Lady Vox  

Raid Encounter

Uploaded July 24th, 2007

In Permafrost (Level 90 raid): For event and loot information, see this quest entry.

In Permafrost (Ancient Heroes raid): See this quest entry for information.

In Permafrost (regular zone): Lady Vox, along with Lord Nagafen and Phinigel Autropos, is one of EverQuest's original three raid bosses.

Those who would challenge the ice dragon would be advised to increase their Magic and Cold resists to counter her Fear and Ice AEs, respectively. She is also a cleric, and, as such, possesses the ability to cast Complete Heal on herself.

Vox is a Cleric; has 32,000 hps; summons; and hits for a max 205.

(Pic by: Usagi of Mayhem)

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2022-05-24 01:44:14.

Level: 55
Expansion: Original
Post Comment
any suggestions??
# Mar 14 2003 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
I was woundering.. how hard is it to organize a raid to kill vox? when I get a little higher I would like to kill her.. or Negfan, but everytime I go to the Vox raid channel (which I have been on while other ppl were raiding, and I was forced to spend my time in OT) there is almost never anyone but a few people on. I just dinged 40 and I was hoping to some time either go on a raid or organize one (I was told vox and naggy members only have to be 40+ to join the raid). Any suggestions on raid protical would be helpful.

RE: any suggestions??
# Mar 23 2003 at 10:28 PM Rating: Decent
Hello Jialen, Im glad to see that your interested in leading a Vox/Naggy Raid. I am a 55 Paladin on Xev Server and have been leading Vox and Naggy Raids every week for about 2 months now. If I were you, I would first hit 45, as that is normally the lowest level to go on these dragon raids. Then, try leading a Naggy Raid. Since you would be new at this, I would gather at least 30-36 people to do it. Gathering people is normally the hardest part, so you want to be sure and let people know in advance. Also, I dont know about your server, but before I came, competition on these dragons was tough. In all honesty, your 1st led dragon raid will probably not be successful, but once you have led one, you will know your mistakes for a second try.
Okay, so here are some tips for you:
1.) Since you are the raid leader, many people will have questions, so once everyone is assembeled, group everyone up and tell everyone to ask group leaders about their question and group leaders should be the only ones sending you tells if they can not answer the question.
2.) Try and find a high level Druid for Circle of Winter, a high level cleric (60+) for Blessing of Aegoism, and a 60+ enchanter for c3.
3.) Kill the fire giants before hand, so all you need to do with your force is zone in, buff up, and kill Naggy.
4.) Have at least 3bards/clerics on the raid and
5.) Make sure most people have high magic and fire resists, preferably 70+.
6.) Use the PoP raiding system so only you can designate the looter of Naggy when he is dead.
7.) If you fail, be sure that you or any fellow monk/rogue can get to SolB easily to retrieve corpses.
8.) Make sure that people follow directions, and spam directions so everyone hears it a couple of times.
Okay, well these are all my tips. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
Also, if you want me to lead a raid on your server, (I could create a lvl 1 char) just ask, Id be happy to help you out. Goodluck and have fun, Naggy raids are always a blast!
One more thing, you should pay for all peridots that will be used, OR all cash items and gems should go to your outstanding clerics once Naggy is dead.

Edited, Sun Mar 23 22:26:05 2003
For the record..
# Mar 09 2003 at 4:27 PM Rating: Default
For the record...15 people....2 high lvl buffers....defeated Vox and we didn't have one death. All were 51+ and we owned her. It was a good time.

Gifon Tinkertot
52 Gnome sk
Crimson Dragons
Fennin Ro
RE: For the record..
# May 15 2003 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent

Bah... We kill vox and naggy on a continual basis with one group 6 people no deaths and if we are in a hurry no KEI or any other mana regen buff.
RE: For the record..
# May 19 2003 at 9:12 PM Rating: Default
Id just like to know the make up of your group and how twinked they are...also do u bring any 60+ characters to twitch them?
The Sleeper
# Feb 07 2003 at 10:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Wuoshi: OK dragons, I called us all to assess the Sony nerfs in our power, we can no longer use the following skills...

Ring of Scale members: This is the fourth time this week!

Lord Nagafen then passes a note under the table to Lady Vox, a smaller dragon and much younger. Naggy da playa! Vox takes the note and reads it. Her horned head looks up to Nag, who winks at her with his yellow eyes and strokes his small white goatee.

Vox thinks, "Ohhh an older dragon! I've never dated one! I wonder what Auntie Veeshan will say when I tell her..." then realizes that Veeshan probably wouldn't be too happy, so her business is best kept a secret from the world. The Ring of Scale would punish her so if they found out!

Nagafen took her out on a date in Qeynos Hills. It was quite romantic when the young new people got creamed by them, and they barbequed every guard in the zone for a nice dinner over the Millers' fire.
Later, they headed to Skyfire (before it was discovered by humans and such) and got a few drinks, completely charged to Nagafen's tab.

After Not-So-Ladylike-Anymore Vox was completely wasted and giddy from an olympic swimming pool sized pitcher of Drake Ale, Nag took her back to his place at Lavastorm. Taking her in his arms (for she had passed out on the flight over Iceclad Ocean) he tipped off a Lava Giant guard to keep watch over his lair, that no guests were to be allowed inside until he came out later.

4 hours later, Nagafen stumbled outside, telling the guard to keep watch, he would be back and he just left for a minute to go get a cigarette...and he dissappeared back into the lair with Vox.

ANOTHER 3 hours later and Vox emerged, her Blue scales pale and pink in some spots and her mascara smeared beyond recognition. She blinked her eyes awkwardly to keep aware, and left.

About a week later, the Ring of Scale's leaders came up to the lava giant and asked for an audience with Lord Nagafen. When they entered, Naggy was handed a Scroll of Banishment, expelling him from the Ring.

Nagafen: What in the Nameless' Name is this?!

RoS official: You have been severed from the Ring of Scale Union 977, for, erm...uh...certain 'relations' with a Miss Lady Vox. She has been banished too, and I can assure you that you shall never be allowed back in our fine guild, so DON'T BOTHER!

And with that, they left.

Perhaps Nagafen was just depressed for his terrible crime, but hey, like the life of a Jedi, he wasn't allowed to love or feel passion. ***** that!
...Or maybe it was the "It's A Boy!" balloon and flowers sent to his cave that made him mad to the outside world.

In all closing, Lord Nagafen was really a cool guy and really knew how to par-tay, so I guess we should all feel ashamed that we kill these dragons just for their loot.

-Medya Wyvernslayer, 46 magician of Quellious and lover of parties thrown by dragons
Bertoxx server

P.S. there is SOOO much bickering over Kerafyrm's parents, I'll stick to the obvious and let us all stop bi***ing over WHO it really was. if you can give me a link to where i can see a post by VI and Sony that contradicts my post, post it. otherwise, let us all have a good laugh at my own insanity and the fact i should prolly get this Sharpie out of my nose...but it smells too damn goooooo....*passes out*

Edited, Mon Feb 17 01:28:27 2003
RE: The Sleeper
# Jan 23 2004 at 7:15 PM Rating: Decent
20 posts
That was a great post!! Bravo!!
RE: The Sleeper
# Mar 05 2003 at 5:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Wow...that has GOT to be the best Kerafyrm origin telling I have ever heard! BRA-VO!

And just a week before Valentine's Day too!
Respawn Timer
# Jan 19 2003 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Hey, can anyone give me an idea on the Vox/Naggy spawn timers? I'm assuming they're both about the same. The most common one I've heard is 7days, but I've also heard 4 hours and 24 hours. I need my scale, so I need to know :)

Sylverain Stormsinger
Minstrel, Brell Serilis
# Jan 18 2003 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Did a pickup raid on Vox on the Xev server. Surprisingly, Old Continent contacted me and said they wanted to help. They did the buffs for us. Kinda nice of them to do it, but they wanted on the roll for the staff, didn't drop though. After 6 hours of getting 37 people to go (would have been shorter* see below) we took her down in 1 min with only one death (which was a 49 druid who previously said he wanted to melee, so we won't count that) Dropped, the eyepatch, crystalline spear, the hammer, and one scale. I was really surprised we took her down that fast. We actually had 6 clerics, one for each group. Rather good for a pickup raid.

*The reason that it took 6 hours was because we were going to take naggy, but after we had enough people, we found out that he wasn't up... Confused sooo many people with the channel being named naggy and we were goin after vox
RE: Vox
# Feb 01 2003 at 4:52 AM Rating: Default
So you took her down after all? Congratz! I had to go before we came to her. "/join naggy if you want to kill vox". Rofl!

Brutalnisse, 50 warrior of Xev
Last Night
# Jan 15 2003 at 4:56 PM Rating: Default
Well, last night we tried to take out Vox on the Luclin server. We died.....twice. We were all gettin ready, about 4 groups of people, I was in group 1, and before we even started we lost one pally cause the ****** didn't use his lev ring and he fell into a trap. So we all rushed in, I came in 2nd, got stuck in the little crawl hole, finally got through (I'm a troll) rushed in expecting a huge friggin dragon 80 feet tall....and I see a mosquito, "You tell voxraid1: THATS VOX????" She is head comes to the spot where her legs connect to her body. So we all fight, get her to 40 percent hp...and she wiped us out. So then some people left after some rezzes and we were down to 25 people and we hit her again. This time we were full and ready to go, I was the MA at level 45 both times, some planning there, on the second time I went down when she was at 20% and everyone else had her to 3% and she killed all of them.....I left after that. I'm not sure if they ended up killing her on the 3rd try after they picked up some more people, but we were very low on good classes, we had no shaman, 2 clerics, a couple paladins, 1 bard, a few warriors, 1 enchanter who couldn't even get one sieve off before she died, 1 SK, and some other misc classes, but we were lacking....mainly I reccomend you boost your sv cold as much as you can, it is more important that MR because I only got feared once in both battles, but I got hit by the AE about 30 times. Be careful on this chick, and remember, put 4 junk buffs in before any other buffs, then get your cleric buffs, shammy buffs, CR buffs, and MR buffs, because she will dispell the first 3 to 4 buffs you have. And remember, when running thriugh the little hole to get into her lair, press duck.
RE: Last Night
# Feb 03 2003 at 11:27 AM Rating: Good
87 posts
You think Vox is ridiculously small for a dragon, eh? Have you seen that shrimp Faydedar?
RE: Last Night
# Jan 20 2003 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
I was there aswell no we never got her, went in for a second time then giants repoped have the raid fell into a trap. took forever to get rest of peeps out the trap then once everyone was out only had 16 peeps, if you fall in the trap there is a ladder by where the witch spawns that leads to back half of voxes layer.
Voxy go bye bye
# Dec 28 2002 at 3:14 AM Rating: Decent
Dropped 2 scales, 2 bracers, spear and some Ice Comet thing. Took 12 melee, 4 healers, 4 chanters, and 3 nukers. About 9 mins to drop the wench, and pretty organized for a pickup of ppl in Halas and Perma.
# Dec 08 2002 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
although this mob isnt that hard, our raid completely failed. We were fine about to attack her with everyone medding and getting ready when all the sudden some moron pulls her. Well before i know it im feared and people are dropping right and left. I gate and thats the end of it. Not a good raid so watch out all u fellow VOx killers
Complete Heal
# Dec 08 2002 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
Hehe at least her complete heal doesn't heal as much now! That door swings both ways.. 7500 hp is max unless Vox has some new AAs.
RE: Complete Heal
# Apr 13 2003 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'm gonna have to go against that door going both ways... yes it's nice it's not a REAL complete heal, but look at Venril Sethir... OMG that 1500 life tap is evil and he does it a little too often I think. Take the blessings you get and don't put it in too many forums, cause before you know it they will have them healing and then HP buffing and rezz'ing and what not... don't say anything about stuff like that... they might change it... Rather **** and moan about why Venril can proc on a riposte... that's like procing on 15 people cause they won't stay behind him... Math for ya 15 x 1500 = 22500 VS only has 18 K so... he can go from 1% hp's to full health in a second or 2
RE: Complete Heal
# Apr 13 2003 at 6:01 PM Rating: Decent
opps posted twice

Edited, Sun Apr 13 18:56:14 2003
RE: Complete Heal
# Dec 20 2002 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
Sadly the door does not swing both ways. Numerous mobs still complete heal themselves for 32K+. I haven't done voxxy since that change, however I'm sure it didn't change her at all. She had more than 10K before and a complete fully healed her. Same thing with the shielding thing. First off, her lair ought to be empty, so it shouldn't be a problem, however, once again, mobs do not play fair. Otherwise 1 lvl 60 should be able to solo her. I realize she banishs, but she didn't always.
RE: Complete Heal
# Dec 20 2002 at 9:34 PM Rating: Default
Sadly the door does not swing both ways. Numerous mobs still complete heal themselves for 32K+. I haven't done voxxy since that change, however I'm sure it didn't change her at all. She had more than 10K before and a complete fully healed her.
New Disiplines of Vox
# Oct 18 2002 at 6:09 AM Rating: Decent
Vox can youse /shield now !
RE: New Disiplines of Vox
# Dec 06 2002 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
That's odd, /shield is a warrior discipline. If the message said Lady Vox begins to use so-n-so as a living sheild, some warrior had her targeted when he activated the discipline (oops!)

# Sep 13 2002 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
You can no longer use stun to interrupt Lady Vox's spell casting. On our last raid a chanter would Tash when the battle started then the rest of the chanters (4 total) ran under her and start mana seiving with an occasional Mem blur, this put her OOM by the time she would have started casting CH. Worked great and we took her down easily. Xev - Souls of Honour

Edited, Fri Sep 13 22:45:27 2002
Is anyone aware....
# Aug 22 2002 at 10:02 AM Rating: Good
69 posts
Why they made Vox and Nagafen not doable by anybody 53rd season or higher? If I remember correctly, many many moons ago, a level 60 necromancer soloed her with relative ease (feared mobs can't cast, as you may recall) and Verant put a quick stop to that by making her 52 and under ONLY.
RE: Is anyone aware....
# Aug 29 2002 at 4:09 AM Rating: Good
Back when the extra 10 levels of Kunark were announced, people were worried about mudflation with a mobs like Vox/Nagafen... for example a group of 60s going and slaying each dragon for profit of the loots.

Verant reashured people that a group would never be able to take Vox/Naggy.

And Verant was right.

It only took a warrior and a cleric with a Donalds Breatplate.

After these events, a level cap was put on Vox/Naggy, and Donalds Breatplate had its effect changed.

The End.


Edited, Thu Aug 29 04:58:02 2002
Avengins Souls Owns Her
# Aug 15 2002 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
We took her down last night without one single death. Of course we had 5 groups, but who's counting. We brought her down into the hallway down the middle ramp and just owned her. She dropped two RBB's, the horn, and a bracelet. She went down how you envision Britney Spears would.

Edited, Thu Aug 15 12:19:41 2002
Vox Raid
# Aug 04 2002 at 8:04 PM Rating: Excellent
-Removed Original Post-Smiley: frown It was not the right place for it.
I have a small template up for Vox Raiding. Perhaps of some value to those planning her death. Should have the finished pages up by Oct.

Edited, Mon Sep 9 22:43:42 2002
# Aug 03 2002 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
I'm confused, so all these dragons are level 55 but if any one above level 52 attacks them then eq ports their *** out. Thats bs, it means that the only people that can fight the damn beast cons it as a tombstone, right? The main question I want to ask is are these dragons are unsolo-able? Even if they didn't have that bs ban for anyone above level 52, would a 60 with some AA points be able to solo it anyway?

Pridain, lvl 15 warrior
Fironia Vie server.

Edited, Sat Aug 3 17:19:40 2002
RE: Uh.....
# Nov 09 2002 at 6:22 PM Rating: Default
104 posts
the reason for this is some cleric/warrior team wanted money and soloed one of the dragons(think Vox, but not sure) so that now no one above 52 can fight them cuz Verant's scared of them now.
We owe those greedy people quite a bit
Please do not excite the ogres.

80 Cleric
<Shenanigans> Tunare
RE: Uh.....
# Mar 14 2003 at 10:07 PM Rating: Decent
Your right about people soloing Vox.... a lvl 60 Necromancer soloed her. He feared her (she can't cast) and layed on the pet/high lvl DOTs. Varent freaked out and made it so no one above 52 could touch her.... damn to bad. But hey, atleast theres something that lvl 60-65 players cant camp the shaat out of.
RE: Uh.....
# Feb 03 2003 at 11:38 AM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
If there are more then one person it's not soloing, it's partnering or duoing, or grouping.
RE: Uh.....
# Aug 08 2002 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
I'm sure a level 60 shaman with epic and good gear could solo her if they could attack her and also get no adds.. More of the reasion that high level people cant attack her, don't want a group of level 60's killing an old school dragon now do we?
Don't think Vox is easy
# Aug 02 2002 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
Sorry to tell u tihs but I watched 6 groups or 6 people L.50-60 die it was kind of funny Lady Vox only had 1 bubble lift and the last person died and she healed her self before we got back
RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Aug 17 2002 at 6:17 AM Rating: Default
Sorry to tell you but you can't engage Vox or Naggy if you re higher than 52

#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 17 2002 at 6:17 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry to tell you but you can't engage Vox or Naggy if you re higher than 52
#REDACTED, Posted: Aug 17 2002 at 9:25 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Sorry moron..
RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Sep 11 2002 at 7:21 AM Rating: Excellent

Everyone with a highlvl than 52 will be ported out as soon as he come at the aggro list of the dragon (doesn't matter on which position on the list he is).

So the highlvl people can only be used for buffing in the prep room.

But not for heals, in fight buffs, mana sieve or nuking or something like this.

I don't know if you put in "... clerics for healing ..." by mistake Eviilone, but they can't do it.

And MrSmily is right, the lvl 52+ guys can't die. At least i dont know a possibility. I'm not sure, but i think the will be also ported out if the get hit by the AoE spell from the dragon.

Minyatur Laurelin
lvl 51 Disciple
Solusek Ro
RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Aug 17 2002 at 8:22 PM Rating: Decent
Hey the idiotone, sorry the eviilone, no i dont really get your point..

Of course you can use peeps who are more than 52 for buffs in preproom for buffs or to clear giants from Kings room, now you wont be able to attack her if you re higher than 52 .

If I read the first post, he said he saw 6 groups of peeps 50-60 dying from Vox, so unless all the these 52 + was standing in Vox lair while the 52 and lowers being butchered, I dont really understand how they can die .

Please enlighten me sweet heart, I like rude people like you .

RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Aug 30 2002 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
ok you too calm yourselves... only 52- can kill this bitxh tight? well thats that and as for Dragons... I heard about a Legendary Dragon that can zone! is this true? please answer me highbies
RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Jan 06 2003 at 9:35 AM Rating: Decent
The zoning dragon is Kerafym (The Sleeper). Thank goodness I have never been unfortunate enough to meet him...heheSmiley: yippee

62 Hierophant
Amictia et Honoris
[]Crap I loot after I am rezzed]

47 Enchanter
Amicitia et Honoris
Quellious Server

[]Stuff that keeps me warm before I die]
RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Sep 11 2002 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default
the zoning thing might be the sleeper? :)
RE: Don't think Vox is easy
# Oct 28 2002 at 2:12 PM Rating: Decent
You guys ever here of Heal rushing? That is where you have your lvl 60 cleric bound in the prep room, let him keep healing the main tank and when he gets banished he *gasp* gates back to the prep room and starts it all over again. Not too difficult.
Vox history
# Jun 29 2002 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
Where can i find her history? please post a sight or somthing where i can find it here if you know
Just took out Lady Vox
# Jun 27 2002 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
This was my first dragon raid and in alittle less than 7 minutes we took out Lady Vox. The first time we tried she wiped us all out. Luckily i was not there to witness it. Second time we go back and having 9 or 10 people die out of our 36 we killed her. She only got one Cheal off and about every 30 seconds she would fear and do her AoE for 500. She dropped 2 pally books a bard scale cleric hammer and a rezz stick. It was a blast for just being a pickup raid.

Cerveo 49 druid
Rilien 47 bard
Vox Raid info
# Jun 27 2002 at 7:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Vox was dropped in 3 minutes last night on Tarew Marr. She dropped 2 scales (rolled on by the 4 bards in attendance), 2 bracers (first roll was monk only, second was all melee) and the spear (rolled by usable melee).

My unbuffed resists were SvM 101, SvC 111. My buffed SvM was 179, and SvC was 307. At 49th lvl, I her Fear never landed (She tries about every 40 seconds. She did about 2,000 points of cold-based damage with her AoE breath in those 3 minutes.... damage ranged from 20 (yes... twenty) to 435 (she does this about every 15-20 seconds).

She got off one CHeal which healed her for about 10,000 points.

The raid group consisted of 4 bards, 3 clerics, 1 enchanter, 3 nukers and 15 or so melee. All were 47-52nd lvl. We also had 4 higher level people there for pre-battle buffs (Aegolism, Epic Haste, C3, etc.)

My group was the main tank group. We had 4 warriors, one cleric and one rogue (me).

This was a pick-up raid and was very organized and well led by a 52nd lvl Necro named Drakual. This is a no-brainer, but resists are everything. Stunning Vox is critical to interrupt her CHeal attempts.

Good luck.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 18 2002 at 12:08 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) my bubble gum has turned into a rock unforutantly. My foot is yellow me love pizza i love chcikens i love crabs i love paper clips i love fish gazzele my foot has a gaint turnip on it but i will turn into a carrot anyways. Oh ya anyways i killed vox one hit using my ogre mage's nuke called insturment of nife. It is a porc that i enchant my spells with that turns all yellow rabbits into blue ones well my foot is aching to turn into a mailbox i oughta go get run into a car with hand ya my hi.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 26 2002 at 10:00 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) OMG are you on crack??
#REDACTED, Posted: Jul 19 2002 at 1:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Aww come on people, be nice! Don't rate posts like that "awful"! Supressing creativity, come now! I'd like to see one of you forumheads post something that creative Anyways, I'm tired, I'd better get some sleep before I start posting about Yellow Chickens with turnips on their feet...
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 17 2002 at 4:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I was on a raid with my guild and a guy named falter was a tank he attacked Vox then ran to me. Vox killed me but I was rezzed. I was rezzed just in time to get the exp seeing as I was in the exp group
50 minute raid
# Jun 17 2002 at 4:23 PM Rating: Default
My lvl 60 enchanter and lvl 60 cleric went on this raid for fun. After the appetiser it was time for the meal the Dragon herself. My cleric kept the others healed along with the other 2 59 clerics. The druids nuked and dotted and the shamans buffed also the wizards nuked and my Enchanter gave out Clarity 3. Vox was taken down by a lvl 60 Warrior named Tatar Chips out of all the warriors he delievered the fatal blow.
(We thank him)
RE: 50 minute raid
# Jul 02 2002 at 5:43 PM Rating: Default
But I thought you had to be 51 or lower to even dmg her?
RE: 50 minute raid
# Aug 03 2002 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
I think you're mixing up vox with naggy, naggy can't be fought by anyone above 52, Vox may be the same though, I do not know. I personally think Vox and Naggy are having an affair, that would be some freaky offspring. YAAAAAAAAAAAAR

Edited, Sat Aug 3 12:37:31 2002
RE: 50 minute raid
# Aug 08 2002 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
Actually, the story behind Vox and Naggy is that they are madly in love. Both dragons wanted to mate but the high council of dragons frowned upon this because of the creation of the Sleeper by two other dragons. In order to keep a second Sleeper from being born, they locked both Naggy and Vox up in the dungeons they currently reside in.

-Phaldyne 51st Season Illusionist
RE: 50 minute raid
# Feb 03 2003 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
87 posts
The Ring of Scale may have originally put them there. But I know that Naggy stays where he is because his stomach and his heart are magically attached. No, I'm not smoking crack, here's a direct quote from the EQ Atlas: Maps of Myrist::

As Nagafen prepared to dine, Erollisi used a golden thread to sew Nagafen's heart to his stomach, twisting his pangs of hunger into pangs of love for Erollette. Under the enchantment, he could not bear to eat her, or anything else - he was lovelorn after all. So he grew hungrier, but the more he starved the more his heart swelled in his chest and the bigger his body became, until he was so huge he could no leave the confines of his cave.

Edited, Mon Feb 3 12:08:49 2003
RE: 50 minute raid
# Jul 06 2002 at 12:27 PM Rating: Excellent
Zebadiah, you are nearly correct. 52 is the highest level who can fight Vox.

The poster above must've been repeating a dream he had, because it's not possible.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 19 2002 at 6:14 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
White dragon scale drop info
# Jun 12 2002 at 11:15 AM Rating: Excellent
From the June 6th 2002 patch:

- To address the competition between epic-seeking bards and other classes, the infamous White Dragon Scale is no longer used in the quest given by Karam Dragonforge in Rathe Mountains. The quest now requires a White Dragon Hide. We did not reduce the rate at which White Dragon Scales enter the world, but rather added new potential for the new White Dragon Hide to be found.

This means that for most of the Vox raids going forward, it will be only bards who roll on the white scale under NBG rules. It has always been this way on the raids I lead, but I expect to see even more people doing it this way now that the cloak is no longer using the scale.

While this patch message indicates that the scale drop rate has not been REDUCED, it has acutally been increased. A large group of people emailed Verant kindly complaining that the scale hadn't dropped in 7 consecutive Vox kills before the June 5/6 patches. So, thank you to all of the people who helped petition, since the white scale dropped again on Mithaniel Marr after the June 5th and June 6th patches.
RE: White dragon scale drop info
# Jun 14 2002 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
In your post you mention NBG rules, can you explain what these are or point me to a place where I can find out?

RE: White dragon scale drop info
# Jun 14 2002 at 8:15 PM Rating: Decent
NBG = need before greed. For example bards NEED the scale for their epic, anyone else is just being greedy by rolling on it because they would just be selling it for profit.

RE: White dragon scale drop info
# Aug 10 2002 at 9:05 AM Rating: Default
Not true, that cloak is also a Focus III Damage item, which a wizard does need.

-edit typo

Edited, Sat Aug 10 09:58:02 2002
RE: White dragon scale drop info
# Aug 18 2002 at 6:17 PM Rating: Decent
actually at the time he posted it, the cloak didn't have the focus effect =P
and now the cloak isn't produced by getting a scale, so wizards don't need it and never have, and why should wizards be the only ones who get improved damage iii.. any nuker would like it =)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 04 2002 at 2:54 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just a quick question. I've seen the pali books and hammers mentioned but what about the RBB does the Grand Lady still drop it?Runed Bolster Belt if you are wondering.. :-)
RE: Dropps
# Jun 06 2002 at 2:01 PM Rating: Default
61 posts
She dropped 3 RBBs, 1 Ice Comet, 1 scale, and 1 bracer for us last night on Mith Marr server
Baadan - 75 Warrior
#Baadan, Posted: Jun 06 2002 at 2:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) She dropped 3 RBBs, 1 Ice Comet, 1 scale, and 1 bracer for us last night on Mith Marr server
#Baadan, Posted: Jun 06 2002 at 2:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) She dropped 3 RBBs, 1 Ice Comet, 1 scale, and 1 bracer for us last night on Mith Marr servetr
RE: Dropps
# Jun 04 2002 at 7:01 PM Rating: Default
Dropped tonight for us on Antonius Bayle server.
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 05 2002 at 10:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanks for the info now all I've gotta do is get the groups together and see if we can take her out and get lucky at the same time.....
#Anonymous, Posted: Jun 05 2002 at 10:47 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Thanks for the info now all I've gotta do is get the groups together and see if we can take her out and get lucky at the same time.....
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