Myraephe the Pure  

a rare creature

Uploaded October 17th, 2017 by Drewinette

  • Placeholder is: a potamide maiden
  • This mob spawns at -1503, -2017, -40 and 1842, -1862, -40 roaming underwater in the river.

Categories: Templatized | EverQuest
This page last modified 2021-09-28 05:24:51.

Level: 43
Expansion: Shadows of Luclin
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Hunter achievement
# Nov 08 2020 at 3:05 PM Rating: Good
Working on the Hunter of Jaggedpine achievement. Decided to concentrate on all the rare Potamides before moving on to the other named mobs in the zone. I would swim from one end of the river to the other killing everything before clearing the Potamide caves then head back out to the river and starting over. Following this pattern it took nearly forty-eight hours of killing Potamides before she spawned.
Maulis Thefool, Ranger of the 86th season on Firiona Vie...
# Sep 14 2020 at 3:07 AM Rating: Excellent
260 posts
-1503, -2017, -40

1842, -1862, -40

Edited, Sep 14th 2020 4:29am by Deenor
she exists
# Mar 01 2009 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
343 posts
after 4 days i was about to kill my lat named poacher and then head to city olf mist, but a monty hall iksar lev 70 took my camp so i started killing a few potameids to pass the time just at the river next to paocher camp, i worked my way dopwn stream to the zoneedge and killed about 12, after 15misn Myraphae the Pure spawned, killed her and for ym core rules druid she dropped

the bracer is was after
and also some kind of totem

she didnt drop my shield tho (
mob dont exists anymore?
# Feb 27 2009 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
343 posts
been here 4 days and 30 hours no sign of this mob at all maybe theres \A PH but nothing on track at all for her
spawn point?
# Feb 09 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Decent
where does He/She spawn at? loc?
# Jul 26 2004 at 1:11 PM Rating: Decent
Dropped Myra yesterday with my 54 ranger (has 2615hp with just his buffs). She only got one dispell off, dropping my STR. Hits decently and fairly fast. Hit her with Drones, Swarm of Pain and Immolate and a nuke for 302dmg (can't remember name). Had 50% hp at the end of it all. Were it not for the nuke, dots and some of my gear this would have been a much closer fight. She dropped the bracer, idol, acorns and a few other trash items (unless yur a tradeskiller)which I let my druid loot since he was camped there.
Myraephe the Pure
# Feb 28 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
This knucklehead does dispell. Just pwned her on Stormhammer and she dropped Polished Jade Acorns, Shimmering Potameid Idol, Potameid Parts, and a Plant Shoot. I almost made the mistake of trying to take her w/ 65-70% health and she got me down to singles, so don't underestimate her.
Treygolas Mirkwood
<Sacred Fyre>
Fennin Ro
Does Dispell
# Aug 16 2003 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
FYI She DEFINITELY dispells...was kicking her booty when all of sudden my wolf form was cast away with silly oh me not sowed. Who said Spirit of Cheetah doesn't rock? I'll call them a #*($&*( and then run away...I bet they can't catch me :) oh well I'll get her next time
Lucky me
# Jun 11 2003 at 12:44 PM Rating: Default
367 posts
Dropped the globe and the sword. Sword went to the warrior and the globe went to the shaman. Druid already had a skull shield.
Shimmering Potameid Idol
# Jan 26 2003 at 7:27 AM Rating: Default
Dropped a "Shimmering Potameid Idol" for me today with my 56 druid as well as the "Polished Jade Acorns" was a fairly easy kill just run ahead cast winged death, run ahead cast drifting death, she was as the lower post said highly fire resistant so could not land Breath of Ro, but still an easy kill. Was blue to me. Stats on Idol were:

AC: 3
HP: +15
SV Cold: +5 SV MAGIC: +5
Recommended level of 40.
WT: 0.0 Size: TINY
Class: ALL
Race: ALL

I believe the Jade Acorns are for one of the fairly un-useful Druid armor quests in the zone. The Idol may be a quest item as well, but I cannot be sure.
Tough little wench
# Oct 17 2002 at 5:56 PM Rating: Decent
43 Bard here.

I was soloing poachers this morning when I saw this named potameid on track and decided to track her down. I found her sitting by herself on a rock in the middle of the river. She was holding a rather large sword so I decided to try kiting her using Fufil's Curtailing Chant and Tuyen's Chant of Flame. This is what I found out:

First of all, she conned even to me at 43, making her higher than level 40.

Secondly, she is not a caster. After kiting her for 15 minutes she did not cast anything on me at all, though an effect did go off when she smacked me with her sword once. I think this was the sword proccing though.

Thirdly, she is HIGHLY resistant to Chant of Flame, but not to Fufil's. Because of this I believe she is probably highly resistant to fire based attacks, no way to verify this unfortunately.

Lastly, she has a decent amount of hit points. Kiting with Fufil's took a good 15 minutes at roughly 25-30 damage per tick.

Once I took her down she dropped several things including the following:

Bag of Jaded Acorns - No Drop
Potameid Parts
The Silver Nemesis - No Drop Magic
1HS Primary Secondary
13 Damage 5 AC Damage Bonus
Effect: Smite
Suggested Level:40
Class: Warrior Ranger Paladin Bard
Race: ALL

Hope you find this useful.

Aamandor Taleweaver
43 Bard of Innoruuk
RE: Tough little wench
# Nov 04 2002 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
After Kiting 500 or so of these nasty little ladies . . and only getting "Potameid Parts" and Potameid Hair" . .bah . .

Finally pulled my swarm up on the bank, and there was this Potty carrying a BIG Ol Sword . . after weeding the pack down from 20 various types . . to the final 3 Maidens and Myraephe. . Chanted them down with Fufils, Chant of Cold and both new PoP chants (Disease and Poison) . . the sword is huge . . looks like a Centi LS without the Runes . . nice, but Kinda slow . . .

As for the Potameid Carrying it . . Myraephe <?> . . She CANNOT be Charmed.

GL all
Baron Martos Swyftsongs

Edited to correct ridiculously blatant gramatical errors . . sheeesh

Edited, Mon Nov 4 17:21:38 2002
#Anonymous, Posted: Sep 30 2000 at 5:29 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) He is a good healer, take care.
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