
  • This page is under construction and will be incomplete until this new system is learned.

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What is Overseer

The Overseer system was introduced into Everquest during the March 11, 2020 patch.

Quoted from in game:

Overseer is an alternate quest system involving iconic characters and events from the world of EverQuest.

As the Overseer, you must gain the loyalty of iconic characters, who join you as Agents, before sending them on Overseer Quests that thread throughout the history of Norrath. Once an Overseer Quest is started, since you aren't undertaking them yourself, you can simply wait until your Agents return, either in glorious success or ruinous failure.

If your Agents are successful, they return from their adventures with numerous and fabulous rewards for you to choose from. Gain enough of these rewards and your power as the Overseer will grow, giving you access to more challenging Overseer Quests and more powerful Agents.


- Become the Overseer! Gain the loyalty of iconic Agents and protect Norrath from the ever-present ripples of Discord. Send your Agents on harrowing Overseer Quests, into moments spanning the entirety of Norrath's history, and restore balance where you can. Along the way, you'll gain fabulous rewards and grow in power. You may even draw the attention of Norrath's most famous heroes, and perhaps a few particularly nefarious villains. Do you have what it takes to gain the allegiance of Norrath's elite?
- Access the Overseer interface via the EQ Menu > Quests > Overseer option, or by entering the command /overseer.
- A mysterious presence in the Plane of Knowledge is interested in the coin, Overseer Tetradrachm, gained through Overseer Quests.

Where do I find Overseer?

You need to be at least level 85. If you play on a TLP server, your server needs to have Seeds of Destruction unlocked.

Anyways, you can get to the Overseer interface a couple ways.

  • Click on the EQ button, Quests, and then Overseer.
  • Or Type /overseer

You will be presented by the Overseer UI and placed into the Quests tab with a tutorial quest. I was given the quest The Overseer Rises as my first tutorial quest.

How Do I Play?

First lets get familiar with the UI for Overseer.

When looking at the Overseer window, there are 4 tabs at the top. Quests, Agents, Active Quests, and Stats.

  • Quests
    • This tab lists all the different quests that you current have. At the top you'll notice a timer running that pulls down new quests for you every 12 hours.

  • Agents
    • This tab lists out all the different Group Party members (Agents) that are in your inventory.
    • Filter by Rarity, Job, and Traits.
    • Filter by Status: All, Ready, Questing, or Incapacitated.

  • Active Quests
    • This tab lists out all the current quests that you are currently running.
    • Limited to 5 concurrent running at a time.
    • Limited to 10 completed until the next Quest List refresh.
    • You can have 10/10 completed and 5/5 active. You cant Finish the active quests until the next refresh however.

  • Stats
    • This tab lists out the experience you have in all the different types of quests, as well as your rates of success/failures.

Overseer will start you off on the tutorial quests. These quests are very simple and allow you to recruit agents which are like group members to help guide you along in your quest.

Quest Tab

At the top of the quest window will be the name of the quest with an image below it. Keep an eye on the fantastic artwork in these images and for the agents themselves.

Below the artwork you have the level of the quest, the rarity of the quest and the type of quest.

Example: Level 1 Common Crafting

  • Level 1 - The level of the quest is level 1 which is where you will be starting out at just like a newbie in game.
  • Common - This is the rarity of the quest.
  • Crafting - This is type of quest. This particular one will require an agent that has some type of tradeskilling job skill like an Artisan for example.

Down below the quest type you'll see some lore about the quest. Some of these are quite entertaining to read.

  • Duration
    • This is how long the quest will take to finish if you don't want to spend any Daybreak Cash to finish it right away.

  • Success
    • This is the base percentage you are given for that quest before adding anymore agents. This percentage is telling you that if you click Start Quest, this is your calculated chance percentage of you finishing this quest without fails. So the name of the game is to get this percentage as high as you can before you click on Start Quest.

  • Quest Party
    • Quests ask for a particular amount of group party slots and each of these slots are for a particular job. Jobs are professions that agents specialize in. To see what jobs agents specialize in, click on the agents in the Agents tab.

    • At the top of the first (Primary) Quest Party slot there is the Job Skill needed. This is like classes in game. You will need to have an agent of this particular job skill or else you cannot do this quest. Therefore the first slot is mandatory to match the job skill needed. Other slots below are not mandatory to fill those slots with agents of the same job skill. However not matching the job skill will affect your overall success percentage unless you have an agent that matches the bonus(es) and can overcome the drop in percentage for not matching the job skill needed.

    • Bonuses
      • Bonuses as you probably have guessed adds onto your success percentage. This additive percentage depends on which bonus you match. The first bonus (the one next to Bonuses:) gives you the highest percentage. The second bonus gives you less than the first. The amounts vary from different types of quests and will be listed out in the Quest Detail section of this wiki.

    • Negatives
      • They are just as the word states. This subtracts the percentage away from your success percentage.

    • Incapacitation Risk
      • This is the calculated chance that your agent will be taken out of duty.
    • Type
      • If your agent is taken out of duty, this is the reason why they were taken out of duty along with the time they are taken out of duty. You can free them immediately by either paying Daybreak Cash or if you can finish a recovery quest without fail to recover an agent for that particular incapacitation type.

At the bottom of the Quests tab is a screen to filter your agents by rarity, job skill, and by traits if you have click on Select Agent on the group slots. This is a very useful tool for going through which agents you have to match the job skills and bonuses each group slot is asking for.

Below the filters you'll see all the agents displayed of the filters you have picked if you have click on Select Agent for the slots. The normal order of these agents start with the job skill needed for the slot and usually order themselves left to right by highest job skill to least.

Overseer Quests

Click here for a listing of Quests

Types of Quests

Quest Type Duration Agent Needed
Crafting 6 Artisan
Diplomacy 12 Diplomat
Exploration 12 Explorer
Harvesting 6 Harvester
Military 12 Soldier
Plunder 6 Marauder
Recovery 3, 6, 12 Incapacitated
Recruitment 12, 24, 36
Research 24 Scholar
Stealth 12 Spy
Trade 12 Merchant

Quest Detail

There appears to be a cap on success percentage that stops at 91% on many of the level 1 common quests. Only bonuses will take you above that percentage.

  • Your overall success percentage per quest may vary based upon your available agent selection.

  • The below data is taken using only common and uncommon agents in level 1 common quests.

Level Type Job Base
Slot 1
Slot 1
1st Bonus
Slot 1
2nd Bonus
Slot 1
3rd Bonus
Slot 2
Slot 2
1st Bonus
Slot 2
2nd Bonus
Slot 2
3rd Bonus
Slot 3
Slot 3
1st Bonus
Slot 3
2nd Bonus
Slot 3
3rd Bonus
1 Common Crafting 69% +9% + Job Level +5% +2% +5% (Job Level N/A) +3%
1 Common Exploration 69% 91% +11% + Job Level +5% +5% + Job Level +2%
1 Common Harvesting 69% +11% + Job Level +4% + Job Level
1 Common Plunder 69% +11% + Job Level +5% +4% + Job Level +3%
1 Common Recruitment 69% +9% + Job Level +4% + Job Level
1 Common Research 69% +11% + Job Level +4% + Job Level
1 Common Stealth 69% +11% + Job Level +5% +5% (Job Level N/A) +3%
1 Common Trade 69% +9% + Job Level +4% +3% +4% + Job Level


For each successful quest, you will be granted Overseer experience in that quest category. In addition, different quest types offer between 1 to 4 rewards options.

Quest Type Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Crafting Character Experience Tetradrachms Tradeskill Items
Diplomacy Character Experience Tetradrachms Collection Item Fragment
+ 75% Tetradrachms
Exploration Character Experience Tetradrachms Collection Item Fragment
+ 75%Tetradrachms
Harvesting Character Experience Tetradrachms Tradeskill Items
Military Character Experience Tetradrachms Mercenary Experience Ornament Dispenser
Plunder Character Experience Tetradrachms Mercenary Experience Ornament Dispenser*
Research Character Experience Mercenary Experience Tradeskill Items
Stealth Character Experience Tetradrachms Mercenary Experience Ornament Dispenser
Trade Character Experience Tetradrachms Collection Item Fragment
+ 75% Tetradrachms
Recruitment 1 to 3 common agents*
Recovery Recover an Incapacitated Agent
(if one is available and meets req)


  • Critical Success on a quest provides at least one additional common agent (random) in addition to the choice made.
  • Initially, the Rewards were consistent with Character Experience being 0.1% of the Overseer Tetradrachms offered (1% exp or 1000 TDs) with no mention of Mercenary AA Experience being added with the Character Exp. At some point, this was changed and Merc Exp is also awarded with regular Char Exp, but at a lower amount than full Merc Exp Option. After character level 110, however, it is being reported that the amount of Merc Exp with the Char Exp option is actually a lot more than pure Merc Exp. This is probably a bug and will be addressed at some point.
In the meantime, the amounts of experience (both Char and Merc) no longer fit the 0.1% model. In fact, the amount of TDs offered appears to have been adjusted on some quests and not others. Again, this probably will change in the future.

Collection Item Fragements Ornament Dispenser
  • Ornament Dispensors can be used to choose one ornament from dozens of types.
  • Lower level Plunder quests and higher level Common Plunder quests do not offer the Ornament Dispenser
Tradeskill Items
  • Tradeskill Items group are offered from Seed of Destruction to the expansion prior to the current server expansion.
  • Research quests offer a larger quantity of the items compared to Crafting and Harvesting quests.
  • For level 1 and 5, there are 2 basic recruitment quests for each agent archtype Worker, Fighter, Traveler.
  • The number of agents depends on the quest level. Level 1 gives 1, Level 5 gives 3.
  • Quests for specific Iconic agents give 2 additional common for Rare Iconic and 3 for Uncommon Iconic. Elite Iconic TBD (probably 1).

Group Party

The party will consist of between 1 to 8 agents of varying jobs.
Choosing an agent to fill a slot from another job will result in a negative on success.
It is usually better to select an agent from the proper job that does not match any bonus categories than to choose an agent of another job that meets them.


When you meet the bonus for a Group Party slot, it adds onto the percentage of your overall Success Rate for the quest. There are anywhere from 1 to 4 combination of race, class, physical, and personality of the agents.


Negatives met for the Group Party slot will subtract away from your overall Success Rate for the quest. There are anywhere from 1 to 4 combination of race, class, physical, and personality of the agents.

Incapacitation Types

Each job type corresponds to an incapacitation type.

  • Banished = Diplomat
  • Blacklisted = Merchant
  • Captured = Spy
  • Discouraged = Artisan
  • Discredited =Scholar
  • Exhausted = Harvester
  • Missing = Explorer
  • Shaken = Soldier
  • Wounded = Marauder
  • Released = Any converted agent

The Recover Now option to use DB Cash to recover an incapacitated agent can be used at any time during the incapacitation. The cost for recovering an agent early depends on the rarity. High rarity means higher cost. Base formula is Factor X Hours remaining (including fractions of an hour). For example an uncommon with 2 hours and 20 min left on the clock will cost: 3 X 2.3 = 7 DB cash.

Common = 1 X Hours remaining
Uncommon = 3 X Hours remaining
Rare = 9 X Hours remaining
Elite = 27 X Hours remaining

Tutorial Quests

The Overseer Rises

Quest Type: Stealth

A ripple of Discord passes through Greater Faydark, disrupting what should be a moment of peace. An orcish warband that should not exist is on the move. But where Discord appears so too can Order. And even unlikely allies can become agents of balance under the right conditions.

Click [Select Agent] to add the [Faydark Bandit] to the [Quest Party]. Then click [Start Quest].

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success: 74%

The Start Quest button is greyed out but I am able to preview the reward.

Preview Reward:

  • Overseer Agent: Lorist
    • Kelethin Lorist will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • The First Recovery
    • The Overseer Quest, The First Recovery, will be added to your offered quest list.

Quest Party:

  • Agent Type: Spy (1)
    • Bonuses: Rogue, Rugged
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 100%
      • Type: Captured (36 hours)

Clicking on the Bandit button in the Available Agents section it adds a Faydark Bandit to the Quest Party section.
It changes Success to 100%.
Now the Start Quest button is available. I click on Start Quest! button. It asks "Are you sure you want to start The Overseer Rises? It will be moved to your Active Quests Tab for 5s and the following Agents will be unavailable while the Quest is Active: Bandit."

I click yes. It shows me the Duration: Finished and Success: Success!
2 buttons are available, Collect Reward! and Preview Reward.
I click Collect Reward and I am presented with a new window that wants me to select between 2 rewards.

  • Overseer Agent Lorist
  • The First Recovery.

I select Overseer Lorist and it shows in the chat window that "Lorist has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents."
"You have successfully been granted your reward for: Tutorial - The Overseer Rises"

It puts me in the Active Quests tab which doesn't show any active quests. It tells me "No active overseer quests are running at this time. Go to the Quests tab to start an overseer quest."

I click on the Quests tab again and it shows a new quest named The First Recovery.

The First Recovery

Quest Type: Recovery

The struggle continues. Our unlikely ally, the Faydark Bandit, is now a prisoner of Crushbone! Perhaps a clever agent like the Kelethin Lorist can orchestrate a jail break and bring an end to this disruption?

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success: 74%

In the Quest Party section I shown a Common Diplomat (1). I click on Select Agent, and it adds Lorist (1) down in the Available Agents. I click on the Lorist button and it adds it to the Quest Party section.

Quest Party:

  • Agent Type: Common Diplomat
    • Bonuses: Wood Elf, Bard
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: None!
      • Type: None

I click [Start Quest!] and say Yes to the popup. Within 5 seconds it shows it's finished. I click on the Collect Reward button.

I am presented with 3 options to choose from for the reward. Recover Agent, Overseer Agent: Gatherer, and The First Conversion.

Preview Reward:

  • Recover Agent
    • An incapacitated Agent will be immediately recovered.
  • Overseer Agent: Gatherer
    • Forest Gatherer will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • The First Conversion
    • The Overseer Quest, The First Conversion, will be added to your offered quest list.

I click on Recover Agent.

It shows in my chat window, "Gatherer has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents." "You have successfully been granted your reward for Tutorial - The First Recovery"

The First Conversion

Quest Type: Conversion

Stronger allies must be found if balance is to prevail, and those that have already fought deserve a rest. By returning agents to their original path, a peerless new ally may be sought to continue the fight.

Add the [Faydark Bandit], the [Forest Gatherer], and the [Kelethin Lorist] to the [Quest Party]. The click [Start QUest!].

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success: 74%

Preview Reward:

  • Overseer Agent: Equestrielle
    • Equestrielle will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • The First Recruitment: Ak'Anon
    • The Overseer Quest, The First Recruitment: Ak'Anon, will be added to your offered quest list.
  • The First Recruitment: Felwithe
    • The Overseer Quest, The First Recruitment: Felwithe, will be added to your offered quest list.
  • The First Recruitment: Kaladim
    • The Overseer Quest, The First Recruitment: Kaladim, will be added to your offered quest list.
  • The First Recruitment: Kelethin
    • The Overseer Quest, The First Recruitment: Kelethin, will be added to your offered quest list.

Quest Party:

  • Any Common Job (1)
    • Bonuses: None
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 100%
      • Type: Released (permanent)

  • Any Common Job (1)
    • Bonuses: None
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 100%
      • Type: Released (permanent)

  • Any Common Job (1)
    • Bonuses: None
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapactiation Risk: 100%
      • Type: Released (permanent)

I click on Select Agent button for each Any Common Job ( 1 ) sections and click below on each agent in the Available Agents section and add all the agents.

The Success: changes to 100%

Then I click on the Start Quest! button.

It shows me all my agents were incapacitated. Suffering from: Released (permanent)

Gatherer has been removed from your collection of Overseer Agents. Lorist has been removed from your collection of Overseer Agents. Bandit has been removed from your collection of Overseer Agents.

  • Duration: Finished
  • Success: Success!

I click on the Collect Reward! button and choose Overseer Agent: Equestrielle

Equestrielle has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents. You have been successfully been granted your reward for Tutorial - The First Conversion

The First Recruitment Kelethin

Quest Type: Recruitment

With our new ally, an opportunity to recruit more agents has arisen. Her ability with nature should inspire the wood elves of Kelethin to join the cause.

Click [Select Agent] to add [Equestrielle] to the [Quest Party]. Then click [Start Quest!].

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success 74%

Quest Party:

  • Any Uncommon Job (2)
    • Bonuses: Unicorn
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 15%
      • Type: Exhausted (36 hours)

I click on Select Agent and then Equestrielle from my available agents. Bonuses Unicorn higlights green since Equestrielle is a Unicorn.

Success changed to 100%

I click on Start Quest! and hit Yes on the prompt.

Duration: Finished! Success: Success!

No Incapacitation!

I click on Collect Reward and I show the following rewards:

Overseer Agent: Silverwind
Overseer Agent: Lookout
Overseer Agent: Wander
Overseer Agent: Guard
Overseer Agent: Herbalist
Overseer Agent: Scoutmaster
Overseer Agent: Slavers
Overseer Agent: Scout
Overseer Agent: Minstrel

I select Overseen Agent: Silverwind.

I see the following text in my chat window.

Your available Overseer Quests have been rotated.
Silverwind has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Lookout has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Wanderer has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Guard has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Herbalist has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Scoutmaster has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Slavers has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Scout has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
Minstrel has been added to your collection of Overseer Agents.
You have successfully been granted your reward for: Tutorial - The First Recruitment: Kelethin

The First Recruitment: Kaladim

Quest Type: Recruitment

With our new ally, an opportunity to recruit more agents has arisen. Her warrior's spirit should inspire the dwarves of Kaladim to join the cause.

Click [Select Agent] to add [Equestrielle] to the [Quest Party]. Then click [Start Quest!].

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success: 74%

Quest Party:

  • Any Uncommon Job (2)
    • Bonuses: Warrior
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 15%
      • Type: Exhausted (36 hours)

Preview Reward:

  • Overseer Agent: Tumpy
    • Tumpy Irontoe will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Acolyte
    • Acolyte of Brell will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Cliffdiver
    • Cauldron Cliffdiver will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Blacksmith
    • Dwarven Blacksmith will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Lorekeeper
    • Dwarven Lorekeeper will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Seller
    • Dwarven Trinket Seller will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Skeleton
    • Enraged Dwarf Skeleton will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Skeleton
    • Undertow Skeleton will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Greenblood
    • Wandering Greenblood will be added to your Overseer collection

The First Recruitment: Felwithe

Quest Type: Recruitment

With our new ally, an opportunity to recruit more agents has arisen. Her regal stature should inspire the high elves of Felwithe to join the cause.

Click [Select Agent] to add [Equestrielle] to the [Quest Party]. Then click [Start Quest!].

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success: 74%

Quest Party:

  • Any Uncommon Job (2)
    • Bonuses: Regal
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 15%
      • Type: Exhausted (36 hours)

Preview Reward:

  • Overseer Agent: Elia
    • Elia the Pure will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Courtier
    • Faerie Courtier will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Guard
    • Faerie Guard will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Troublemaker
    • Faerie Troublemaker will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Mapmaker
    • Goblin Mapmaker will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Guardian
    • Guardian of the Keep will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Wanderer
    • Inqusitive Wanderer will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Emissary
    • Orc Emissary will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Legionnaire
    • Orc Legionnaire will be added to your Overseer collection

The First Recruitment: Ak'Anon

Quest Type: Recruitment

With our new ally, an opportunity to recruit more agents has arisen. Her heroic presence should inspire the gnomes of Ak'Anon to join the cause.

Click [Select Agent] to add [Equestrielle] to the [Quest Party]. Then click [Start Quest!].

  • Duration: 5s
  • Success: 74%

Quest Party:

  • Any Uncommon Job (2)
    • Bonuses: Heroic
    • Negatives: None
    • Incapacitation Risk: 15%
      • Type: Exhausted (36 hours)

Preview Reward:

  • Overseer Agent: Kimble
    • Kimble Nogflop will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Engineer
    • Ak'Anon Engineer will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Guard
    • Ak'Anon Guard will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Clockwork
    • Cargo Clockwork will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Poisoner
    • Dark Reflection Poisoner will be added to your Overseer collection.
  • Overseer Agent: Healer
    • Deep Muse Healer will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Dealer
    • Junk Dealer will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Jongleur
    • Pixie Jongleur will be added to your Overseer collection
  • Overseer Agent: Trickster
    • Pixie Trickster will be added to your Overseer collection


What are agents? Agents are like group members for you to go out and do these quests for you. They have certain traits that help you out on your quest.

Agent Types

  • Common
  • Uncommon
  • Uncommon Iconic
  • Rare Iconic
  • Elite Iconic

You can convert agents by picking the appropriate quest listed below and selecting 3 agents to covert to 1 next tier agent.

  • Common Conversion
    • Converts 3 Common Agents to 1 Uncommon Agent.

  • Uncommon Conversion
    • Converts 3 Uncommon Agents to 1 Rare Agent.

  • Rare Conversion
    • Converts 3 Rare Agents to 1 Elite Agent.

For example:

  • To convert 3 Common Agents to 1 Uncommon Agent, you would pick the Common Conversion quest, select the 3 Common Agents and hit Start Quest!
  • To convert 3 Uncommon Agents to 1 Rare Agent, pick the Uncommon Conversion quest, select the 3 Uncommon Agents and hit Start Quest!
  • To convert 3 Rare Agents to 1 Elite Agent, pick the Rare Conversion quest, select the 3 Rare Agents and hit Start Quest!

Note that at any given time Iconic agents can only have one copy in use (questing or incapacitated). For example if you have 2 copies of Tumpy Irontoe (Uncommon Iconic) and you use him for a quest, the other copy would be unavailable to use in Quests. However, the other copy would be available to be Retired or be used in Conversions.

Agent Jobs

There are nine types of Overseer Agent jobs:


List of Agents per Job


Agent NameJob Level
Ak'Anon Architect2
Ak'Anon Engineer2
Avatar of Brell5
Avatar of Tunare3
Avatar of Xegony5
Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder4
Cauldron Merchant2
Coral Carver2
Dabner Drednever2
Drangol Cook2
Dwarven Blacksmith2
Elia the Pure1
Farios Elianos1
Felwithe Armorer3
Forpar Fizla3
Goblin Mapmaker1
Golden Haired Mermaid3
Head Administrator Grigano1
Juline Urncaller2
Kaladim Brewmaster3
King Kazon Stormhammer3
Lorisyn Oakwynd2
Magus Tira1
Meldrath the Malignant3
Nyzil Bloodforge4
Ognit Eznertob2
Orc Trainer3
Steamwork Mender2
Sylia Windlehands4
The Prophet1
Thistle Underbrush3
Trapped Elemental3
Trueborn Embalmer2
Usbak the Old3
Wandering Minstrel2
Yeolarn Bronzeleaf4


Agent NameJob Level
Advocate of Brell2
Ambassador D'Vinn3
Acolyte of Brell2
Avatar of Tunare3
Avenging Caitiff3
Banker Rylisan1
Captain Silverwind3
Dark Reflection Poisoner2
Darkvine Entrancer2
Emissary of Crystallos2
Faerie Courtier2
Fallen Noble2
Felwithe Songwhisperer2
Fippy Darkpaw3
Firiona Vie3
Galeth Veredeth2
Guard Orcflayer1
General Jyleel2
Joren Nobleheart4
Kelethin Lorist2
Kimble Nogflop3
King Tearis Thex5
Kirathas Villager2
Koada`Dal Counselor2
Lord Nethryn the Arbitrato2
Lorisyn Oakwynd4
Lyirae Oakwynd2
Overseer Gakkor Deepscar1
Priest of Discord3
Princess Joleena4
Sister Daria4
Steam Zealot2
Teir`Dal Prophet3
The Prophet3


Agent NameJob Level
Avatar of Bristlebane3
Barbed Bone Skeleton2
Bilge Farfathom1
Captive Elemental2
Conium Darkblade1
Dabner Drednever4
Dark Elf Courier3
Deathspore Decomposer2
Dwigus Lowater3
Elder Fire Drake3
Enraged Dwarf Skeleton2
Fippy Darkpaw3
Firiona Vie3
Forest Gatherer2
Inquisitive Wanderer2
Kaladim Surveyor3
King Kazon Stormhammer5
Kirathas Druid2
Lyirae Oakwynd4
Marcia Attamilgad3
Nybright Sisters1
Nylianne the True4
Orc Emissary2
Peg Leg3
Phinigel Autropos5
Retlon Brenclog3
Shadowman Leader3
Sister Daria2
Sneering Gargoyle2
Thubr Axebringer2
Tunarian Scout2


Agent NameJob Level
Acidic Ooze2
Anitohk the Everliving4
Avatar of Tunare5
Avatar of Xegony3
Barrith the Brave4
Cargo Clockwork2
Cauldron Cliffdiver2
Cavalier Devolah2
Commander Gearwell3
Cursed Treant3
Darkvine Shadereaper2
Dryad Tender3
Elia the Pure3
Emperor Crush3
Estrella of Gloomwater1
Marcia Attamilgad3
Nightwalker Scavenger2
Orc Chief3
Overvolt Rigster the IV2
Phinigel Autropos3
Pixie Trickster2
Scavenge Diver2
Scion Grave Scourer2
Steamwork Hunter2
Tandan Nybright1
The Collector4
Tobon Starpyre2
Treasure Seeker2
Vicious Worg2
Wandering Greenblood2


Agent NameJob Level
Ambassador D'Vinn3
Black Dire3
Butler Syncall2
Crypt Ghoul2
Cursed Remnant3
Eldritch Wanderer2
Emperor Crush5
Faerie Troublemaker2
Fippy Darkpaw5
Founy Jestands2
Garanel Rucksif4
Goblin Grunts2
Lady Chiasa4
Maesyn Trueshot4
Maid Issis2
Masked Changeling2
Mayong Mistmoore3
Meldrath the Malignant3
Minotaur Lord3
Orc Legionnaire2
Orc Arsonist3
Orc Warlord3
Overseer Gakkor Deepscar3
Peg Leg1
Priest of Najena3
Servant of the Ancients2
Thubr Axebringer4
Tormented Dead2
Tumpy Irontoe1
Werewolf Gypsy2


Agent NameJob Level
Avatar of Brell3
Avatar of Bristlebane5
Banker Rylisan3
Conium Darkblade3
Crystallos Stone Trader2
Darkvine Thistle2
Deathly Usher3
Dwarven Trinket Seller2
Ennixy Frennor1
Feir'Dal Salvager2
First Ranger Kele3
Firstlight Refugee2
Imp Familiar3
Juline Urncaller4
Junk Dealer2
Lanika Shadestepper3
Magus Tira3
Marcia Attamilgad5
Niola Impholder4
Nylianne the True2
Orc Slavers2
Overvolt Rigster the IV4
Phinigel Autropos3
Retlon Brenclog1
Reaver Lebanezer2
Shadowy Scrivener2
Shifty Jenkins4
Signus Boran1
Steam Trader2
Sylia Windlehands2
The Collector2
Thistle Underbrush1
Tumpy Irontoe3
Undead Barkeep2
Wandering Tinkerer2
Weapons Trader3


Agent NameJob Level
Anitohk the Everliving2
Avatar of Brell3
Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder2
Clockwork VIIX1
Deathly Harbinger2
Deep Muse Healer2
Dwarven Lorekeeper2
Dwarven Theologist2
Estrella of Gloomwater3
Farios Elianos3
Forpar Fizla1
Free Diving Limnologist2
Head Administrator Grigano3
Ice Drake2
Joren Nobleheart2
Kelethin Herbalist2
King Tearis Thex3
Kimble Nogflop1
Lanika Shadestepper1
Lord Nethryn the Arbitrato4
Mayong Mistmoore5
Meladrath the Malignant5
Mistmoore Advisor3
Niola Impholder2
Ognit Eznertob4
Reaver Lebanezer4
Reclusive Ghoul Magus3
Siege Specialist2
Sister Donna3
Tobon Starpyre4
Undying Magus2
Unrest Noble2
Warden of Tunare3


Agent NameJob Level
Ak'Anon Guard2
Avatar of Xegony3
Barrith the Brave2
Captain Silverwind1
Cavalier Devolah4
Commander Gearwell1
Disciple of Tunare3
Elder Ice Drake3
Exiled Legionnaire3
Faerie Guard2
Faerie Royal Guard2
Felwithe Guard2
Firiona Vie5
First Ranger Kele5
Galeth Veredeth4
General Jyleel4
Guard Orcflayer3
Guardian of the Keep2
Kaladim Guard2
Kelethin Guard2
King Kazon Stormhammer3
King Tearis Thex3
Nightrage Decapitator2
Nyzil Bloodforge2
Orc Taskmaster3
Shadowmane Warrior3
Shifty Jenkins2
Sister Donna1
Steamwork Shock Trooper2
Tandan Nybright3
Undertow Skeleton2
Usbak the Old1
Yeolarn Bronzeleaf2


Agent NameJob Level
Ambassador D'Vinn5
Avatar of Bristlebane3
Bandit Lookout2
Bilge Farfathom3
Blighted Scarecrow2
Butler Syncall4
Clockwork VIIX3
Cloaked Dhampyre3
Dwigus Lowater1
Emperor Crush3
Ennixy Frennor3
Faydark Bandit2
First Ranger Kele3
Founy Jestands4
Garanel Rucksif2
Glyphed Ghoul3
Lady Chiasa2
Maid Issis4
Maesyn Trueshot2
Mayong Mistmoore3
Nightrage Narcissist2
Nybright Sisters3
Orc Scoutmaster2
Pixie Jongleur2
Princess Joleena2
Rogue Clockwork2
Signus Boran3
Sleeper's Acolyte2
Soul Seductress2
Stalking Fury3

Agent List

Click on the headers in each column to sort.

Agent Rarity Job1 J1Skill Job2 J2Skill Job3 J3Skill Race Class Phys1 Phys2 Pers1 Pers2
Acidic Ooze Common Harvester 2 Monster Ooze Ancient
Acolyte of Brell Common Scholar 2 Dwarf Cleric Heroic
Advocate of Brell Common Diplomat 2 Dwarf Paladin Extravagant
Ak'Anon Architect Common Artisan 2 Gnome Citizen Shrewd
Ak'Anon Engineer Common Artisan 2 Gnome Citizen Diminutive
Ak'Anon Guard Common Soldier 2 Gnome Warrior Benevolent
Ambassador D`Vinn Elite Iconic Spy 5 Marauder 3 Diplomat 3 Dark Elf Rogue Agile Attractive Cautious Malicious
Amber Uncommon Iconic Diplomat 3 Harvester 1 Elddar Ranger Ancient Heroic
Anitohk the Everliving Rare Iconic Harvester 4 Scholar 2 Mummy Monster Monstrous Ancient Extravagant
Avatar of Anashti Sul Elite Iconic Harvester 5 Artisan 3 Merchant 3 Avatar Cleric Attractive Monstrous Benevolent Malicious
. Avatar of Cazic Thule Elite Iconic Spy 5 Harvester 3 Scholar 3 Avatar Enchanter Mighty Monstrous Fierce Extravagant
. Santug Claugg Elite Iconic Artisan 5 Diplomat 3 Explorer 3 Ogre Warrior Hardy Mighty Bold Benevolent
. Avatar of Rallos Zek Elite Iconic Soldier 5 Marauder 3 Explorer 3 Avatar Warrior Mighty Ancient Fierce Malicious
. Avatar of Rodcet Nife Elite Iconic Scholar 5 Soldier 3 Explorer 3 Avatar Cleric Ancient Exotic Bold Benevolent
. Avatar of Solusek Ro Elite Iconic Marauder 5 Artisan 3 Scholar 3 Avatar Wizard Mighty Regal Fierce Shrewd
. Avatar of Quellious Elite Iconic Diplomat 5 Soldier 3 Scholar 3 Avatar Monk Hardy Diminutive Peaceful Heroic
Avatar of Brell Elite Iconic Artisan 5 Scholar 3 Merchant 3 Avatar Warrior Hardy Exotic Cautious Extravagant
Avatar of Bristlebane Elite Iconic Merchant 5 Spy 3 Explorer 3 Avatar Rogue Diminutive Rugged Bold Frivolous
Avatar of Luclin Elite Iconic Spy 5 Scholar 3 Merchant 3 Avatar Rogue Regal Exotic Cautious Shrewd
Avatar of Tunare Elite Iconic Harvester 5 Artisan 3 Diplomat 3 Avatar Druid Attractive Exotic Peaceful Benevolent
Avatar of Xegony Elite Iconic Artisan 5 Soldier 3 Harvester 3 Avatar Druid Agile Ancient Peaceful Shrewd
Avenging Caitiff Uncommon Diplomat 3 Vampire Warrior Monstrous Malicious
Bandit Lookout Common Spy 2 Half-Elf Ranger Fierce
Banker Rylisan Uncommon Iconic Merchant 3 Diplomat 1 High Elf Citizen Attractive Peaceful
Barbed Bone Skeleton Common Explorer 2 Skeleton Monster Monstrous
Barrith the Brave Rare Iconic Harvester 4 Soldier 2 Dwarf Berserker Hardy Bold Extravagant
Bilge Farfathom Uncommon Iconic Spy 3 Explorer 1 Goblin Shaman Hardy Cautious
Bimbalicus the Soulbleeder Rare Iconic Artisan 4 Scholar 2 Gnome Necromancer Diminutive Malicious Frivolous
Black Dire Uncommon Marauder 3 Spirit Shadowknight Ancient Malicious
Blighted Scarecrow Common Spy 2 Scarecrow Monster Hardy
Butler Syncall Rare Iconic Spy 4 Marauder 2 Vampire Shadowknight Regal Monstrous Malicious
Captain Silverwind Uncommon Iconic Diplomat 3 Soldier 1 High Elf Paladin Benevolent Heroic
Captive Elemental Common Explorer 2 Elemental Monster Exotic
Cargo Clockwork Common Harvester 2 Clockwork Citizen Heroic
Cauldron Cliffdiver Common Harvester 2 Half-Elf Rogue Agile
Cauldron Merchant Common Artisan 2 Dwarf Warrior Diminutive
Cauldron Rat Common Spy 2 Rat Monster Diminutive
Cavalier Devolah Rare Iconic Soldier 4 Harvester 2 Human Paladin Hardy Bold Heroic
Challice Uncommon Iconic Scholar 3 Merchant 1 High Elf Citizen Attractive Malicious
Cloaked Dhampyre Uncommon Spy 3 Dhampyre Shadowknight Agile Cautious
Clockwork VIIX Uncommon Iconic Spy 3 Scholar 1 Gnome Enchanter Cautious Benevolent
Commander Gearwell Uncommon Iconic Harvester 3 Soldier 1 Clockwork Monster Hardy Cautious
Conium Darkblade Uncommon Iconic Merchant 3 Explorer 1 Dwarf Rogue Rugged Cautious
Coral Carver Common Artisan 2 Wood Elf Citizen Frivolous
Corflunk Uncommon Iconic Marauder 3 Spy 1 Ogre Warrior Mighty Fierce
Crypt Ghoul Common Marauder 2 Ghoul Monster Ancient
Crystallos Stone Trader Common Merchant 2 Human Citizen Rugged
Cursed Remnant Uncommon Marauder 3 Skeleton Berserker Ancient Fierce
Cursed Treant Uncommon Harvester 3 Treant Druid Ancient Fierce
Dabner Drednever Rare Iconic Explorer 4 Artisan 2 Gnome Cleric Agile Diminutive Peaceful
Dark Elf Courier Uncommon Explorer 3 Dark Elf Cleric Agile Bold
Dark Reflection Poisoner Common Diplomat 2 Gnome Necromancer Regal
Darkvine Entrancer Common Diplomat 2 Brownie Enchanter Agile
Darkvine Shadereaper Common Harvester 2 Brownie Rogue Fierce
Darkvine Thistle Common Merchant 2 Brownie Shaman Diminutive
Deathly Harbinger Common Scholar 2 Dark Elf Magician Rugged
Deathly Usher Uncommon Merchant 3 Dark Elf Warrior Regal Frivolous
Deathspore Decomposer Common Explorer 2 Fungus Man Monster Hardy
Deep Muse Healer Common Scholar 2 Gnome Cleric Cautious
Disciple of Tunare Uncommon Soldier 3 Wood Elf Warrior Agile Heroic
Drangol Cook Common Artisan 2 Goblin Berserker Peaceful
Dryad Tender Uncommon Harvester 3 Dryad Druid Exotic Benevolent
Dwarven Blacksmith Common Artisan 2 Dwarf Citizen Mighty
Dwarven Lorekeeper Common Scholar 2 Dwarf Cleric Peaceful
Dwarven Theologist Common Scholar 2 Dwarf Cleric Extravagant
Dwarven Trinket Seller Common Merchant 2 Dwarf Citizen Shrewd
Dwigus Lowater Uncommon Iconic Explorer 3 Spy 1 Goblin Warrior Rugged Bold
Elder Fire Drake Uncommon Explorer 3 Drake Monster Mighty Frivolous
Elder Ice Drake Uncommon Soldier 3 Drake Monster Hardy Fierce
Elder Spirit Guide Common Diplomat 2 Wood Elf Druid Regal
Eldritch Wanderer Common Marauder 2 Gnome Wizard Attractive
Elia the Pure Uncommon Iconic Harvester 3 Artisan 1 High Elf Cleric Regal Benevolent
Emissary of Crystallos Common Diplomat 2 Drake Monster Benevolent
Emperor Crush Elite Iconic Marauder 5 Spy 3 Harvester 3 Orc Warrior Mighty Monstrous Fierce Extravagant
Ennixy Frennor Uncommon Iconic Spy 3 Merchant 1 Gnome Necromancer Cautious Malicious
Enraged Dwarf Skeleton Common Explorer 2 Skeleton Monster Ancient
Enynti Rare Iconic Explorer 4 Harvester 2 Dark Elf Warrior Attractive Ancient Malicious
Equestrielle Uncommon Iconic Soldier 3 Harvester 1 Unicorn Warrior Regal Heroic
Estrella of Gloomwater Uncommon Iconic Scholar 3 Harvester 1 Mermaid Druid Exotic Shrewd
Exiled Legionnaire Uncommon Soldier 3 Orc Warrior Hardy Peaceful
Faerie Courtier Common Diplomat 2 Fairy Rogue Regal
Faerie Guard Common Soldier 2 Fairy Warrior Bold
Faerie Royal Guard Common Soldier 2 Fairy Paladin Heroic
Faerie Troublemaker Common Marauder 2 Fairy Enchanter Diminutive
Fallen Noble Common Diplomat 2 Dark Elf Shadowknight Malicious
Farios Elianos Uncommon Iconic Scholar 3 Artisan 1 High Elf Wizard Regal Extravagant
Faydark Bandit Common Spy 2 Wood Elf Rogue Rugged
Faydark Nightgazer Common Spy 2 Wood Elf Rogue Heroic
Feir`Dal Salvager Common Merchant 2 Wood Elf Civilian Rugged
Felwithe Armorer Uncommon Artisan 3 High Elf Citizen Agile Benevolent
Felwithe Guard Common Soldier 2 High Elf Paladin Benevolent
Felwithe Songwhisperer Common Diplomat 2 High Elf Citizen Attractive
Felwithe Sunweaver Common Scholar 2 High Elf Magician Fierce
Fippy Darkpaw Elite Iconic Marauder 5 Diplomat 3 Explorer 3 Gnoll Rogue Agile Mighty Bold Heroic
Firiona Vie Elite Iconic Soldier 5 Diplomat 3 Explorer 3 High Elf Paladin Regal Attractive Benevolent Heroic
First Ranger Kele Elite Iconic Soldier 5 Spy 3 Merchant 3 Wood Elf Ranger Agile Hardy Bold Heroic
Firstlight Refugee Common Merchant 2 Dwarf Paladin Cautious
Forest Gatherer Common Explorer 2 Wood Elf Druid Peaceful
Forpar Fizfla Uncommon Iconic Artisan 3 Scholar 1 Gnome Shadowknight Agile Diminutive
Founy Jestands Rare Iconic Spy 4 Marauder 2 Dwarf Rogue Rugged Cautious Extravagant
Free Diving Limnologist Common Scholar 2 Half-Elf Druid Shrewd
Galeth Veredeth Rare Iconic Soldier 4 Diplomat 2 High Elf Paladin Rugged Cautious Heroic
Garanel Rucksif Rare Iconic Marauder 4 Spy 2 Ghost Warrior Ancient Exotic Fierce
Gearheart Rare Iconic Soldier 4 Explorer 2 Clockwork Rogue Hardy Exotic Peaceful
General Jyleel Rare Iconic Soldier 4 Diplomat 2 High Elf Paladin Mighty Regal Bold
Glyphed Ghoul Uncommon Spy 3 Ghoul Rogue Monstrous Shrewd
Goblin Grunts Common Marauder 2 Goblin Warrior Exotic
Goblin Mapmaker Common Artisan 2 Goblin Citizen Hardy
Golden Haired Mermaid Uncommon Artisan 3 Mermaid Ranger Attractive Exotic
Guard Orcflayer Uncommon Iconic Soldier 3 Diplomat 1 Wood Elf Ranger Hardy Heroic
Guardian of the Keep Common Soldier 2 Elemental Monster Ancient
Head Administrator Grigano Uncommon Iconic Scholar 3 Artisan 1 Gnome Magician Diminutive Extravagant
Ice Drake Common Scholar 2 Drake Monster Fierce
Imp Familiar Uncommon Merchant 3 Imp Monster Diminutive Frivolous
Inquisitive Wanderer Common Explorer 2 Gnome Monk Mighty
Joren Nobleheart Rare Iconic Diplomat 4 Scholar 2 High Elf Paladin Mighty Fierce Benevolent
Juline Urncaller Rare Iconic Merchant 4 Artisan 2 Gnome Enchanter Rugged Peaceful Frivolous
Junk Dealer Common Merchant 2 Gnome Citizen Rugged
Kaladim Brewmaster Uncommon Artisan 3 Dwarf Citizen Hardy Frivolous
Kaladim Guard Common Soldier 2 Dwarf Warrior Agile
Kaladim Surveyor Uncommon Explorer 3 Dwarf Citizen Rugged Bold
Kelethin Guard Common Soldier 2 Wood Elf Ranger Bold
Kelethin Herbalist Common Scholar 2 Wood Elf Citizen Agile
Kelethin Lorist Common Diplomat 2 Wood Elf Bard Bold
Kimble Nogflop Uncommon Iconic Diplomat 3 Scholar 1 Gnome Enchanter Diminutive Peaceful
King Kazon Stormhammer Elite Iconic Explorer 5 Soldier 3 Artisan 3 Dwarf Warrior Mighty Rugged Fierce Bold
King Tearis Thex Elite Iconic Diplomat 5 Soldier 3 Scholar 3 High Elf Paladin Mighty Regal Fierce Benevolent
Kirathas Druid Common Explorer 2 Elddar Druid Agile
Kirathas Villager Common Diplomat 2 Elddar Citizen Attractive
Koada'Dal Alchemist Common Merchant 2 High Elf Magician Extravagant
Koada'Dal Counselor Common Diplomat 2 High Elf Cleric Malicious
Koada'Dal Diviner Common Spy 2 High Elf Magician Regal
Koada'Dal Noble Uncommon Diplomat 3 High Elf Citizen Regal Shrewd
Lady Chiasa Rare Iconic Marauder 4 Spy 2 Vampire Enchanter Monstrous Ancient Frivolous
Lanika Shadestepper Uncommon Iconic Merchant 3 Scholar 1 Gnome Necromancer Diminutive Shrewd
Lord Nethryn the Arbitrato Rare Iconic Scholar 4 Diplomat 2 High Elf Cleric Regal Peaceful Cautious
Lorisyn Oakwynd Rare Iconic Diplomat 4 Artisan 2 Wood Elf Ranger Rugged Attractive Benevolent
Lyirae Oakwynd Rare Iconic Explorer 4 Diplomat 2 Wood Elf Ranger Agile Attractive Bold
Maesyn Trueshot Rare Iconic Marauder 4 Spy 2 Wood Elf Ranger Mighty Rugged Fierce
Magus Tira Uncommon Iconic Merchant 3 Artisan 1 Gnome Wizard Attractive Benevolent
Maid Issis Rare Iconic Spy 4 Marauder 2 Vampire Necromancer Attractive Monstrous Malicious
Marcia Attamilgad Elite Iconic Merchant 5 Harvester 3 Explorer 3 Human Citizen Hardy Rugged Frivolous Shrewd
Masked Changeling Common Marauder 2 Human Magician Exotic
Maukris Uncommon Iconic Harvester 3 Spy 1 Vampire Rogue Ancient Shrewd
Mayong Mistmoore Elite Iconic Scholar 5 Marauder 3 Spy 3 Vampire Shadowknight Regal Ancient Extravagant Shrewd
Meldrath the Malignant Elite Iconic Scholar 5 Marauder 3 Artisan 3 Gnome Necromancer Diminutive Monstrous Malicious Frivolous
Minotaur Lord Uncommon Marauder 3 Minotaur Monster Mighty Frivolous
Mistmoore Advisor Uncommon Scholar 3 Dark Elf Wizard Regal Extravagant
Nightrage Decapitator Common Soldier 2 Vampire Enchanter Monstrous
Nightrage Narcissist Common Spy 2 Vampire Necromancer Attractive
Nightwalker Scavenger Common Harvester 2 Goblin Warrior Cautious
Niola Impholder Rare Iconic Merchant 4 Scholar 2 High Elf Magician Attractive Cautious Shrewd
Nitalla Rare Iconic Spy 4 Explorer 2 Faerie Rogue Agile Diminutive Frivolous
Nybright Sisters Uncommon Iconic Spy 3 Explorer 1 Half-Elf Rogue Agile Malicious
Nylianne the True Rare Iconic Explorer 4 Merchant 2 Wood Elf Ranger Attractive Cautious Heroic
Nyzil Bloodforge Rare Iconic Artisan 4 Soldier 2 Dwarf Warrior Mighty Benevolent Heroic
Ognit Eznertob Rare Iconic Scholar 4 Artisan 2 Gnome Wizard Diminutive Bold Shrewd
Orc Arsonist Uncommon Marauder 3 Orc Shadowknight Agile Malicious
Orc Chief Uncommon Harvester 3 Orc Warrior Mighty Shrewd
Orc Emissary Common Explorer 2 Orc Shaman Frivolous
Orc Legionnaire Common Marauder 2 Orc Warrior Hardy
Orc Scoutmaster Common Spy 2 Orc Ranger Shrewd
Orc Slavers Common Merchant 2 Orc Warrior Fierce
Orc Taskmaster Uncommon Soldier 3 Orc Monk Fierce Shrewd
Orc Trainer Uncommon Artisan 3 Orc Warrior Rugged Bold
Orc Warlord Uncommon Marauder 3 Orc Berserker Bold Extravagant
Overseer Gakkor Deepscar Uncommon Iconic Marauder 3 Diplomat 1 Minotaur Monster Mighty Bold
Overvolt Rigster the IV Rare Iconic Merchant 4 Harvester 2 Gnome Citizen Rugged Benevolent Extravagant
Peg Leg Uncommon Iconic Explorer 3 Marauder 1 Dwarf Rogue Hardy Extravagant
Phinigel Autropos Elite Iconic Explorer 5 Harvester 3 Merchant 3 Kedge Wizard Ancient Exotic Peaceful Cautious
Pixie Jongleur Common Spy 2 Pixie Bard Benevolent
Pixie Trickster Common Harvester 2 Pixie Enchanter Attractive
Priest of Discord Uncommon Diplomat 3 Human Cleric Regal Malicious
Priest of Najena Uncommon Marauder 3 Ghoul Cleric Ancient Extravagant
Princess Joleena Rare Iconic Diplomat 4 Spy 2 Fairy Druid Regal Exotic Frivolous
Reaver Lebanezer Rare Iconic Scholar 4 Merchant 2 Gnome Necromancer Diminutive Regal Shrewd
Reclusive Ghoul Magus Uncommon Scholar 3 Ghoul Necromancer Monstrous Ancient
Retlon Brenclog Uncommon Iconic Explorer 3 Merchant 1 Gnome Magician Diminutive Fierce
Rock Spider Common Artisan 2 Spider Monster Cautious
Rogue Clockwork Common Spy 2 Clockwork Citizen Malicious
Scavenge Diver Common Harvester 2 Human Bard Exotic
Scion Grave Scourer Common Harvester 2 Gargoyle Citizen Malicious
Serra Uncommon Iconic Harvester 3 Explorer 1 Zombie Monster Monstrous Peaceful
Servant of the Ancients Common Marauder 2 Golem Monster Heroic
Shadowman Leader Uncommon Explorer 3 Shadowed Man Warrior Exotic Fierce
Shadowmane Brawler Common Marauder 2 Werewolf Monster Mighty
Shadowmane Warrior Uncommon Soldier 3 Werewolf Warrior Monstrous Frivolous
Shadowy Scrivener Common Merchant 2 Dark Elf Necromancer Cautious
Shifty Jenkins Rare Iconic Merchant 4 Soldier 2 Human Citizen Agile Hardy Shrewd
Siege Specialist Common Scholar 2 Gnome Rogue Frivolous
Signus Boran Uncommon Iconic Spy 3 Merchant 1 Vampire Shadowknight Attractive Monstrous
Sister Daria Rare Iconic Diplomat 4 Explorer 2 High Elf Cleric Regal Benevolent Heroic
Sister Donna Uncommon Iconic Scholar 3 Soldier 1 Human Cleric Peaceful Heroic
Sleeper's Acolyte Common Spy 2 High Elf Wizard Extravagant
Sneering Gargoyle Common Explorer 2 Gargoyle Monster Monstrous
Soul Seductress Common Spy 2 Dark Elf Enchanter Extravagant
Ssynthi Uncommon Iconic Harvester 3 Diplomat 1 Shadowed Man Wizard Exotic Peaceful
Stalking Fury Uncommon Spy 3 Wood Elf Ranger Rugged Cautious
Steam Trader Common Merchant 2 Gnome Citizen Shrewd
Steam Zealot Common Diplomat 2 Gnome Cleric Exotic
Steamwork Hunter Common Harvester 2 Clockwork Rogue Fierce
Steamwork Mender Common Artisan 2 Clockwork Citizen Benevolent
Steamwork Shock Trooper Common Soldier 2 Clockwork Warrior Monstrous
Sylia Windlehands Rare Iconic Artisan 4 Merchant 2 Wood Elf Bard Agile Hardy Peaceful
Sylvan Bat Common Marauder 2 Bat Monster Monstrous
Sylvan Pilgrim Common Harvester 2 Wood Elf Druid Peaceful
Tandan Nybright Uncommon Iconic Soldier 3 Harvester 1 High Elf Paladin Rugged Frivolous
Tier`Dal Marauder Common Marauder 2 Dark Elf Warrior Mighty
Teir`Dal Prophet Uncommon Diplomat 3 Dark Elf Cleric Mighty Attractive
The Collector Rare Iconic Harvester 4 Merchant 2 Aviak Enchanter Exotic Cautious Shrewd
The Prophet Uncommon Iconic Diplomat 3 Artisan 1 Orc Shaman Mighty Malicious
Thistle Underbrush Uncommon Iconic Artisan 3 Merchant 1 Brownie Druid Diminutive Heroic
Thubr Axebringer Rare Iconic Marauder 4 Explorer 2 Dwarf Warrior Mighty Fierce Extravagant
Tobon Starpyre Rare Iconic Scholar 4 Harvester 2 Gnome Wizard Diminutive Fierce Extravagant
Tormented Dead Common Marauder 2 Zombie Monster Bold
Trapped Elemental Uncommon Artisan 3 Elemental Monster Agile Exotic
Trapped Elemental Uncommon Artisan 3 Elemental Monster Agile Exotic
Treasure Seeker Common Explorer 2 Dwarf Warrior Bold
Tumpy Irontoe Uncommon Iconic Merchant 3 Marauder 1 Dwarf Berserker Rugged Frivolous
Tunarian Scout Common Explorer 2 Half-Elf Ranger Frivolous
Undead Barkeep Common Merchant 2 Zombie Citizen Peaceful
Undertow Skeleton Common Soldier 2 Skeleton Monster Ancient
Undying Magus Common Scholar 2 High Elf Wizard Shrewd
Unrest Noble Common Scholar 2 Zombie Monster Extravagant
Usbak the Old Uncommon Iconic Artisan 3 Soldier 1 Dwarf Paladin Ancient Benevolent
Vicious Worg Common Harvester 2 Worg Monster Malicious
Wandering Greenblood Common Harvester 2 Ogre Berserker Hardy
Wandering Minstrel Common Artisan 2 Half-Elf Bard Regal
Wandering Tinkerer Common Merchant 2 Gnome Citizen Bold
Warden of Tunare Uncommon Scholar 3 Wood Elf Druid Exotic Peaceful
Wasp Worker Common Artisan 2 Wasp Monster Exotic
Weapons Trader Uncommon Merchant 3 Half-Elf Citizen Attractive Extravagant
Werewolf Gypsy Common Marauder 2 Werewolf Rogue Mighty
Xicotl Rare Iconic Harvester 4 Marauder 2 Troll Shadowknight Mighty Monstrous Malicious
Yeolarn Bronzeleaf Rare Iconic Artisan 4 Soldier 2 High Elf Cleric Hardy Peaceful Benevolent
Zarchoomi Uncommon Iconic Explorer 3 Marauder 1 Ogre Shaman Monstrous Bold

Purchasing Agents

If you would like to buy agents, you can do so through the Daybreak Marketplace.

Currently there are 6 packs to choose from.

  • Overseer Starter Bundle - 995 DB Cash (can only be purchased once).
    • Contains 5 Overseer Agent Packs (each containing 3 Common agents).
    • Includes exclusive Elite Fippy Darkpaw agent (only available from this bundle)
    • Includes one bonus random Uncommon agent.

  • Overseer Agent Pack - 300 DB Cash
    • Contains 3 Common Agents.

  • Overseer Agent Pack X3 - 900 DB Cash
    • Contains 3 Overseer Agent Packs which each one contains 3 Common Agents.

  • Overseer Agent Pack X9 - 2700 DB Cash
    • Contains 9 Overseer Agent Packs which each one contains 3 Common Agents.

  • Overseer Agent Pack X15 + Bonus Agent - 4500 DB Cash
    • Contains 15 Overseer Agent Packs which each one contains 3 Common Agents. Also grants 1 bonus Uncommon Agent.

  • Overseer Agent Pack X30 + Bonus Agent X3 - 9000 DB Cash
    • Contains 30 Overseer Agent Packs which each one contains 3 Common Agents. Also grants 3 bonus Uncommon Agents.

Retiring Agents

On the Overseer Agent tab in the upper right corner is a "Retire" button. Only Uncommon, Rare, and Elite can be retired. Select an available agent and hit retire to receive an item called an Agent Echo (no trade, heirloom). The type of Agent Echo you receeive depends on the rarity of the agent you are retiring. For example, retiring an Uncommon Agent will reward you an Uncommon Agent Echo.

Collecting the reward will bring up a Reward Selection Window with several options. You can select to receive XP for any one of the 11 Job Types, or You can select to receive 2 Agents of one less rarity than the retired agent. For example: You retire an Uncommon Agent you can choose XP to any one of the Job Types or 2 Common Agents.

The amount of Job Type XP gained for each rarity is a multiple of the previous level. Uncommon gave just over 2.6% of job experience, while Rare gave 3x and Elite 9x. This amount was consistant over jobs/levels.

Agent Traits


  • Avatar
  • Aviak
  • Brownie
  • Clockwork
  • Dark Elf
  • Dhampyre
  • Drake
  • Dwarf
  • Elddar
  • Elemental
  • Fairy
  • Fungus Man
  • Gargoyle
  • Ghost
  • Ghoul
  • Gnome
  • Goblin
  • Golem
  • Half-Elf
  • High Elf
  • Human
  • Kedge
  • Mermaid
  • Minotaur
  • Mummy
  • Ogre
  • Orc
  • Pixie
  • Scarecrow
  • Shadowed Man
  • Skeleton
  • Treant
  • Unicorn
  • Vampire
  • Werewolf
  • Wood Elf
  • Worg
  • Zombie


  • Bard
  • Berserker
  • Citizen
  • Cleric
  • Druid
  • Enchanter
  • Magician
  • Monk
  • Monster
  • Necromancer
  • Paladin
  • Ranger
  • Rogue
  • Shadowknight
  • Shaman
  • Warrior
  • Wizard


  • Agile
  • Ancient
  • Attractive
  • Diminutive
  • Exotic
  • Hardy
  • Mighty
  • Monstrous
  • Regal
  • Rugged


  • Benevolent
  • Bold
  • Cautious
  • Extravagant
  • Fierce
  • Frivolous
  • Heroic
  • Malicious
  • Peaceful
  • Shrewd

Patch Notes

3-18-2020 Live Notes

- A mysterious presence will only sell McKenzie's Brew's when Veil of Alaris is unlocked.
- You may now only gain one Collection Dispener items from the Overseer system. Also, there are some rewards that only offer a chance at gaining a collection item. The chance is in the name. The rewards that only give a chance offer an amount of Overseer Tetradrachm to make up for the fact that it's only a chance to gain a collection item.
- Overseer Tetradrachms are no longer trade-able. They are still heirloom.
- Overseer rewards of Tradeskill items and Collectibles unlock one expansion behind. I.E. The Burning Lands collectibles are available when Torment of Velious unlocks, the Torment of Velious crafting supplies are unavailable until the next expansion unlocks.
- Increased the price on most items sold for Overseer Tetradrachm.
- You must be a gold member to choose the collection dispensers, ornament dispensers, or tradeskill items from the overseer rewards. Overseer rewards and other rewards are available to all membership levels.
- Added all races and classes to the Common Agent Catalyst.
- Corrected an issue preventing some players from receiving the tutorial Overseer Agent if they had received any Agents prior to opening the Overseer window for the first time.
- Modified the success and fail chances of Overseer quests to succeed more often.
- Modified the default width of the Overseer window so that you can select agents on smaller screens.

4-7-2020 Test Patch Notes

- Reduced the prices on the overseer merchant for all items except for the Common Agent Catalyst and Crystallized Luck, whose prices increased.
- - Reduced the price of Crystallized Luck on the loyalty merchants.
- Restricted the lesser coin reward that comes with some of the overseer collection dispensers so they are also hidden on Free accounts to avoid confusion.
- The percentage chance Overseer Collection Item Dispensers are now "Fragments." Once you have four fragments, click on one to make a single normal (100% chance) Overseer Collection Item Dispenser.
- - If you have one of the old percent change dispensers, they will have a name change and you can right-click them to convert them to fragments.
- Fixed errors in collections offered by the Overseer Collection Item Dispenser.
- - Crypt of Decay collectibles no longer offered in The Darkened Sea. (Crypt of decay collectibles are already in the Broken Mirror set.)
- - Added Velketor's Labarynth to the Torment of Velious set and moved the collections that were in the incorrect zone.
- - Added the Dispenser to all sets so if you get a set that you cannot claim you have a fallback.
- Added player requested ornaments to the overseer merchant "a mysterious presence" in Plane of Knowledge.
- Overseer Quests no longer have duplicate Traits.
- - Overseer Quests no longer have Negative Traits that conflict with or match Bonus Traits
- - Overseer Quests no longer have Negative Traits with bad icons.
- Overseer Quest rewards for all Tutorial and Conversion quests are now auto-claimed when the quests are completed.
- Corrected an issue where random agent rewards excluded a single agent from the qualifying list.
- Corrected an issue where Overseer Recovery quests were not rolling naturally.
- Corrected an issue where Overseer Quests rotated multiple times within a few minutes.

5-20-2020 Live Patch Notes

- A new Recruitment quest is now delivered to the offered quest list every rotation.
- Uncommon and Rare Iconic Recruitment quests have had their duration reduced from 48 hours to 24 and 36 hours, respectively.
- Iconic Recruitment quests now have higher-level versions, which grant more agents than their lower-level equivalents.
- Common Non-Iconic Recruitment quests now have level 2-5 versions, which grant more agents than their level 1 equivalents.
- Recruitment Quest Party slots no longer require specific agent rarities, meaning any agent with the correct Job at the correct rank or better can contribute to the quest's success chance.
- - Common Non-Iconic Recruitment quests now require only 12 hours to complete, instead of 24 or 48 hours.
- - Common Non-Iconic Recruitment quests have updated start and completion descriptions.
- Rare and Elite Recovery quests are now available at level 1 in the Recovery category and require fewer agents and lower job ranks.
- - Recovery Quest Party slots no longer require specific agent rarities, meaning any agent with the correct Job at the correct rank or better can contribute to the quest's success chance.
- - Recovery quests have updated quest text.
- Added a cap on quest completions per rotation. You may now complete up to 10 quests every 12 hours. This does not include Conversion quests.
- To make Non-Iconic Agents more viable at higher quest levels, their Job Ranks have been increased by 1.
- - Increased the Job Ranks of Common Agents from 1 to 2.
- - Increased the Job Ranks of Uncommon Non-Iconic Agents from 2 to 3.
- Fixed the success chance display to be consistent between offered quests and active quests.
- Improved the usability of the Available Agents section of the Offered Quests tab on smaller window resolutions.
- Fixed active quests to be consistent when switching zones or logging in to a different character.
- Changed the highlight text color on the lists of quests and agents so that there isn't yellow text on a yellow background.
- Added chat messages when a quest is started (including the agents assigned to it), completed, or abandoned.
- The Chapterhouse of the Fallen Collection Item now includes Ankle Bone in the Dem Bones set.

6-17-2020 Live Patch Notes

- Removed the membership requirements for collection, tradeskill, and ornament rewards.
- If you change filters while selecting an agent for an Overseer quest, it will now properly update the selected agent highlighting and count.
- If you are unable to start an Overseer quest, you will now receive a message in the chat window stating such.
- Addressed an issue that could cause the agent count when assigning agents to a quest.

7-21-2021 Live Patch Notes

      • Overseer ***

- New Overseer Agent Packs will be available in late July
- - The Fighter Pack, Worker Pack, and Traveler Pack are coming to the marketplace
- - These packs grant 3 uncommon agents with jobs that match the pack type:
- - - The Fighter Pack can grant Marauders, Spies, or Soldiers.
- - - The Worker Pack can grant Artisans, Harvesters, or Scholars.
- - - The Traveler Pack can grant Diplomats, Merchants, or Explorers.
- New Agents and Quests
- - New Agents of all rarities have been added to the Overseer system.
- - New quests of all levels and rarities, featuring new job and trait combinations exclusive to these new Agents, have also been added.
- - New recruitment quests for new iconic Agents have also been added.
- Quest Party Fixes
- - Quest party slots with a combination of jobs/traits that necessitated using duplicates of the same iconic Agent have been adjusted to NOT have such job/trait combinations; this fixes a few quests that could not be started because of the iconic rule.
- - Quest party slots with a combination of jobs/traits that necessitated using a particular Agent that lacked the requisite job rank have been adjusted to NOT have such job/trait combinations; this fixes a few quests that had a combination of jobs/traits that could not be fully matched.
- - Quest party slots should no longer have duplicates of the same trait assigned to them.
- Agent Lore/Trait Fixes
- - Fixed a number of minor grammatical issues in the Agent lore text of several Agents.
- - Resolved various shenanigans involving Agent lore text and quotation marks.
- - Clockwork VIIX now has lore text calling out his disguise.
- - Guard Orcflayer no longer has any references to Felwithe in his lore text and now has the Warrior trait instead of the Ranger trait.
- - Inquisitive Wanderer now has the Cleric trait instead of the Monk trait.
- - The Fairy trait has been renamed Faerie.
- When choosing an Overseer quest, the window will show the full trait name and the trait will not wrap around to the next line.
- Overseer items, such as Agent Echoes, now have descriptions explaining what they do.

8-18-2021 Live Patch Notes

- Overseer quests meant for the infamous Clockwork VIIX no longer insist that he really IS a Clockwork when in fact he is very much a Gnome.


Categories: Overseer | EverQuest
This page last modified 2024-02-19 10:36:50.