May 2, 2014

Here are some Friday night updates for you. Enjoy your double exp weekend!

New Items: Fragment of PurethoughtChipped Stone of StarfallRune of the NimbleBloodmetal Inlaid Gnollish Totem

New Recipes: Intricate Snowborn ArmbandIntricate Snowborn BootsIntricate Snowborn CuirassIntricate Snowborn GlovesIntricate Snowborn GreavesIntricate Snowborn HelmIntricate Snowborn SleevesElaborate Snowborn ArmbandElaborate Snowborn BootsElaborate Snowborn CuirassElaborate Snowborn GlovesElaborate Snowborn GreavesElaborate Snowborn HelmElaborate Snowborn SleevesElegant Snowborn ArmbandElegant Snowborn BootsElegant Snowborn CuirassElegant Snowborn GlovesElegant Snowborn GreavesElegant Snowborn HelmElegant Snowborn SleevesStalwart Snowborn ArmbandStalwart Snowborn BootsStalwart Snowborn CuirassStalwart Snowborn GlovesStalwart Snowborn GreavesStalwart Snowborn HelmStalwart Snowborn SleevesExtravagant Snowborn ArmbandExtravagant Snowborn BootsExtravagant Snowborn CuirassExtravagant Snowborn GlovesExtravagant Snowborn GreavesExtravagant Snowborn HelmExtravagant Snowborn SleevesGlorious Snowborn ArmbandGlorious Snowborn BootsGlorious Snowborn CuirassGlorious Snowborn GlovesGlorious Snowborn GreavesGlorious Snowborn HelmGlorious Snowborn SleevesRegal Snowborn ArmbandRegal Snowborn BootsRegal Snowborn CuirassRegal Snowborn GlovesRegal Snowborn GreavesRegal Snowborn HelmRegal Snowborn Sleeves

New Bestiary: a bandita broodlinga bullnose snakea carrion spidera chasm crawlera corrupt guarda crag spidera cunning gypsya dark stalkera defensive aviaka dragon whelpa druida farmera fishermana fisherwomana flustered aviaka gnoll reavera gorge hounda griffawna gypsya gypsy supply barrela liona lion patriarcha lioness matriarcha lionessa lost aviaka savage aviaka silvermist wolfa sluggish treanta treanta sly gypsya war wolfa weary gypsyan endangered aviakan infested treantan undead reaverBalthazarBradlyBruniceBryanChamondisChief SaNre`RexsaFangFen SightwellGanelorn OastGuard BoyetGuard JunoGuard TitanGuard ViolaIagoJulieLeonLucettaMerchant SilviaMirna, Friend of Many LegsPaulinaShalena RoanSharnaShiraleen the ShrewdSir MorganSornSquire WimbleyStaceSylnariusTallus HoltonTanrakTholrisVex O`Kurfa family treasureKromrif Elite

Updated Items: Bottled Essence of VexSack of Dried FishSturdy Treant BranchLordly Aviak PlumageFine Lion PeltExquisite Spider SilkCadaverous Gnoll FleshElegant Gnomish Cultural TailoringElegant Gnomish Cultural SmithingElegant Gnomish Cultural Tinkering

Updated Quests: Coldain Ring #9: Coldain Hero's Insignia RingCollect Gloomingdeep MushroomsGloomingdeep Silk CollectingAnniversary Group Mission: A Ranger's Tale

Updated Recipe: Magically Delicious Sweetwater

Updated Bestiary: Dustbinder Grakinaa cultural discoveries historian


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