Captain Hiran Tillin - Familiarity is Key
Captain Hiran Tillin - Stop the Contamination
Captain Hiran Tillin - A Dread Challenger
Raxtor Darkpaw - Beat the Blackburrow Boss
Lanys T'Vyl - Rain of Ruin
Commander Barvain - Safe Passage
Firiona Vie - Bitter Victuals
Jaled'Dar - Audience With the Warmaster
Jaled'Dar - The Brood of an Emperor
Jaled'Dar - The Price of Knowledge
Jaled'Dar - An Impenetrable Shield
Sterik Gristmaster - Retinue of the Frog-God
Nedsin Tabbels - Whom Frogs Destroy
Nedsin Tabbels - The Wrath of Korascian
NedsinTabbels - Find your Allies
Ylatra the Vassal - Disrupt the Siege
Ylatra the Vassal - Champions No More
Ylatra the Vassal - Murdunk's Last Stand
Just to add something to the placeholder for the TLP crowd.