Journeyman's Boots  

Quest Started By:Description:
(Average from 3 ratings)
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
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Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
  • All
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Thu Sep 21 20:34:29 2000
Modified: Sun Jul 14 11:57:24 2024
It is advised to get the Quest items prior to looking for Hasten in Rathe as he will despawn after a certain amount of time and getting him to spawn in the first place can take hours with bad luck.`

The Shadowed Rapier is a TEMPORARY item that drops from "a shadowed man," found in several zones. Since it's TEMPORARY, it's best to get this last.

Ring of the Ancients drops from an ancient cyclops, found in Ocean of Tears and Southern Desert of Ro. In the Ocean of Tears, the AC spawns on the seafury cyclops island and can spawn in place of any of the seafuries. The Southern Desert of Ro AC has a much more intriciate spawn mechanic that can be found on his bestiary page.

You will also need the equivalent of 3250 Gold for the turn-in. (325 Platinum works).

Hasten Bootstrutter is a semi-rare spawn in Rathe Mountains. He, or any of the mobs on his spawn cycle will spawn in the Northeast section of the map in the area where Hill Giants are found approximately every 6 minutes (provided they are kept down). Once any of these NPCs or Hasten spawns they will begin roaming throughout the zone where after running their route they will despawn and a new mob will spawn. If you set up camp at the little valley leading into the Hill Giant area every placeholder or Hasten will roam right past you provided they aren't killed by another player.

NPCs that are PHs for Hasten listed in order of how often they pop: Spawns are at exactly 4m 45sec cycles.
a drake
a grizzly bear
Brother Zephyl
Maldyn the Unkempt

You say, 'Hail, Hasten Bootstrutter'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Stopped, I have. Greet you, I do. What business do we have? Hmm? Speak up!!'

You say, 'Journeyman's boots.'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Journeyman's boots are what you seek? Ha!! Those I have upon my feet and disintegrate will they if my life is taken. Extra pair have I, and, possibly, [rare trade] can we make.'

You say, 'What rare trade?'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Three things I call for and journeyman boots are yours. A [shadowed rapier], [ring of the ancients] and gold... 3250 gold coins I call for !! This trade I call.'

You say, 'What shadowed rapier?'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Shadowed men, foes to all, have appeared. Many lands do they walk. Invisible are they, but for the items they wield. Seek them out and return to me a shadowed rapier. Return it with haste before 'poof' goes the rapier!! No time to camp have you.'

You say, 'What ring of the ancients?'

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'Ancient cyclopes [sic] do march the land. Long have they lived and crafted the rings of the ancients. I must have one and you shall go and fetch one for me. Seek the lands of the oldest cyclops clans. Seek the plains, seek the island in tears and search the dunes for there is one who is last. His clan was blown from the sands.'

Give Hasten the Shadowed Rapier, the Ring of the Ancients, and 3250 gold (or 325 platinum)

Hasten Bootstrutter says 'The time to trade has come!! I am now rich and you are now fast. Take the journeyman boots and run like the wind.'

Journeyman's Boots
Submitted by: Bobbybick
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# Nov 19 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
I dont want to discourage anybody but I sat in OOT killing PHs for a full 52 hours this weekend. I did sleep a few hours in the middle with replacement there to help me. During this time AC poped once only after 34 hours (we needed 2). I even tried to petition a GM (yeah you get desperate after 30 or so hours). And their reply was cute: "No it is not uncommon for the AC not to pop for such a long time. Be patient, the reward is great." LOL what was I being after all that time?

Verant must be mad to assume that they can have parts of the game where you as a human being in RL have the ability to sit at a computer terminal for a full 2 days waiting for a MOB to spawn. This assumption is simply false!

If u really want the ring be prepared to spend a LOT of time in line and even more time killing PHs.

Maybe I was unlucky that only 1 AC spawned, but it was a possibility and it happened. No matter what the reward, the time required to do it was rediculous.

My advice is to think very hard about doing this. The time spent may simply not be worth it.

A special thank you to all who helped me, and GL to al those who will try.
Sro AC spawn
# Nov 14 2001 at 5:12 PM Rating: Default
Just got my ring, Killed a named skelly in the undead tower, named Obretl or somesuch, waited by tower short while after killing skelly, (maybe 20 minutes) a SG popped, as i buffed myself to kill it, it Despawned, I turn around, and "Crypt mummy" no a in front, had spawned in tower, kill that, and next pop was the AC, (about another 20'minutes) I suspect there is one spawn table for AC all SG's and the various "special" undead in the zone. why the SG despawned (I was only one in sro at time) I have no clue, but I am certain they are linked.
naughty spawn
# Nov 13 2001 at 7:42 PM Rating: Default
I got ma ring 2night, i just thinks its luck how u get it i was in the SRO zone for bout 5 hours and was about 2 give up went 4 a walk about and u quessed it that ugly 1 eyed moster walked straight into me, all i need 2 do now is the other bits
More info plz?
# Nov 13 2001 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
I would like a litle more detale on this quest please. First i was wondering, do you have to turn in everything at once? Or do you turn in one thing, then go get the next thing step by step? And second i was wondering what happens at the end of the quest when you give him the stuff and he talks like Yoda and runs off, does he give you the boots right before he runs off or somthing? Thanx for your help

Lvl 26 Monk
Rathe server
Camping )
# Nov 12 2001 at 5:02 AM Rating: Default
Helped a friend get his ring on Drinal server couple of days ago, 4 of us in party all about lvl 35ish took up killing everything on sand got a ton of water from madmen had a good laugh and after 4 days game time POP there he stands pull to side of zone and proceeded to give him a slap.My friend now has his boots we're working on mine, we stayed another 3 hours after his and you guessed it we never saw him again ) wish everyone the best of luck but he's a very random spawn and i still don't know any other way to get him popping )
2 pops
# Nov 11 2001 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
There seems to be a link between 6am EST and the AC in OOT. A friend and I were waiting for 6am EST to roll around after camping the AC spawn in OOT for a couple hours. 5:30am rolls around and boom an AC pops finally yay!!! We sit around and decide to stay a while longer while finding something to do. half an hour later at 6:00am EST on the dot he pops again. He's popped at 6am EST everytime we've camped him in OOT. Good luck! =)
# Nov 09 2001 at 11:14 PM Rating: Default
ERR This spawn can really suck! After 34 hours straight of camping he spawned. Waited around for somebody else to get camp and he spawned again. Relax you could be there a long time!
Just got my ring
# Nov 09 2001 at 5:54 PM Rating: Decent
The AC in OoT has got to be one of the most annoying spawns in the gams. A 53 druid and I came out to the island last night to see if we could camp the AC. There was a guy already there, so we proceded to start beating around Seafuries the next island over. After about an hour, hour and a half, my friend spots the AC up on tracking, and shortly afterwards a shout goes out that the AC is down. So we headed over since we were next in line on the camp. About 6 spawns after we got there, POOF...there stands the AC and he died shortly afterwards. My friends wanted to pick up a ring for herself, either to MQ with a friend or an alt, so we stuck around for a while. After about 4 hours of killing pirates, aqua goblins, Boog Mudtoe, and cyclops every 5 minutes we left to camp for the night. Talk about a quirky spawn. Well, now I'm off to get my Jboots. Have to go talk to a Shadowed Man about a rapier...hehehe

#Anonymous, Posted: Nov 08 2001 at 4:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I like cats
# Nov 08 2001 at 1:44 AM Rating: Decent
Alrighty then!! After having had support by Phantasy in OOT at the AC fer a couple of hrs....she was beginning to fall asleep (amazing considering the baby screaming behind her hehe)....I grouped with two others there waiting in line for the AC-camp under the condition that I would get the next hour worth of spawns before I had to log. After having spent a fun hour of gambling (actually won some money!) I was getting tired and said one more spawn (so it would fit with an hour) and said I'll bet its going to be Boog Mudshoe (or whatever the guys name is) and put 10plat on it...the others were with me in an instant saying it would be a pirate and a cyclops.....then it Ancient Cyclops spawned .... we nailed it and Voilá I had myself a ring of the ancients Now I only need to do the rest of it..but that will be a cinch as far as I can see compared to the ordeals I had to go through to get the ring. A very happy end! Thank you for your help all of know who you are!

Tzarph Kaboom
Wizard of Bangs
The Unnamed of E'ci
"To whack is human, to nuke is divine!"
SOW Stackable?
# Nov 07 2001 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
I know this is like a 70% sow but will it stack? And if so what % is the sow considered then?

-Moongrin McMiget wizard of the 40th season
any thing special you need to do?
# Nov 06 2001 at 12:13 PM Rating: Default
I have camped sro for 2 days hasnt droped yet anything special you have to do to get AC to spawn
any thing special you need to do?
# Nov 06 2001 at 12:12 PM Rating: Default
I have camped sro for 2 days hasnt droped yet anything special you have to do to get AC to spawn
fuckin ripped off
# Nov 05 2001 at 3:50 PM Rating: Default
i helped these 2 guys get the ac ring right and they was suppose to help my lvl 20 rogue get the ring to but then the sons of ******* got there ring then logged on me now i have to wait till tonight to have guild help me out i am so pissed

grumcer bludyeye
fellowships of justice
innoruk server
Getting the Ring
# Nov 05 2001 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
AC in Sro - Steps that worked for me

1. Kill all undead in Tower until you get the Dry
Boned Skeleton. Don't kill it or let anyone kill it until 8pm EQ time.

2. Kill Dry Boned Skeleton <---(note the name) and wait in the tower for about 2 minutes.

3. Go out and kill all undead. (desert and grass area) You need a tracker for this.

4. AC popped! AC died! I have my Ring of the Ancient!

**Note** I saw alot of dry bone skeletons in this cycle and only saw them between 8pm and 8am EQ Time.

Starkungfoo Kid Disciple of the 54th Season
RE: Getting the Ring
# Nov 14 2001 at 11:45 PM Rating: Decent
300 posts
It makes sense that you only saw the dry bone skeletons between 8PM and 8AM EQ time. That's basically considered night in EQ. Go into Kithicor at 5PM game time and wait. Starting at around 7PM, you'll start to see undead spawn. By 8PM-9PM, all undead have spawned. At around 7AM game time, the undead start despawning. By 8AM, they've all despawned. The reason why you saw them during those times is because their nocturnal spawns. The idea of killing the undead around the Tower, however, seems to hold some water. I'd guess that you got him to spawn by killing a PH around the Tower, and has nothing to do with waiting for a certain time.
RE: Getting the Ring
# Nov 08 2001 at 9:50 PM Rating: Default
That seems kind of stupid. I killed everything that moved, and he spawned in less than an hour. All three times I've seen him, he's been near the Oasis zone. That probably means his place holder is over there.

People, I really doubt there's a way to trigger him other than killing the placeholder. If it moves, kill it. Easy enough.
wow lucky me :)
# Nov 02 2001 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
i got sooo lucky tonight! at around 5:30am central time i was bored out of my mind and thought what the heck i'll go to SRO n see if i can get AC to spawn since not many people are on... i zone in, no one else is in zone, thankfully... i was happy that i had zone to myself, no need to worry about KSers.
so its around 3am game time when i zone in, as soon as i see stuff i start to kill it, couple scarabs, snake, puma, spider... and then suddenly... BOOM BOOM BOOM, i hear something walking and get excited, turn around AND SURE ENOUGH! ancient cyclops. he cons green to me so i killed him easily and got the ring.
this literally took me less than 5 minutes. it didn't even seem that long... i am so happy!!! i couldn't believe it. still have to finish the quest, though :)

well thats my story, good luck!
#Anonymous, Posted: Oct 30 2001 at 6:52 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I have a RL friend that is a 53 wiz and as he logged in i saw ac he killed it and now i am getting jboots but stupid hasten wont pop in rathe only his PH will man this is gay than wait fer the ac to pop lol and the kill all the undead thing works only between 7 am and 7 pm eastern i believe
such a easy kill
# Oct 28 2001 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
i am a lvl 41 wiz saw the ac, walked up snared nuked 3 times and he went down. not a single resist or anything. now i have a boots and a ring i want to mq for mad wads of plat =)
# Oct 24 2001 at 9:19 AM Rating: Default
Me(39 wiz) and my 45 ench friend stayed up from 2am to 5am every day one week to camp this guy. We found it was best to play during really off peak hours so that the chances of us gettin the camp were better. The clopses were simple, i snared and he feared. He tashed and sent pet after him and then we both nuked. Took around 3 bubs of mana from both of us to take out the biggest of the clopses. Like everyone says, the AC is completly random, so don't get your hopes up. Just try to make the best out of it and stay determined, its a game so have fun. I can say that now because I actually got the ring:)
hasten's ph
# Oct 24 2001 at 12:18 AM Rating: Decent
anyone know who hastens place holders are?
RE: hasten's ph
# Nov 15 2001 at 1:17 AM Rating: Decent
Hasten's PH's are Brother Zephyl and a drake

Hope your lucky enoough to have a drake up because your not taking down Bro Z. Hope this helps.

Risca Strifehammer
55 Templar
RE: hasten's ph
# Nov 28 2001 at 5:14 PM Rating: Default
Maldyn the Unkempt is also a placeholder for Hasten.

Also after you kill a placeholder the next one pops around 6 minutes later. I tried to track down where these creatures pop and it was around the HG area.
# Oct 23 2001 at 8:33 PM Rating: Default
is it rue you can cast spells whilst running with these boots on your feet?
RE: Jboots
# Nov 18 2001 at 4:13 PM Rating: Excellent

Jboots have a 0 second casting time. Which means you can use the boots effect, while running. This is true of any artifact that has a bound effect that casts instantly. (Pre nerf Circlet of Shadow, or Word of Shadow, for example.)

You can't cast other spells when moving as a benefit of the boots. Basically, when you move, you have a failure check, against your channelling skill. If you have nudged a cursor key and moved a tiny bit, you may still be successful. (I have done this. Not often, but it can work.)

If you're running the probability of success is minimal. I suspect this is checked something like ten times a second. If this were the case, you would have to pass fifty tests against your channelling skills, to cast a five second spell. Obviously this is not too likely.

Hope this helps.

"Death is coming..."
MQ with yourself
# Oct 22 2001 at 1:59 PM Rating: Default
Question...I got the AC on my 44 Druid the other day in S ro. What I want to know is can I somehow give the ring on my druid, log off and back on my 29 monk and give the rest of the stuff to get the jboots for my monk...anyone know if this works??
JBoot Quest - My Experience
# Oct 21 2001 at 3:20 PM Rating: Default
1. Camped AC for Ring of the Ancients. I was lucky. Took 15 minutes.

2. Camped Shadowed men for Shadowed Rapier. After doing this with no success for about 30 minutes or so, I asked a druid-friend to check the Lava Shadow camp (I was in WC). She killed the mob with the rapier in Lava and brought me the Shadowed Rapier.

3. Grabbed 3,250g from the bank and gave 1500g to the friend I was with so neither of us would be encumbered running after Hasten (he's fast). I would advise that you leave <b>all</b> your other cash in the bank so you only have 3,250g on you.

4. Hasten - for details, check under Hasten Bootstrutter ( -- if that link doesn't work, use the one at the top of this page. The key thing I forgot to mention - when you see Hasten, he will stop when you hail him. Let him run to a reasonable safe spot (minimal agro) and then have your friend hail him repeatedly. Get the 1500g back from your friend. One shift-click gets 3,250g from your inv if that's all you have (otherwise you have to select the correct amount).

After giving the ring, gold, and rapier to Hasten, I found the boots in my inventory.

Best of luck, all!
# Oct 19 2001 at 10:35 PM Rating: Default
camped the ac for the jboots in OOt for 46 hours and no spawn so i think either the quest is broke or there are alot of fibbers on here..=)
RE: Reliant
# Nov 07 2001 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Camped it for a few hours myself, with a buddy, no pop (that's not unusual I'm sure after only a few hours). Camped there. Agree to meet my friend there a few days later and we found a magician soloing a regular cyclops in that spot, down by the water. We hailed him and asked how things were going and he said fine, that he'd been on a few hours waiting for the pop. After dispatching that cyclops we all sat around a while chatting. The next pop was the Ancient Cyclops. The magician had the camp obviously so we buffed him up and later congratuated him on his ring drop. My friend and I hung out another few hours but thought two AC spawns in only several hours wasn't likely to happen. Haven't been back yet.

This is a terribly long answer to your question. The AC is there and the pop rate is certainly debatable.
This was Easy =-)
# Oct 18 2001 at 11:40 AM Rating: Default
Awesome success story. Had a day off work and was on at 10:00 central on Luclin. I found myself with the entire S RO zone to myself so naturally i started killing stuff to try and get AC spawn. I go the spawn in about 10 min killed him and looted ring. Guess its off to Rathe Mountain

Taururga Feurgrissa
Lvl 39 Wiz
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