Ivy Etched Leggings  

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Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Loot
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Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Tue Mar 20 14:34:10 2001
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
In the north central part of Kithicor Forest, find Leaf Falldim (location +1393, +2279).

At the completion of the Ivy Etched Gauntlets quest, Leaf makes reference to a subsequent quest that gives the Ivy Etched Leggings.

You say, 'Tell me about the ivy etched leggings...'

Leaf Falldim says 'I will make you an offer. If you be a ranger, as they are made for only a ranger, you must venture to Faydwer. There you shall seek out Lieutenant Leafstalker of the Kelethin army. He sent a message of his retrieval of the Quiver of Kithicor. Tell him you want it and return it to me. Oh... and one more [small item].'

You say, 'What small item?'

Leaf Falldim says 'Along with the quiver you shall journey to Erudin and purchase a Star of Odus gem to add to the quiver. Consider the coins you shall spend an offering to the woods.'

Travel to the city of Kelethin within Greater Faydark. Lieutenant Leafstalker is a wood elf guard that roams the platforms of Kelethin near the ranger guild hall.

You say, 'Hail, Lieutenant Leafstalker'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Hail!! Respect all laws in Kelethin and her territory and you shall live a fruitful life.'

You say, 'I want the quiver of Kithicor'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Ummm.. I have some bad news. I did find it, but a band of brownie outcasts came in the night, took [all of the arrows] from the quiver and ran back to the forest they came from. As if that were not enough, while I was hot on their little heels, the thief [Wiltin Windwalker] came into Kelethin and took the quiver itself. Whew!! What a day!'

You say, 'What of all the arrows?'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'All of the arrows are gone. You must get the arrows of recognition, acknowledgment, defiance, gallantry, bravery and fortitude. Get them from the brownie outcasts and combine them in the quiver.'

You say, 'Who is Wiltin Windwalker?'

Lieutenant Leafstalker says 'Wiltin Windwalker!! Traitor he is! He left Kelethin to join the Pirates of Gunthak. I heard news that the Royal Navy of Ak'Anon sank the pirate ship he was on in the Ocean of Tears. What I don't get is where those little gnomes moor their ships. They have no harbor!! But that is another story.'

Head to Lesser Faydark. Brownie outcasts (the exact name is a brownie outcast) are random spawns around the Pixie Tower (location +1340, +2840). The place holders are pixie tricksters and pixie pranksters. Killing these in the area near the Pixie Tower will cause brownie outcasts to spawn.

Keep killing brownie outcasts until you have at least one, each, of:

Arrow of Acknowledgment
Arrow of Bravery
Arrow of Defiance
Arrow of Fortitude
Arrow of Gallantry
Arrow of Recognition

Each of these arrows is NO TRADE. However, they are not LORE and are stackable to 100 per stack just like all other arrows.

Note: The pixie merchants located inside the tower on the upper floor are not on Pixie faction. So, killing the tricksters and pranksters will not affect your ability to buy and sell from the pixie merchants in the tower.

After collecting at least one of each of the six arrows, head to Seafury Island in the Ocean of Tears to find Wiltin Windwalker (location +2022, -3615). His placeholder is 'a buccaneer'.

Wiltin Windwalker says 'Dead men tell no tales!!'

You have slain Wiltin Windwalker!
Wiltin Windwalker's corpse says 'You have run me through! Beware the Pirates of Gunthak.. They will avenge me. . . Unngh!!'
Your faction standing with Pirates Of Gunthak got worse (-1)
Your faction standing with Inhabitants of Firiona Vie got better. (1)

Loot the "Quiver of Kithicor - open".

The 'Quiver of Kithicor - open' is a 6-slot container. Place one, each, of the six arrows looted previously from the brownie outcasts into this quiver and click Combine. You will now have a 'Quiver of Kithicor - full' which is not a container.

Head to the continent of Odus. Enter Erudin Palace and find the merchant, Anite Gemcutter (location +784, +599, -13). Buy one Star of Odus from her.

Head back to Kithicor forest and return to Leaf Falldim. Give him the Star of Odus and the closed Quiver of Kithicor.

Leaf Falldim says 'Wonderful!! I see he did find it. How lucky we are that he did all the hard work. My thanks to you are embodied in these ivy etched leggings. Now you may [earn the ivy etched boots] to go along with them.'

Your faction standing with Kithicor Residents has been adjusted by 10.
Your faction standing with Protectors of Pine has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Jaggedpine Treefolk has been adjusted by 1.
Your faction standing with Unkempt Druids has been adjusted by -1.
You gain experience!

Receive Ivy Etched Leggings.
Submitted by: Tsunamineko; updated by Ryllian
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# May 01 2001 at 10:39 AM Rating: Default
where do you get all the arrows for the leggings quest..
Wiltin Windneverthere
# Apr 10 2001 at 3:49 PM Rating: Default
Here is my just comleted info on Mr. I never see him. I have camped Wiltin 3 times now for 10 hours (real time) or more. This last time I stopped reading my book long enough to do some research for others:
Spawn: 2:10am
Dead: 2:11am
Spawn: 3:20am
Despawn: 4:25am
Respawn: 4:30am
Camp Cleared: 4:32am (I killed bucky first)
Spawn: 5:40am

So...it doesn't make a difference if ye kill him or not, the spawn time is 70 minutes...only issue is someone happens along and kills him...which makes it wiser to just wax the fellow.
Also, bring a GREAT book...this fellows spawn time and rarity makes for a VERY long camp.

My 2cp.

Medar Wolfdagger
45th Season Ranger
Bertoxx Server
Holder of all Ivy Gear EXCEPT these leggings =(
RE: Wiltin Windneverthere
# Apr 17 2001 at 7:09 AM Rating: Default
I can relate, I just completed mine and it wasn't quick. I finally got Wiltin when I was able to log in on a Monday morning early. I was camped in the safe corner there by the pirate tents. Lo and behold, there he was! He had been up for at least 1/2 hour real time (it was 8 PM game time), so I cannot confirm any of the reports of him despawning quickly.

After a spree of random violence in LFay for the arrows, I got my leggings.
I see him everytime im there and the quiver rots
# Jun 05 2001 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
1,075 posts

About every time I go to oot to do AC or something and am running back and forth doing bracer of erolsi quest bored, I see wilten. The last 2 quiver rotted since I already had it in bank.

I yelled out to the zone and the 10 or so people in it had no interest.
Leutenant Leafstalker is WHERE exactly?
# Apr 09 2001 at 9:21 AM Rating: Default
I'm finally going to give the leggings a try but I can't seem to find this guy. I've tracked all over Kelethin to no avail last night. Where does he hide? Went to the Ranger Guild, Druid Guild, the Fletching Store, and basically every corner of Kelethin looking for him with tracking up and NOTHING. Where is he? PLEASE help me! I know i can do this quest but i need to know where he is so i can get that quiver....

RE: Leutenant Leafstalker is WHERE exactly?
# Apr 10 2001 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
Lieutenant Leafstalker roams around Kelethin. He travels from the Druid guild, past the Ranger guild, past the bank, toward the POD lift, then off toward the Orc lift. But you don't need to talk to him anyway. Not if you already know which arrows you need. I completed the quest without talking with him.
But a note, you have to talk to the quest giver before Lieutenant Leafstalker will talk to you. But he's not important if you already know about the arrows. =)
Hope this helps

~Alielle Taallis~
32nd Ranger of Tunare
The info I would have liked when I did the quest
# Mar 15 2001 at 2:51 PM Rating: Decent
I wanted to make a post that was all inclusive of the correct information and even had some information that I wish I had.

First, the brownie outcasts. They can be found around the abandoned tower in Lesser Faydark where there are all sorts of pixies. To make the outcasts spawn, kill the pixie trixsters and pranksters, but not the jongleurs. The jongleurs will lower your faction with your guild. From my experience, the outcasts were level 31 to 33. They are viscious little druids and they pack a huge punch. I couldn't kill them alone at my level.

As for Wiltin Windwalker, I don't have too much helpful information. I stood on Seafury Island in Ocean of Tears for 3 days before I saw him. It's a great time to play Gems or work on a skill. If you're not high enough level to kill him by yourself, there is usually a higher level person on the island killing Seafuries or camping the Ancient Cyclops. They'd probably help you out if you asked. And the spawn time appears to be around 70 - 80 minutes (about a full Norrathian day).

The Star of Odus can be purchased for around 130pp depending on your faction and charisma. It is sold by one of the jewelers, Anite Gemcutter. She is in Erudin Castle on the bottom floor (one down from the zone in) right across from the bank in Sothure's Fine Gems. It looks like a sapphire or plains pebble.

You don't need to talk to Lieutenant Leafstalker to make the quest work. You don't need to do the Ivy Etched gloves first. If you're nervous about turning in the items, tell Leaf Falldim "I want to earn the ivy etched leggings" and he'll tell you about them. Just hand him the full Quiver of Kithicor and the Star of Odus and he'll give you EXP, faction, and the leggings.

I hope this helps someone out. The quest isn't easy, but quests shouldn't be too easy. I felt proud when I finished the quest. I hope this information is helpful.

Alielle Taallis of Torvonnilous
31st level Ranger of Tunare
Magic Words
# Mar 01 2001 at 12:31 PM Rating: Good
The key words to get Leaf to give you this quest are: "I want to earn the ivy etched leggings." You can also use this for getting the boots or gloves from him, substituting the right words into the right places. If you can't figure out which words and which places, you shouldn't be playing on your parents computer. :)

#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 10 2001 at 12:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) these are cool man but is it ranger only?
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 17 2001 at 8:11 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) /em slaps aut for asking a stupid question.
26 hour spawn cycle
# Jan 31 2001 at 1:10 AM Rating: Default
Ok, here's what my wife and I have found after approx 50 hours of camping Wiltin over the last 5 days and talking with others who found him in the times we were absent. Wiltin seems to be on about a 26 hour cycle. One person told us she found Wiltin about 10:30 on Sunday, another said they found him about 12:30 on Monday. Being as we had covered almost all oter time slots over those days I say with certain confidence he only spawns once per RL day. We camped him on Tuesday and sure enough he spawned close to 2:30 (all PST). So, if you take into account it was fairly consistent those three days try to find out when the last time he spawned was and save yourself a lot of trouble.
RE: 26 hour spawn cycle
# Jul 08 2001 at 7:13 PM Rating: Default
Wilton's last appearence was

Saturday July 7th 2001 at around 9:00 AM Eastern time

Sunday July 8th 2001 at around 8:30 AM eastern time
RE: 26 hour spawn cycle
# Feb 09 2001 at 1:09 AM Rating: Decent
i read this before i camped for this and so, after 13hrs of camping him, talked w/ some people who said they had seen him killed 2hrs before i started camp. so i figure 26hrs he aint due soon i will leave and let them have the camp; well i checked on em at the next spawn and tada there's Wiltin i was bummed he is not on 26hrs so i camped him i got him 15hrs later 2/8/01

RE: 26 hour spawn cycle
# Apr 03 2001 at 8:17 PM Rating: Default
Wiltin has been known to pop multiple times in a RL day, and to go more than one RL day without popping. He's a random and uncommon spawn, simple as that. Unfortunately, there are no crystal balls or tea leaves you can read to determine when he'll spawn.

I have heard that he spawns more frequently since the recent patch, but I have no firsthand knowledge of it.
RE: 26 hour spawn cycle
# Jun 05 2001 at 7:02 PM Rating: Default
I wouldn't bet on that improved spawn time. I spent a week camping him, on average hours per day for 7 days...and then got lucky I logged on and there he was...
lucky or what
# Jan 18 2001 at 9:45 AM Rating: Default
ok, my first time ever to try to get the quiver was tonight. as soon as i stepped on the island old bucco disappeared. Hence Windwalker popped. Took about 5 minutes. now did they change the spawn around so that everytime a ranger comes within range of the buccaneer it will despawn and Willy will pop? or am i just the luckiest ******* around? btw, got me to about half life going toe to toe at lvl 42. Now i dont mean to brag, but is that crazy or what? made my night
tkae care and good luck!!
Got my Legs
# Dec 14 2000 at 7:59 PM Rating: Default
Well I finally got my Ivy Legs, and I must say I will wear these till I have Thoryn Vine. I'll be working on a second pair for a Guild Mate of mine. The Wiltin spawn can take some time so make it enjoyable, bring some friends over lvl 40 and hunt seafuries while you wait. You'll get some loot, exp and won't be sitting in one spot for 90+ min. Good luck...
Are the arrows no drop?
# Dec 13 2000 at 6:44 PM Rating: Default
I was soloing Seafuries and Wiltin spawned. I ooc'd for any rangers to come over, but after an hour he was still up. I killed him and took the quiver. Are the arrows no drop? If not I will have a ranger friend get the arrows and star of odus and we can do the quest together. If they are no drop, I just have a fancy container in my bank.
RE: Are the arrows no drop?
# Mar 23 2001 at 5:50 PM Rating: Decent
Yes, they are NO DROP and LORE for that matter.
RE: Are the arrows no drop?
# Apr 03 2001 at 8:10 PM Rating: Default
You can complete the quest, however, if you have the right faction. The leggings are not NO DROP, and you can still do your friend a service.
where is he?
# Dec 13 2000 at 1:38 AM Rating: Default
I cannot for the life of me find Leutenant Leafstalker!
#Anonymous, Posted: Dec 13 2000 at 1:38 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I cannot for the life of me find Leutenant Leafstalker!
# Oct 19 2000 at 6:26 PM Rating: Default
camped him for 7 hours straight and never killed the bucc and nothing, but idid get killed 6 times from other ppl trying to solo Seafury Cyclops's and u tend to either get lost or lose ur bdy in the ocean if u try to flee my advice is buy it or buy silver plate its not worth it
RE: 7hours
# Nov 02 2000 at 12:28 PM Rating: Default
You ever think that maybe while you were returning to the island that maybe he spawned... but thanks for the tip, least I know to keep camoed.
RE: 7hours
# Nov 14 2000 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
I've camped the buc for a total of 27 hours now, and have only seen Wiltin once (I was alone and he killed me). That was after 20 hours straight.

BTW, camo doesn't work with cyclops or hill giants...they can see through it.
RE: 7hours
# Nov 26 2000 at 9:00 AM Rating: Default
Darn, thanks for the input... guess I'll be spending a Saturday there. BTW what lvl are you and how far did you get him down? As I'll probably be 37 when I do my camping, any info would be appreciated. Thanks again...
RE: 7hours
# Jan 27 2001 at 6:13 PM Rating: Default
Camo DOES work with clops and fury's, I use it all the time. BTW I camped wiltin last night, he spawned once, killed me and didn't spawn again, I waited 5 hours. I have a theory about it, which i will share if it's right.

-Kurraga of Xegony server
Ranger of the 34th season
RE: 7hours
# Feb 11 2001 at 12:18 AM Rating: Default
Why would you use camo when you can use hide instead? With hide you don't have to worry about it dropping suddenly.
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 12 2000 at 3:32 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I think I can speak for everyone on this topic. Please people when you know that someone has been camping for a long time, don't pester them about when they are going to leave. Don't sit down next to them to "wait" until they are done. You might be waiting a long time and then the time it takes for you to complete your camp on top of that. The NPC will always respawn and will always be there. Just ask them kindly if they will send you a tell when they are done and 9 times out of 10 they will. These players are tired from camping that long of a period and quite understandably a little grouchy and become extremely nervous at the thought of someone possibly stealing their kill. So, be courteous.
Hidden Quest
# Sep 11 2000 at 10:40 AM Rating: Default
Please note, rangers, that in order to be told of the quest you must get the parts of the Bow of Kithicor and return them he'll ask you if you wish to earn the Leggings. I witnessed the 'cascade' of it from the Leggings to the Boots, so I think you either must know the 'code words' from the start to be given the quest or finish them in order (makes sense; I think the Bow is about the same level of toughness as is hunting the Outcasts).

While you're doing this quest, be warned that the Outcasts are all Druids and fight dirty.

WHY is this quest only ranked 'Average??
RE: Hidden Quest
# Nov 02 2000 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
Outcasts aren't that bad by themselves, 2 at a time can be a pain, 3 or more ruins your day. Least it was for me a 34 Ranger with a 39 Enchanter. Got all my arrows though, now I just have to get the Quiver.
# Sep 04 2000 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
From what I noticed when doing this quest it is just the pranksters and not the tricksters that make them spawn
Wiltin's spawn cycle
# Aug 15 2000 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
The spawn cycle if left alone (i.e. you don't kill the buccaneer) is the buc will de-spawn at 8:00am, norrathian day, and respawn before 10:00am. The Norrath day is roughly 3 min/RL hour, or 72 minutes, 67 minutes while buc is standing there, and then around 4-5 mins before he respawns.

If the buc is killed early enough after he respawns, he'll respawn close to 10am the next day, and prevents someone else from ******** up the "cycle" by killing the buc late in the day. From what I've seen after camping this for 4 days, a buc killed afternoon, tends to have him either skip an entire cycle or respawn later in the day, but eventually after 2 unmolested cycles will return to the 8:00am de-pop to 10:00am pop.

Best strategy:

1) either you're lucky and will have him spawn early
2) bring a pillow and just watch him w/o killing him.
3) kill him as soon as he respawns, therefore preventing someone else from ******** up the spawn cycle.
legs and the quest
# Aug 02 2000 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
in short here ya go...when it comes to wiltin it is a long spawn..65min then a 5 min despawn then 65 min spawn,,seems like u must wait for 7 despawns for wiltin to spawn ...did this at lvl 39 and he took me down to 2 bubs...fyi...and also satr of odus was 140pp in erudin
Brownie Outcasts
# Jul 23 2000 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
Brownie outcasts are not the same thing as brownies. The outcasts spawn near the abandoned tower east of the brownie village (just past the west end of the path). Kill Tricksters and Pranksters but not Jongleurs to make outcasts and Thistle Underbrush (Ivy Tunic quest) spawn.
RE: Brownie Outcasts
# Aug 25 2000 at 4:48 PM Rating: Default
I attempted to solo an Outcast Brownie, got rocked bad, and I'm lvl 36 ranger
RE: Brownie Outcasts
# Oct 30 2000 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
I'm a, well was a 34 Ranger :-) I was able to get all six arrows in about 2.5 hours (I've been told I'm lucky) and I did it with a 39 Enchanter. Single Brownies are easy to kill, 2 is a challenge 3 - 4 kiss your butt good bye :-) I died two times all due to multiple spawns so I reccomend bringing a healer and a extra ranger or a warrior if you can't find a ranger ;-)

Now I have to go to Seafury and marathon camp, I'll let you know how it goes.

Armanella Silverwolf
Rodcet Nife
Silver Plated Standby
# Jul 15 2000 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
It takes the same amouont of time for Wiltin to despawn as it does for him to respawn after being killed, which right now is about 70 mins. While this is a long time to wait per spawn, OOT is not without it diversions. Most of the time I went over to spectre isle and killed gargoyles while I waited on the spawn. No exp, but at least you can make some money while you wait. I even got to join a group fighting specs for awhile.
# Jul 11 2000 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Camping Wiltin takes way too long. Unless you are dead set on being all green its much easier to seek a set of silver plated leggings.

RE: Alternative
# Nov 02 2000 at 12:29 PM Rating: Default
There is no other way, Silver Plate and Ivy just don't match...
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