Dragon Scales  

Quest Started By:Description:
(From 1 rating)
Time:6 hours
Maximum Level:125
Monster Mission:No
Can Be Shrouded?:No
Quest Type:Quest
Quest Goal:
  • Experience
  • Faction
  • Loot
Factions Raised:
Factions Lowered:
Quest Items:
Related Zones:
Related Creatures:
Era:Ruins of Kunark
Group Size:Solo
Min. # of Players:1
Max. # of Players:1
Appropriate Classes:
Appropriate Races:
  • All
Entered: Fri Apr 5 03:50:33 2002
Modified: Tue Jun 4 10:39:10 2024
You say, 'Hail, Sir Hobble'

Sir Hobble holds a cracked monocle up to his squinting eye. 'I say!! A talking bear!! Squire Fuzzmin, come and take a gander at this rare find! The wonders never cease in the land of Kunark!!'

You say, 'Hail, Squire Fuzzmin'

Squire Fuzzmin awakens from a quick shuteye. 'Yawn.. Oh!! Hello. Don't mind the rusty old tin can. Sir Hobble is on a [quest] of sorts. I tell you, I would leave if he did not pay such good wages to carry his equipment.

You say, 'What quest is Sir Hobble on?'

Squire Fuzzmin says 'Sir Hobble is searching for [three special dragons]. For all I know, they're not even dragons. He can't see or hear very well. He still thinks I am the only troll squire around.'

Sir Hobble tries to slash a drachnid webstrander, but misses!

You say, 'What three special dragons?'

Squire Fuzzmin says 'Apparently he is after three dragons which are supposedly named Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfl. He will not rest until he holds their scales. I wish you could [find the dragons].'

You say, 'I will find the dragons'

Squire Fuzzmin says 'If you bring me three scales I will be able to place them upon the next three victims of Sir Hobble. Then we can depart from this accursed isle. He would never know the difference. Do this and I will give you a warrior weapon out of the old knight's armory.'

Get the first two scales from the named wurms in the Burning Woods, Azdalin and Gylton.

For the third scale, you'll have some running around to do. Begin by giving two Carnelians to Tektite, a gargoyle guard in The Overthere:

Tektite takes one hand and pries out one of his eyes, which he casts far into the plains. He then places the carnelian into his eye socket. He turns towards you and holds open his palm.

Tektite pries out his other eye and places the second carnelian gem in its place. His eyes burn brightly with scarlet fire. He then hands you a fragment of Tektite.

(In the alternative, you can kill him to get the Tektite.)

Then take the Tektite to the Temple of Solusek Ro and find Lord Lyfyx of Burwood.

You say, 'Hail, Lord Lyfyx of Burwood'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood bows as a courtesy. His face gleams as if tinged with red. 'Greetings, my friend. Welcome to the Temple of Ro, sanctuary to those who follow the words of the Burning Prince.'

You say, 'What Burning Prince?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

You say, 'Who is Doowrub fo Xyfyl Drol?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood says 'So you can pronounce my name backwards.. Is that your lot in life? Pronouncing names backwards? Be gone with your silliness! We need no court fool.'

You say, 'What is the Temple of Ro?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

You say, 'What about dragon scales?'

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood says 'Tektite and peridot shall get you what you desire.'

Hand him the Tektite and a Peridot.

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood places the gems inside an ornate metal box. He begins to tug at his skin. Your vision blurs as he performs his magic. 'This is what you seek. Now leave and bother me no further.'

Your faction standing with Temple Of Sol Ro got better.
Your faction standing with Shadowed Men got worse.
You gain experience!!

Head back to Squire Fuzzmin in Firiona Vie:

You say, 'Hail, Squire Fuzzmin'

Squire Fuzzmin awakens from a quick shuteye. 'Yawn.. Oh!! Hello. Don't mind the rusty old tin can. Sir Hobble is on a [quest] of sorts. I tell you, I would leave if he did not pay such good wages to carry his equipment.

I don't say anything cause I'm diggin in my bags for the scales, and he goes on to say this, twice in a row:

Squire Fuzzmin says 'I need the three dragon scales of Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfyl.'

Squire Fuzzmin tumbles around and stands on his hands. With his feet, he pulls a long polearm from a nearby weapons cache. 'Woohoo!! I can taste the brew in Freeport already. Here you are, my friend. A real Wurmslayer!!'

Your faction standing with Inhabitants of Firiona Vie got better.
Your faction standing with Emerald Warriors got better.
Your faction standing with Storm Guard got better.
Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got worse.
Your faction standing with Pirates Of Gunthak got worse.
You gain experience!!
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Working on live 11/9/20
# Nov 09 2020 at 11:28 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
Can definitely confirm that this still works as well. Just did this on Bristlebane today. Just a game of waiting for Hobble to spawn.
Quest Still Works!
# Jul 28 2020 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
2 posts
I'm playing on Vox. Did the quest bit by bit over the last week. It still works! Took a long time to get Entalon/Gylton to spawn, and after clearing many mobs in the area, and waiting for probably 4-5 hours, each of them spawned. Gylton dropped the dragon scale. Same story for Gullerback/ Azdalin.

Some of the dialogue is missing for Lord Lyfyx of Burwood but the turn in for the 3rd dragon scale still works.

For the turn in to Tektite, on my wood elf bard, level 65, I managed to invis with the travel song to run behind him, then used sneak to con indifference. Turn in was a piece of cake. Make sure you give him the Carnelians single stacked, and in the same trade window at the same time, or you won't get the Tektite.

For the turn in of the 3 dragon scales, I hailed the barbarian lady in the FV allied settlement which supposedly spawned Sir Hobble. I say supposedly because I did it 6 or 7 times over the course of 3 days and I'm now convinced that its just a matter of commitment to waiting for a solid 4 hours before you'll see him spawn. For me, Hobble spawned WITH the squire, and GOOD NEWS is that he and Squire Fuzzmin no longer run through the zone. They walk the entire time AND they also no longer attack any creatures that they cross. It's as if they are invisible the entire time. This makes the turn in WAY easier...

I can confirm that Hobble and the Squire spawned near the LOC listed previously on this thread, just southwest of the tunnel entrance to the FV allied settlement. They march in a pattern, and if you set yourself up to track them in the middle of the zone, near the two white pillars (one cracked in half) you should have no trouble finding him on track when he spawns. I followed them for almost 2 hours just to see where they pathed, and the result was what looked like a sunburst or half-wagon-wheel spoked loop cycle, with the center being at the tunnel entrance to The Dreadlands.... Throughout their walking loop, they travel out to a handful of locations in the zone, then head straight back to the DL tunnel entrance, proceed a small distance down one of the branches of tunnel, then go back out and repeat.

For those who want specifics, the LOCs for the end of those wheel-spoke paths are as follows:

484.09, 5058.21, -55.96
380.08, 1498.67, 28.45
114, 1315.79, 26.16
1374.80, -171.83, 122.39
1066.38, 24.09, -125.97

The center of the wheel is at the DL cave entrance by the iksar statues.
Hobble spotted March 21, 2019
# Mar 21 2019 at 9:47 PM Rating: Good
2 posts
Today, I spotted Sir Hobble and Squire Fuzzmin on track as soon as I zoned into FV today so I booked it to them and found them at the entrance of the tunnel to Dreadlands, turned in my 3 dragon scales, and got my Wurmslayer. Then I decided to follow them. Neither of them attacked anything-they walked through a lot of spiders. Hobble was apprehensive to my Drakkin ranger (so same faction as the outpoist) and Fuzzmin was indifferent. They walked around the spider area, walked back to the tunnel, walked through the tunnel for a bit, walked back out, and went up north. Then I got bored and left.
Gylton and Azdalin
# Sep 22 2016 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
Spawning the two wurms in Burning Woods.

Gylton for the Wurmslayer quest spawns in the northwest area of Burning Woods, north of the Giant fort.

He has a singular spawn cycle that once you find can repeatedly spawn him. His spawn cycle respawns every 2minutes and 52 seconds (172s) and includes another named wurm "Entalon".

The easiest way to get Gylton or multiples is to bring a tracker and just clear the entire area north of the giant fort until either he or Entalon spawn and then WAIT for everything else to finish respawning. Once you kill Entalon simply wait 2mins 52 seconds and kill the next thing that should have spawned in your track list. Continue following this cycle and you should shortly have your Dragon Scale. ALTERNATIVELY you can kill each mob one by one and if they respawn faster than 1min 10 seconds they are not part of the cycle and can be safely ignored, moving to the next mob until you find the correct cycle time.

Azdalin is arguably the harder wurm to get to spawn in order to get your Wurmslayer.

He spawns in the large crater area southwest of the giant fort, as far south as the hornet hill, and as far east as the road leading south from the giant fort.

His spawn cycle has a timer of 64 seconds, which is the SAME as all of the rest of the trash in the area. He shares a spawn cycle with the named gorilla Gullerback which is the easiest way to force an Azdalin spawn if you manage to catch him up.

To spawn Azdalin simply clear the entire area specified until either Gullerback or Azdalin spawns. If Gullerback spawns simply pause all killing until everything has had a chance to respawn, grab a tracker, and then kill Gullerback. Wait 64 seconds and the next mob on the cycle should have popped up to the top of tracking if sorting by spawntime. Continue killing the single mobs that spawn every 64 seconds until Azdalin spawns. Enjoy your dragon scale.
Gylton and Azdalin
# Aug 31 2023 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
1 post
Followed Bobbybicks strategy here and it worked flawlessly. Everything he provided in this post seems accurate.
Phinigel info
# Jul 08 2016 at 6:07 PM Rating: Default
564 posts
it seems like Sir Hobble / Squire Fuzzmin's behavior has changed over the years. i have been trying to locate these two guys for a couple of days now to turn in my dragon scales. tried speaking to the barbarian chick and the ogre in the outpost, waited 18min, 30min, an hour, nothing. did this half a dozen times. finally just decided to hang out in the outpost with track up. finally Sir Hobble popped East / NE of the outpost.

I ran out to him and Squire was already walking with him. hailed both, neither would stop. tried root and snare, but got a message that neither spells could be cast on either of them (never saw that before). so i just walked with them as I handed in the scales to Squire and voila, Wurmslayer.

i decided to follow them, they were headed straight west towards DL. as they walked west they pathed through countless drachnids and surprisingly neither Hobble, Fuzz or the spiders seemed to care that the other was there. eventually they made it to the tunnel, walk about halfway in and stopped at +95, +4667, -149

after a short pause, they turned around and went back out the way they came. again, walking through spiders, frogloks and goblins without any issue. eventually they walked far enough east and stopped at -365, -521, +33.56, just south of the drolvarg fort (kind of small to be a fort) - i think this may be where he spawned when i first saw him on track, although by the time i ran out to meet him (from outpost) he had made his way a little more west than that location.

again after a short pause they turned around and headed west to the tunnel, walked in and this time paused a little bit before halfway then turned around and back east they went. at this point i was bored and left. the point of all this is that they did not spawn anywhere near the "brown pit" up north, nor were they near the drolvargs, nor did Hobble start attacking mobs left and right.
Quest is working!
# Jan 05 2014 at 10:21 AM Rating: Decent
14 posts
I decided to give this quest a go also.

First, I went to OT and killed Tektite for his drop. Then I went to BW and camped Azdalin and Gylton. Azdalin spawned almost immediately after clearing some mobs southwest of the Giant fort. Gylton took a lot longer, I thought I was killing all them mobs in the area but I guess not. So, I came back the next day and killed everything I could find in the northwest area near Skyfire zone. And, sure enough he popped almost immediately then respawned a couple minutes after killing him.

Lord Lyfyx of Burwood was indiff to me so I had no trouble with the turn-in.

In Firiona Vie, neither Sir Hobble or Squire Fuzzmin were up so I ran around until they did. Sir Hobble popped first near the southeast on a hill and I followed him to keep mobs off him. From what I saw he heads west straight for the DL tunnels then back out and to the fortress in the east. At that point I ran back south to see if the Squire was up and he had spawned but was bugged and just running back and forth. I made the turn-in and received the Wurmslayer. They obviously don't need to be anywhere near each other.

I put them both on ext target and ran to bail out Sir Hobble and decided to see if charm would work on him to get him back to Squire Fuzzmin. As soon as I charmed him Squire Fuzzmin immediately popped at his loc. I let charm break and faded. I followed them for a little, but they are a 2 man wrecking crew, especially if the other named mobs that roam are up because they assist and heal each other.
Notes - Wurmslayer quest and spawn information.
# Sep 03 2011 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
I saw someone selling a Wurmslayer today in ooc and reminisced. I evidently sold or gave away the one I had before so decided to do it again.

First stop was Burning Woods. I set up camp and began tracking at the north end of giant fort. I cleared everything in a box north and west of the columns. After three cycles of Entalon, Gylton spawned twice in a row and both times he dropped a scale. I assume Gylton/Azdalin do every time but it's probably not keen to assume.

I then moved south of the fort, cleared everything in the immediate area between the two craters south of it and Azdalin spawned and also droped a scale.

I dashed to PoK to get some carnelians and a peridot from the jewlcraft vendors. Then I went to the Overthere invised up and trucked into the tunnel between the garoyles. Sneaked behind Tektite and /consider and indifferent. Swift success.

I ran back through PoK to Neriak and north to Lavastorm for the Temple of Ro. Lord Lyfyx of Burwood was aprehensive so I did the sneak and consider again, turnin was a success.

I was on to Firiona Vie where I zoned into a bad situation. Sir Hobble was about to die. But I can confirm a respawn time because of it.

Respawn is close if not exactly four hours. I watched Sir Hobble die to evil race players who killed him (likely) in defense. At his level it is feasible that a level 90 character would kill him with riposte alone. They left the zone and for the next four hours I was the only person in zone.

As a Ranger, Level 59, from the south center edge of the Froglok area in the middle of the zone I can track nearly everything except the evil side of town. Brizzana Kellgo(SW) at the mouth of the river, Tracker Azeal(S) near the southern cliffs, a forest giant arbor (NE)and Soulbinder Tardon (E). I set Tracking to Reverse Alpha and highlighted the soulbinder. Sir would be under and Squire should be above. When he spawned he was alone and I was at his side in less than a minute.

Sir Hobble spawned on a hill overlooking the river, stood there for a moment buffing himself, killed a few drachnid, made a trek through the caves and then back out towards the river. As we reached the cave, exiting, Squire Fuzzmin spawned, near the road across the river and made a straight line to join Sir Hobble on his tour of agression. At this point I hailed Sir Hobble, though I believe it was redundant because the Squire was with us. I hailed the Squire and then, with no text response to either of them, I turned in the scales while walking with the duo because they didn't stop on hail. It was at this point we parted ways, I have my Wurmslayer and Squire his scales. I would hazzard an educated guess that their spawn time is static as are the locations.

I returned shortly and followed them for a bit. Enough to see that the squire cast heals on Sir Hobble. Sir Hobble is reckless enough without heals that he could die before the Squire spawns. In the inital trip to the caves I watched him fight one spider then two more in succession and he was nearly dead. He regens to full health swiftly but a chain of fights without a rest would do it.

All in all, I invested about 6 hours travel and respawn time for a momento.

I've cruised through posts looking at the quest and spawn info and saw some questions as to wether some of the NPC spawn anymore or if the quest was still active. I hope this info is of use to someone.
Notes - Wurmslayer quest and spawn information.
# Mar 17 2012 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
pretty cool story! I am actually going to attempt the farm fest that is the mage epic so I may as well do the wurmslayer while im at it. thanks for all the info! seriously making me want to roll a ranger for no other reason than being able to track though..
Notes - Wurmslayer quest and spawn information.
# Sep 19 2011 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
glad someones doing the same old questsSmiley: lol
Latest on this quest
# Aug 08 2010 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
First of all, Hobbes and Fuzzmin walk around Firiona Vie and can be difficult to locate. If you can track, best served by going to the middle of the zone and tracking until they walk into your tracking area.
Getting the scales. You can buy them at the bazaar but you'll need to identify them to make sure you have both. If you choose to go to Burnedout Woods to get them, the two dragons spawn randomly and it is not easy to determine what alias their placeholder is. At first, I thought is was an ape but am not so sure after finding more stationed around a ruin. Doubtful that it is a Wurm after killing them all numerous times. I recommend just killing everything that roams. And all of the sudden, they appear. Good place for a 53rd Ranger too.
Getting the third scale wasn't easy at first. I tried to run passed the first gargoyles, didn't work. I tried to root them. Forget it. I finally took wolf form (don't know if that helped), cast Superior Camoflage and when close, pressed sneak and snuck passed both gargoyles. When I approached Tektite, I initially forgot what to give him and tried to give him both scales and he attacked. The next time, staying behind him, I gave him the two Carnellians and he gave me the Tektite.
All was downhill from there.
ultra rare?
# May 05 2008 at 1:55 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
how does one get azdalin/gullerback to spawn? ive been scouring zone for weeks trying to find this named wurm with no luck ( Anyone give me any hints please
does still work
# Apr 19 2007 at 11:36 PM Rating: Default
107 posts
the times are out of order cause i went back and did the Tektite and Lyfyx of Burwood part a second time to document the text, forgot to turn logs on the first time around. =p

[Sun Apr 15 21:37:12 2007] You say, 'Hail, Sir Hobble'

[Sun Apr 15 21:37:13 2007] Sir Hobble holds a cracked monocle up to his squinting eye. 'I say!! A talking bear!! Squire Fuzzmin, come and take a gander at this rare find! The wonders never cease in the land of Kunark!!'

[Sun Apr 15 21:42:53 2007] You say, 'Hail, Squire Fuzzmin'

[Sun Apr 15 21:42:53 2007] Squire Fuzzmin awakens from a quick shuteye. 'Yawn.. Oh!! Hello. Don't mind the rusty old tin can. Sir Hobble is on a [quest] of sorts. I tell you, I would leave if he did not pay such good wages to carry his equipment.

[Sun Apr 15 21:42:53 2007] Sir Hobble slashes a drachnid webstrander for 26 points of damage.

[Sun Apr 15 21:43:13 2007] You say, 'what quest is sir hobble on?'

[Sun Apr 15 21:43:13 2007] Squire Fuzzmin says 'Sir Hobble is searching for [three special dragons]. For all I know, they're not even dragons. He can't see or hear very well. He still thinks I am the only troll squire around.'

[Sun Apr 15 21:43:14 2007] Sir Hobble tries to slash a drachnid webstrander, but misses!

[Sun Apr 15 21:44:49 2007] You say, 'what three special dragons?'

[Sun Apr 15 21:44:49 2007] Squire Fuzzmin says 'Apparently he is after three dragons which are supposedly named Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfl. He will not rest until he holds their scales. I wish you could [find the dragons].'

This is where i notice that Squire Fuzzmin, himself, misspells Xyfyl!!

[Sun Apr 15 21:45:06 2007] You say, 'i will find the dragons'

[Sun Apr 15 21:45:06 2007] Squire Fuzzmin says 'If you bring me three scales I will be able to place them upon the next three victims of Sir Hobble. Then we can depart from this accursed isle. He would never know the difference. Do this and I will give you a warrior weapon out of the old knight's armory.'

Get the first two scales from named wurms in BW, as described above. Then go to OT and give two carnelians to Tektite, the gargoyle. When hailed, he didn't say anything.

[Fri Apr 20 03:33:33 2007] You have entered The Overthere.

I gave Tektite two carnelians, in separate slots, of course. I was apprehensive to him.

[Fri Apr 20 03:34:55 2007] Tektite takes one hand and pries out one of his eyes, which he casts far into the plains. He then places the carnelian into his eye socket. He turns towards you and holds open his palm.

[Fri Apr 20 03:34:55 2007] Tektite pries out his other eye and places the second carnelian gem in its place. His eyes burn brightly with scarlet fire. He then hands you a fragment of tektite.

I then took my fragment of tektite to Temple of Sol Ro and found Lord Lyfyx of Burwood. I tried saying all the different things to him that people have reported getting responses to, just to document it.

[Fri Apr 20 03:43:45 2007] You have entered The Temple of Solusek Ro.

[Fri Apr 20 03:45:17 2007] You say, 'Hail, Lord Lyfyx of Burwood'

[Fri Apr 20 03:45:17 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood bows as a courtesy. His face gleams as if tinged with red. 'Greetings, my friend. Welcome to the Temple of Ro, sanctuary to those who follow the words of the Burning Prince.'

[Fri Apr 20 03:45:51 2007] You say, 'what Burning Prince?'

[Fri Apr 20 03:45:51 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

[Fri Apr 20 03:46:06 2007] You say, 'who is doowrub fo xyfyl drol?'

[Fri Apr 20 03:46:07 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood says 'So you can pronounce my name backwards.. Is that your lot in life? Pronouncing names backwards? Be gone with your silliness! We need no court fool.'

[Fri Apr 20 03:46:26 2007] You say, 'what is the temple of ro?'

[Fri Apr 20 03:46:27 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

[Fri Apr 20 03:46:46 2007] You say, 'what about dragon scales?'

[Fri Apr 20 03:46:47 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. 'Far away and better forgotten.'

[Fri Apr 20 03:47:01 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood says 'Tektite and peridot shall get you what you desire.'

So, i hand him those two items exactly.

[Fri Apr 20 03:47:01 2007] Lord Lyfyx of Burwood places the gems inside an ornate metal box. He begins to tug at his skin. Your vision blurs as he performs his magic. 'This is what you seek. Now leave and bother me no further.'

[Fri Apr 20 03:47:01 2007] Your faction standing with Temple Of Sol Ro got better.
[Fri Apr 20 03:47:01 2007] Your faction standing with Shadowed Men got worse.
[Fri Apr 20 03:47:01 2007] You gain experience!!

Having gotten the three scales, i felt like i was close to the finish line! I went to FV in just enough time to see an iksar kill Sir Hobble right at the pok book. So, i went over to Lenka Stoutheart and did that little dance, and not five mins later Sir Hobble was back at the tunnel, hailed him, got Fuzzmin to show, and voila!

[Fri Apr 20 02:23:14 2007] You say, 'Hail, Squire Fuzzmin'

[Fri Apr 20 02:23:14 2007] Squire Fuzzmin awakens from a quick shuteye. 'Yawn.. Oh!! Hello. Don't mind the rusty old tin can. Sir Hobble is on a [quest] of sorts. I tell you, I would leave if he did not pay such good wages to carry his equipment.

I don't say anything cause I'm diggin in my bags for the scales, and he goes on to say this, twice in a row:

[Fri Apr 20 02:23:27 2007] Squire Fuzzmin says 'I need the three dragon scales of Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfyl.'
[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Squire Fuzzmin says 'I need the three dragon scales of Azdalin, Gylton and Xyfyl.'

I hand him the scales!!!

[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Squire Fuzzmin tumbles around and stands on his hands. With his feet, he pulls a long polearm from a nearby weapons cache. 'Woohoo!! I can taste the brew in Freeport already. Here you are, my friend. A real Wurmslayer!!'

[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Your faction standing with Inhabitants of Firiona Vie got better.
[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Your faction standing with Emerald Warriors got better.
[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Your faction standing with Storm Guard got better.
[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Your faction standing with Legion of Cabilis got worse.
[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] Your faction standing with Pirates Of Gunthak got worse.
[Fri Apr 20 02:23:28 2007] You gain experience!!


Edited, Apr 20th 2007 6:35am by Ayekinheelya
72nd Cleric of the Nameless

Squire Fuzzmin spawn broken
# May 22 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Default
350 posts
Squire spawns inside the outpost. SInce the takeover of the FV outpost by Lanys T'Vyls troops the Squire no longer spawns when you hail Sir Hobble.
Squire Fuzzmin spawn broken
# Dec 12 2006 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
I found Sir Hobble after putzing about the zone for a couple of hours with my 52 Ranger on Luclin Server. I thought he would con green just like Sergeant Greenblade, since both are listed in the bestiary as level 30, so i filtered out the rest to keep it simple. After 2 boring hours of whacking Drachnids and Drolvargs with no sign of him on track, who should saunter by, but Sir Hobble his-befuddled-self! Conned grey :0 !! ? !!
I snared him and led him to a safe area, rooted him, logged out, logged back in, and hailed him. He hollered for Fuzzballs(sic), but the Sqire never showed on track or in person. Each time Hobble broke snare and wandered I repeated the process, hailing repeatedly. I never once Saw the Sqire on track, and I must have worked the technique on him for nearly an hour. I even led him into the tunnel to the PoK book, since I recall something about that being his destination. he wandered off from there and I followed, killing things to keep him alive and hailing him to call for Sqire Fuzzbin. Nuthin!!This leads me to believe that your statement is dead on accurate. I can imagine that Hobbit Squire popping right between two cliff golems and getting stepped on for the kind of damage that just leaves a greasy spot on the ground and a bit of unidentifiable goo between the Golems' toes! It would be nice if SOE could see fit to repairing this otherwise interesting, fun, and (hopefully)rewarding quest (I really want that Wurmy, but the only one i've seen for sale lately was 10k, outrageous!!!)
RE: Squire Fuzzmin spawn broken
# Aug 30 2005 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, so does he just randomly spawn in the new lightrace ruins/town area?
Any idea of what his timer or triggers are?
I have all my scales for this quest and am pulling hair out because i cannot find or spawn him, so close yet so far.
Dragon Scales
# Dec 05 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
48 posts
i decided to do this quest for my warrior recently, so i read up on where the scales drop but i read the information incorrectly as Entalon being the PH for Azdlian ( dont ask how i did that ) so anyways i an killing entalon and Glyton keeps spawning when i need Azdlian to finsih the quest. i am thinking he must be the rarer on the spawn table. so i put one of glytons scales on my trader and loot more just clicking everything on the body to loot it up till i get ( cant have duplicate lore ) blah blah blah....

so after like 20 Glyton kills i am getting annoyed and re read the info and finally see that Guller back is Azdlains PH..... er duh! so i got smack gullerback silly for a few spawns till Azdlain spawns, kill him and try to loot his scale but "You cant loot duplicate lore items!" WTF!?!?

i have never killed Azdlain before , never bought a scale from the bazaar so i run back to the bank and grab my holgresh beads (druid identify) and find i have 2 dragon scales ( 1 each Glyton and Azdlain ) in bank and another glyton on my trader.

is it possible that glyton can drop both scales? has this happened to anyone else? i am gonna try it again killing only glyton and see if i can get both and repost my findings.
Identifying Scales
# Oct 15 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
If anyone on Tarew Marr wants these identified in Bazaar zone, feel free to send me a tell as Lelan.

Edited, Fri Oct 15 15:01:58 2004
Final info about Hobble and Fuzzmin
# Jul 01 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
Hobble is a random spawn... he stays up till he dies, then respawns at around 15 to 30 minutes later. We walks around various areas of FV until he dies, usually by Drachnids. Run ALL around the zone while constantly tracking. Once you find him, hail him numerous times. This spawns Fuzzmin. Fuzzmin spawns in FV (city) and runs through the tunnel, and out into the zone to find hobble. If he makes it to hobble with out dieing, he will just follow him around till he dies, assisting him in battle.

Neither Hobble or Fuzzmin will stop when hailed. You must either hand over the scales while moving, or pull him to the PoK stone, root him, zone out and back in, then hand him the scales. Easiest thing I found to do was once Hobble was found, to just run around protecting him till we were near FV (city). Then I hailed him to spawn Fuzzmin. Fuzzmin was then on track, so I went to defend him. Once Fuzzmin was near the cave, aggro him and pull him to the PoK stone. Root, zone, zone, give, enjoy
# Mar 10 2004 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
Did this quest for the second time now (got many alts to equip lol).
Started by aggressively telling that trigger phrase to Lenka several times and asked that Ogre near her about Cabby Pale Ale (Dont know if that has anything to do with the Dragon Scale Quest, but I am superstitious enough to believe it). Headed out and after some 5-10 minutes, I had Sir Hobble on track. Hailed Hobble (who is a) quick in running and b) quick in dying) and tracked Squire Fizzlemin rightafter. This time Squire started from the city (last time he came from across the shores, so that depends). I see no other way than charming (or possibly rooting and mem blurring?) him because he is really fast and does not stop when you hail him.
Apart from getting the scales (2 of which you should buy in the bazaar, the 3rd you should get with an extra char not Kos in OT), this took me less than 30 minutes this time.
GB + Lenka
# Feb 12 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
After spending some time on several different days, fruitlessly, seeking Sir Hobble, I came here and read up a bit. From what I read here, it seemed possible to me that the goblin battlemaster was a PH, and that the interaction with Lenka could influence what spawned next.

So, I logged my druid back in to FV, tracked the GB, kilt him, and ran to hail Lenka and tell her I was interested in seeing something interesting. Followed all the [bracketed] text several times for insurance, then ran out to look for Sir Hoble. Shortly thereafter, he spawned. I tracked to him, hailed him once and he called out to Squire Fuzzmin.

I then tracked to Squire Fuzzmin, once he appeared on tracking, and he seemed to be coming from the direction of one of the tunnels from FV; the one that exits nearest the DL tunnel.

Then it got hairy, as he continued to run away just as I went to click the Trade button, to fight spiders. Stupid little Quest NPC. Ultimately, I did finish the quest again, and my new little SK will have his new wurmy shortly. Until I can get him a decent weapon.

Edited, Thu Feb 12 15:54:24 2004
# Oct 03 2003 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
I tried looking in the bazaar, the scales are called dragon scales, or does it have to have the (name) with it?
RE: Scales
# Oct 08 2003 at 9:25 AM Rating: Decent
No, you have to identify them to get which scale it is. However, just try to buy them. If you already have the scale, you will get LORE item message, and you cannot buy it, so just run around and try buying the scales.
my observations
# Sep 24 2003 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Just got my wurmy as a 31 ranger. Tried off and on over 6 days, about 8 hours total. Never did get Sir Hobble to spawn via the trigger phrase from Lenka, just happened to pop in zone and hit track at the right time. I found Sir Hobble at about 26 health fighting a drachnid and hailed him, and he mentioned Squire Fuzzmin. He died soon after and I found Fuzzmin stationary in the outpost to the west side of the bridge that leaves the outpost going north. He was along the beach near a hut. I hailed him and tried his trigger phrase but he would not respond. So I took a deep breath, gave the scales to him, and am now the proud owner of a new wurmy. Both Sir Hobble and Squire Fuzzmin conned blue to my 31 ranger, if that helps any fellow rangers track him down. Best of luck to all and if my experience is typical, be prepared to search long and hard for him, and hopefully you will luck out as I did.

Incidentally, I bought the first two scales in bazaar for 5 pp each, which when you throw in the cost of the 2 carnelians (about 1 pp each I think, maybe less) and the cost of the peridot (maybe 10-12 pp I think) to get the final scale, this sure beats paying 800 or more pp in bazaar for this.

Good luck all!

Lorgaich Fleisdear, 31 Ranger, Rodcet Nife
<House of Malice>

Solo as a druid?
# Aug 24 2003 at 6:20 PM Rating: Decent
My main is a 51 druid, would I be able to solo this quest? I have read of 54 druids doing it. Someone offered to sell me the 3 scales for 1.5k, but didnt have the money at the time, a good offer?
RE: Solo as a druid?
# Aug 30 2003 at 1:37 PM Rating: Good
Not really, although I do know prices vary from server to server. On the Xev server the scales usualy go for around 20p each. Plus, wurmy only goes for about 800p these days. It may vary, but I believe that this is about the same as most servers.
ranger/ chanter
# Jul 14 2003 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
Was Killing Giants at the fort with a chanter, looking on the radar everynow and then to see if named were up.....saw gullerback

Of course learned the hardway he couldnt be snared at 52

So I just ran him around in circles while the chanters pet, a giant, slowly beat the life out of him........ the named wurm popped but I didnt know at the time what it was for thought it was a good wurm or something.....lol ......silly me
My experience doing this:
# Jul 11 2003 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
Last night was the 2nd time I completed the Dragon Scales quest.
The first time, I (as a level 52 Druid)had just happened to have collected the first two scales (Azdalin and Gylton), so had my Necro alt get the Tektite and the final scale, then just kept popping into Firiona Vie to see if Sir Hobble was up. Third time I looked for him, saw him on track - hailed him, he summoned Squire Fuzzmin. I then ensnared him and led him back near the shoreline away from most of the mob's. The drixies and pilgrims ignored us for the most part; occasionaly a pilgrim would buff Sir Hobble. Squire Fuzzmin arrived, coming from the direction of the city, I gave him the scales and received the Wurmslayer.
The second time, I gathered the scales the same way, but when I finally tracked down Sir Hobble and hailed him, Squire Fuzzmin did not immediately appear on my tracking list like last time - we were near enough to the city for me to track most of the guards/merchants and the Soulbinder. Since I had aggro'ed Sir Hobble by ensnaring him, he wouldn't respond to my hails anymore, so I ported up to PoK then back down. I found him where I had left him and hailed him about every other minute. Finally, after about 10 minutes, Squire Fuzzmin appeared on my tracking list, running from the city - I was extremely lucky in that Sir Hobble never moved from where I had last rooted him.

Edited, Fri Jul 11 14:00:37 2003
Gullerback Slain
# Jul 11 2003 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
What a blast!

42 Warrior- Archery and part time tanking
36 Necro- mana feeds to cleric
41 cleric- healing
41 Druid- healing and sow
41 Enchanter- Clarity and haste
39 Shadow Knight- running circles casting dots and terror of darkness to keep aggro.
2 pets

We pulled Gullerback to east of the giant fort at the end of the road. We tanked him till healers were 30 mana then kited him by aggro till they were 80m... rinse repeat...20 to 25 minutes later the warrior was the proud wearer of a tattered mantle.

Putra E`sence
39 Shadow Knight
# Jun 13 2003 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
Be careful with Gullerback, he has a lot of MR, especially to roots and snares, and he hits hard!

I had no problems getting Gylton to spawn, I just kept killing Entalon and after about 3 kills there was Gylton. Once Entalon dropped a star ruby, so I killed him a couple more times and sure enough Gylton spawned again.

But Azdalin was another story. Gullerback was red to me as a lvl 48 Ranger, so I enlisted the help of a 57 Druid.

Well, we pulled Gullerback and my new-found Druid bud thought "He is dark blue so I can melee him like a warrior." Big mistake. Soon my Druid pal was down to 20% health and even with my dual wielding slice and dice Gullerback had more than 50% health. Next thing you know we were making for the zone like to frightened elven fairy boys!

ok, we decide to try again and this time we enlisted the help of a healer nearby (wasn't a Cleric, I don't really remember what class, but heals were about 400 a pop). So again I pull Gullerback and again the Druid decides to tank (silly Druid, this one). With all the heals we were barely able to take Gullerback down. I let the Druid loot, it was a nice shoulder item I think.

So no Azdalin pop, but now a yellow con Gullerback is up. The Druid and healer decide to help me one more time. So I pull the yellow Gullerback and we repeat the last strategy (I wanted to kite him, but without any slowing no one else was up for it). The healer ran out of mana, and the Druid was slain so fast I was shocked, the healer evacs, and I am alone with Gullerback. I am at 100% health and Gullerback is at about 12%. I melee him and cast nukes as they become available and take him down to 6%. Why isn't he running away!!!? I am falling below 20% fast so now I run. I knew I couldn't snare or root so I just run my little SoW'd fanny as fast as I can, stopping occasionally to blast him with my 120 dmg fire spell. He is still chasing me at 5%, then 3%. I turn to finish him off, but he is hitting me so hard that he killed my overconfident butt, he had 1% health left. One more DD fire spell would have finished him. :-(

Moral: Gullerback fights to the death just as an undead... he may even be undead... big stupid ape!

Next time in zone, after retrieving my pathetic corpse, Gullerback was white and there was Azdalin... lucky me!
RE: Gullerback
# Jul 03 2003 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts

Best way to deal with Gullerback is:

1) a high 40's and up bard or chanter to aggro-charm or just charm kite him. Also, a druid can charm kite him if they find a high enough animal charm, may take several. Gorgul Paclock, the giant, can clean Gullerbacks clock. Or for that matter anyone who can generate enough aggro on him to aggro kite him.

2) a low 50's group

3) a low to mid 50's bard can use three debuffing chant/dots (Fufills, the magic DoT will hardly ever stick, even if you drop a magic debuff (Oclusion of Sound) on him. Works quick with another aggro kiting (druid dotting, melee class whackin on his back etc, while he chases the bard)

4)In over 50 Gullerback kills I have seen him snared maybe 3 times, rooted once, and I don't think I have ever seen a charm land. Thats after around 75 magic resist debuff.

Bards have no problem solo, I suspect any class that doesn't depend on him to be snared to solo may be able to do him.

Az, Gylt, any wurm make great charms for snuffing giants or Gullerback (but Guller may be able to take them out.)
My wurmy quest...
# May 20 2003 at 7:52 PM Rating: Decent
First off,a guild mate had given me the 2 scales from skyfire. I aquired the 3rd scale from Lord whatshisname in Sol-Ro. Was only actually able to spawn sir hobble once, tracked him 4 different times over 3 days, first time he and fuzzmin were fighting drachnids, and was unable to turn in. second time fuzzmin was in a rock and couldn't be targeted. 3rd time I and Yohimba, my wife, tried to keep him alive, and she ended up dying, and me running to guards, they both got killed. Last time was very interesting...hailed Sir Hobble, he called fuzzmin, and took off after a spider (go figure) after helping him kill it, saw fuzzmin on track and ran for him. tracked him to a small tunnel that runs under the river to FV, just standing at the bottom of the tunnel! Like he was stuck, hailed him, turned in, got my wurmy and he was still standing there. never moved, never despawned. So am wondering if this tunnel is the way he runs to sir hobbles side, and if he is blocked does he just stop? It would make it alot easier.

Galloway Density
ranger of 42 seasons
Maybe I am lucky
# Apr 25 2003 at 2:45 PM Rating: Default
Went to FV, hit track, Hobble was up, hailed him, Fuzzmin came, turned in scales, got my wurmslayer.
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