Breakdown in Communication #3: Riwwi  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Advancement
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Related Quests:
Era:Gates of Discord
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Sat Jun 5 22:44:16 2004
Modified: Tue Dec 5 05:21:04 2023
Talk to Taminoa Bialu

  • Taminoa Bialu may be found near Fezbin Fizzles at -35, +60, with whom you must have already completed the preflagging to accomplish this step of the quest.

    You say, 'Hail, Taminoa Bialu'

    Taminoa Bialu says 'Greetings. You must be one of the adventurers that Fezbin told me about. It is a pleasure to meet such a brave individual. Where are my manners? My name is Taminoa Bialu and I compile all the information from our scouts in the [city] area of Taelosia.'

    You say, 'What city?'

    Taminoa Bialu says 'Well, it appears the native inhabitants of Taelosia lived in a grand city once. This city is made up of four different areas named in their language. They are [Qinimi], [Riwwi], [Barindu], and [Ferubi]. Based off of early information, we believe each area had a specific purpose. I am still trying to decipher the native language to figure out what the names mean, but going off of visual information I can assume that Qinimi served as their court, Riwwi is where they held games, Barindu was a lush garden, and Ferubi was a central place of worship once. That is about the extent of my information as far as the intended purpose of each area. What they are now used for I can explain in further detail. Which area would you like to hear more about?'

    You say, 'What is Riwwi?'

    Taminoa Bialu says 'Riwwi has to be the most interesting of all of the city areas. You see, this is where the coliseum is located. Now, we are not completely aware of how it was used before this invading army took up residence in the area, but now it is used for the merciless slaughter of the nihil. Early reports from our scout, Reyna, indicate that the slaves in the area would not interact with her until she proved herself. How she was able to do this I am not sure, but I would suggest trying to find something of Reyna's while I go over my Riwwi information. Come back to me when you find something.'

    Reyna's Demise

  • It seems Reyna did get in a bad situation. You will find Reyna's Bloody Earring as a random drop in Riwwi. Hand it to Taminoa:

    Taminoa Bialu says 'This does not bode well for Reyna's fate. If I had to guess, I would say they took her to the coliseum. Knowing what we know about these strange beings, they would have taken her to the coliseum just so they could entertain themselves by torturing her. You must find a way into the coliseum and save Reyna. I think your best plan of action would be to locate and speak to Turlini and Namosa. They are two slaves Reyna mentioned in her reports. They may not talk to you if you have not proven yourself, but once you do that they should be pretty helpful. They may even know an easy way into the coliseum. Find these two and ask them about Reyna. Return to me when you find out more information about her.'

  • So, you are directed to two slaves, Turlini and Namosa, who will not trust you at first. This is an entire side quest, which results in its own rewards. It also takes a while.

    Gain faction with the Yunjo Resistance

  • You can gain faction by relentlessly killing some of the mobs that give off the required faction increase (not all do, and the faction is +1 per kill).

    You can also help some of the slaves. This is how Reyna did it. There are some slaves that are hungry and thirsty, located in the first building to the left of the Qinimi zone line. They require some player-made foods and drinks from native Taelosian products.
    • Thirsting Yunjo - Needs Taelosian Tea - +5 faction per turn in.
    • ( a drink version of the tea)
    • Starved Yunjo - Something with Cragbeast- +2 faction per turn in.

    • Emaciated Yunjo - Something with Crab- +2 faction per turn in.

    • Famished Yunjo - Something with Tuna- +2 faction per turn in.

    • Hungry Yunjo - Something with Hynid- +2 faction per turn in.

    Drinks give +5 faction, and food gives either +2 or +5 faction.

    Each slave will tell you what it wants. Turn in these for faction gain to the appropriate slave. Slaves accept exactly 8 turn-ins of food or drink, no more than that. On the 8th turn-in the slave despawns and a new one immediately takes its place. The respawn time is 15-20 minutes, and the type of Yunjo that pops is random, either An Enslaved Yunjo, or one of the 5 types listed above.

    You need to attain high kindly faction standing with the Yunjo Resistance to talk to the two slaves. The Taelosian Morphemic Staff (grants positive faction to Nihil and Yunjo Resistance) can go a long way toward helping you along here.

    Namosa's Family

  • Namosa Bubundu may be found at -220, -190, +25 in Riwwi, in the "pavilion" straight out from Qinimi. You must have at least kindly faction (1100) to speak with Namosa successfully.

    You say, 'Hail, Namosa Bubundu'

    Namosa Bubundu coughs pitifully and looks through you with weak eyes, 'This gazebo was once a place of contemplation, meditation, and reflection, but now it is a place of torture. These slavers shackle us here within feet of the pool of water and refuse us food or drink for days at a time, accompanied by horrible beatings. And now, I have had enough. I am through with this world and can only hope for peace in my passing. Before I pass on I wonder if you could do a [favor] for me?'

    You say, 'What favor?'

    Namosa Bubundu slips you a scuffed signet ring, 'Yes, yes. Here is a family heirloom that I have been keeping secret from our captors. If you deliver this ring to my kin, I can die in peace knowing it never fell into their hands. There are rumors that some of my family members have escaped the clutches of these monsters and made their way into a city that floats on water. I hope you understand, friend. Go quickly.'

  • You receive a Scuffed Signet Ring. Go talk to Pandula Bubundu at +10, -145, +115 on the ship in the Abysmal Sea.

    You say, 'Hail, Pandula Bubundu'

    Pandula Bubundu says 'What can I do for you? I'm waiting to hear word from the Wayfarer scouts. My niece has been captured by the Muramites and I only wish to discover if she is still alive. I can't take this, not knowing. I would much rather endure a thousand of those beast's whips than be kept in the dark. Please find her for me.'

  • Give Pandula the Scuffed Signet Ring.

    Pandula Bubundu sobs uncontrollably, tears welling up in her eyes, 'So my little one is still out there. This is wonderful news. I can now die in peace. The Wayfarers have transcribed my final wishes onto this parchment. Please deliver this to Namosa.'

    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by +1
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -1
    You gain experience!!

  • You receive Pandula's Final Words. Take these back to Namosa.

    Namosa Bubundu gasps, 'What?! Oh no, this isn't good at all. She isn't supposed to die. I am! Quick, go and see Councilman Tentric in Qinimi and let him know what's happening. He has always helped our family when we were in need. If you bring this token he will know I sent you!'

    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by +1
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -1
    You gain experience!!

  • You receive a Token of Understanding. Go find Councilman Tentric in Qinimi at +285, -995, -15, in the southeast hut.

    You say, 'Hail, Councilman Tentric'

    Councilman Tentric says 'You haven't come to demand something of me, have you? I've been subjected to enough atrocities already. Please leave this old man in peace.'

  • Give him the Token of Understanding.

    Councilman Tentric nods solemnly, 'Hmm . . . I see. So Pandula is contemplating leaving this world. There is no doubt that these are hard times. Our people are strong however, and nothing will truly break our spirit. Please let Pandula know that the gods have not forgotten us. Bring her this holy symbol.'

    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by +1
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -1
    You gain experience!!

  • You receive a Symbol of Faith. Take it to Pandula.

    Pandula Bubundu looks quizzically at the symbol and rubs it in her hands. She smiles as if realizing something, 'Ah, Tentric, you are always right. I can't give up on this world or my family. I'm not sure why I was behaving so selfishly. Take this flower to my niece, she will know what it means.'

    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by +1
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -1

  • You receive a Drakelily. Take it to Namosa.
    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by 50.
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -25.
    You have received a character flag!

    Namosa Bubundu says 'A drakelily? My aunt grew these in her garden. In fact, I helped her plant some of them myself. She always told me they were a sign of hope. Thank you, ______. I'll inform our people of your kindness.'

    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by +1
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -1
    You gain experience!!

    Namosa touches your shoulder and gazes at you with pleading eyes. 'I hope this isn't presumptuous of me. You've already done so much. Before you go, I need to ask you for another favor. Turlini is under heavy guard in one of the nearby towers. The Muramites think he's up to something and I'm concerned they may torture or kill him. Please have a talk with Turlini when you can.'

  • You receive a Crescent Stone Amulet, whose use is not yet known.

    Turlini's Revolt

  • This part can be completed on its own as a side quest for its own rewards, provided you have completed the Namosa's Family portion.

    You say, 'Hail, Turlini'

    Turlini beams with excitement, 'I recognize you! One of the adventurers we've heard tales about! There are rumors of you destroying the Legion of Mata Muram. Have you come to set us free?'

    You say, 'I have come to set you free.'

    Turlini says 'Bless you, we're saved! Listen up, friend. I've already formulated a plan to stage a quick and decisive escape, but first we need to get our hands on a complete set of shackle keys. Just a few won't suffice; it must be entire set. If we were to rescue only some of my brethren, those that remain behind would be brutally tortured beyond imagination. Now, I've watched the guards carefully and counted the silvery keys they carry. There are ten in total. Combine the set in this sack and return it to me. I knew you would help!'

  • You receive Turlini's Key Bag. You now need to collect the 10 keys, which may be obtained as follows:
    1. Jagged Silvery Key: A desiccated corpse is located right across the first bridge from Riwwi zone in from Qinimi. Approaching triggers 7 stonemites, and spawns the key at the bottom of the canal.

    2. Notched Silvery Key: dropped by Night Watchman Fxi in Riwwi

    3. Serrated Silvery Key: dropped by Officiator Keviazh in Riwwi

    4. Polished Silvery Key: ground spawn at various places in Riwwi (appears at one place only at a time):

      • 50, -490 underwater

      • -328, -735 in the fountain

      • -460,-280 in a ruined building between Qinimi and Ferubi

      • 32, 32, on a crate

      • 521, -682 behind a pillar

      • -210, 0 outside of Qinimi entrance, near two fallen pillars

      • behind the pillar in front of the officiator, to the right

      • -240, -165 in small well on top of platform with the 2 named Nihil

    5. Ridged Silvery Key: Talk to Rorrst in Abysmal Sea, at +30, +90, +100. Saney Jakis stands next to him.

      You say, 'Hail, Rorrst'

      Rorrst smirks and nods politely your way. The glint of a silvery key hanging from a chain around his neck catches your eye.

      You say, 'What is that key?'

      Rorrst says 'Oh what, this little thing?' He grasps the key with one hand and holds it forth, displaying it proudly. This be my pride and joy, aye. Stolen right out from under the nose of those blasted Muramites. They be mighty angry at my trespass, I gather.'

      Saney Jakis is right next to him.

      You say, 'Hail, Saney Jakis'

      Saney Jakis says 'Pleasure to meet you, ______! How are you making out? My friend and I traveled from afar in search of adventure and we've certainly found it. This strange land has delivered excitement in spades. Hasn't it, Rorrst?'

      You say, 'What is that key?'

      Saney Jakis says 'Are you trying to reason with Rorrst?' Saney unsuccessfully attempts to stifle her tinny, high-pitch chortle. 'Now THAT'S a waste of time, and I would know. Personal experience. If you want something from him you'll have to try a different angle: Appeal to his coinpurse. Money talks. Tell him I said so.'

      To Rorrst:

      You say, 'Saney says money talks.

      Rorrst chuckles. 'Money talks? Aye, it does. Keep in mind I still can't give you the original, it means far too much to me. If you're dying to have the key you can make a copy. Say twenty-five thousand gold. It's a nice round number. That should be relatively trivial for someone of your background to obtain.'

      For 25,000gp, he'll give you a Impression of a Key. Combine with a Silver Bar in a Jeweler's Kit (you get the mold back on failure).

    6. Scored Silvery Key: Talk to Iniba the Confused in Riwwi (jail cell in the NW room of the Coliseum), and ask "Please". If you have a high begging skill (151+), she'll give it to you.

    7. Five-Toothed Silvery Key: uncommon drop from the Aneuks in Barindu's temple area

    8. Elongated Silvery Key: ground spawn at -112,285 in a ruined building in Barindu

    9. Edgeless Silvery Key: rare drop in Qinimi from various mobs

    10. Blunt Silvery Key: dropped by various named in Qinimi, including Pixtt Kerxek Vket, Pixtt Krakt Ticov, Pixtt Trext Rexi, and Rav Krixt Tekrik

  • Combine the 10 keys in the bag to craft a Sack of Silvery Keys. Give this to Turlini.

    You have received a character flag!

    Turlini fishes a jagged key from the sack and tries it on his manacles. They unlock with a loud snap and slide off his wrists. His expression melts into simultaneous shock and elation. 'YES! We will be freed. Very soon now, these chains will bind my people no longer! And as for you, ______, you will become a legend among my people.'

    Turlini can barely contain his excitement. 'This is wonderful news, friend. Freedom is within our grasp! The only problem remaining is the ever-present guards. They are always watching over us. We would need a monumental distraction to buy enough time for me to release everyone. Which is where you come in. One of your kind who goes by the name of Reyna has been taken to the arena and has been tortured daily in front of the Muramite masses. If you were to create enough of a ruckus in the arena trying to free her I think we could make our escape.'

    Your faction standing with Yunjo Slave Resistance has been adjusted by +50
    Your faction standing with Gladiators of Mata Muram has been adjusted by -25
    You gain experience!!

    The Great Diversion: Freeing Reyna

  • Once you have the flag from Turlini, you can start a series of increasingly difficult fights in the coliseum in Riwwi. Talk to "an enslaved yunjo" in the coliseum.

    You say, 'Hail, an enslaved yunjo'

    an enslaved yunjo says 'It's you! The champion everyone has spoken of! Have you come to defy the Muramites?'

    You say, 'I have come to defy the Muramites.'

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator shouts, 'We'll see how defiant ______ is after they have been crushed for our amusement. Send in one of our trained hynids!'

    an enslaved yunjo says 'Stand fast and prepare for a fight! They're sending a bloodthirsty beast into the arena to kill you as we speak. If you defeat it, place the head in this sack as proof and return it to Turlini. He is the leader of the resistance and may be able to assist you for helping us.'

  • At the beginning of each encounter, you get a bag, typically called the Satchel of the XX Battle, where "XX" is numbered from "First" through "Tenth." This will trigger one or more mobs entering the arena. Kill the mob(s), loot the head(s), and combine them into the appropriate satchel. Each battle is a single-group encounter. Anyone outside the group who interferes will cause the Officiators to call the interference unfair, and the interferer will be teleported to the zoneline. After each battle, head back to Turlini and turn in the satchel to receive an upgraded necklace. You may then give the necklace to the slaves in the coliseum to begin the next battle in the series.

    If you fail an encounter, you must start over from wave 1. If a mob gates, it is considered a failure.

    The ten encounters:

  • 1. Difficulty: easy

    --You have looted a Frothing Hynid's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Yunjo's Braided Cord.

  • 2. Difficulty: easy

    You say, 'Hail, an enslaved yunjo'

    an enslaved yunjo smiles, 'You are very strong. If you wish to challenge the Muramites, hand me the item Turlini gave you and I will gain their attention again.'

    Hand in Yunjo's Braided Cord.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator sneers, 'Then let's have a demonstration, shall we, ______? How to be slaughtered by a rabid animal in front of a captivated audience.'

    --You have looted a Gibbering Hynid's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Yunjo's Sea Kelp Cord.

    Turlini kicks the shackles from their legs. 'Quick, to the exits!'

  • 3. Difficulty: easy

    Hand in Yunjo's Sea Kelp Cord.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator shouts, 'You've proven amusing so far, ______, but how long can you last? Handlers, send in the cragbeast!'

    --You have looted a High Hill Cragbeast's Head.--
    --You have looted a Handler Bvekh's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Yunjo's Woven Twine Cord.

  • 4. Difficulty: easy

    Hand in Yunjo's Woven Twine Cord.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator gloats, 'Your little stand is at an end, ______. Prepare to be slaughtered. I will enjoy this thoroughly.'

    --You have looted a Pfaaxle's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Yunjo's Plaited Hynid-Fur Cord.

    Turlini kicks the shackles from their legs. 'Quick, to the exits!'

  • 5. Difficulty: easy

    Hand in Yunjo's Plaited Hynid-Fur Cord.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator shouts, 'Enough of this, let ______ deal with one of the stoneservants.'

    --You have looted a Manipulated Stoneworker's Head.--

    Create a Heavy Satchel (identifies as "One heavy head inside") and hand it in.

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    Turlini says 'Yes! We have been released! Head to the marshlands.'

    You receive Yunjo's Hynid Fang Cord.

  • 6. Difficulty: easy

    Hand in Yunjo's Hynid Fang Cord.

    an enslaved yunjo says 'It's you! The champion everyone has spoken of! Have you come to defy the Muramites?'

    You say, 'I have come to defy the Muramites.'

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator shouts, 'Graargh! Bring in two stoneservants.'

    --You have looted a Misguided Stoneworker's Head.--
    --You have looted a Controlled Earthmover's Head.--

    Create a Heavy Satchel (identifies as "Two heavy heads inside") and hand it in.

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Pressed Leather Yunjo Sash.

    Turlini says 'Yes! We have been released! Head to the marshlands.'

  • 7. Difficulty: medium

    Hand in Pressed Leather Yunjo Sash.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator shouts, 'This should prove to be very entertaining. How will you manage against controlled stoneservants? I don't think you will manage at all. Farewell, ______.'

    --You have looted a Pixtt Master Hviqu's Head.--
    --You have looted a Directed Destroyer's Head.--
    --You have looted a Dominated Bonecrusher's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Spiked Leather Yunjo Sash.

    Turlini kicks the shackles from their legs. 'Quick, to the exits!'

  • 8. Difficulty: somewhat hard

    Hand in Spiked Leather Yunjo Sash.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator laughs, 'Here come the Kyv. It's over now ______'

    --You have looted a Qiz's Head.--
    --You have looted a Xnoz's Head.--
    --You have looted a Dvax's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    Turlini kicks the shackles from their legs. 'Quick, to the exits!'

    You receive Woven Bone Yunjo Sash.

  • 9. Difficulty: even harder

    Hand in Woven Bone Yunjo Sash.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator roars, 'GAH! Why won't you die?! ______, your time has come to an end. Send in the SLAYER!'

    --You have looted a Kizki the Slayer's Head.--

    Turlini gives you an appraising nod, 'Your valiant demonstration in the arena has given us all hope that someone can stand against the Muramites. Please accept this trinket as a token of appreciation from our people.'

    You receive Silvery Mesh Yunjo Sash.

  • 10. Difficulty: very hard (3 unmezzable ukuns, 3 mezzable aneuks)

    Hand in Silvery Mesh Yunjo Sash.

    an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and will destroy your kind!'

    An officiator shouts, 'I tire of toying with you, ______. Men, kill them. Now.'

    --You have looted a Hexxt Skazm's Head.--
    --You have looted a Hexxt Lixx's Head.--
    --You have looted a Hexxt Nheki's Head.--
    --You have looted a Pixtt Kirq's Head.--
    --You have looted a Pixtt Mik's Head.--
    --You have looted a Pixtt Khark's Head.--

    You have received a character flag!

    Turlini shouts with joy. 'Aha, you've done it! Thanks to your distractions in the coliseum, the Muramite legion is engulfed in utter chaos. We will take this opportunity to escape. You have saved us all. Oh, I almost forgot! Before I go, take this as a final gift from the Yunjo. It holds much strength, just as you do. Unfortunately I have bad news. Something I could not tell you until now. Reyna passed on a few days ago. Her last request was that I give this to someone who had proven his or her worth. You have more than done that. I wish there were more I could do, but we are masters of shaping stone not life.'

    You receive Sash of the Yunjo's Champion.

    Turlini says 'I can't wait to be reunited with my family! Let's get out of this place.'

    After only a few seconds, Turlini runs out of the tower and despawns, along with the other slaves in the zone. Respawn time for Turlini is several hours (for me it was 6.5 hours)

  • You get Reyna's Scout Report. Give this to Taminoa Bialu.

    Taminoa Bialu says 'Reyna was a skilled scout who had spent many years honing her abilities. Learning that she died so horribly upsets the stomach, but she died trying to help others. Yes . . . that's what we should focus on. This report you have returned will be a great help to us and this reward should help you as well. It was wrapped in the report and appears to be a gem fragment that may fit into the stone Fezbin gave you. Now to the rest of the city. Hopefully we can prevent our other scouts from suffering the same fate as Reyna.'

    You have successfully completed a section of the Taelosian City.

  • You receive A Glowing Gem Shard, which you may combine with A Shiny Socketed Crystal and Vaifan's Clockwork Gemcutter Tools in Vaifan's Experimental Sealer to craft A Glowing Socketed Crystal.

    Need all missing dialogues, mob /locs, and faction hits.
  • Rewards:
    Send a Correction
    Post Comment
    Needed Faction Still Warmly
    # Nov 02 2008 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
    53 posts
    I just did this quest and the requirement to both talk to Namosa and get the key from Iniba is definitely still warmly. If you try to talk to Namosa before you attain warmly faction, you get the following message:

    "Namosa Bubundu pierces you with an untrusting glare."
    Needed Faction Still Warmly
    # Dec 04 2008 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
    no it is most definitely not warmly, as I just received the ring at HIGH kindly...however when I first moved to kindly I was not able to.
    Slave Faction
    # Aug 23 2008 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
    Was able to get the scuffed signet ring at Kindly faction instead of warmly today.
    Jagged Silvery Key
    # Aug 20 2008 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
    In order to get the Jagged Silvery Key to spawn in the canal, you first need to kill all the stonemites. This is the emote you get when they're all dead:

    In the bottom of the waterway, the glint of a silvery object catches your eye. It must have fallen into the canal during the chaos of battle.

    The key then spawns in the south end of the canal, right next to where the corpse was.
    # Aug 01 2008 at 7:30 PM Rating: Default
    Turlini is an 8 hour spawn after 1 person turned in note... Doing in on 6 toons outta boredom, and well it's respawn timer is 8hours.
    Does not work,
    # Jul 01 2007 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
    654 posts
    Iced Mountain Tea will not work. Items must use Taelosian Tea Leaves. Not mountain tea leaves.
    Antonius Bayle
    # Feb 10 2007 at 8:04 PM Rating: Decent
    55 posts
    Add to step #8 of the arena section after "an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'": "An officiator laughs, 'Here come the Kyv. It's over now ___"

    also, step 5 and 6 oddly combine to "Heavy Sachel" rather than "Blood-Soaked Sachel"
    # Feb 10 2007 at 9:30 PM Rating: Excellent
    6,998 posts
    Tahlmah wrote:
    Add to step #8 of the arena section after "an enslaved yunjo shouts '______ defies you! Do you hear me? ______ defies you and they will destroy your kind!'": "An officiator laughs, 'Here come the Kyv. It's over now ___"

    also, step 5 and 6 oddly combine to "Heavy Sachel" rather than "Blood-Soaked Sachel"

    Updated, thanks.
    Factioning up
    # Oct 08 2006 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
    Dried Crab, Hynid, Cragbeast, Tuna all seem to work just the same as other items.

    I flew through faction breaks using Dried stuff.

    Forage + A mixing bowl helps tons because you can forage Hynid meat and Cragbeast meat, break it down and turn it in without moving.

    18 lb hynid meat = 18 turn ins etc

    Plus those two are the most common items asked for (that i've noticed).

    Took me about 8-10 slaves with 4,3,4 turn ins to get high enough to use Faction staff to warmly.

    I came with nothing on me, just bowl and forage. A friend loaned me some tuna,tea,crab, but i only had like 9 teas, 12 crab so not a whole lot. He gave me more tuna but few mobs asked for it.
    # Aug 01 2006 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
    43 posts
    I've got kindly faction with the slave resistance yet Namosa Bbundu won't respond to me, nor will Inibi give me the Scored Silvery key (and I have 154 begging).

    Off to turn in some more food / drink...
    # Dec 28 2006 at 3:10 AM Rating: Decent
    373 posts
    Sounds like you have yet to do the 2 quests that you have to do before the key part.
    # Jun 04 2006 at 2:03 AM Rating: Decent
    2,602 posts
    The Taelosian Morphemic Staff is not a quest item, does not drop and is not required. It just happens to help if you have one.

    Fezbin Fizzles is not even part of BiC 3 -- he just happens to be mentioned in some of the lore (NPC spam) -- unless you include getting a new Vaifan's Experimental Sealer from him.

    The Yunjo faction probably should be an separate quest. While a certain level of faction is required -- it really isn't a step of this quest, per se.

    Edited, Apr 17th 2019 5:49pm by GOMN

    Pandula Bubundu
    # Mar 22 2006 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
    This pale, sickly elf female is just around the corner on main deck (starboard side) at 10, -145, 115.

    Edited, Wed Mar 22 12:55:31 2006
    RE: Pandula Bubundu
    # Mar 22 2006 at 12:06 PM Rating: Good
    6,998 posts
    Updated, thanks.
    Rorrst and Saney Jakis
    # Mar 22 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
    These two neredowells are in the hold, just north of the bank in Abysmal Sea. Rorrst is a barbarian male at 30,90,100. Saney Jakis is the female halfling to his left / your right.

    Go through the passageway as if going to the bank, but continue until the passage turns left.
    Open the door, turn right and these two will be on the platform to your right.

    Took me 10 minutes of searching to find these guys. Wanted to save others that trouble. :-)
    RE: Rorrst and Saney Jakis
    # Mar 22 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
    6,998 posts
    Updated, thanks.
    # Mar 07 2006 at 7:41 AM Rating: Default
    related creature links are missing :Emaciated Yunjo,Famished Yunjo,Hungry Yunjo.greetings
    # Mar 07 2006 at 2:03 PM Rating: Good
    6,998 posts
    Added, thanks.
    anyone know the repop on Turlini
    # Feb 12 2006 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
    123 posts
    When i did arena fight, Turlini had apparently just despawned from a previous arena fight. Anyone know how long it takes to respawn ?
    add to who can drop key
    # Jan 24 2006 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
    I got an edgeless silvery key off a ra'tuk skullstriker
    Hungry Yunjos
    # Nov 05 2005 at 3:48 AM Rating: Decent
    4 turn ins is 1% AA exp for a level 70. Just an added bonus....and if you can't bake you can always go fishing and turn in the tuna / crab meat.
    Considering running a twink here to turn in food....for exp...heh
    Yunjo Resistance Faction
    # Oct 25 2005 at 3:42 PM Rating: Decent
    I can confirm that warmly faction is not required.

    I did turn-ins of Barbequed Hynid/Cragbeast/Crab/Tuna Souffle today (10/25/05) to go from dubious to kindly and was able to get the hail text from Namosa. Assuming others have tried at kindly, so you must need to be a good bit into kindly to get her to respond.

    I estimate ~200-250 hits turning in the souffles to go from dubious to high kindly
    # Oct 14 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Decent
    123 posts
    NOTE TO ALL: You do NOT need warmly faction to talk to the slave Namosa Bubundu. I just hailed her with Kindly faction, and it worked )
    I got the scuffed signet ring.

    I hope this all lightens your workload a bit.


    # Feb 10 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
    Indeed she can be hailed with kindly, but you need to be some way into kindly before it will work, I'd say about 40-50 items of food turned in. By the time you have done the "give this item to the next person" series of handins to get to talk to Turlini and got the faction from them you will be at warmly in any case.
    # Jun 27 2005 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
    Thirsting Yunjo
    Starved Yunjo
    Emaciated Yunjo
    Famished Yunjo
    Hungry Yunjo

    anymone know where in riwwi to find these? i can't seem too, but will continue to look
    RE: LOC
    # Jun 29 2005 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
    They are not always up. They share spawn points with "an enslaved yunjo", and are located in three buildings and a central area near the zone to Qinimi. What happens is that a yunjo of some kind spawns, hangs aroun for a while, then despawns, stays away from a while, and then comes back. If it is looking for food or drink and you give it that food or drink, it will despawn and immediately respawn as another yunjo of a random type.
    RE: LOC
    # Jul 21 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
    125 posts
    Doing this part of the quest was fairly easy for me, if you want to play it safe take a group or you can just take one healer and kill mobs, or do what i did and turn in the items fast and train zone lol. Anyways, when turning food into yunjo's turn in 4 then 3 then 4 again, that way you get 1 extra turn in each time. I have been told the better food/drink you use the better the faction hit is but don't quote me on that.

    Also the yunjo's are on a 30 minuit or so timer, there will be a period of time when some are up and some are down, There timers reset when you turn in food/drink i believe.
    Rav Krixt Tekrik
    # Nov 22 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
    Killed Rav Krixt Tekrik today (named Noc in the bigger building between the Council dude huts).

    He dropped the Blunt Silvery Key for me and Rarundel's Locket. He hit for up to 1600ish and had a nasty mana-drain AE that was cureable with RC6.
    T Mroph staff
    # Nov 04 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
    what does the teloesian memorphmic staff have to do with this? I'm trying to figure a way to get one to my mage, but I doubt it can happen.
    RE: T Mroph staff
    # Jan 30 2005 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
    Taelosian Morphemic Staff was the /claim reward for the retail (boxed) version of GoD expansion. If you purchased the online download method of delivery for GoD expansion, you will not be able to get this item.

    The staff has a rather large faction modifier to nihil and yunjo slave resistance (takes you to amiable from dubious). Saves quite a bit of time on the riwwi factioning portion.
    8th and 9th fight info
    # Oct 23 2004 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
    9th Looks like TaskMaster CHick.. is not stunnable. Mezzable(with 70 chanter).. debuffed, slowed(mostly)... reverse damage shield(cleric) heal ds(cleric), paladin tank. cleric chain ching.. chanter nuking with all nukes just chaining.. has 66 berz and shammy..

    So 70 Pally, 70 Chanter 70 Cleric 66 zerk, 69

    9th chick hit for 1600-1800 it seems.. i had cleric melee buff on and max hit without it seemed around 1600..

    8th Same group

    This was so easy.. much easier then 7.

    the left side(if facing OUT of coliseum) has one spawn.. right has two.

    We killed first one before the other two even pathed.. slowable.. debuffed, stunnable(i had them stunned the entire time with pally stuns).

    did this twice in a row for my chatner/cleric and 9th..

    was way easy.

    8th fight they hit me never.. so truth is max hit was only 400.. so not sure on these.. but they are cake easy

    Edited, Sat Oct 23 14:36:22 2004
    # Oct 20 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
    As of Oct 19th

    The 8th Fight is bugged. My group killed the 2 Golems tried to hit Pixtt Master Hviqu and it booted us all out of zone.

    We were the only 6 in zone so it's not from too many people. Attempted 3 times and it happened each time.
    60 Hunter
    Garona server (WoW)

    Ainr Exik (retired)
    70th Necro
    Tunare (EQ)
    # Oct 20 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Default
    Double post ><

    Edited, Wed Oct 20 18:12:21 2004
    60 Hunter
    Garona server (WoW)

    Ainr Exik (retired)
    70th Necro
    Tunare (EQ)
    Well it def appears bugged
    # Oct 13 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Decent
    Not sure about on anyone else's server but on Tunare.. Iniba the Confused no longer gives you the key. I have 3 guys.. i say please. she goes through the dialogue but no key.. My skill is 200, 152 and 152 all get the same response.. all have slot 1 open, all have nothing on cursor.. all have good faction.. nadda.

    Anyone else see this?

    This and the fact that the Named Officiator hasn't spawned in over 30+ hours straight leads me to believe on tunare at least there is a problem.. /bug'd it already GM's wont even look into it.. so.. what can you do.. what a waste of time
    RE: Well it def appears bugged
    # Oct 17 2004 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
    You need to have "warmly" faction to obtain the receive the key
    RE: Well it def appears bugged
    # Oct 15 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
    it may be because you arent flagged to this point or you dont have the faction just a guess?

    Edited, Fri Oct 15 20:13:06 2004
    Two issues so far
    # Oct 12 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Decent
    So far I am having two issues. The first is the officiator.. Irritating.. im not at 26 ph's and counting. I personally assume "an officiator" in the arena looking down, was his ph so i keep killing there and all the mobs. I wondered if anyone could validate this is the right mob.

    The second problem is with the Inabi the confused. I have 200 begging skill.. She says all the garbage about how great my manners are etc.. and that oh yeah i wanted something.. and then gives me something "shiny".. However i never get the key itself. it doesn't appear on my cursor, not in my backpacks, not in any empty slot so I am unable to retrieve this key and I have put in a /bug request as the gms told me to.. Anyone else have this problem?

    RE: Two issues so far
    # Nov 01 2004 at 11:43 PM Rating: Decent
    Correct, the mob that looks down into the arena, aneuk model, named 'an officiator', is the placeholer for the named officiator. I spent several nights of several hours each night here. The good news is, he drops 3 keys, so bring friends that want it also.

    Barazon Brellsmith
    Legacy of Steel
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