Safe Passage  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Task
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Faction
Time Limit:06:00:00
Success Lockout Timer: 05:00:00
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
    Related Zones:
    Related Creatures:
    Related Quests:
    Era:Seeds of Destruction
    Group Size:Group
    Min. # of Players:3
    Max. # of Players:6
    Appropriate Classes:
    • All
    Appropriate Races:
    • All
    Entered: Fri Nov 14 19:40:17 2008
    Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
    NOTE: A patch in December 2013 made the following changes to this mission:

    -- Safe Passage - Lowered the required number of players to 1.
    -- Safe Passage - Refugees and guards are now player-friendly. They can be healed but not injured by players.
    -- Safe Passage - Animals empowered by the Obliteration summoners are no longer aggressive toward players.
    -- Safe Passage - The quest will update correctly when Colonel Thalan reaches the passage to Bloody Kithicor.
    -- Safe Passage - Refugees and guards move 50 percent faster.
    -- Safe Passage - The Obliteration ambushers' HP and damage have been lowered slightly.
    -- Safe Passage - Refugees and guards now shout for help when they are being attacked.
    -- Safe Passage - Removed the camp of Obliteration summoners through which the refugees were travelling.
    -- Safe Passage - Refugees now walk single file to hide their numbers.
    -- Safe Passage - The mission now ends at the passage to Bloody Kithicor. A relief column from the Army of Light will escort the refugees the rest of the way.
    -- Safe Passage - Colonel Thalan will send you back to Firiona Vie if you tell him you want to [return].

    This shared task (1-6 players) begins with Commander Barvian in the Army of Light Headquarters (same camp as Firiona Vie - far western part of the zone outside Highpass zone). To speak with him, you must equip an Army of Light Pendant and must have completed the tasks "Charges of Treason" and "Vengeance and Deliverance".

    You say, 'Hail, Commander Barvian'

    Commander Barvian says 'Welcome to our camp _____. I hope you're here to [help]. We could sure use it.'

    You say, 'I've come to help'

    Commander Barvian says 'The latest in our string of emergencies is the situation with the refugees in the Commonlands. Our reports have indicated the dark elves are now aware of the refugees and are plotting to eliminate them. This must not happen! I need someone to help [escort] them from the Commonlands back to here.'

    You say, 'I will help escort them'

    You have been assigned the task 'Safe Passage'.

    Commander Barvian says 'I knew you would be willing to help. I have several soldiers with the refugees already who should be able to help you get them through the dark elves lines. You can find the refugees holed up in the tunnel to the Desert of Ro. Speak with Scout Fathim when you are ready to go and he'll help sneak you past the first dark elf guard posts.'

    The Army of Light has learned that the dark elves will soon be moving against the refugee camp in the Commonlands. Currently the refugees are hidden in the tunnel between the Commonlands and the Desert of Ro. The refugees need an escort to help evacuate them back to the Army of Light encampment, before the dark elves destroy them. We've cleared the blockade near Kithicor, but it won't remain clear for long. You must make sure the majority of the refugees reach the Army of Light alive along with Colonel Thalan.

    Speak with Scout Fathim 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Scout Fathim is nearby, in the same camp.

    You say, 'Hail, Scout Fathim'

    Scout Fathim says 'Barvian told me to expect you. We'll need to be cautious on the way through the enemy lines. We can't risk the dark elves learning of the rescue attempt. Let me know when you're [ready] to go and we'll head out.'

    You say, 'Ready!'

    You have entered Old Commonlands.

    Make your way to the refugee camp 0/1 (Old Commonlands)

    As you make your way into the Commonlands tunnel, four Obliteration raiders spawn.

    Destroy the raiders attacking the refugee camp 0/4 (Old Commonlands)

    They hit for a max ~1,700 and have a good amount of hitpoints (this is the case with just about all mobs you'll encounter through this entire task, with the exception of Kithicor animals which are weaker).

    You have slain an Obliteration raider!
    an Obliteration raider's corpse falls to the ground.

    Speak with Colonel Thalan 0/1 (Old Commonlands)

    Colonel Thalan can be found in the tunnel refugee camp.

    You say, 'Hail, Colonel Thalan'

    Colonel Thalan says 'Thanks for your help with those raiders _____. They had cut their way through quite a few of my men and I was beginning to worry how we would stop them. I had heard Barvian was sending help for us and I can only assume you are that [help].'

    You say, 'I am here to help'

    Colonel Thalan says 'Everyone here is packed up and ready to [go] whenever you give the word. I was planning on staying at the desert edge and hopefully stay away from the dark elves and their patrols. We need you to keep watch for any ambushes and to clear the way should we run into any of the dark elf encampments.'

    You say, 'Let's go'

    Colonel Thalan says 'All right everyone, let's move out! Try to stay together and keep an eye out for any ambushes!'

    Protect the refugees as they escape to Kithicor Forest 0/1 (Old Commonlands)

    The whole group of refugees will begin making their way out of the tunnel and west. You can't let any more than 9 or 10 of them die and absolutely cannot let Colonel Thalan die. As they make their way to Kithicor, you'll get six waves of two Obliteration mobs each. A tracker would probably be handy for finding them, as they'll run and attack random refugees as soon as they spawn.

    A wave of panic rolls through the refugees as an ambush appears!

    This step updates once Colonel Thalan (who remains in the rear of the pack) reaches Kithicor. He'll send you back to Firiona Vie if you say "return" to him.

    You say, 'I want to return'

    You have entered Bloody Kithicor.

    Speak with Commander Barvian 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    You say, 'Hail, Commander Barvian'

    Commander Barvian says 'Excellent work _____. All of the people here are relieved to have these refugee safe. Now we can concentrate on driving the Army of Obliteration from the Commonlands so they can return to their homes.'

    With the refugees now safe, the leaders of the Army of Light can return their full attention to the approaching battle.

    Your faction standing with Silla Herald got better.
    You have successfully been granted your reward for: Safe Passage

    Timeshear Orange Fragment Azia
    90 Chronobines

    The Bloody Kithicor Portion

    This part of the task if believed (but not confirmed) to be defunct.

    Let Colonel Thalan know when you're ready to move on 0/1 (Old Commonlands)

    Upon finishing the Old Commonlands portion of the task (as outlined above)...

    You say, 'Hail, Colonel Thalan'

    Colonel Thalan says 'We've made it this far. We're almost to the Army of Light camps. We need to [scout] a bit into the forest and then we can bring the refugees in.'

    You say, 'We'll scout'

    You have entered Bloody Kithicor.

    Clear a way into the forest ahead 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Scout the path to the southwest 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    Scout the path to the southwest 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    The above three steps update as you scout the forest. The first as you walk a little ways in. The second as you move southwest, and the third as you move even further southwest.

    The second scout location is approximately +622, -2603 (at the containment area).

    The third scout location is approximately +230, -1881 (near the log building).

    You may want to clear the existing Obliteration camps as well as the animals (animals will not attack refugees, but you may find them bothersome as they attack you).

    Protect the refugees as they move to the Army of Light headquarters 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    When your group is ready, speak with Colonel Thalan.

    You say, 'Hail, Colonel Thalan'

    Colonel Thalan says 'It looks like there are some of the dark elves and their friends in our way. It might be a good idea to take them out before bringing the refugees in, but I'll leave that up to you. Let me know when you're ready to get them [moving] again.'

    You say, 'Let's get moving'

    Colonel Thalan says 'All right everyone! _____ says it should be safe to get going again. Let's head out!'

    Same idea as in the Commonlands - don't let refugees die to any of the six waves of 2 mobs each which will spawn:

    A wave of panic rolls through the refugees as an ambush appears!

    In Bloody Kithicor, there's a chance a named will spawn with one of the waves. In addition, a few of the ambush mobs here may cast the spell "Chains of Binding":

    Chains of Binding: Targeted AE 45', Unresistable (0)
    2: Decrease Movement by 45%
    3: Decrease Attack Speed by 45%

    This step updates once Colonel Thalan makes it to the first Army of Light camp.

    Speak with Colonel Thalan 0/1 (Bloody Kithicor)

    You say, 'Hail, Colonel Thalan'

    Colonel Thalan says 'Thank you for your help with this _____. The refugees would never have made it through without your help. Let me know when you're [ready] and I'll set up a meeting with Commander Barvian and you can tell him the good news yourself.'

    You say, 'Ready!'

    This would zone you over to the non-instanced Bloody Kithicor where you could complete the task.
    Send a Correction
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    Post Comment
    # Apr 17 2023 at 5:36 PM Rating: Excellent
    113 posts
    Important... HAIL FATHIM! If you just say ready you miss that step and have to make your way back to Blood Kithicor... Little details are important.
    Such an annoying task!
    # May 11 2022 at 12:26 PM Rating: Good
    27 posts
    After a whole lot of fails trying to do this with just my shadowknight (not nearly enough dps to keep up with spawns) I was able to three box this with a shammy, cleric, and beastlord trio. I must say this is not a well designed task. At every step I felt like I was making an uphill slog against an obstacle course designed to be as annoying as possible. So here's what I did to get through it:

    1.) Shammy kept Listlessness up on herself, merc tank (who was there as a backup tank), the beastlord and her pet.
    2.) Kept the cleric on autofollow behind the shammy. The beastlord followed the shaman when she wasn't fighting.
    3.) Made a hotkey for the shammy and beastlord: /tar an_Oblit. When I saw the ambush spawning message I started spamming this key on whichever character was free at that moment.
    4.) Because of all the failures I already knew the Obliteration mobs spawn a bit to the side of the path the NPCs take so I stayed along that line instead. This gave me not only a couple more seconds to target a newly spawned ambusher before it rushed in and started gutting the weak civilians but social aggro sometimes pulled their buddies to me too.
    5.) You CAN heal the Army of Light mobs which was helpful near the end when the beastlord and her pet where tied up and I found a snarl of mobs from both sides fighting. The shammy slowed the enemies then I focused on healing my allies.
    6.) Keep in mind you need to keep Colonel Thalan alive as hailing his is the final step in this task so if he shouts that he's under attack keep an eye on him. I didn't think of it until after completing the task but I could have put him on extended target to know if I actually needed to assist him.

    The Obliteration assassins have an UNRESISTABLE slow + snare called Chains of Binding because what you need when you're trying to protect a pack of helpless guppies strung along a long path is to have your movement crippled. Thanks game, I hate it just as much as I hate the two minute run to the tunnel when I zone into the instance while getting spammed with "I'm under attack!" messages from the defenders there. I presume those Obliteration mobs will kill Colonel Thalan if you're not quick enough but at least they auto-aggro on whichever first sets foot in the tunnel so I don't have to chase them down.
    First Battle .. Bughint
    # Apr 10 2020 at 12:10 PM Rating: Decent
    228 posts
    I tried to battle alone the first quartet after reaching the refugee entrance ... I died unprepared ... after reentering zone and heading back they COMPLETE healed after EVERY 4 secs!!! ... as doin this task alone as warrior with a bit tactic I was able to kill 2 of them before my Stamina fainted .. Stuns seemed to help and break the 4 seconds-timer ... but they dont spelled a heal ... they JUST did it!! -- so as long as they were not stunned in the 4th second, you can have them at any healthlvl ... a second later: 100% .----- that where loooong minutes in battle!

    --> THAT was a bug!! ..

    After canceling task and retryin it, I could kill them as any other mob. So if you try the quest alone .. dont die in this first battle or you get bugged!

    And as mentioned a post below ... Yes .. Task is finished after savin the refugees ... no next step!

    Edited, Apr 10th 2020 2:19pm by Firecobra
    Leader of the CobraForceCrew
    Leader of the Dragonring
    Ayonae Ro (Tribunal)
    "New" Version
    # Mar 13 2020 at 11:21 AM Rating: Excellent
    528 posts
    Just to add my experience doing this recently on a TLP server:

    You start up the escort in the commonlands tunnel and around 50 gray con NPCs will begin running towards the Kithicor zoneline. They will pretty much run along the southern desert border in a straight line and avoid 99% of the zone's trash. About every 3 minutes 2-3 Obliteration NPCs will spawn close by the pack of NPCs and charge at them, at which point the NPCs will shout out they are under attack and the player needs to kill the Obliteration NPCs to prevent too many escortees from dying. There are a number of Army of Light NPCs but in my experience they quickly fell behind the escortees and were pretty much useless after the very beginning. Once you get all the escortees and the Army of Light NPCs to the Kithicor camp the task will be completed, as far as I can tell the Bloody Kithicor section is no longer reachable whatsoever.
    # Nov 07 2015 at 7:47 PM Rating: Good
    30 posts
    This has been set to mob waves of 4 at a time. Not solo-able unless your high enough level. The mobs will snare you and start killing the NPCs. If you get all 4 at once, you die kind of fast.
    Much Simpler Now
    # Feb 20 2015 at 5:49 PM Rating: Good
    22 posts
    Wow. This is so much easier now. Just have to escort the group across the Commonlands to the zone line in the NorthWest. Did this with ranger and shaman with mercs. There were 4 or 5 groups of 2 I had to kill while on the march. Did the final hail and it was done. Did not have to do the second part in BK like you used to have to do. So nice!!!!!
    Trying today
    # Apr 19 2014 at 12:21 PM Rating: Decent
    26 posts
    Trying it today 4/19/14 and will let you know how bad it is hehe
    Trying today
    # Apr 19 2014 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
    26 posts
    well not sure if bugged or we didn't do something correctly but have to wait about 5 hours to try again lol
    Have 83 Cleric with Tank Merc and 83 druid with rogue merc. finished the first part of escort in about 15 mins
    and then I believe we had a problem of wrong says with incorrect peeps or something but will try again
    he said stay together you idiots
    # Feb 15 2014 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
    341 posts
    Holy crap how do you keep track of them? They spread out for miles and ambushes can happen anywhere in the line.
    No Problems With This Mission
    # Dec 25 2013 at 7:44 AM Rating: Decent
    2 posts
    I completed the mission on 12/25/13 with no problems what so ever. I four boxed with Monk, Druid, Wizard and Enchanter + healer and tank merc. I followed the refugees and killed the attackers with no problem.

    I can confirm that the mission now ends when the Kithicor zone line is reached.
    Mission is buggy
    # Oct 05 2013 at 7:34 AM Rating: Good
    671 posts
    I'll admit I did this the pet pulling way and that part worked like a charm....but beware, this task appears a tiny bit buggy....

    With Scout Fathim - you can say 'Ready' and he'll zone you in without having hailed him first to get the task update....then you have to zone back out and hail him to get the mission working properly....the obliteration mobs will not rush you once you get to the commons tunnel without that hail :)

    With Colonel Thalan there's a similar bug...if you don't HAIL him after you say go, you can say scout and he'll zone you into Kith with no way to get back out and fix the missed hail....(at least no way I could figure out).

    Otherwise, as I mentioned, I did this with my 79 necro. Used the full group to kill the first 4 at the entrance to the tunnel in the commonlands, then ran the rest of the group back to the kith zoneline/barrier. I hailed, backed up, put pet hold on, sent pet in to aggro, called pet back and started running along the wall up to the kith zone line. I did get a little bit of aggro as I ran out of the tunnel, but it dropped very fast. Pull Thalan all the way up past the barrier until I got the update. Then I hailed again, said go, hailed again and said scout. I think the necro had to say scout a couple times to go through, but it wasn't any big deal.

    On the kith side, just followed the directions above...killed the obliteration mobs near the zone line, did the exploring (generic complaint here, I've had lots of trouble getting location updates in tasks in Bloody Kith, it's been annoying) and then I did the same pet pulling along the northern edge of the zone. Again a lot of aggro from the light mobs standing right around Thalan, but it dropped fast. Just remeber all mercs on passive (even healers) and move your group away from Thalan before you pull. Even though there are lots of Obliteration camps near the zone wall, not a single one aggro'd. I also got the final update no where near the Dragonheart Regiment....I got it just past the point on the map where the zone in is in the non-instanced zone. So I hailed and cast levant to join the rest of the group at the old commonlands zoneline. We used the fellowship fire we'd dropped in front of the commander, did the final hail and voila! I think it took me about 30 mins or so.

    Edited, Oct 5th 2013 9:35am by Kynsh
    Aanuvane Bristlecone 350 Baking, Brewing, Jewelry Making, Tailoring, Blacksmithing, Fletching, Pottery, Research, 250 Fishing
    Muertenie Petitmort 350 Master Tinker
    Kadcea 350 Master Alchemist
    Orelinde 350 Master Poison Maker
    Kynsh/Rabon/Atracker and a whole host of additional alts
    Povar via Quellious via Rodcet Nife

    Hint for those trying to do this the "proper" way
    # May 28 2013 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
    263 posts
    Since I did not have a class that could pull off the "pet/memblur" exploit for my alts, I had to end up doing this mission the way it was intended. I basically created an audio trigger for the following emote:

    "A wave of panic rolls through the refugees as an ambush appears!"

    and also created the following macro hotbutton:

    /hidecorpse npc
    /hidecorpse npc
    /tar an_oblivion

    As soon as the audio trigger fired, I spammed the macro button to target the ambushers (since I found it impossibly hard to cycle through targets for this particular mission). As soon as I could get an ambusher on my target, I would immediately cast any detrimental spell I could to get the first spot on their aggro list so they wouldn't go after the stupid, slow-moving refugees. This seemed to work on all 5 ambush spots.

    Positioning also seemed to be the key. Placing your characters in the refugee pack where it is lacking Army Of Light defenders (they tend to stay in the rear of the pack, but you can sometimes get lucky and they spread themselves evenly) helped greatly.

    For the Kithicor part, I cleared all oblivion mobs that were near the road/path leading to the Army Of Light camp. Once cleared, I escorted the refugees. Then it's basically just rinse/repeat with the ambushers.

    Edited, May 28th 2013 8:51pm by Braikkarrii
    pet trick is the way to go
    # Jan 07 2013 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
    The timer doesn't pop up unless you have failed the event afaik. Once a bunch of refugees die, than the timer starts the 10 minute warning. If you keep the refugees alive then you shouldn't see the timer.
    Doing this event the proper way is a major pain in the butt.
    This is very easy to do with an enchanter. As others say get just inside of aggro range. invis self. Pet attack. once you see thalan in the extended target window pet back off. Then walk him to the goal lines.
    With enc you just mem blur him at the end and you can complete the quest. I did it last nite after pulling my hair out trying to do this the right way. Tried pet trick, boom done.
    This seems to be the most bugged quest I've ever tried.
    # Jan 07 2013 at 2:18 AM Rating: Decent
    131 posts
    Maybe it's just my bad luck, but we have now tried this quest a good half dozen or more times; and each time, either the mercs stop healing, or we don't all get pulled into to Old Kithicor to guard the Colonel and his group, or some other strange road block.

    Well, I can understand the "one star rating". That's about where I'm at with it. I'll complete it; but I'm not really sure it's going to be worth the time spent.

    Biden Thyme - Damned
    # Nov 16 2012 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
    20 posts
    I haven't seen anywhere in posts warning about the "time limit" in escorting the group....stupid stupid stupid.... group walks way too slow..can't cast runspeed on them tried. Going on attempt 5 ... btw....this quest is stupid!
    Working as of 7-6-2011 Patch
    # Jul 07 2011 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
    I just finished the quest and it worked correctly and progression was completed. There are a lot of posts but I figured I'd sum up my experience with it.

    I am a cleric and I used a tank merc as my "pet".

    Get mission, enter zone. Go near Commonland tunnels fight and kill the four Obliteration guys. Send your group back to the Kithicor zone line near the flag. Of course if you don't need them to kill the four or you wont need them in Kithicor they can go where ever they want.

    Hail Thalan and say help but DO NOT say go. As cleric I backed up from him some, with merc set to aggressive I sent in hammer pet. Thalan killed pet and by that time the merc had aggro. Thalan was then attacking merc so I set him to Passive and pulled him back. You may get one or two light defender adds.

    Once you pull Thalan far enough away so you'll get no more adds attack the ones you do have. If you're a cleric or druid be careful using your weapon or spells as they often have group heals and you'll be generating aggro with Thalan by healing your tank merc. Best to use DD blasts, once you have aggro on them they will drop. The whole time Thalan is focused on your merc.

    Put merc on aggressive and let him generate some aggro on Thalan so you can heal your merc. Once merc is healed set yourself to puller and set merc to passive. Ride away until you drop aggro on Thalan. Merc will stay in place. Ride back, take yourself off puller and set yourself to walk. Start walking. I had my best luck walking on the line between the desert sand and the forest heading West and then North. The Colonel warped twice on me when I had him on the Southern zone wall. Be careful.

    Go slow let him keep up, if you get adds be sure to not use anything that can heal your merc! If you get Thalan aggro just ride it off again, not the end of the world. If you are top of the aggro list for Thalan and he fd's, just nuke him with your merc set to aggressive. He'll pop up for a sec and before he can drop again your merc will have aggro and he'll stay up to attack him. Don't get aggro too many times from Thalan, he will die and you'll fail eventually.

    Get the update in the camp near Kithicor. Say scout to him and it should work. I kept getting "too dangerous" so I spammed "Scout" and had other party members do the same. Eventually you zone....

    SCOUT FIRST - you may get excited (like I did) and forget this part.

    First as you walk a little ways in.
    Second as you move southwest The second scout location is approximately +622, -2603 (at the containment area)
    Third as you move even further southwest The third scout location is approximately +230, -1881 (near the log building).

    Stand a ways back from Thalan and do the same that you did in Commonlands using merc, toggling between aggressive and passive and taking care of any Light Defender adds.

    Get yourself invis. Ride off aggro, inviser will get aggro from Thalan too. Nice to have perfected invis. I set wizard to the approximate location where aggro would be dropped and used a cloudys to get to him.

    Come back to Thalan and merc, take yourself off puller and start walking to center Dragonheart camp.

    Thalan updated for me when I made a left on the road heading South to the Four House Hamlet from the center Dragon heart camp.

    A lot of info but this mission is confusing for those who don't know and I hope this helps. Thanks to everyone in this thread for getting me the info to get it done on my own without a pet class.
    Working as of 7-6-2011 Patch
    # Oct 28 2011 at 12:58 PM Rating: Excellent
    175 posts
    and as of Oct '11, still able to do this. Can be completed solo in about 20 minutes on a SK.

    Edited, Oct 28th 2011 2:59pm by Umbraeques
    Sony forums link on task being bugged.
    # Jul 01 2011 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    STILL bugged.
    # Jun 30 2011 at 10:33 PM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    Just tried it again. Still bugged. Doesn't update on last step. /bugged it again.
    task bugged
    # Jun 18 2011 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    did pet pull trick 3 times.... never updated when he hit the middle camp.
    did it the right way and it also didn't update when he hit middle camp..
    4 times.. 4.5 hours .. nothing .. wtf man.
    I've done this task literally more than 100 times (When SoD was new) . Never had this problem before.

    Edited, Jul 1st 2011 11:00am by Bonesmasher
    task bugged
    # Jun 24 2011 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
    I have tried for the last five days also to get this done and can not get the update at the Army of Light camp in Kithicor.

    Has anyone reading this completed it since June 18th?
    task bugged
    # Jun 25 2011 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
    1,308 posts
    I /bugged it after it kept failing. Hoping they fix it, cuz you can't finish progression without it...which sucks.
    Scout Locations and simply weird stuff
    # Jan 29 2011 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
    Firstly to make it easier, Kithicor Scout Locations:

    P 2603.5173, -620.0943, -3.7733, 0, 240, 0, 2, Safe_Passage_-_Scout_2
    P 1880.2688, -231.6907, -1.2584, 0, 240, 0, 2, Safe_Passage_-_Scout_3

    Just did Mission for my 2 lvl 72 Alts with my Lvl 90 Shaman, one of the Alts was flagged to request, Shaman shrouded to 70 while alt got quest then unshrouded.
    Level 90 T5 Merc made short work of the 4 x Obliteration raider's

    Since my alt is a level 72 Necro I used the pet trick to get Thalan to zone, I'll repeat what's be said:

    DO NOT /say GO to Thalan pet attack and kite at this stage, then when he is past the barricade a bit spam him with a hotkey:
    /say go
    /say ready
    /say scout

    Now I actually screwed up at this stage, Necro got up from FD to quick and Thalen attacked him, so he FD'ed again and Thalen just lay FD on the floor NOTHING would budge him, asked Necro to GATE (bound by Viriona Vie) and then got him to /say ready to scout.
    To my surprise he was in the Kith Instance with Thalen waiting for him, so we all gated and /say ready to scout to continue.

    My point is if you are not zoned to the BK instance when you /say scout to Thalan in Commanlands all is not lost, if you are showing it complete up to "Let Colonel Thalan know when you're ready to move on 0/1 (Old Commonlands)" you can get to the BK Instance from the scout in normal BK.

    Did the explore updates

    Next problem was Necro got the pet attack Thalan bit all messed up and Pet was killed, I forgot to put my Merc on PASSIVE so it attacked Thalen, I then put my Merc on PASSIVE with Thalan after my Merc, so I thought what the hell I'll use my MERC as a Pet and trained Thalen towards West camp, somewhere past Kibrek camp I got an update which just left "Speak to Commander bavarian" on the quest listso I suspended Merc and gated back to normal BK, hailed and Mission was complete!

    Anyway if this helps anyone, I'm very happy!
    Dec 21, 2010 pet still works
    # Dec 21 2010 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
    297 posts
    Once again, follow trainmaster's and sygma's posts.

    Safe Passage
    # Sep 03 2010 at 7:15 PM Rating: Default
    You people are leaving out something important, cause I have tried pet pull and Thal FDs, tried with Monk and Thal FDs, do it to many times and Thal poofs and you loose.

    So how about leaving the exact way to do this so he does not FD.
    Safe Passage
    # Sep 30 2010 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
    484 posts
    Pet pulling worked just fine on 9-30-10. Just follow Sygma and Trainmaster's posts. As mentioned by others make sure you do the pet attack method at maximum range and set up your hotkeys. Make sure your not invis when spamming etc. Very easy doing it with this method.
    pet pull still works
    # Aug 21 2010 at 7:43 AM Rating: Decent
    85 posts
    I used the pet pull method to complete this. Things I messed up the first time that I corrected the second time:
    Remember to hail scout before entering commonlands.
    Remember to hail Thalan in commonlands near Kith before saying scout.
    Remember to just hail Thalan in Kith but do not say moving.

    Second time everything worked just like they said it would for pet pulling. I would use my wizard to decession my mage who was doing the pet pulling after update to clear aggro. Wizard got aggro from casting decession and had to abscond in commonlands but not in Kith. I had a third toon that I parked at the end of each zone to do the hailing for updates that was not involved with the pulling so as to avoid aggro.
    Pet aggro works
    # Jun 28 2010 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
    Despite what previous posters have said, I can confirm that on June 28, 2010 the pet trick does still work. If you cannot get it to work its because you are not doing it correctly. You either aren't using pet hold, you are standing too close when you are sending pet in, you are starting the walk before you get the colonel to the update spot or something else, but I know for a fact that this still works.
    Pet aggro works
    # Jun 30 2010 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
    63 posts
    I can confirm as of 6-30-10.. the pet pull trick still works.. I pulled thalan across commonlands zone wall up to the kith zoneline. I invis and run him there stopping every now and then to let him catch up.. make sure you have a hotkey ready to hail him and /say scout.. when thalan comes threw the fenced area you should get an UD (update) also (remember to click off your invis or else hailing him and talking to him wont work) once you get UD hail thalan and spam scout to him next thing ya know your zoning into kith.. once inside kith before you do anything get the 3 UD first in that area scouting.. then same as before send pet to attack and then pet hold. invis and run thalan threw kith I lost agro a few times and had to go back and have pet re attack him. so after 3rd time of loosing agro i let thalan stay pretty close to me all the way to final UD spot.. once again as soon as i got UD once in light camp I hailed and spammed ready to him.. viola zoned back out with completion then just had to hail bavarion. so it does work.. and im a lvl 85 BST.. I dont have FD or anything just pet hold and send pet in to attack then pet hold.
    pet aggro wont work now.
    # Jun 27 2010 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
    251 posts
    tried pet aggro on Thalan. Failed. He fds and will not run when he gets up. Do it more than twice and he dies.

    So just escorted them and killed all the mobs. Pretty easy. Soloed commonlands part. Had a helper on Kith part due to animal aggro. But easy over all.
    The Power of Hate conquers all foes.
    Leader of The Silent Minority a Rathe Guild
    Safe Passage.
    # Jun 12 2010 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
    I amon the Povar server and have never done this quest, was wondering if there are any pet class that know how to do the pet trick can help me complete this quest. I am in a little guild that has no way of completing this quest at this time. if anyone would be willing to help me out my Monk in game is named Jaie. thanks.
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