Dragon Scales  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:6 hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Apr 5 03:50:33 2002
Modified: Tue Jun 4 10:39:10 2024
You say, 'Hail, Sir Hobble'

Sir Hobble holds a cracked monocle up to his squinting eye. 'I say!! A talking bear!! Squire Fuzzmin, come and take a gander at this rare find! The wonders never cease in the land of Kunark!!'

You say, 'Hail, Squire Fuzzmin'

Squire Fuzzmin awakens from a quick shuteye. 'Yawn.. Oh!! Hello. Don't mind the rusty old tin can. Sir Hobble is on a [quest] of sorts. I tell you, I would leave if he did not pay such good wages to carry his equipment.

You say, 'What quest is Sir Hobble on?'

Squire Fuzzmin says 'Sir Hobble is searching for [three special dragons]. For all I know, they're not even dragons. He can't see or hear very well. He still thinks I am the only troll squire around.'

Sir Hobble tries to slash a drachnid webstrander, but misses!

You say, 'What three special dragons?'

Squire Fuzzmin says 'Apparently he is after three dragons which are supposedly named Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfl. He will not rest until he holds their scales. I wish you could [find the dragons].'

You say, 'I will find the dragons'

Squire Fuzzmin says 'If you bring me three scales I will be able to place them upon the next three victims of Sir Hobble. Then we can depart from this accursed isle. He would never know the difference. Do this and I will give you a warrior weapon out of the old knight's armory.'

Get the first two scales from the named wurms in the Burning Woods, Azdalin and Gylton.

For the third scale, you'll have some running around to do. Begin by giving two Carnelians to Tektite, a gargoyle guard in The Overthere:

Tektite takes one hand and pries out one of his eyes, which he casts far into the plains. He then places the carnelian into his eye socket. He turns towards you and holds open his palm.

Tektite pries out his other eye and places the second carnelian gem in its place. His eyes burn brightly with scarlet fire. He then hands you a fragment of Tektite.

(In the alternative, you can kill him to get the Tektite.)

Then take the Tektite to the Temple of Solusek Ro and find Lord Lyfyx of Burwood.

You say, 'Hail, Lord Lyfyx of Burwood'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood bows as a courtesy. His face gleams as if tinged with red. 'Greetings, my friend. Welcome to the Temple of Ro, sanctuary to those who follow the words of the Burning Prince.'

You say, 'What Burning Prince?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

You say, 'Who is Doowrub fo Xyfyl Drol?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood says 'So you can pronounce my name backwards.. Is that your lot in life? Pronouncing names backwards? Be gone with your silliness! We need no court fool.'

You say, 'What is the Temple of Ro?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

You say, 'What about dragon scales?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood says 'Tektite and peridot shall get you what you desire.'

Hand him the Tektite and a Peridot.

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood places the gems inside an ornate metal box. He begins to tug at his skin. Your vision blurs as he performs his magic. 'This is what you seek. Now leave and bother me no further.'

Your faction standing with Temple Of Sol Ro got better.
Your faction standing with Shadowed Men got worse.
You gain experience!!

Head back to Squire Fuzzmin in Firiona Vie:

You say, 'Hail, Squire Fuzzmin'

Squire Fuzzmin awakens from a quick shuteye. 'Yawn.. Oh!! Hello. Don't mind the rusty old tin can. Sir Hobble is on a [quest] of sorts. I tell you, I would leave if he did not pay such good wages to carry his equipment.

I don't say anything cause I'm diggin in my bags for the scales, and he goes on to say this, twice in a row:

Squire Fuzzmin says 'I need the three dragon scales of Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfyl.'

Squire Fuzzmin tumbles around and stands on his hands. With his feet, he pulls a long polearm from a nearby weapons cache. 'Woohoo!! I can taste the brew in Freeport already. Here you are, my friend. A real Wurmslayer!!'

Your faction standing with Inhabitants of Firiona Vie got better.
Your faction standing with Emerald Warriors got better.
Your faction standing with Storm Guard got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got worse.
Your faction standing with Pirates Of Gunthak got worse.
You gain experience!!
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# Aug 11 2000 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
I play on the Nameless *aka Gameless* as well and have also been told what Omega was told by another gm... I Had just gotten ahold of my scales the day of the patch and have not been able to find that squire Fuzzlimen... I have found Hobble numerous times followed him around, watched him die, waited for his return... no matter what i or my group did we could not find the elusive Fuzzimen. If anyone does find him let me know =)

Ekethgow Braincrusher <Valorguard>
52 Champion on the Nameless
Squire Fuzzimen
# Aug 11 2000 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
I was told by a gm on nameless that squire fuzzimen had been removed for.....maintenance. Can u say "NERF"
My theory..
# Aug 11 2000 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
My theory is that it somehow changed or got broken in the latest patch. I was there last night with my scales and some people had been waiting for 2 days without sign of him...

#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 10 2000 at 12:16 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Anyone on Bertoxx trying to get this finely crafted weapon??
Where's Squire Fuzzmin?
# Aug 10 2000 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
Three of us have the scales on Vallon Zek. We have sat around Firiona Vie, both in the town and outside it. We have employed people with track. We have camped his spawn point for ten hours straight. No Squire Fuzzmin. We even killed the level 45 undead mob that is rumored to be his placeholder. Still no Squire. I'm there right now, trying to find either Squire Fuzzmin or Sir Hobble. Neither one is here. Any tips in getting Squire Fuzzmin to spawn? Or even how to get Sir Hobble to spawn would help.

which ones?
# Aug 09 2000 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
Who are the 3 named npc that i have to kill to get the scales?
# Aug 08 2000 at 2:55 PM Rating: Default
I recieved this LUVLY weap. with help of my guild near as soon as it was available, and eventually had most of my other war bretherin in guild with one as well... haveing an exe axe in one hand is neat if tho the stam. goes bye bye rather quickly... then again ima troll and usually dont worry bout that unless a drawn out fight... being able to crit for 180+ and crip for 300+ on avg. is nice too lol... just make sure a member of your party has invigor up and all set... watch the baddies fall quickly... decent combo is green jade axe/jar tri etc with the Wurm.. currently have only amy tend. to use but werkin for Jar Tri. soon and G.J.A... Happy questing

p.s. oh yeh recieved both BW scales in just over a day and then finnished quest soon after.. just ahve a tracker and kill everything hehe.. them gullers suk *EG*
# Aug 07 2000 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
Yes I have seen him leave out the front of the city now too. Also seen him on two different ends of the zone with in two minutes. There is a 6 minute spawn in the zone but I dont know what is going on. Maybe its as long as sir hobble is alive, he keeps spawning and runs the shortest path to sir hobble. Which could explain the different pathing. Maybe we need to make sir hobble spawn and that makes the squire spawn. I have defintly seen them meet up and then go off together fighting. Just some more thought, still working on it.
# Aug 06 2000 at 7:36 PM Rating: Default
This lil sucker is pissin me off.
First off all, I think his spawn is linked to SOME trigger somewhere... not sure where...
Second, he doesnt not always run through the tunnel, I got him running out into the wilds via the main exit today.

If anyone has a clue what gets the lil PECK to spawn, please let me know.
# Aug 04 2000 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Got the 3 scales spending all my time trying to get the squire, have seen him once and know his pathing but only once in like 3 days,and he only lived for a hour or so. Didnt have a chance to get my Main character there. Any idea on the exact location of his spawn or how often he does? I know he runs out the back entrance too Fironia vie and goes out killing spiders and such and reapears in the tunnel and runs out again,I have seen him do this cycle 3 times in a row, about every 30 minutes. But not since that time.
# Aug 03 2000 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
My group was killing everything that came near in burningwoods, I would say that yes, the wurm Azdalin is indeed linked to Gullerback, we killed 4 gullerbacks and right after the wurm spawned each time.
# Aug 01 2000 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
I thought it was sword (guess I was wrong). What is the best SWORD usable by Iksar Warriors?
#Anonymous, Posted: Aug 01 2000 at 10:42 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Just Buy the scales :D thats what im doin since im a rich monkey.
No drop
# Aug 01 2000 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Are da scales no drop/lore? If dey is, how do you ge dem identified if yu a warrior?
Stuff to add
# Aug 01 2000 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
Yes, trolls can do this quest. I helped a troll in my guild do thise quest this past weekend.

Secondly, Azdalin does spawn in the Burning Woods. However, we looked and looked and never saw him. But...right after we killed Gullerback (tough fight!), Azdalin spawned less then 5 minutes later. Either we were lucky and found him, or the two are connected somehow.
RE: Stuff to add
# Sep 02 2000 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
Gullerback is Azdalin's PH. enough said
RE: Stuff to add
# Sep 17 2000 at 2:27 AM Rating: Default
Not always, or else Az has been changed because he spawned 3 times within 5-10 minutes of each death one night. 3 of us that needed that scale got it in less than a 1/2 hour. Heh, maybe Tunare was watching over us that night
# Jul 31 2000 at 8:26 PM Rating: Decent
Can trolls do this quest? It's in FV so I am not sure about it.... thanks for any info.
By the way
# Jul 29 2000 at 5:02 PM Rating: Decent
Forgot to post this, if you want to see how it looks...


Thats me with Wurmslayer :)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 29 2000 at 5:01 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Abashi has stated, the Wurmslayer will be either changed to a slashing weapon or paladins will be removed as a useable class. I'd get it now, before it gets nerfed, glad I got one MUUHAHAHAAaaaa *cough*
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 28 2000 at 2:23 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) its still a f'n piecring weap you dumb newbies
Squire Fuzzmin
# Jul 28 2000 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Every time I was in FV when I didn't have the scales, I saw him, and now that I have em, he's nowhere to be found. Anyone know his spawn point or the path he follows? Any info would be appreciated.
just kill the temple guy
# Jul 28 2000 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
he isnt as hard to kill as i first thought... when i pulled him to the zone and killed him there he was pretty easy
# Jul 28 2000 at 5:11 AM Rating: Decent
OK,Glyton and Azdalin spawn in BW.Glyton is easy to find Azdalin will not spawn for resons any lamo can figure out on their own.You can kill the Garg or do the darkie quest for the tektite in Overthere.Whats with looking for the squire? he reports to Hobbles right? Use your brains lol! :)
No Luck Hunt
# Jul 27 2000 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone have any more info on where these fool named wurms spawn? I spent 9 hours with some friends killing wurms and never got 1 scale. Thanks for any help.
Not too bad!
# Jul 26 2000 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not done, but it's fun so far. No you don't need to kill anything to get the Xyfyl scale if you do it correctly. ;)
#Anonymous, Posted: Jul 25 2000 at 5:35 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Struggling getting Xyfl Scale ?
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