The Sword of Nobility  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 2 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Antonius Bayle (Min: Dubious)
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
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Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Wed Jun 13 14:02:36 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
We have a report as of September 12, 2013, that this quest may be broken due to a dialogue loop, making it impossible to progress.

This is the quest method of obtaining Ghoulbane. It is also a drop, which is described in the Ghoulbane quest.

Ryshon Hunsti is located in West Karana, on the shore in the southeast corner.

Hail Ryshon Hunsti

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Hello _____. What brings you to the Karanas? Do you seek [enlightenment]?

You say, 'I seek enlightenment'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'Ahh, i could see by the look in your eyes that you are looking for something more than just enlightenment. Perhaps you are looking for a [sword] crafted by a noble man.

You say, 'What sword?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is not just a sword friend. It is much more than that. This sword carries with it special [power], something unlike anything else within this realm.'

You say, 'What power?'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'It is an instrument fashioned together by noble man. It is said to be blessed by the gods themselves. Only a man who comes from nobility may wield it. Do you seek the [sword of nobility]?'

You say, 'I seek the sword of nobility'

Ryshon Hunsti says, 'I see, then take this note to Kanthuk Ogrebane. I've been told he can be found fishing not far from the dwarven city.'

He gives you Note to Kanthuk.

Travel to Butcherblock Mountains to the boat docks. Once zoned in to Butcherblock; follow the path to the city and follow the path to the dock but on the north side. The same side you will find Walnan and Grindbar. Looking at your map; he is in between them. If you follow the wall down to the water and then follow the water line you should run into him. There is a big boat and he is standing right on the shore/water line at /loc +2202, +2996

You say, 'Hail, Kanthuk Ogrebane'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Hello'

Hand Kanthuk the note and get some experience.

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ahh, I see you have spoke to Ryshon. You seem tired from your long journey. Sit with me as I tell you a tale. A tale about a true friend of mine, a great man known as [Amstaf Trunolis].'

You say, ' Who is Amstaf Trunolis?'

Kanthuk ogrebane says, 'Amstaf Trunolis was a good man. I've followed into [battle] many times. We've seen many of our friends die by the sword of others.'

You say, 'What battle?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane laughes, 'I remember the first time we charged into battle. I was so scared. My hands wouldn't stop trembling. Amstaf pulled me off to the side before the initial attack began. He held my hands within his. I saw his hands begin to glow and felt his energy pass into me. I felt [courage].

You say, 'What courage?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I'll never forget what he did for me that day. He gave me the courage to continue. No one's ever done anything like that for me. I vowed that day that I'd follow him into any battle. I'd be there alongside him, no matter what. As time went on we came across an elven woman named [Ambreen].

You say, 'Who is Ambreen?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'Ambreen was younger than he and I. She knew of the powers of nature. She was able to control the rain which fell from the heavens and would call upon the spirits to aide her. It was obvious that Amstaf took a liking to Ambreen. She ended up coming with is on out crusades. The last I saw of Ambreen was when we went to the snow covered lands of Everfrost. We were wander the lands when a freak [snowstorm] hit us. We were seperated from one another for quite some time.'

You say, 'What snowstorm?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I don't know where it came from, but it was so sudden that it caught us all off guard. The snow quickly became unbearable. I tried to move to higher ground, but was unable to. I was stuck within the snowy confines. I didn't know what to do [next].'

You say, 'What happened next?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'As I laid there my body began to slowly freeze. I knew death was near and accepted the inevitable. Suddenly I felt something clutching at my cloak. I was being dragged upwards out of the snow. A hand pressed against my chest and began to glow. I felt energy pass into my body. Do you know [how] he had saved me?'

You say, 'How did he save you?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'He saved my life by laying his hands upon my body. A few moments later we found Ambreen lying in the snow, her body frozen by the harsh surroundings. We lifted her up off the ground and began to look for [shelter].'

You say, 'What shelter?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'We ended up taking refuge within a deserted cabin not to far from our location. We knew that we didn't have much time left to bring life back into her body. However, the storm didn't pass through and we knew we couldn't venture to far without the fear of freezing. I warmed the cabin and rested for some time thinking about what we were going to do. It wasn't long before my exhaustion took over. I fell into a deep [slumber] that night.'

You say, 'What slumber?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'That night I dreamt of many things. Random thoughts kept swirling around my mind. I kept seeing the image of a cloaked being and of Amstaf circled around a fire. I saw Ambreen's body convulsing above the fire as if life was being brought back to it. I don't know what happened that night. I don't even know if what i dreamt was real, but before I awoke I saw a [strange image].'

You say, 'What strange image?'

Kanthuk Ogrebane says, 'I saw Amstaf lower his head and walked away in silence. He was surronded by two beings carrying a torch. I don't know what it meant, but I swear it was so real. When I awoke both Amstaf and Ambreen were gone. Please find Llara and give this pendant to her. This pendant belonged to Amstaf. She too had a vision that night that may clear things up. If she asks where you got it from, mention my name.'

You receive a Pendant.

Next you need to find Llara. She is standing on a rock in Dagnor's Cauldron, just outside of the Estate of Unrest.

Llara says 'Oh my! This belongs to Amstaf. Where did you get it?

You say, 'Kanthuk gave it to me'

Llara says 'I take it you're here to find out more about [Amstaf].'

You say, 'Who was Amstaf?'

Llara says 'I've known Amstaf since he was a child. We grew up in the same city together. Ever since I've known him there's always been something [unusual] about him.'

You say, 'What was unusual?'

Llara says 'When we were growing up we used to venture outside the city gates. Some times we would encounter a wandering ghoul or an undead spirit of some sort. He was always able to quickly dismiss the undead being with very little effort. I [learned] many things growing up with Amstaf.'

You say, 'What did you learn?'

Llara says 'Amstaf told me many things when we were younger. Once Amstaf told me that life isn't about how you get there, it's about where you end up. I miss my dear friend. Its been a long time since I've seen him. The night of the snowstorm I dreamt about him. I remember seeing Amstaf's face. I saw something I've never [seen] before.'

You say, 'What did you see?'

Llara says 'I saw desperation. I spoke to many people who knew Amstaf trying to find out if anyone heard anything about that night. No one knew anything about it. When I had reached the dwarven hunting grounds I ran into a woman named Walnan. She kept rambling on and on about the power of the Orb and something about Magi`kot. I didn't understand what she was saying. She didn't know anything about my situation either, but she did tell me that there were others that may be able to help me. She told me that I should find [Ruathey].'

You say, 'Who is Ruathey?'

Llara says 'Ruathey is known for her ability to look into people's souls and find truth. Though I wasn't able to find Amstaf, I was able to recover his sword. I believe that by having his sword I am closer to finding him. Take this note to Ruathey and tell her that I sent you.

You can find Ruathey in Lavastorm Mountains, near the Nektulos Forest zoneline.

You say, 'Hail Ruathey'

Ruathey says 'Hello Chork .'

Ruathey says 'I see that you've spoken to Llara. She too came to me looking for Amstaf. Though she wasn't able to find her friend, she was able to recover his [sword].

You say, 'What sword?'

Ruathey says 'I've heard stories about a holy sword. There are many rumored to be hidden all throughout the world, yet only a few have actually been found. Amstaf had one of these swords. It is known for its ability to dismiss the undead. Perhaps by having this sword it'll bring you closer to finding your friend. Gather a ghoul's heart, Amstaf's Scroll, the Blade of Nobility, a noblemans hilt and place them in this [bag].'

You say, 'What bag?'

Ruathey says 'Take this bag and gather the items I've mentioned. I've been told that the Ghoul's Heart can be found in the estate of the undead, while the scroll can be found in the Keep not far from the Karanas. One of the others are rumored to be found near the dwarven city among the goblins. While the last should be found in the caverns of Najena.

For those of you who haven't figured it out, you will need to go to Butcherblock, HighKeep, Unrest, and Najena.

Your target is Crazed Ghouls in Unrest, Crazed Goblins in HighKeep and skeletons in Najena (named "a skeleton").

All the mobs that need to be killed are 25 to up to 35, and the items appear to be uncommon drops.

You combine these 4 items in the bag Ruathey gave you and You have fashioned the items together to create something new!

You are holding a Ghoulbane.
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Goblins and Crazed Goblins - Blade of Nobility - Butcherbloc
# Apr 08 2002 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
303 posts
Loc: +1300 -1300

The Blade of Nobility (one of the quest's four components) is dropped by "a Crazed Goblin" (and probably also "a Goblin"), both of which alternately spawn at the above location. After killing about six to ten Goblins and Crazed Goblins, a Crazed Goblin dropped the Blade of Nobility.

I would estimate that these goblins range in level from approximately 28 to 30. The spawn point holds three goblins. Both "a Crazed Goblin" and "a Goblin" spawn in this location. They are spaced far enough apart that you should be able to pull them one at a time. I believe the respawn time is about fifteen minutes, which at level 29 was just enough time for me to recooperate from the last fight. These can be soloed at 29 to 30, but if you get in trouble or get a spawn too high to handle, the guards are not far away from where you pull to.

Edited, Fri Apr 12 17:30:47 2002
A Skeleton - Najena - Noblemans Hilt
# Apr 06 2002 at 8:50 AM Rating: Excellent
303 posts
The skeletons named simply, "a skeleton", are MOBs that infrequently drop the Noblemans Hilt, a needed component. I have yet to determine the level of these skeletons; they hit for up to 60 HPs and are blue to me at level 29, so I judged them to be around 27 or 28 but they may be lower; I believe they are 23 to 25. In addition to the less frequent noblemans hilt, they drop small ringmail and a few platinum on the nicer drops or cloth sandals and a few gold on the chincy drops. They seem to be warriors and cast no spells, but they may have a damage shield cast upon them by one of the nearby magicians. Upon slaying them, the only faction adjustment is the lowering of Najena faction.

I went into Najena alone in my low 20s (I forget which level exactly), for the sole purpose of getting a con check on "a skeleton". Sure enough, the skeleton found me before I found him. To complicate things, one of the ogre guards was still blue to me, so he jumped into the fight. Unfortunately, I was unable to target the skeleton in that short time before I had to run for the zone, so I did not get to con him.

I went back to Najena at level 29 to find nothing conned blue to me except tentacle terrors and "a skeleton" on the route to the skeletons. This meant that I could handle a solo fight with the skeleton and run back to the zone to meditate for the next fight. I fought the skeleton at the spiral staircase, and recooperated until the next one popped 10 minutes later. In short, at level 29 you can solo these if you are careful and don't get jumpy with the Lay Hands.

Edited, Tue Apr 16 06:30:15 2002
RE: A Skeleton - Najena - Noblemans Hilt
# Apr 14 2002 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
153 posts
My Guild raided Najena tonight. One Pally had been there for 4+ hours and when I shuted my intent to all my Guildies, he laid claim to the first one found. Fine by me.

90 minutes later I did find one and gave it to him. I found mine about an hour later.

The Skellys involved conned Dk Blue to my Level 24 Pally. They are a SERIOUS undercon. I had fought Unrest dark Boned skellys that fell to my pallys might and magic faster than htese guys did (Solo on both). I think it would be safe to assume that they are about level 26-30 or so.

Which ones?

1) Enter Najena and come to the room with the campfire and the first Ogre sitting by it. ( Approx Loc 500, -80 ) Turn Left (north) and follow this around to the east until you get to an area with paths going N, E and S. You will pass several elementals, usually Earth Elems. N path will lead to a room with a secret opaque wall you can walkthrough. The East hall will lead East then North. The Skelly straight ahead can aggro on you almost as soon as you turn the corner looking North. THAT is Skelly #1.

2) The next one means you must follow the south path from the last 3-way area mentioned in #1 above. Head South then east into a big chamber with at least 1 Tentacle Terron in it. In the far East wall is an opening guarded by 2 Elementals. (approx Loc = 125, 0) Pass through this way, turn South and follow this corridor. It straightens out heading east, widens into a square chamber (more Elems and possibly a DE Mage) then narrows back into a wide corridor and almost immediately into a three way intersection. Take the N opening ( approx Loc = -80, 0) to an open area with stairs running down the right wall and an ogre right in front of you. A short jump down over the edge will not damage you. It is on the top of this ledge (by the Ogre) that Skelly #2 Spawns. Another Skelly spawns just below but HE conned Yellow to me and was easier to kill (barely) than the dk Blue con.

#3 - Never found him

Hope this helps Good Hunting.
# Apr 03 2002 at 11:44 PM Rating: Default
What is the loc of Ruathey? someone killed her and know i can't get her to spawn or where she is located at. Any info would be nice

Spawn Time
# Apr 03 2002 at 11:30 PM Rating: Default
What is the spawn time for ruathey?

please let me know
Kanthuk Ogrebane
# Apr 03 2002 at 12:24 AM Rating: Default
As of the Vazaelle server, I have recently been informed via Gm that they have moved Kanthuk out of the Butcherblock Zone. I have no clue where to, and if anyone can help, I would greatly appreciate it.

Reham Dayweaver
Paladin of the 26th order of Minthial Marr
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 27 2002 at 9:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) One of the strangest thing heappened today. While I was killing crazed goblins in Butcherblock Mountains for some money and exp I got Blade of Nobility from one! This part of Ghoulbane is supposed to drop frome skeleton in Najena, not from goblin! But since I was already on my way to do the Ghoulbane quest I was more than happy for this loot.. specialy when all the boats are down on european server!
RE: Blade of Nobility
# Mar 29 2002 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, the hilt drops in Najena.
Carrion ghoul
# Mar 27 2002 at 9:36 AM Rating: Default
No, carrion ghoul drops carrion heart, which IS NOT the right heart. It is used for some shammy quest I think!

Thonin Stoneshield, lv30 paladin
RE: Carrion ghoul
# Mar 29 2002 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
Exactly, you need the Ghoul heart which drops from just about any crazed ghoul wandering around the main foor and outside the manor. A very common drop. I think I killed 2 and while I was clearing yard trash and got my heart.

Edited, Fri Mar 29 13:13:13 2002
Ghoul's heart
# Mar 25 2002 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
I spent 2 lvls trying to get a heart off of a crazed ghoul to no avail.....then right as I was getting ready to leave I got jumped by a regular ghoul and a mummy...the ghoul was white to me at 24 and ended up dropping the heart, I was shocked yet happy. It might have been a glitch but it might not so if your hunting and you get a higher lvl ghoul....who knows
# Mar 16 2002 at 6:29 AM Rating: Default
Where is this guy, Kanthuk Ogrebane? I know there is one Dwarf on the outer wall of the docks in Butcherblock, but it isn't Kanthuk. It's some Dwarf - that if you talk to him, he will lecture you about stealing his fishing spot.

Does anyone know where Kanthuk is? I've searched all over the docks, and on the outer walls, and still no luck. Anyone have a loc, or more details on where he is?
Kanthuk's Location
# Mar 24 2002 at 8:31 PM Rating: Decent
303 posts
Loc: +2200 +3000

There are two dwarves that you'll find north of the wall to the Butcherblock dock area. The first one (right next to the wall) you can ignore. Now follow the waterline north a little ways. Before you come to the large hill on the water, you'll come across Kanthuk partially out of view because he's so short. If you've walked the waterline and reached the large hill on the water north of the port and haven't found Kanthuk, then he's not around. Try back later. This happened to me once during my first attempt at finding him. The second time I checked (several hours later), Kanthuk was there. After giving him the note, he will disappear which may account for why he's sometimes absent.

Edited, Mon Apr 8 09:00:03 2002
RE: Kanthuk's Location
# Mar 29 2002 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, he has a nasty habit of doing that!
My friend and I were trying to do our quests together LOL took 20 min for the dorf to respawn
Kanthuk's Tale
# Mar 14 2002 at 3:18 PM Rating: Decent
To all of you having difficulty getting Kanthuk to respond after the "what strange image" question, make sure you have him targeted. I must have said every variation of the question I could think of to no avail, but as soon as I targeted him and repeated "what strange image", he gave me the amulet and immediately de-spawned.

Bolamir Hammersmith
Paladin of the 23rd Season
# Mar 11 2002 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
The hilt comes of of "a skeleton" in Nanjena. Its a high lvl skelly, and is an uncommon drop.

22 pally Rallos Zek
RE: a skeleton
# Mar 24 2002 at 8:35 PM Rating: Decent
303 posts
Does anyone know the approximate level of "a skeleton"? I play on Firiona Vie server, where these kind of items become trival loot if you're too high for the MOB. I hope the skeleton is not green to a Paladin in the mid 20s.
RE: a skeleton
# Mar 29 2002 at 1:20 PM Rating: Decent
Lvl 22-25ish. Beat them down until them drop the hilt. While you are there, loot some bone chips and use them for bone chip quests in various cities. You will need the faction later on to earn your armor of Ro.

Edited, Fri Mar 29 13:24:15 2002
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 05 2002 at 4:13 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HOW DO I GET SOME HARD CASH-ESPICALLY WHILE DOING THIS QUEST.ALL MESA DO IS SIT AROUND AND WAIT AND WAIT..................................AND LURN TO KICK OGRE AND SKELETON ***
# Mar 29 2002 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
Sorry Ghoulbane is nodrop
#Anonymous, Posted: Mar 05 2002 at 4:10 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) aint this a long message?
# Mar 05 2002 at 4:03 PM Rating: Default
Ok all the lugnuts that have been telling you about getting the heart it drops off a CRAZED GHOUL-the blade of nobility drops off the crazed goblins and goblins in bb.
I am currently working on this quest and cant seem to find a noblemans hilt.
20 paladin of Druzzil ro-Tasarin knight
18 magician of druzzil ro-Battlecrafters union
24 cleric of druzzil ro-Forsaken light
12 enchanter of druzzil ro-currently following eclecticon
12 warrior of Druzzil ro
10 shaman of druzzil ro
RE: Ghouls/goblins
# Mar 29 2002 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
Najena, just past the guards you will find stairs leading down towards something that looks like a castle. One of the 4 skellies you could kill to get this is right there. About lvl 22-25 if I remember correctly.

Edited, Fri Mar 29 13:22:39 2002
# Mar 02 2002 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
i am doin this quest on the rodcet nife server and had attempted this aproximately 10 times and had got stopped everytime at kanthuk for one reason or another. most of the time i would say "what strange image" and nothing would happen, so i sat and talk to my friends for a sec and just on a hunch said it again and it worked. i just hope the rest of the quest isnt jacked up like that part
# Mar 24 2002 at 8:40 PM Rating: Decent
303 posts
From what I've read, this is a common problem. In fact this happened to me as well. But the solution is simple. Before you say "what strange image", Kanthuk becomes untargeted if you had targeted him before. All you have to do is retarget him, and repeat "what strange image". Voila! It works!
# Mar 02 2002 at 1:11 PM Rating: Good
I've just completed the ghoulbane quest, and did it in about two days, without gating or teleporting. With respect to the hilt drop: Your target creature in Najeena is named only 'a skeleton'. They are the strongest skeletons in the zone that I saw, and there are four of them, all of which spawn relatively quickly. Walk through Najeena and you will come across a sitting Ogre guard. Take the path to the left. Continue walking throught the wider tunnels, do not bother entering the tunnels with brick lined entrances. You will enter a large room with tentacle terrors on either side, and a magician w/ pet at the far end, through a gate. Go throught the gate, follow the twisting tunnel, and go into the first room on your left. This room should have a spiral staircase down. This is where the first skeleton spawns, and it will probably find you before you find it. The second skeleton is in the next room beyond, the third down the left path from that room. These three skeles are pretty much all right next to each other. The fourth and final skele is in one of the brick lined tunnels you passed earlier. I believe the last one. I had to kill about 30 or 40 of these damn things before the hilt drop, but it did eventually drop. Thanks for all the help on the quest to Ustauno, Clarisse, Somali, Slybok, Qwinn, Grodey and Jodene, Ambyr, Aranon, Lenelia, and of course Holland/Loriendill for the wonderful ressurection.

Drinal Server
# Mar 01 2002 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
I'm on Quellious and I've given Kanthuk 4 notes, and gone through the hole long speech with him. When I get to "What strange image?" nothing happens. Did they change this where you have to have faction with Kanthuk for it to work? If so, how do I improve faction for it to work? I've talked to 8 different guides and GM's and no one knows the answer to this. Can any of you help me?


24th Dwarf Paladin

"So why did the chicken go to the middle of the road? Because he wanted to lay it on the line."
Re-Target NPCs
# Mar 24 2002 at 8:48 PM Rating: Decent
303 posts
Kanthuk needs to be retargeted in order to get his response to the phrase "what strange image". Just before you say this phrase he becomes untargeted even if you targeted him in the beginning when you hailed him. I found that when I talked to Llara in Dagnors Cauldron, she also became untargeted during our conversation. Always be sure that your NPC is targeted during this quest in order to get them to respond.
RE: Kanthuk
# Mar 05 2002 at 4:16 PM Rating: Default
yeah please make sure you target the npc-other problems may be that your faction is too low or there is something wrong with that npc
please complete the quest

We merchants dont sell to necromancers like you!
i say, kiss my butt then.
I know something useful for gnomes the EXIT!
Same to you
RE: Kanthuk
# Mar 02 2002 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent

Did you make sure that you still have Kanthuk targeted when it gets to that part of the dialog. When you first target him and begin the conversation the target clicks off again after the first bit of dialog. You need to click on him again to target him then reply with "What strange image" i think you'll find it work fine then.

Good Luck

Edited, Sat Mar 2 05:02:11 2002
Which Skeleton?
# Feb 24 2002 at 4:28 AM Rating: Decent
I have hunted every skeleton in Najena from greater skeleton, large skeleton, and just skeleton. I have had no luck finding the Noblemans Hilt on any of them. I camped every skeleton I saw for 4hrs, any ideas? Am I just not waiting long enough? Or does it only drop off of a certain type of skeleton i.e. greater, large, or just skeleton,
RE: Which Skeleton?
# Apr 13 2002 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
The Skel spawns under the stone stairs. I waited for 10 minutes, the first skel dropped it.
RE: Which Skeleton?
# Feb 27 2002 at 1:03 PM Rating: Default
The skeleton that you are looking for spawns near the stairs by the pond that get's you to Najena's room. It is just "A skeleton". I camped that area for about 12 hours total and it dropped 4 times(unfortunately I was sitting in ButcherBlock waiting for a port because the darn thing kept killing me most of the times it dropped.)
Which Skeleton?
# Feb 24 2002 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
This is messed up!!
# Feb 17 2002 at 6:49 PM Rating: Default
This is a great story with regards to my friend's pursuit to find the items for the ghoulbane quest. He's down to trying to get the scroll in Highkeep and has all the other items. We are both level 35 so we are too high for that area to play for much experience, so we let all the level 25ish characters kill all the mobs. I told him I would try to help him get the scroll. I have been healing all the lower level groups with the promise that he would be able to loot the scroll if one dropped. We camped it for 9 hours before a scroll finally dropped, during which not one person that was in any of the groups died while I was healing them. The scroll drops finally, and all the people in the fighting group do zone shouts for no one to loot the scroll so he may loot it. Of all the people that kneels down and loots the scroll, and most likely destroyed it, someone in his own guild. Can you believe that??!! Nonetheless we have spent an additional 2 and a half hours of camping and haven't seen it drop since. That makes me pissed because I have been helping him, and all that goes for naught because of his bonehead guildmate.
RE: This is messed up!!
# Mar 26 2002 at 10:32 AM Rating: Decent
I was there not even one hour and one dropped. I was there for exp, but also for the scroll. Now off to fight in unrest.
Starting NPC
# Feb 17 2002 at 6:36 PM Rating: Default
Please please please...WHERE is Ryshon Hunsti? I have spent hours in WK looking for him and NO ONE seems to know where he is!!!

Dyanne, paly of Mith Marr, E'ci
RE: Starting NPC
# Feb 17 2002 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
He is near the east karana border on the shore. Just start at the zone and go along the shore to find him. I found that he was often not there, but he will come up. Just keep checking.
ghouls heart
# Feb 17 2002 at 11:16 AM Rating: Default
hey i got the ghouls heart off of a ghoul!!dont know why but i did.i was camping the crazed ghoul in the towerin front and after and hour a ghoul popped and i got mad but when i killed him he dropped the heart go figure!!
DOH they finaly did it
# Feb 17 2002 at 9:11 AM Rating: Default
# Feb 12 2002 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
Finally got a heart off a crazed ghoul, but it only says "ghoul heart", is this the right one?
Does anyone know? It took 5 nights of camping,got this off ghoul that pop's in the closet on 2nd floor
RE: Luvdaariel
# Mar 20 2002 at 7:51 PM Rating: Default
That's da one!
# Feb 08 2002 at 7:01 AM Rating: Default
Killed lots of crazed ghouls in unrest....but no heart drop. The carrion ghoul does drop something like a that the one? Or must it really come from a crazed ghoul?

30st season
RE: Ghoulbane
# Mar 27 2002 at 3:31 PM Rating: Default
What you want is a Ghouls Heart. It drops from Crazed Goblins or regualar goblins. I spent several hours there before finally getting the heart. I got it from a ghoul that was on the second floor at the opposite end of the house from where the Crazed ghouls spawn. Theres a door on the back wall and he was in that room. My advice is that you kill all of the Crazed Ghouls and Ghouls that you can.

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