The New Worker  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:1 Minute
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
Faction Required:
Venril Sathir (Min: Amiable)
Quest Items:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Mar 20 14:19:29 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
"an undead foreman" may be found at +2385, +3305.

You say, 'Hail, an undead foreman'

an undead foreman turns to face you. You can see a faint green glow emanating from his vacant eye sockets. 'Are you a [new worker]? Huh? Speak or go!!'

You say, 'I am a new worker.'

an undead foreman says 'Hmmph!! Too much flesh!! If you want to work, you must first fill my eye sockets with my favorite gem. This shall be your payment for your Sledgehammer.'

His favorite gem is jade. Give him a Jade.

an undead foreman places the gem deep into his hollow eye socket. He pulls a giant sledgehammer from thin air and hands it to you. 'Here!! You shall be assigned to the lower decks of the Scaled Trident.'

You receive a Worker Sledgemallet and no experience, faction hits, or coin.
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# Apr 26 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Decent
The issue of charming seems to be stressed a lot but there is another way for enchanters. I don't understand how your faction has to be amiable since my DE Agnostic Enchanter did this quest at lv 28 with no braids.

I had a clicky staff that cast benevolence and then used minor illusion after dropping an item on the ground. Turned in the jade and got the hammer. Seems to me some other illusion could be used on other people, but the problem is finding an item with benevolence.
Puppet Strings all the way!
# Feb 18 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Excellent
Forget the faction, just get Puppet Strings! I got mine for 25k but I've heard of them going for 10k. (@ Ayonae Ro) I don’t know the initial charges but mine had 5 charges, unlike the picture currently linked here which showed 4. It might take a while to find them but it's so worth it so you don't have to mess with faction or if you're already max KOS. I just did this quest for my 65 Iksar monk, another 65 monk, a 65 ranger, and a 65 shaman. Illusion/Sneak did not work for me to fix my faction as I was already max KOS.

I first tried it by myself but was resisted. I had a 65 shaman Malos him, then Malosinia him for extra debuffage. (slow optional) Charm landed first attempt all four times with debuffs. I did not have a charisma buff, but it might help with those under 65. (my charisma was 75) If you’re really worried get an enchanter to tash as well. Note, from what I have read and was told the way the spell works on the puppet strings only modifies the faction enough on the turn in for the CASTER. So whoever uses the puppet strings does the turn in. Charming then having everyone turn in won’t work from what I’ve read. You'll get one turn in per Puppet Strings charge.

You normally don't need to pull the mob out if you invis to him to avoid aggro'ing the uber huge aggro range of the guards. The only time you might aggro the guards from my 4 turn ins is on the initial aggro/pull of the forman if a guard is pathing "near". By near, I mean the crazy assist aggro range the guards have. They can assist OFF the clipping plane.

Turn in:
Since time might be an issue, I strongly recommend putting the strings in your root inventory and having the jade ready as your cursor and forman targetted ahead of time to avoid mistargets. That way as soon as it's in turn in range you right click on the strings and turn in gem all in one second. IMO, let the mob come to you b4 you charm so you don't have to worry about wacky pathing or charm breaking as it's pathing to you.

Once you are behind the forman against the wall, continue west so you’re in the corner area of the zone edge and the outpost wall. Pull him here for the best results and minimal chance of aggro. Just debuff its resists, charm and then turn in gem ASAP. Be sure to get the gem listed above, not "jade gemstones" etc. Just the simple gem from jewelcraft vendors.

Aggroing Guards:
If you DO aggro the guards you’ll know soon as you see a train coming towards you. With SoW you can just train the PoK book, zone back in (invis) run to the spawn point. Wait for the skeleton to return and the guards should be back inside the outpost and not wandering on the edge. Then you can just pull the skeleton again and all should be well. If for some reason you have further difficulties you can do your debuff on the pull, then charm as it arrives then turn in b4 the guards even show up. Or you can just wait for the guards to go out on their patrols.

USING Hammer:
Anyone being able to use this hammer makes it nice for any class, everyone should have one, except maybe a wiz/druid. :) Having unlimited gates to a PoK book is great even for most casters. Gives you more freedom with your bind spot. It first procs AT level 50. When you proc to OT, you get jumped by 1 super green skeleton at 65 (about 1200hp). Kill it there or run SW and up to the wall where you can safely root it or just kill it. If you exit the boat by running directly SW, you can avoid any further aggro. Then just hug the wall east and exit OT. As stated above you won't aggro forman as you pass if you're against the wall (at least I didn't at 65). The guard are huge aggro and quickly create a huge train so might have to be careful exiting if w/out invis. Note: you appear in the hull of one of the boats, but you can run out up through the roof.

Lysis, 65 Monk - Ayonae Ro

Edited, Fri Feb 20 09:07:20 2004
pwns for bards
# Nov 09 2003 at 5:36 PM Rating: Default
this quest pwns for bards. I saw some of you bards saying that you should charm the guy, theres better ways to do it.

Just go to OT in dark elf form from your mask of deception, that made me dubious, then use your lvl 11 alliance song with a flute on um, that put me at AMIABLY.
so the quest took me all of 5 minutes, no i dont need to buy gate potions if i ever need to port outa somewhere like Howling Stones.

Also sweet for bards cuz its the only 2hand weapn i have seen that bards can use

Sweet Item,

Jafeth Happyhead, lvl 56 bard of Tribunal,
Happyhead Klan fo life!
RE: pwns for bards
# Oct 13 2005 at 5:12 AM Rating: Decent
There's another 2HB that bards can use. It's like 30/45 and has +25SvD, and I think +5disese damage. Forgot the name, as it's been in the bank for ages.
RE: pwns for bards
# Jan 29 2004 at 5:17 AM Rating: Default
I assume there are no kos mobs to greet you when your port in with no illusion on.

The pestilence sythe dropped by Lord Grimrot is 2hs, very heavy, bard and MONK usable :P
as well as many other classes.

RE: pwns for bards
# Feb 09 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Default
If memory serves there are several level 40-45ish skeles where you pop in. Still owns for bards, just fire up selo's and head for the POK book =)
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 04 2003 at 6:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post)
# Sep 27 2003 at 9:27 PM Rating: Default
Killing the berzerkers in OT gives you bad Chardok faction, so if u want to keep both factions expect to kill 2 more goblins for every 1 sarnak.

Monks can split pull rottgrime from his Marines. after he starts walking away stand and sneak, if sneak is successful rottgrime will walk away and u can turn in braids for the faction.
Puppet Strings
# Sep 05 2003 at 1:56 AM Rating: Excellent
I used Puppet Strings from PoFear to charm the undead foreman. While charmed the foreman /cons amiable and you can turn in the jade to get the hammer.

The foreman seemed to have pretty good magic resist, so I recommend using malo or tash if available. As a shaman I casted Malo on the foreman to pull him from the outpost. Got a few guard adds on the pull, so trained them to the zone, and with the help of a rogue friend was able to seperate the foreman from the guards and keep him outside the outpost.

My level 49 rogue friend was able to charm the foreman after three tries and then do the jade turn-in. At level 65 I was able to charm the foreman on the first attempt. Get a charisma buff to help with the charming if you can.

Now getting faction up with whip turn-ins is probably easier than getting puppet strings for many. But for those of us without enough faction to do the whip quest and fortunate enough to have puppet strings, this method can be used to get an OT hammer.

# Aug 26 2003 at 11:13 PM Rating: Decent
Does being a Cazic-Thule Iksar SK going to effect the quest for me? I have alreay turned in about 30 something braids with a DE illusion, but want to make sure this is actually going somewhere. Any reply would help. Thanks.
RE: Deity?
# Aug 27 2003 at 3:09 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
My Cazic Thule worshipping Iksar SK has turned in a total of 128 whips and now he is Amiable when he drinks his Darkelf Illusion potion. I got my OT hammer when he was in his 30's level.
RE: Deity?
# Apr 01 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Default
My 53 Iksar SK was also able to drink the DE potion and became dubious from max sowl. Now he can turn in braids...

On a side note, I have never been able to get the Puppet Strings method to work. Had the help of a 65 chanter, 65 bard, and a 65 shammy to help me. Burned all 10 charges trying different things on the undead foreman...all to no avail. Charm breaks way too fast for turn in...just my experience...
joust /con the undead foreman
# Aug 23 2003 at 12:36 AM Rating: Default
FYI , Don't even bother hailing the undead foreman just /con him if anything other than amiable or higher keep turning in warbraids .
Replying to any text the foreman has, (seems to me cuz it just happened ) will reduce your faction . So like i say /con him if amiable buy as Jade and give it to him , get a hammer and say goodbye to OT until you have to gate out of whoknowswhere .
RE: joust /con the undead foreman
# Nov 03 2003 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
This is SO bogus. Talking to the Undead Foreman (replying to his text) does NOT lower your faction. Although it still doesn't do you any good to talk to him before you are amiable.

How do I know it does not lower your faction to reply to him? I turned in just enough braids to go from dubious to apprehensive. Then I replied to his text... I was still apprehensive.
Not to mention I have other chrs that are already amiable and have their OT Hammer, so I did lots of talking to him in the early EQ years.
Tunare Elf - max kos
# Aug 17 2003 at 8:08 PM Rating: Decent
As a Tunare Elf ranger, with what I'm assuming is max KOS since I grew up in karnors, I am able to turn the braids into Capt. Rottgrime by casting harmony on all the undead marines, then sneaking behind Rottgrime and handing him braids at max trade range.

When I tried this without harmony it didn't work (or maybe I just wasn't careful enough), so I think harmony is the key.

Update August 30, 2003: Turned in exactly 908 braids so far, and I'm still KOS

Edited, Sat Aug 30 18:22:07 2003
# Aug 15 2003 at 2:38 PM Rating: Decent
In Dark Elf form or Erudite, (Agnostic) I was Dubious to VS faction mobs at the beginning of working on this quest. I turned in 47 sets of braids to get to amiably for the turn in.

Just to clarify, some people discuss charming the skeleton to do the turn in. If you were thinking of having someone charm the skeleton for you, it will not work. If you have the ability to charm, and you charm him, it should work.

And thanks for the earlier post, the ruins are a great place to farm the braids, I tripled the amount of braids/hour I farmed doing the ruins rather then running around the zone for wanderers, and you can make some decent money as well camping the Sarnak ruins. (The Sarnak infested ruins are located south of the Scorpikis pit at approx: -1500, 500)
# May 29 2003 at 11:41 PM Rating: Default
if you can't charm the quest giver to do this...

and if you haven't touched your faction with VS yet, you can get this mallet by doing the protect the shipyard quest 22 times, and using an illusion erudite potion.

the quest is killing sarnak berzerkers and turning 4 war braids into captain rottgrime in the southeast corner of the outpost. the berzerkers always drop the braids. the sarnak ruins to the south and slightly east of the outpost have about 10 sarnaks on 6 or 7 minute timers, and hunting here for 5 hours or less should yield the 88 required war braids.

Edited, Fri May 30 00:01:17 2003
#REDACTED, Posted: Mar 28 2003 at 8:38 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I never ever thought about geting this, as i detest Kunark. Now that i am able to now get this weapon I will now try. As, that everyonbe should have the abilty to Evac, since there is not always a group member there to save your skin...
just got the hammer..
# Mar 09 2003 at 1:01 PM Rating: Decent
and its a beautiful thing =).. however...

i have, currently, only ONE skill point in 1hb that i put there just so it wouldnt be 0 or in case it had to be trained to raise..

at any rate, i was dubious as to how efficiently this item would proc. i have only about 140 dex, but decided to give it a try. it worked within 5-10 hits on two greenie mobs i tried it on, and then i headed to bazaar to the arena where i "challenged" a level 61 crusader to fight me as a 52 sk to test its application in a life threatening situation..

it still procced beautifully. thank goodness too, 2hb is still 1!
Useful still
# Feb 21 2003 at 8:50 PM Rating: Default
Bind yourself in Rathe, solo HG's until you cant carry any more plats, pull out the hammer, start beating on a lizard, gate to OT, bank, sell and whatnot, gate back. Fast and efficient.

Or bind yourself on the higher floors in ToFS so you wont have to travel up every floor next time.

Thing is... this hammer lets you pretty much have 2 bindpoints, so you dont have to worry about rebinding at a remote place since OT has vendors, bank and it's very own PoK book.

Nargroth Valma'Xukuth
48th Necromancer
RE: Useful still
# Jul 05 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
128 posts
You cannot bind in ToFS.
Crap port spot
# Feb 17 2003 at 5:23 AM Rating: Default
Well i charmed this fool got the hammer the smacked him with it to test it. Wellit ported me inside a boat the skels are working on and aggrod the Goons. So be very aware of where you get stuck when ported.
Why and how
# Jan 13 2003 at 2:31 PM Rating: Excellent
Why get this? How many ways can a melee type get themselves out of PoG, Lguk, WW, etc? Two, this and Thurg potion.

One method for getting it has been left out - CHARM. Although the Foreman is highly MR, I was able to MR debuff him and then land a charm, after only 12 attempts. Blew through all my mana. But it stuck. Hand him jade, get hammer. Run away.

One problem with it. In a lot of zones, there may not be any mobs that won't pulp you quickly. Couple times I've prayed for that proc to gate me out.

Dex buffs and haste will accelerate the proc occurring. I can crank my DEX by 100 pts and my haste by 45%, so it usually goes off within 20 secs.
RE: Why and how
# Feb 04 2003 at 5:59 AM Rating: Decent
just out of curiousity but were u able to get this as a 45 bard?
RE: Why and how
# Apr 07 2003 at 12:42 PM Rating: Default
if u r curious then u must have found out that bards get a charm at 39 that can charm mobs to lvl 53. and we have a MR debuff.. ppl dont get bards, it irritates me.. and it is a great help this hammer, so far its the only way for a bard to port in safety without using money on it. u dont need faction or anything cause the mobs in the boat, where u land after port, dont agro u, so swim in the harbor till u get to pok book and zone to pok, ur clear after that if u got agro, u can always use Selo's Song of Travel if bard, and use levitate to get to the pok book. i tried a lot of things to get this, and on my fifth attempt, my 3rd with charm, i got him without adds, and i got the hammer. some cleric told me it was useless, when i showed it to her, but hey, she doesnt (surprisingly) know the bard class. nobody seems, and thats annoying, cause u hear lots who says "bards are needed, bards are great in a group". then whenever i go out LFG, nobody wants a bard. really pisses me off. anyway, enough whine, just get the hammer if u want free port out of ****** places.

lvl 52 bard on Antonious Bayle
RE: Why and how
# Apr 16 2003 at 11:46 AM Rating: Default
all you need is de/erudite illusion, no need for charm.
RE: Why and how
# Jun 10 2003 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
72 posts
ilusion will only work if diety does not conflict
RE: Why and how
# Oct 11 2003 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
627 posts
At 51, my bard was KoS in wood elf form. With mask of deception, it brought faction up to apprehensive. I used the level 11 faction song and it brought faction up to amiable. No need to charm if your faction song is able to bring it up sufficiently.
RE: Why and how
# Apr 21 2003 at 6:24 PM Rating: Decent
With both agnostic wood elf bard and agnostic dwarf rogue DE illusion just barely lifts me out of KoSdom. Since the quest is given somewhere at amiably+ faction (-> no sneak turn in) you need either charm or work VS faction with war braids/kurnark dragon kills. Illusion alone will not help.

Bard got his mallet at 53 with charm (took a while). Rogue is up to indiff with illu+war braids now. Doesn't receive quest yet.

# Aug 12 2002 at 3:04 AM Rating: Good
To do this quest you have to be at least at amiable faction, I personally got my faction from apprehensive to amiable on braids alone, it took me about 9 lvls though. Not sure if I want to do it since I plan on hunting in KC at higher lvls, it might be nice though if it procced lower, o well. I hope this helps.
OT hammer
# Aug 02 2002 at 12:22 AM Rating: Good
OK to answer a few questions. The purpose of this hammer is that you can use it to gate to OT outpost as ANY class including melee. With the Nexus portals, Thurg gate potions and new easy to use methods of travel being rumored in PoP it is not as big a deal as it once was, but still useful. As long as there is something <either a mob, or a player who will duel you> to hit you can use this to port, this can be useful if you end up in a bad place <examples LK in Velks or fall down in the Well in KC> or if you simply wish to journey from where you are now ... <Halas comes to mind> to Kunark. Things to be aware of, if you are Kos you will have to be able to deal with pulling a train of guards here, the hammer will not proc until 50 or 51 <?> tho it can be gotten sooner, and that Killing in KC or Kaesora will ruin your OT faction.

There are 2 ways I have heard of getting the hammer if you are KoS. 1 is to collect braids and then to charm <Either Very high level necro or chanter> Rottgrime. 2 is to to acieve illusion skeleton by casting it <enchanter/necro> or having an item that procs it <AoN/some shadow knight sword> and turn in braids. You will not get any faction if grouped with people turning in braids so no that does not work.

Wyld 59 chanter
Skeleton form
# Jul 20 2002 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
As an Iksar Necro I did this quest at 50 No problem., I USED THE ILLUSION SKELETON THAT or HP=to mana give us ...U can do quest much much faster that way., hehe Just watch your Hp bar cuz It would look real bad if you die =).. Skeleton Form does help.
RE: Skeleton form
# Feb 11 2003 at 3:34 PM Rating: Default
Be advised i tried this today feb 12 2003 this DOES NOT WORK you may be able to move around but does not raise your faction. you may be able to turn in braids in skell form but if you are kos in normal form you will be kos in skell.
Quest Level
# Jul 14 2002 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent
If all the quests takes it to turn in a jade to someone then why is there a minimum level of 50 to do the quest?
RE: Quest Level
# Jul 17 2002 at 7:27 AM Rating: Good
It's not really the minimum to do the quest. However, it is the minimum for the weapon to proc, and therefore the minimum level at which you might want to DO this quest.
# Jul 03 2002 at 1:58 AM Rating: Excellent
If you are have kos faction with Venril Sathir, you have alot of work ahead of you for getting this hammer. There are 6 mobs in the game you can kill to raise that faction, and they are all lvl 60 dragons. They are: Esorpa of the Ring, Faydedar, Gorenaire, Phara Dar, Talendor, and Xygoz.
I have no idea how big of a faction hit you get for killing any of the dragons, but I would imagine it is pretty hefty. One thing you could do is keep a eye on the EQraids board, and when you see a raid going on for any of these dragons, show up and just hit the mob once, or heal someone, or get the picture. Then you will get the faction without haveing to actually kill the mob. Make sure you ask permission from the raid leader before you do this, just out of respect. Or, just help out all your guildie druids who have to kill Faydedar for their epic, and look at it as a added bonus for helping out your friends.
If anyone who was KOS has killed one of these mobs, could you please respond to this post with the results of your faction boost. I will be going after Fay myself soon, so I will post the results when I am done.

Spliffy Droopydrawers
58th Druid

P.S. Isn't it nice when someone makes a post with some actuall information about the thread topic =)
RE: Spliffy
# Jul 09 2002 at 12:59 PM Rating: Default
You could also just kill Sarnak Berserkers and loot their braids and Turn them in to the marine Capt. Rottgrime. This well known quest also raises faction with Venril Sathir.
RE: Spliffy
# Jul 13 2002 at 8:42 PM Rating: Default
Kinda hard to turn braids into Capt. Rottgrime when you are KoS.
RE: Spliffy
# Dec 12 2002 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
658 posts
I know quite a few folks who have turned braids in to the Captain while KOS.

Pull him outside the outpost, mem-blur him or FD and then sneak behind him. A skilled monk can single-pull him. There is a guide as to how to do this at - and it works.

If you can't sneak......I'm not sure how to do it then.
RE: Spliffy
# Sep 03 2002 at 5:09 PM Rating: Default
Smiley: lol
# Jun 26 2002 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
You can dual a friend until it procs if you want to get to OT quickly.

And I think you can attack a greenie, but I'm not totally sure about that
Hammer Proc?
# Jun 26 2002 at 9:20 AM Rating: Default
OK, here come the stupid questions:

WHY would I want to use a weapon that processes a gate out of the fight I am in when that proc isn't going to be guaranteed to go off? Seems a haphazard way to get back to OT. As far as right-clicking and losing it, WHY are you going to lose it by right clicking it if the Gate: OT is a weapon proc and not a right click? You can't right-click a weapon proc.

I am a 30 necro working on Sarnak braids right now, and saw this quest. I understand that a gate to OT if you are bound near where you are fighting would be extremely useful for a caster class. But exactly how useful would a gate proc be for a necro if I have to use it in a melee fight? Dunno if I want to have to duel someone just to get a port to OT....

** Recent Edit **

Why is my post rating being slammed? I asked a few questions, hoping to get some answers that would make sense, not just a "Because I said it was good". Instead, no answers and some peeps rating my questions badly. Many thanks <dripping with sarcasm>

Eevill Inkarnate
35 Erudite Necromancer of Cazic Thule
Coven of Eternal Fury - Druzzil Ro

Edited, Tue Jul 23 12:01:09 2002
RE: Hammer Proc?
# Sep 22 2002 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
I am not even a Necro (Drood here) my fiancée plays a Necro. Here is the reason why almost any Necro would want this weapon. Quick access to a bank and merchants. Simple as that, we caster classes can hardly carry anything without getting encumbered, even with weight reducing backpacks. It is that simple, mobs that drop weapons and bricks of ore would weigh you down quick, with this you just engage a mob and bam.. you can sell and bank. Then you just gate back and get more loot. Rinse .. wash.. repeat.. pretty simple, and if you have no one to duel or even greenies to kill, sick your pet on a blue mob.. give him a sec to get agro and then assist him, you should be able to proc this weapon before the fight is done and get your gate.
RE: Hammer Proc?
# Nov 19 2002 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
I am a necro

reason i wanted the hammer? to be able to self port easily to Kunark, another location than Dl preferred

it's the only reason i kept my VS faction (it's now completely screwed, Kaesora + HS owns for this :D)

find a green/light blue mob
sic Bond of Death+ (basically DoT lifetap), hit A
if you're loosing a bit too much HPs, throw in a few lifetap DD

with ~ 130 Dex, it procs in less than 30seconds (sometimes at the 1st hit lol)
Troll Warrior worshiping Rallos
# Jun 03 2002 at 1:36 PM Rating: Default
I'm a troll warrior that worships the God of War, Rallos Zek (ironically I play on the same server too). I am not KoS and have ventured the whole zone without one attack. At this point I think I'm amiably but not ally or warmly. So now that this is clear for me I think I'll do the quest.

Lesan Bloodrain
First Brood of the Bloodrain
58th season Troll Myrmidon
Rallos Zek
RE: Troll Warrior worshiping Rallos
# Jun 11 2002 at 5:30 PM Rating: Default
Why would you be so stupid to post that crap message? Who did you help with that 'information'? I am now dummer for having read that. You are an idiot.

Who did my message help you may ask? All the other idiots who now might think twice about posting thier ignorance for everyone else to read.

TheMainTank = BigIdiotMoron
RE: Troll Warrior worshiping Rallos
# Jun 12 2002 at 1:30 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
Good post, a little harsh, but good. There is no reason to post crap like that. Post info if you have it or don't post. Example:

I started to hunt here at level 35 and stayed till 44 (soloing). It took that long to get enough braids to get to amiable. There is no other way to improve your faction in the outpost; so if you are KOS, you are also SOL. Capt. Rottgrime is in the south east inside corner of the outpost. The guy that gives you the hammer is on the west end of the outpost.

Wow, information and not crap. If my info is wrong, please feel free to correct it with or with out flamming, but please post information.

And 'dummer' should be spelled 'dumber'. So your post is correct =).

Edited, Wed Jun 12 02:30:52 2002
#Anonymous, Posted: May 14 2002 at 12:33 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) how many war brains i need to give him from amiable plz anyone?
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