This guy and his PHers seem to be on a 24min 40sec spawn timer... which I'm getting by the PHers corpse rot timer (5:20 still left on timer when the next mob spawns, assuming a 30min corpse and not one of the lower level ones).
Conned Blue to a 56 druid. Pretty much the same exact fight as with "a Goranga Scout" except that he didn't run when under 20%. Resisted snare once. Resisted Root a few times. Dropped the shard and shoulder piece.
Go close to the Ahkeva ruins area. Just outside to the left of the entrance there is a big rock standing. Here are two goranga scouts. Both are PH's for the battlemaster. An easy way is to pull them to the area just to the right of the entrance. No adds and no mind burrowers that will pop up unless you get to close to the ridge.
Go there and look. You will understand what I mean.
Well, the big rock really is pretty obvious if you go look, though I'm not sure I would have described it as left/right, it's more out in front, roughly northeast from the doorway leading to Akheva. Loc neg 1242, pos 187, neg 190.
Edit: I take it back, he might mean the somewhat larger rock further east from Akheva, at neg 1397, neg 434, neg 153. I found 3 scouts there, two near the rock and one a bit more west. I guess I'll kill those as well as the two near the first rock, and when I get the guy to spawn I'll edit this again to indicate which one was right.
Killed him today and he droped strenght of gordan weapon. Stats are 41 dam, 51 del, 25str, 10sta, 2hs, war, pal, SK. No drop. Was bummed out it didnt drop the shoulders like it says above. My bard would have been very pleased.
Killed him today near Akheva Ruins zone. Rare spawn. 1% or less. Wasn't harder than a scout. No caster. Dropped A Lucid Shard for VT key quest and that:
Slighted Pauldrons lore item - no drop Slot: Shoulders AC 15, str 10, sta 10, fire 5, disease 5, magic 15, poison 5 weight: 1.0 Class: WAR PAL RNG SHD MNK BRD ROG BST Race: ALL