EQ Updates, December 27th, 2015

Lots of EQ Updates, Mostly TBM!

98 New Bestiary Entries for Sul Vius: Demiplane of Decay!


New Items: Political ActionCrypt-Hunter's Dragonbrood Leggings

Updated Items: Leg-ChopperOpalScaleflinger of EmolliousRaw Deathseeker's LeggingsScaled Ring of EmolliousFlaking Ring of EmolliousDamsel of Decay Plate Hands OrnamentDamsel of Decay Chain Feet OrnamentEmollious' Shield of SheddingRaw Deathseeker's ArmwrapsMinor Essence of DecayMedian Essence of DecayLesser Essence of DecayGrim Scale of Brawny BitsEternal SpiritDamsel of Decay Plate Helm OrnamentDamsel of Decay Cloth Arms OrnamentSliver of EmolliousDamsel of Decay Leather Legs OrnamentDamsel of Decay Leather Chest OrnamentGreater Essence of DecayGlowing Essence of DecayFumigator's AlacrityPlaguemonger's Shoulder Guards

Updated Quests: Fire Beetle Eyes

Bestiary Updates: a sarnak avengera sarnak extremista sarnak zealotGorgul Paclocka Coldeye wolf tenderBlueface the Hoarda Coldeye hunterSayrookColdeye Keymastera Coldeye elitea Coldeye ice tenderColdeye Chieftain IcebiteGrock Mist SeerColdeye Chieftain RumblebellyGrummusDiseased Supply CacheEmolliousa rotting chestGrannus of the Cleansing SteamHigh Bokon BoromasAnashti Sul, Damsel of DecayAnashti Sul, Lady of LifeAnashti Sula bar patrona beleaguered functionarya bloodthirsty butchera bloodthirsty citizena bokona bonegnawer butchera boken bodya brutalized zombiea bubbling puslinga clever buboniana clumsy buboniana dealera decay rodenta disintegrated functionarya dissolved citizena dutiful sentinel a forgotten functionarya forgotten guktana foul rotdoga functionarya gangrenous gardenera gaunt followera gruesome guktana kennel keepera mournful peasanta mulch monstera murdered merchanta museum greetera neglected citizena persuaded citizena pile of caustic flesha pile of decomposed flesha pious bokona quartermastera raging monstrositya rampaging monstrosity a rampant monstrositya ravenous citizena ravenous revelera reckless monstrositya retired salespersona rooftop revelera rotten servanta skeletal sentinel a slow-witted servanta sodden servanta spiritualista stitched monstrositya swollen pulsinga talentless hacka terror sentinela thuga tireless sentinela tsetse devourera tsetse eatera tsetse feedera tsetse swarmborna tsetse swarmera venerated sentinela vigilant sentinela waiting rottera watchful bokona worn administratoran adventurer an aggravated citizenan assistant to Darkseeran elected officialan exhausted bokonan impatient wandereran inebriated patronan overworked functionaryan unpleasant functionaryan unskinned citizenancient remainsBokon DeckerBokon StuppaCarmit EllisonChas C. ReisburyCheri HowlettChristena HouseCynthia FrieslandDeirdre BostGora FetidmawGramz GrogswillJohannes FrieslandKarth PunoxKorinth the crusherLonyen DrelliadMayor Soltiman WexOscar Little DocRotbotherrotted remainsSarah MannSerenaded SallyThe CuratorTobias FischerTwillius Quill


We need confirmation of the raid mobs for The Broken Mirror in respects to their names and zone locations. Example: Is Vim and Vigor one NPC or two? Please post corrections and new information under the zone pages if there is no NPC page yet.


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Vim and Vigor
# Dec 29 2015 at 12:39 PM Rating: Excellent
30 posts
Vim and Vigor are two separate mobs in the Raid
Vim and Vigor
# Dec 30 2015 at 8:10 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Fandiien wrote:
Vim and Vigor are two separate mobs in the Raid

Updated, thanks.
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