While trying to find various mobs to get some giant faction with i came across this guy in a Bar in Thurg, easily soloable with a 65 Beastlord and i think the faction withs were pretty decent, went from max KoS to dubious (with kromrif) fairly quick killing him, i would kill all mobs in immediate area, definitly kill the elder by fire before pulling him out of bar hell heal him), he is easily slowed, does not resist poison or cold strangely enough, he does summon, only hits for like 150-180 max hit, and rarely hit me for max, avg hit for 60-80, hes a Dark Blue con to me, so a little aa exp from him while factioning, No loot to be had from the times i killed him, Fast Respawn time on him, under 5 mins id say
Baracca Smilodon
65 beastlord
The Rathe