You say, 'Hail, Scout Madu'
Scout Madu says, 'Well met traveler. I have been asked to keep an eye on this area and to attempt to reduce any threats to Crescent Reach that might arise. I can always use someone that has the will to attempt dangerous scouting missions, if you're able to deal with the [unusual folk] that live in these parts.'
You say, 'unusual folk'
Scout Madu says, 'It was the oddest thing. This fellow that I don't know, one with the legs of a deer and the face of a human, stumbled into me the other day. And I mean stumbled literally. It seems that he had been very deep in his cups. He kept rambling on about his brother betraying him, but I never could get more out of him before he wandered off. How odd of him. Sorry. I do not know why you made me think of him, you obviously have your [wits] about you.'
You say, 'wits'
Scout Madu says, 'Yes. Yes you do. If you would like to explore the area, I'm certain that Vulu over there has some work for you. But if you're looking for something more interesting than just wandering around, I might have some [tasks] that are a bit more dangerous that you could undertake for me.'
You say, 'tasks'
Scout Madu says, 'I have many tasks available, but most of them require that you have much experience. When you think you are ready, come back to me and ask me about my more [difficult] tasks. In the meantime I have some tasks for ones with less experience, and I will even reward ones who help me with some [extra armor].'
You say, 'difficult'
Scout Madu says, 'There are two types of creatures in this area that concern me as much as the gryphons and harpies. This is the [dromrek] and the [centaur].'
You say, 'extra armor'
Scout Madu says, 'I have extra armor that has been given to me for scouts of this region. If you wish, I can share some of this armor with you. I have armor that will cover your [forearms], [feet], [hands], [head], [arms], [legs], or [torso]. Which would you like to get? I will only give you one piece to fit each place on your body as we do not have an infinite amount of supplies, even with the supplies you will be getting me.'