Seems to have in the vicinity of 200k HP based on % damage done by nukes. May have regen on top of that but not sure.
Unless I wasn't paying attention to which mob I was fighting, this mob is NOT immune to ensnare, and also I did not notice him summoning at all, so I suppose you could ROT or kite him if you have a mind to. Not 100% certain on this but I did just fight him and those were my notes.
My 72 Cler easily tanked this at 10k, 1900ac, with only Archetype defensives done. The 660 ds from TSS w/Vow of Valor offensive proc was enough to wear him down. Vow of Valor HoT recourse was all the healing needed. Fight took 15 minutes. Pally was ~800ish AA, with most offensives and all defensives done. The cleric w/VoV and Time Lapse proc-1hb was way more efficient while tanking this. Either class could solo this at 70+ with Tacvi+ gear. Green con to 72. Grey at 75.
Details.. this guy is a freaking pain.... I would not suggest anyone trying this without a min of 2 groups.. all 65... and well rounded... it is impossible to split them on the way up so you must have a Secondary assist to keep one while the rest of you bash out the other.. They can't be pacified..harmonied.. etc.. We did the entire Imperial room tonight with 42 there... doens't take long.. but the real only reason for being here and doing these is for the Emperor key..
True the 2 pairs on the break in to the room are a major pain and are non pacifiable but they ARE single pullable with a pet that is green to them (approx lvl 36 or lower) so that is an option if you can't tank both of them. Oh yeah -- SK's are the BEST choice for the pet puller method. they can FD before sending pet to prevent pet death trains and, unlike necros, having a pet low enough to do this won't affect their DPS so much.
Posted:Apr 23 2002 at 9:52 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) CoS banged on this guy a long time. He's unslowable and must have a ton of HP's. He wiped us out the first time and then we nailed his **** the second time. Lousy drop...some quest ring or something. Several in CoS knew of the quest but no details.
Posted:Mar 16 2004 at 9:03 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) this post sucked