March 6, 2015

Here are some Friday night updates for you. Enjoy your weekend!

New Items: Scroll: Ardent Touch Rk. IIScroll: Consecration Rk. IIScroll: Dulcify Rk. IIScroll: Depurate Rk. IIScroll: Doctrine of Rescission Rk. II

New Bestiary: a Stillmoon basalt magea Stillmoon charmera Stillmoon defendera Stillmoon gravel wardena Stillmoon instigatora Stillmoon loremastera Stillmoon magusa Stillmoon mystica Stillmoon novicea Stillmoon seera Stillmoon stone castera Stillmoon stone winga Stillmoon waverushera Stillmoon witchdoctoran iron wardera Stillmoon followerStillmoon henchman

Updated Zone: Stillmoon Temple: Best Laid Plans

Updated Items: Facia VitalaClauvi AnuliumUmbraculis LumbiusNocei ColliumLumbia NoceisCollio UmbraculoNitoraHumis UmeriumTwilight Orchid

Updated Quests: Crushbone BeltsRare PlantsWarrior Epic 2.0: Kreljnok's Sword of Eternal PowerNorrath's Keepers: Best Laid PlansDark Reign: Best Laid PlansAshengate East Event: Griffon Master Ayna'RymTDS Progression #16: Fit for the New World

Updated Bestiary: a skulking bruteTobala HoneyjarDark Reign assistantDark Reign ContactNorraths Keeper contactA Caravan MasterCaptain Janeswortha chest (#1 - Defense of the City)a chest (#2 - Principal Quastori Numicia)a chest (#3 - Principal Vicarum Nomia)a chest (#4 - Principal Indagatrix Lucia)a chest (#5 - Calix Quirinus)


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