002 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
He appears on the first floor...although if no one kills him he will wander through the first locked door and back again. He pops near the WC/Befallen zone.
RE: what floor?
# Jun 28 2002 at 1:12 PM Rating: Default
spelled name wrong hehe

Bigglobbs Ofpooopay
60th Troll, Shadow Knight
The rumors
# Jun 27 2002 at 6:33 PM Rating: Default
The rumors are false about the wimpy skelly
RE: The rumors
# Jul 15 2002 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
There are wimpy skellies in Befallen...and they are quite easy to kill...almost like a decaying skelly....

Nihasa - Dark Elf Necromancer of the 20th
The rumors
# Jun 27 2002 at 3:37 PM Rating: Default
The rumors are false about the wimpy skelly
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