a temple guardian  


Uploaded November 12th, 2008 by __DEL__1592283423202
Updated November 14th, 2008

  • Rootable/snareable: Yes

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-07-24 13:47:38.

Level: 76
Expansion: Seeds of Destruction
NPC Added: 2008-10-24 22:17:54
NPC Last Updated: 2019-08-03 21:33:00
Known Loot:
icon Alkalai Loam
icon Blue Diamond
icon Burnt Out Golem Animation Essence
icon Chronal Resonance Dust
icon Cobalt Ore
icon Contaminated Parchment Scrap
icon Corrupted Parchment Scrap
icon Curzon
icon Defiled Parchment Scrap
icon Diamond
icon Gem Encrusted Gold Nugget
icon Gold Nugget
icon Golem Animation Essence
icon Harmonagate
icon Infected Parchment Scrap
icon Malignant Parchment Scrap
icon Plagued Parchment Scrap
icon Prestidigitase
icon Raw Amber Nihilite
icon Raw Crimson Nihilite
icon Raw Indigo Nihilite
icon Raw Shimmering Nihilite
icon Scale Ore
icon Soiled Parchment Scrap
icon Soluble Loam
icon Song: Cantata of Rodcet Rk.II
icon Spell: Aegis of Xadrith Rk. II
icon Spell: Aweshake Rk. II
icon Spell: Brierbloom Bulwark Rk. II
icon Spell: Carve Whistle Rk. II
icon Spell: Dannal's Mending Rk. II
icon Spell: Devout Elixir Rk. II
icon Spell: Devout Force Rk. II
icon Spell: Distract the Departed Rk. II
icon Spell: Harvesting Inferno Rk. II
icon Spell: Heartwood Skin Rk. II
icon Spell: Mark of the Crusader Rk. II
icon Spell: Nethervoid March Rk. II
icon Spell: Oceangreen Aquifer Rk. II
icon Spell: Promised Reknit Rk. II
icon Spell: Rune of Yozan Rk. II
icon Spell: Scent of Gloom Rk. II
icon Spell: Serene Harvest Rk. II
icon Spell: Shield of the Void Rk. II
icon Spell: Shining Light Rk. II
icon Spell: Skin to Flora Rk. II
icon Spell: Tears of the Pyrilen Rk. II
icon Spell: Unity of the Spirits Rk. II
icon Spell: Wild Growth Rk. II
icon Spell: Withering Sunray Rk. II
icon Staurolite
icon Sunshard Powder
icon Taaffeite
icon Tantalum Ore
icon Titanium Ore
icon Tome of Ambush Rk. II
icon Tome of Bazu Bluster Rk. II
icon Tome of Fourth Wind Rk. II
icon Uncut Alexandrite
icon Uncut Amethyst
icon Uncut Black Sapphire
icon Uncut Combine Star
icon Uncut Demantoid
icon Uncut Goshenite
icon Uncut Jacinth
icon Uncut Morganite
icon Uncut Rubellite

Known Habitats:
  Temple of Bertoxxulous

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Shield of the Void Rk. II
# May 19 2010 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
24 posts
Shield of the Void Rk. II dropped from a Temple Guardian
# Sep 08 2009 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
Dropped a Soiled Parchment Scrap today
# Mar 28 2009 at 6:12 AM Rating: Default
Dropped Burnt Out Golem Animation Essence, Plagued Parchment Scrap, Golem Animation Essence

Edited, Mar 28th 2009 7:17am by manditik
Immune to changes in run speed
# Jan 17 2009 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
Savage root and Entrap did not land.
Also drops Corrupted Parchment Scrap
# Nov 24 2008 at 6:05 PM Rating: Good
63 posts
Also drops Corrupted Parchment Scrap

No Track
# Nov 19 2008 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Can't track this guy and there seems to be only one in the zone.
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