BTW...this is only my second time in Velks...onyl spent an hour there last night and an hour there at lunch today(Hehe) and so far won roll on a Crushed Black Marble(last night) and looted a Crushed Flame Opal, block of velium, and a couple of Crystalline silks all today. A fair haul in a short time if you ask me, think I may be spending some time here if I can. Be safe.
Ttarkatt Magnifikatt 55 Vah Shir Shaman of Bristlebane
AS far as level yes they are 45 now and not 35..They're DB to me at 55. The seem to resist a little bit but not to bad...slow, root, dot, dot. I with KEi on my 55 Shammy can solo 2 at a time with my older pet(not my 55, dont have him yet) and they seem to go down without much difficulty, but Im pretty much oom when i get done and have to canni a bit. BTW i don't think its a wisdom thing for me either, with KEI and all my wis gear Im at 244 atm. They do like to agro if somewhat close by to, so be carefull.
Ttarkatt Magnifikatt 55 Vah Shir Shaman of Bristlebane
I started hunting here 35,these two "velium gargoyals" as i like to call em,heh,were both blue to me. Heh, and I'll prolly be in this zone for many lvls to come, especially with a city so close for binds and selling/banking, those dang bricks get heavy after awhile.
Don't know how often this place has people on other servers, but on brell, there seems to always be one or two high 40s low 50s people in there at the entrance. My last bub of 35 i was grouped with a 53 necro,anda 50 druid, the exp was goin slow, but still to my liking,and i guess 35 is supposed to be a hell lvl, but as soon as i dinged 36, it was like almost a full blue buble of exp every 3 kills, depending on what they were, both of these two "velium gargoyals" were blue, a few spiders were yellow, and of course, everything else was red. Just go in, and if theres a few people around 50, askem if they want some extra melee dmg, make friends with their pets, and get MAD exp, hehe.
High up the catwalks there are a few with the same name that are much harder , the ones up higher hit for 101 damage so im guessing around 40-42 , the entrance ones are mid thirties