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Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl  

Lore Item No Trade
AC: 8
STA: +8 CHA: +8 WIS: +8 INT: +8 HP: +50 MANA: +50
Mana Regeneration: +3
Focus: Zephyr of Brell
WT: 2.0 Size: SMALL
Class: ALL
Race: ALL
Slot 1, Type 7 (General: Group)

Item Type:Armor
Light:Stein of Moggok
Lucy Entry By:rale
Item Updated By:SwiftyMUSE
IC Last Updated:2021-12-30 13:41:24
Page Updated:Tue Dec 1st, 2020

Expansion: Shadows of Luclin Shadows of Luclin

Rarity: Common
Level to Attain: 55

[Quests | Comments ]

This item is the result of a quest.
Expansion List - Premium only.
Quest Name
Coldain Shawl #8: Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl


This item is used in quests.
Expansion List - Premium only.

Brell's Temple
Quest Name
Coldain Shawl 2.0 #1: Still Hungry

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Coldain Prayer Shawl
# Oct 08 2011 at 7:09 AM Rating: Good
4,580 posts
This was posted in 2005:

Squire tworok wrote:
Out of respect to the people that have completed this quest (not an easy or fast one by any means) I think they should add another step:

Since Sony will want it to be tied into a new expansion... put a lost coldain in darkhollow or something. For storyline have it that he/she has lost faith. You hand your shawl to him/her and the faith is restored. He/she gives you back your new shawl upgraded with stats reflecting the current game.

The proposed quest is just a simple hand in because the effort was already there. This item always deserves to be a /drool thing.

I will pursue the current version some day :)

Substitute Underfoot for the Darkhollow reference (still underground!).
Focus effect
# Jan 17 2007 at 5:15 PM Rating: Decent
The effect still says works on spells upto 65, but I'm casting Conviction a level 67 spell and its working on the duration. Will try it with higher buffs as I level up!
Focus effect
# Jan 17 2007 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
It loses 10% per level over 65, so you would still get 80% of the focus on a 67 spell.
Focus effect
# Oct 30 2007 at 3:22 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Actually it looses 5% per level of spell over 65. Not sure if that is 5% off the 20% extension or 5% meaning would only be 10% off the duration benefit for a lvl 67 spell.
Focus effect
# Jul 18 2016 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
This is accurate.
# Jul 25 2006 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
36 posts
Nowadays this item is gimp, very gimp. It used to be drooly worthy to most people, and still sort of is to some.
What makes this item still shine is the focus effect. Zephyr of Brell is 20% extension, while what most have (Extended enhancement V) is only 15%.
However, that still has it drawback. Zephyr is maxed out at 65, while EEV is 70. So, this item is still good for the Virtue and KEI, Focus of the 7, But useless to the modern day: Viction, Clairavoyance, Wunshi.
With upgraded mana+HP on this, and the focus raised to at least 70, this item could be quested more. The mana regen also used to make this uber.

An alternate is the shoulders from the HHK guard mission.

BTW, i know this is an old item, and was like the uberest thing ever, so please don't flame me :-)
# Oct 21 2009 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
everyone still wants kei from my 75 Enchanter.

I never noticed the effect maxed out at level 65 til I was looking at it today. I guess it never mattered way back when I first got the shawl.
# Dec 25 2006 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
For conviction, it is still better than EE5, because if you think about it, it's 20% then loses 10% of that for each level over 65. So... 20% - 4% @67 (vic level) and you have 16% extended vs 15% of EE5. Course, still by todays standards it isn't what it once was. But there ya go. Then again, now that Tenacity is the buff, this then doesnt do so much. For vic though, not too shabby.
# Jun 03 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Was thinking with the addition of the Coldain MM's the combo of the 2 would make a VERY nice peice of armor.
A wish that will be unfulfilled
# Oct 30 2005 at 10:24 AM Rating: Good
Out of respect to the people that have completed this quest (not an easy or fast one by any means) I think they should add another step:

Since Sony will want it to be tied into a new expansion... put a lost coldain in darkhollow or something. For storyline have it that he/she has lost faith. You hand your shawl to him/her and the faith is restored. He/she gives you back your new shawl upgraded with stats reflecting the current game.

The proposed quest is just a simple hand in because the effort was already there. This item always deserves to be a /drool thing.

I will pursue the current version some day :)
RE: A wish that will be unfulfilled
# Mar 05 2006 at 6:34 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
I agree. Ive done through the fourth quest, thus far, and it has been ALOT of work. Knowing that its an item thats, at best, mediocre doesnt help me want to keep doing it. the quest as a whole is tons of work, and it would be nice if this classic quest could be updated a bit to make it a little more on par.
Prayer Shawl v.s Mantle of Rebirth
# Aug 25 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
I'm currently sporting mantle of rebirth, I'm wondering what the aug slot on prayer shawl is. it would be awsome to put one of the DoN improved healing augs in it, then I would not feel bad about selling off my MoR after finishing this quest, I don't really want to keep both as Its a pain to have to switch between items depending on if I am casting a HoT or a straight heal, or if anyone knows of any other improved healing augs that would fit in this (think I remember seeing an oow one, but those run for 100-400k on my server =/ )
RE: Prayer Shawl v.s Mantle of Rebirth
# Sep 04 2005 at 3:13 PM Rating: Decent
According to the description it is Slot 7
# Jul 02 2005 at 6:35 PM Rating: Decent
Would anyone happen toy know if the last part of the quest is MQable? I would like to get it for my young enchanter...
RE: MQable
# Jul 02 2005 at 8:10 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
If you have the seventh shawl, and you know another person who has the smithing skills, AND the seventh shawl, they can get the box, and do the smithing part.

However, if they have already finished the 8th shawl, they would have to redo through the seventh in order to MQ it.
focus effect
# May 12 2005 at 3:57 PM Rating: Decent
Zephyr of Brell works beyond level 65 buffs. I have it and it extends oak by 20%
Just a thought
# Jan 03 2005 at 8:23 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
I found it helpful to bring a gemcrafting bag with me when camping these guys and do the combines of armor on the spot, that way i knew which gems i messed up on (incidentally none, but had i messed it up) and could continue camping till i had enough
focus effect
# Dec 25 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
Zephyr of Brell is awesome! It over writes Extended Enhancement by a few more percent.
With a Batfand Headband on (ExtEnh II), Temperance lasts 114 minutes. With the Shawl, Temperance lasts 120 minutes. And that's just a lvl 44 buff!

and confirming the 'light source' bit =) very nice

Edited, Sat Dec 25 14:36:01 2004
Light Source
# Dec 17 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Default
I keep forgetting to post this even though I noticed this a long while back ... this has a slight light source when equipped. I have not tried it in a darkened room or area, but it is always funny to hear people around me say things like "WHOAH, did you see that the light just changed???".

As you can see from my Magelo I wear Shroud of the Nimble right now so I am constantly switching back and forth depending on the situation (when I buff 9s I put it on and when I buff other pre-65s I put it on ... and sometimes I put it on when I need the extra mana regen).

Ikind of feel bad for winning this, but I did not realize that the BL in my group had much much worse, and I came back from an AFK so I thought I may as well roll...did not know he needed it so badly Smiley: cry
RE: Light Source
# Apr 20 2005 at 9:37 PM Rating: Decent
*scratches head* This is quested, not dropped
RE: Light Source
# Apr 24 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
I think they are talking about winning a shroud of the nible and swapping back and forth between this and that.
New Change
# Oct 26 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Excellent
As of 25 OCT 04, the latest change for this item is that the range of buffs that it extends has been increased. Prior to yesterday it only worked on buffs that last 48 seconds or more and now it works on any buff that normally lasts 24 seconds.
There are not too many of those spells around that this affects, but it makes sense to have the change.
RE: New Change
# Nov 10 2004 at 11:46 AM Rating: Decent
That would mean that it now works with the Divine spell line. They last 30 seconds and with the little extra boost, would allow the cleric time to camp out while still invunerable. Great information here!! Thanks Kirb!!
RE: New Change
# Dec 14 2004 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
Not only what the princeofwords said but in the description it specifically states:

5: Limit: Effect(Invunerability excluded)

RE: New Change
# Nov 15 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Decent
No.....Divine Aura/Barrier only last for 3 ticks or 18 seconds...
RE: New Change
# Nov 09 2004 at 10:54 AM Rating: Decent
Now works with Cleric and Shaman HoT spells. With this and SCRM my HoT now lasts 42 seconds which is an extra 3 tics. Pretty damn nice if you ask me.
RE: New Change
# Dec 14 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
Now they need to give us a "Blessed Prayer Shawl (Shawl No. 9[/i])" quest to do since after getting to 70 with a full list of spells a few folks will just have to bank this puppy (me included) since the Focus will be nearly useless. Smiley: smile

Edited, Tue Dec 14 14:13:03 2004
Final walkthrough
# Oct 25 2004 at 3:18 PM Rating: Default
Just a little tip. Have a decent enchanter on board. When we did this, we had the enchanter always aggro the dwarf general with a non ds and run him around well away from the fight. The enchanter was lvl 59. After we mopped up the mobs, the enchanter mem blured and on our way we went. We had a total of 9 players of which 2 where 65 (bst and bard) and the rest where in the range 47-59. With the general otherwise occupied, we didn't have to worry about aggroing or killing him with aoes ect. The fights were short and total time for the entire thing was about 20-30 minutes. At no time did the General's hp drop below 100%. Would have been a little faster, but the enchanter tried to cheat at one point by having the general chase him to the next spawn point. Bad idea. He simply walks back to last trigger point and then comes back.
Final walkthrough
# Oct 25 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Just a little tip. Have a decent enchanter on board. When we did this, we had the enchanter always aggro the dwarf general with a non ds and run him around well away from the fight. The enchanter was lvl 59. After we mopped up the mobs, the enchanter mem blured and on our way we went. We had a total of 9 players of which 2 where 65 (bst and bard) and the rest where in the range 47-59. With the general otherwise occupied, we didn't have to worry about aggroing or killing him with aoes ect. The fights were short and total time for the entire thing was about 20-30 minutes. At no time did the General's hp drop below 100%. Would have been a little faster, but the enchanter tried to cheat at one point by having the general chase him to the next spawn point. Bad idea. He simply walks back to last trigger point and then comes back.
Just Finished
# Aug 13 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Just a quick post to say I just finished this for my cleric. The force to do walk was only me 2 boxing 65 war and 65 cleric, a friend 2 boxing 65 sk and 57 shaman and another friend playing a 64 sk. Tanks got aggro on pops asap and general got into the fights - only had to atone once during the walk. Would have been alot faster with more dps on board but letting you know it can be done with less than a group of decent people.
Soon I hope
# Jul 29 2004 at 4:22 AM Rating: Decent
Thank you Pyos for the detailed guide;) I have been at the point to finish my Shawl for quite a long time now and needed to know the force I must have to do the walk. I had one of my toons follow a raiding party on the walk rescently and your instrucions fit what they did. Now all I have to do is get the group together on Tarrew Marr;) LOL I have only been playing with this thing on and off for 4 years;)
Clicky Effects
# Jul 06 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Excellent
44 posts
How about Clicky Effects? Do they get extended duration? I'm thinking particularly of my Gloves of Earthcrafting (or Earthcalling). They have a clickable Shield of Thorns effect.
RE: Clicky Effects
# Sep 08 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
Good question! I have the 8th prayer shawl and my Skyiron Cudgel of the Ancients, it DOES NOT extend duration on carnage from the cudgel but will extend the duration on my clicky sow boots from my epic. Here is the general rule I have found out so far.

It will extend ANY spell clicky or not that is a PC castable spell. Any spell clicky that is not normaly a PC castable spell will not be extended about this.
# Jun 24 2004 at 2:56 PM Rating: Good
42 posts
Yes, this item is still worth it, just for the focus effect and mana regen as well as the resist to boot; however, that's dependant on your class as well, honestly, with the new gear out there, this is best suited for leather and silk classes, with the exception of the plate wearing priest.

Just some notes on my final combine and escort.

For the facated gems, just keep killing geos in differnt locations of the caves WL. It's the only way to get the ph's out of the way as there are no static spawn spots. Get extras just in case you get a combine fail, happened to me one time on an Emerald.

As for the escort, over kill is best bet for success. If you go short handed, that little Dwarf will get hammered by the named giants that spawn on wave 3 and/or wave 5. Heck, some of the roaming add's can do him in if you don't keep an eye on him.

Make sure you have an Enchanter or a Bard handy as that way, you can have KOS friends help out and they only need to memblur, eash job.

Suggestion, have 3 melee and a healer clear a path and wait at the loc's provided below. Have 3 melee escort the General and on person designated resident memblur'er. Then your job can be to loot the mobs for their goods for your friends to roll on when complete. You would be surprised, some pretty decent 'alt' gear drops along the way.

General Bragmur: You will find him to start the action at -3400, 9000 in Iceclad. He is a permanent fixture, not triggered by your conversation with the Dain. If you happen to catch him shortly after someone else has killed him or completed the quest, his respawn is about four hours. Your mission is to travel across Iceclad with him, fighting off special wolves and giants that will ambush you along the way. He has a long history of problems with his pathing but has behaved much better since some recent tweaks. He will no longer get stuck under islands, preferring instead to swim around them. He does still sometimes vanish and then reappear a short way back or ahead on the path, sometimes even returning to his spawn point, so you might find a tracker reassuring in case you can't see where the General went. The other essential crew member is someone who can Memory Blur in case someone accidentally agros him during a fight. It is possible to bring kos people along but it will cause additional hassles. You need to be sure they understand that they need to stay away from the General as much as possible, and that your chanters keep a close eye for the need to mem blur.

There is one other issue to watch for as well. When the various wolves and giants spawn, they might be placed such that they all agro on party members and none on the General. If this happens, the General will continue along on his merry way, oblivious to the sudden bloodshed. You must be prepared for this by making sure that at least someone in your party is watching the General and can keep him close until the fight is over. Your feigner and/or Memory Blur person might be good choices here. The General will keep walking as soon as the fight ends so feel free to delay him until your party has a chance to recover. He cannot be charmed in order to buff him. You also cannot agro him and run him to the end of the path without having the fights. He must walk on his own and trigger each attack in order for the Avatar of Brell to appear at the end to grant you your new shawl. The General himself is reasonably tough and should be able to hold up under attack until your tanks get a chance to pull stuff off of him. He'll be doing some good damage, as well.

As you travel, you will encounter five waves of attack from the giants and their wolves, some harder than others. Three coordinated groups of 55+ are required at the very barest minimum. Remember that you will also be agroed by all the green wolves and giants and obnoxious dervishes that you encounter along the way. It might be smart to have a few folks as the designated greenie brigade to help keep them out of everyone else's hair while fighting the real attacks. Please give those nasty dervishes a whack for me while you're at it. You may also wish to walk the path ahead of time through all of the locs indicated below, so that you know where the General should be going and are prepared for each fight.

First Wave: (-3550, 7550) 4 Kromriff Tracking Wolves spawn and attack. These cannot be charmed, snared or rooted. Stuns should work. Some reports say they're mezzable, some say they're immune. They're not terribly difficult.

Second Wave: (-2200, 7250) 4 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. They cannot be mezzed. They hit for 178 max and should be easily dispatched.

Third Wave: (-1100, 5950) Commander Kvarid and 3 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. They cannot be stunned, mezzed, rooted or snared. The Frost Giant Skirmishers are 55ish, and Commander Kvarid is 57.

Fourth Wave: (1500, 2250) 5 Kromriff Tracking Wolves spawn and attack. Same rules apply as on the wolves in the first wave.

Fifth Wave: (3700, 2650) Commander Vjorik and 5 Frost Giant Skirmishers spawn and attack. Same rules apply as on the giants in the third wave.

Pyos of Brell
RE: Notes...
# Dec 17 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
We have done this twice. Here are a couple of
With 7 folks between 58 and 65, waves 1 to 4 not bad. The last wave our enchanter kited them.
We had lodi the turtle add on wave 4.

You might let the general handle greens.
He is tough and it gives you a chance to med.

The script says you see your shawl on the ground.
That is confusing. The Avatar of Brell spawns
over the camp fire in the pirate camp and you
give it shawl 7 to get shawl 8.
Is it worth it anymore
# Jun 21 2004 at 5:59 AM Rating: Default
I'm starting to wonder if this is even worth trouble anymore with LDoN and augment's I could take a better shoulder item and ad an augment for Flowing thought and and augment for the spell time increase. But then I've worked so long to get up to this point it would be such a waste not to finish...

Edited, Mon Jun 21 07:03:02 2004
RE: Is it worth it anymore
# Jun 24 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
There is no augment that extends buffs 20% duration. In fact, I know of no other pre elemental/time item that has +20% to buffs.

A different way to think of this is, you could augment THIS item with FT2 from Deepest Guk, and have FT5 shoulders with the 20% extended buffs.
Mana Regen/FT
# May 24 2004 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
35 posts
It appears that SOE has done away with the different types of mana regeneration and now has just one regeneration type (Mana Regen). It also appears that all mana regen now stacks. All of the new items with any mana regen now say "Mana Regen" instead of "Flowing Thought" or "FT." If you have a Magelo account and have it up to date, it will automatically calculate this for you, using your items and AAs, and post it on your stats. I cannot show definative proof that mana regen slows while riding across a zone, However I did a test of my own. I depleted my mana below 20% and waited for it to recover to exactly 20%, then I rode across WK. I noted my mana level at the end of the ride. Then I depleted and waited for my mana to recover to 20% again. This time I just sit still for the same amount of time it took me to ride across WK, and noted my mana level after that time had expired. It was significantly higher after sitting still. If anyone has anymore Info on mana regen vs FT, please post it.
RE: Mana Regen/FT
# Jun 14 2004 at 6:15 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
All mana regen already stacked, before they changed the name, up to a cap of 15. The cap is still there, they just did away with the rumors that some items with mana regen, that were not called flowing thought, somehow broke the cap.
Question about Mounts Discussed below
# May 10 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Good
17 posts
I have a question regarding claim by Ellz, Eater of Souls:

"when you are on a horse/drogmor and are not moving, it counts as sitting, when you are on a horse/drogmor and moving, it counts as standing"

Can you cite the source for the statement that you must be still to get the sitting mana regen effect of your mount. No information at the link given and I had not heard this before. I thought you received the sitting bonus when ever you were mounted - such as when mounted and riding across a large zone.
RE: Question about Mounts Discussed below
# May 10 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Cannot cite a source, but I have always heard you must be still to get the bonus.
RE: Question about Mounts Discussed below
# May 13 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
130 posts
You definately have to stand still to get the sitting mana regen while mounted on a horse. But please note that even when standing still while mounted on a horse, your health will always regen like you were standing!
No, I cannot cite any source. I just tried it out myself in various situations as you can do easily, too.

Edited, Thu May 13 03:57:05 2004
Shawl Quest
# Feb 02 2004 at 7:05 PM Rating: Default
I have searched around a bit on this website and 2 others looking for a complete quest guide to obtain this shawl. If anyone has a link to it and could post it, it would be greatly appreciated!!!
RE: Shawl Quest
# Feb 11 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
This does work without a problem. my guildleader has done it and thus initiated my next goal. FT5, awesome item!
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 13 2004 at 11:59 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) ummm the shawl itself is only FT3....
RE: Shawl Quest
# Feb 07 2004 at 5:56 PM Rating: Good
If you don't like what's on Allakhazam , EQ Traders has worked up a pretty good walk through too.

Edited, Sat Feb 7 17:57:18 2004
Ok Let's see someone field this question
# Nov 19 2003 at 5:15 AM Rating: Default
<cracks one out to center field>

Question: According to Allakhazam's fancy Character sheet my 63 Cleric gains a BASE STANDING MANA REGEN of 2 points. How much and where do I find BASE SITTING mana?? AND / OR BASE SADDLE MANA ??

AA MANA: 3pts.
RE: Ok Let's see someone field this question
# Feb 13 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent they have mana regen charts and as far as "saddle" goes, when you are on a horse/drogmor and are not moving, it counts as sitting, when you are on a horse/drogmor and moving, it counts as standing
RE: Ok Let's see someone field this question
# May 10 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Blip - Posted above as new question

Edited, Mon May 10 11:13:21 2004
RE: Ok Let's see someone field this question
# Dec 01 2003 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
Your medding mana regen rate is equal to your meditation skill divided by 10. At 63, you're almost certain to be maxed at 252, giving you 25 mana/tick while sitting/mounted.
# Nov 02 2003 at 7:05 PM Rating: Decent
I took the time to redo the shawl quest through 7th.. And I sell MQ's for the 8th on the Tribunal server. (Contact Timbuktu)
Have learned something.. You cannot bypass handing your 7th shawl in to the dain or Loremaster Boranin. Either one will work.. You do have to have the "approved" 7th shawl. The Avatar of below WILL give back your 7th shawl to you and say you need to talk to the Dain. This sucked cause I lost out on alot of platinum and the guy lost out on his shawl 8.
RE: MQ's.
# Feb 20 2004 at 4:27 AM Rating: Default
Can you go into more detail about how you MQ this, I ahvea druid that has finsihed the quest, adn my hydra chanters is done to the 7th shawl. I would like to finish this up but as you can imagine I am tired of Tradeskilling
RE: MQ's.
# Nov 26 2003 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
37 posts
How much does it cost for an MQ of the 8th shawl?
And how do you MQ anyways? I've never MQed anything.
(I'm on the Tribunal as Conwyn).
RE: MQ's.
# May 05 2004 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
You cant MQ the Eighth Shawl, you have to smith all the armor pieces yourself from the nodrop gems you loot in Wakening Land. Then do the hand-in with the combined armor kit. All those parts are no drop PLUS you need to hand the dude your Seventh Shawl anyway.

MQ'ing a quest is like what we do all the time for the Skyshrine armors quest. I loot misc unadorned armor pieces all the time that are just junk scrap loot to me that I dont want at all. They are no drop. The person (who has sufficient faction,) who wants the skyshrine armor turns in the required three gems to the quest dude AFTER I turn in the unadorned piece, and BAM the second person gets the reward. (A nodrop piece of created skyshrine armor.)
RE: MQ's.
# May 06 2004 at 6:40 AM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
You are incorrect. The 8th shawl is MQable, by someone who already HAS the 7th shawl. They must currently have a 7th shawl on them, in order to get the combine box.

Person selling MQ, does all the front part of the quest and turns in armor to the guy in Iceclad. Once he is escorted, the person BUYING the MQ, says the key phrases, and turns in HIS 7th shawl, receiving the 8th shawl.

Note that you can repeatedly go back, and receive another box to combine the armor in. You just cannot spawn the dain yourself. Also, someone noted elsewhere that the MQ buyer HAS to have his 7th shawl "approved" by the dain, or the guy who summons dain, or it will not work.

Edited, Thu May 6 07:43:03 2004
RE: MQ's.
# Jun 12 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
Approved - like Flagged? I think is what you mean? As in he knows YOU are not the one that did said event...? :P
RE: MQ's.
# Jul 26 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Good
3,705 posts
Approved as in you have to hand the 7th shawl to him, and he hands it back, it looks the same but actually has a different database item number. The "approved" version works for the turn in after the escort. The "unapproved" version will just get handed back to you.
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